Chapter 160 Breaking
The deafening cheers instantly pierced the sky like an arrow piercing the clouds, resounding through the entire sky.

The shouts of the fans were uniform and powerful. At this moment, their hearts were filled with infinite passion!
Tao Zheng looked at the six directions, and after seeing such a magnificent scene, he clenched his fists tightly. At this moment, he has made up his mind: Wu Di must be kept!

His appeal, after more than a year, has not weakened in the slightest!

And Wu Shuang, who has several statuses with Wu Di, snorted indifferently after witnessing the passionate scene on the scene.

【snort!Everything you have, sooner or later, will be mine! 】

Hundreds of e-sports media at home and abroad have been waiting here for a long time, and only the once world's number one player deserves such a cheering scene!

Flashing lights suddenly lit up in all directions of the open-air square. Some domestic e-sports media rushed to the side of the team at the first time because of their good personal relationship with the Brilliant Club, preparing to interview Wu Di and get first-hand information.

Facing dozens of microphones stretched out in front of his eyes, Wu Di lowered his peaked cap, and only replied one sentence:

[Everything will be discussed after the challenge is over.After the game, I will issue a press conference.About my recent situation, my whereabouts, and my plans, I will tell everyone after the game. 】

Afterwards, under the escort of bodyguards, Wu Di entered the black market hall together with the Brilliant team.

At this time, several other commercial vehicles arrived at the open square.

Accompanied by Xue Tianyue and Xue Tianqing, members of the [KING] team walked into the crowd.

When the fans saw these five well-known foreign players of different colors, they also booed earth-shatteringly. Suddenly, the scene was very different from when Brilliant arrived!

Originally, fans still had a feeling of admiration for these well-known foreign players, but this challenge completely changed their positions. In China, they have already become loyal supporters of the Brilliant team.

The faces of the five players sank, and they followed the Brilliant team quickly and wittily, and entered the black market pavilion.

Especially the Japanese friend Kameda Er, who has studied Chinese a lot and is determined to find a Chinese wife. He has long been frightened by the fans' yelling and broke out in cold sweat.

[Nimma!What about the Japanese?Where, where?You dare to come to China to provoke us, don't you want to go back alive? 】

[Wu Di, it is strongly recommended that you choose the jungle position!Use your final flow to beat that Kameda Er back to his hometown! 】

[*** belongs to the world, Diaoyu Island belongs to China! 】

The ridicule around him was getting louder and more violent, so that Kameda Er had to tighten his collar in embarrassment, pretending to be calm in the crowd, and strode towards the stadium.

Before entering the door, an interesting episode happened.

As the current captain, Lu Tian naturally stepped into the gate first without hesitation.But when Wu Di was about to enter the arena for the second time, Wu Shuang stepped in front of Wu Di from behind with a stride.

As he entered the venue first, he said without looking back:

"My lovely brother, I'm already in the lead at this first step. According to the rumors, don't you always like to fight for the first place? Why did you let other people go ahead of you this time?"

Wu Di shrugged his shoulders indifferently, smiled lightly and said:
"Don't you know that the big players are the last ones to play? Since you are so anxious to be the pawn, I don't care, my"

After the two met, this was the first sentence spoken.And the battle between the two became more and more intense after these words...

After the two sides entered the venue, they naturally divided into two groups.

[KING] Team.

Yuna thoughtfully cast a mixed look at Wu Di, but was blocked by his peaked cap unexpectedly.So this blond beauty known as the [Queen of Cold Beauty] had no choice but to look away, and began to discuss tactics with her temporary teammates.

Carter and Pepe's team is known as the European golden combination of bottom lane, so naturally they didn't participate in the discussion. They just swore a word: Bot lane, OK.

And Li Zairi said contemptuously after looking at the opponent's detailed information provided by the Xue family for a while:
"Except for Wu Di, the others are simply rubbish! With such an opponent, do we need to get together in such a big way to discuss tactics?"

Yuna raised her eyebrows and said coldly:
"In the Champions League finals that just ended, didn't your Korean team lose because they didn't conduct an all-round investigation on Huaxia's bright team? After being beaten dizzy by Lu Li, you still have the right to laugh at your opponent here?"

Li Zairi: "You! Just manage your way! The middle unit doesn't need you to waste your time!"

Kameda Er twitched his lips, and said arrogantly: "Yuna, your top laner is only ranked fourth in the Americas region, so you should think of ways to prevent yourself from being blown up by your opponent. Hey, if Wu Di hits the unit, the rest of us You guys should be ready for unlimited support on the road."

Yuna's pretty face sank, and she said coldly:
"You arrogant guys, do it for yourself! Finally, let me say one more thing, if you want to win, remember to get together early! Don't give that scary guy any chance to snowball!"

Brilliant team.

Wu Di and Wu Shuang stood on an obvious opposite side, their eyes met, and sparks shot out, making the other three people speechless in surprise.

Lu Tian didn't know why the two brothers had become such a rivalry, so he cleared his throat and said in a deep voice:
"The game hasn't started yet, what are you two doing? Now, let's divide the positions first. I can play five positions. At this stage, Wu Di can also play three positions. Zhang Ting mainly plays the jungle position, and Liu Yu is the jungler. The main player transformed after the end of last year's season is mainly in the upper unit, so, Wu Shuang, what position are you good at?"

Facing the captain's question, Wu Shuang raised his eyebrows, stared straight at him with a sneer and said:
"It turns out that the famous No. [-] genius in the world has not yet recovered his full strength. May I ask how many positions you can only play now? I am competent in all five positions! Moreover, I am stronger than you back then! "

Wu Di smiled instead of anger:
"Can play all five positions? Well, the rookies in the bronze group often advertise themselves like this. I can play ADC, support and top laner, and I can also be a mid laner when necessary, and I can ensure that the opponent is blown up. You What about my novice brother?"

Wu Shuang laughed exaggeratedly a few times, and said calmly:

"Hey, I heard that you are extremely arrogant. You have not recovered your strength yet, and you dare to speak so boldly. Captain, and the other two teammates, I know that if I say such things out of thin air, you will definitely not believe me. strength.

So, let me briefly introduce my background.Although I don't like pulling tiger skins to make big banners.

I, Wu Shuang, studied under Cody, the legend of League of Legends, and was the only disciple of his old man.

I don't know such an identity, can you dispel your doubts about me? "

Cody's name is as famous as [Uncle], one of the founders of Huaxia e-sports.After Wu Shuang unhurriedly threw out his name, the rest of the people were shocked.

"Kodi? He is the founder of the deceitful way! Are you practicing deceitful way? The most popular style practiced by famous Korean players?" Lu Tian asked in amazement, but Wu Shuang retorted unceremoniously .

"Bah! What qualifications does the Korean stick have to be compared with me? What Master Kedi created is the evil way! I also practice the evil way! The Korean stick only knows how to change the name of other people's things all day long, and then make his own way own the land.

Captain, please don't say such stupid things in the future.Evil ways are orthodox!The cunning style is just a ridiculous name used by the Koreans to prop up the appearance after changing the name self-righteously.Think about it, even the four great inventions of China, such as papermaking, can be said to be invented by them. Can't they make more exaggerated counterfeit products?

Captain, you reminded me!

When it comes to Korean sticks, I get very upset.Master Cody once told me to show mercy to anyone, but not to Koreans.

In this way, I don't want to embarrass you, captain, so let me be the middle unit!Let me wipe away the dignity of that stinking Korean nation! "

When Lu Tian saw this man of his own age, he spoke and acted completely out of order, presumably it was also because he had practiced evil ways of playing.Back then, Cody, a League of Legends legend, was also unruly and unruly.

After figuring this out, Lu Tian stopped worrying about his attitude, so he turned his head and asked Wu Di:
"Your brother chose to hit the middle unit, so we are the only ones to fight the bottom lane together?"

Wu Di nodded, but cautiously looked at the cynical Wu Shuang, and asked in a cold voice:
"What hero do you use for the mid laner?"

When asked aggressively by Wu Di, Wu Shuang laughed out loud, rolled her eyes, and had an idea.

"If you want to play the bottom lane, you will definitely play the ADC position, that's good! To prove that I am better than you, I will also use an ADC hero to play the middle lane! Do you dare to compare with me, who has more kills and assists?"

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said:
"It's up to you. Choose whoever you like, don't hold everyone back anyway. Liu Yu, you choose a top laner who is less likely to be gank. Zhang Ting, come here for a while, I have something to talk to you alone explain."

After finishing speaking, Wu Di pulled Zhang Ting, a player who had always trusted him so much, into a secluded corner.

Zhang Ting had long held back his words, and wanted to have a good reminiscence with this former idol and teammates, but he never found a suitable opportunity.At this moment, the two of them were alone, and he was already trembling with excitement.

" are finally back! Great! Is your body still important?" Zhang Ting said excitedly.

Wu Di smiled lightly and replied: "The body is fine. As they said, the memory of the League of Legends has also retrieved the memory of the three locations. Let's not talk about the old days. I want to ask you, will you Support all my decisions?"

Zhang Ting nodded like knocking on a wooden fish, and said sonorously:
"Of course I would! If you hadn't taught me the finishing style of play back then, I would still be a rookie who couldn't figure it out. My idea is very simple, that is to win the world championship! For this day, I would rather cut my salary, Give up the position, and stay in the Brilliant Club, just to wait for your return!
I am waiting for you to lead our glorious team to the top of the world again!Therefore, your decision must be correct, and I will definitely agree! "

Looking at the former comrade-in-arms with a thick back and waist, Wu Di smiled bitterly and said:

"Don't place too much hope on me, everything depends on you! I'm still in prison, and I'm working hard to restore my memory and strength. I won't talk nonsense, I just want to tell you two things. thing.

First, after this challenge is over, I will draw a clear line with the Brilliant team. From then on, I will follow my single-plank bridge, and he will follow his sunny path.

Second, if you support my decision, I am willing to pass on what I have learned all my life to you!You are only two years younger than me, but your talent is also outstanding. As long as you study hard and practice hard, in time, you will be able to achieve achievements no less than mine.

And I am willing to teach you, there is only one reason - I hope you will replace me and continue to guard the glorious team! "

After Zhang Tingang heard the first thing Wu Di said, he frowned slightly, but after hearing the second thing he said, he was completely stunned.

For a long time, he firmly believed that Wu Di would definitely return, and he would definitely lead the Brilliant team to regain its glory.

However, Wu Di's words just now caused a little imperceptible rupture in his trust in Wu Di.

Zhang Ting frowned and asked:

"Why? Why don't you continue to stay in the Brilliant Team! I am a simple-minded person. I think this is the place to dig you, train you, and develop you. Why did you abandon it?"

Wu Di looked up at Tao Zheng, the chairman of the club who was anxiously looking at him not far away, and his tone became cold.

"Some things can only be understood after you have experienced them. I do this because I have to. I hate the increasingly commercialized e-sports circle. I hate that money makes the originally pure e-sports circle into a mess. I hate those Face to face a set of businessmen behind back!

To tell you the truth, I want to build a fair and transparent e-sports kingdom with my own hands!I want to use my own efforts so that there is only sweat, burning passion, and pure struggle in e-sports. It is very difficult to achieve this, but I will firmly believe that in order to realize this ideal, and Go all out.

Therefore, I will inevitably give up some things, and I will inevitably change myself. "

Faced with Wu Di's confession, Zhang Ting didn't understand at all, and was unwilling to understand.After a while, he gritted his teeth and said with difficulty:

"What you are talking about is just an ideal situation! It is impossible to realize! I understand, this is an excuse for you to do it alone! This is your excuse for ignoring your glory!

You have really changed, Wu Di, you have become cold-blooded and ruthless!This is not you, the previous you, although arrogant and arrogant, but in essence, you have a kind heart!
Sorry, this is the first and last time I do not support your decision. After this game, we will officially break up.I will definitely stay in Brilliant, and use my own way to bring the Brilliant team back to the top!
What you can't do, I will do!And, I will do better! "

Wu Di saw that this big boy had already made up his mind. According to his personality, even nine cows would not be able to pull him back.So, after thinking about it carefully, he had an idea in his mind.

At this time, Wu Di withdrew his sincere eyes, changed to a provocative one, and said bluntly:
"You can do what I can't do? Who do you think you are? I have worked so hard in the past few years as the number one genius in the world, but I couldn't win the world championship. The fate of amnesia. How old do you think you are?

Without my final flow, you are nothing! "

Zhang Ting burned instantly.

He gritted his teeth and said bluntly:
"You have changed! I can still be a professional gamer without your finishing style! I will learn other genres!"

Wu Di smiled instead of anger.

"Hey, you have been studying and imitating my ending style for several years, and some things have invaded the depths of your soul! Now if you give up the ending style and learn other genres, it will definitely backfire! If you don't believe it, you can Ask Lutian, ask others.

My ending flow is so poisonous!Once you delve into it, there is no possibility of losing it!That philosophy is deeply ingrained!It is difficult to get rid of it without spending five or eight years.At that time, how long can you, a young man in his twenties, work hard in the e-sports circle?Think clearly, and then speak harshly!Don't be so arrogant! "

Zhang Ting was taken aback, and naturally understood what Wu Di meant.The ending style of play is too extreme, and it is indeed not easy to forget easily.

So Zhang Ting, who had nowhere to go, asked angrily, "Are you threatening me?"

At the same time, the arrogance on Wu Di's face became even more vivid. He showed a sinister smirk and replied:
"What qualifications do you have to be threatened by me? Take it! Here are all the classic videos and playing skills of my ending stream!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Di threw a USB flash drive to Zhang Ting, and continued:

"When you have learned the ending style and are able to challenge me, come to me and tell your truth.

Remember, the e-sports circle is a battlefield without gunpowder!On this battlefield, the principle that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit will always be valid!

As long as you don't have the strength to defeat me, don't talk nonsense in front of me!
I can wait for you, when you have enough strength to challenge me, I will give you a fair chance to fight!

Heh, I look forward to the day when you will challenge me..."

After throwing down these arrogant words, Wu Di turned around and left.

After Zhang Ting stayed in the corner for a while, he also figured it out in his own way: good!Since you said that strength can determine everything, then you just wait for me!I will personally break those rhetoric of yours!

In my dictionary, there is only the word loyalty!
You can't be loyal, so when I can defeat you, I will teach you this truth, Wu Di!
I will use your favorite style of play to defeat you with my own hands!

Eight o'clock in the evening.

There was earth-shattering applause inside and outside the black market hall in an instant.

Because, their favorite e-sports player, Wu Di, the number one genius in the world, came back after more than a year!
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(End of this chapter)

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