The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 161 The Misfit Wu Shuang

Chapter 161 The Misfit Wu Shuang
Wu Di, who has been away from the much-anticipated big stage for more than a year, is also in ups and downs at the moment.

He closed his eyes, enjoying the deafening shouts on and off the field, and his blood surged all over his body instantly.He knows that this is e-sports, and this is the purest e-sports he wants.

Wu Di opened his eyes, concentrated his attention, and started this challenge about China's e-sports honor.

Enter the forbidden section.

[KING] After much discussion, the team asked Yuna, a blonde beauty, to take on the important task of commanding.

Due to the existence of Wu Di, there is no targeted strategy in the banning process. After she lost a few group control heroes in the regular BAN,
[KING] The five players in the team have their own heroes, and the pool of heroes they can use is also relatively large, so the Brilliant team, like Yuna, only banned a few group control heroes.

The selection of candidates from both sides has officially started!
To the surprise of all the audience, the selection of the two sides was almost done in one go, without any sloppiness!

For everyone, the time to choose a hero is almost controlled to less than three seconds.

[What plane?Every time I watch the World Series, the banning part takes a long time. Why did I get here and finish it in minutes? 】

[Haha, you still don't believe me when you say you're a scammer. This time, both sides of the competition were improvised. Needless to say, the KING team, even the Brilliant team, because of the joining of the two brothers Wu Di and Wu Shuang, and the participation of Zhang Ting, who was said to be temporarily promoted from the second team under Wu Di's strong suggestion, has reduced the running-in of the entire team. To the minimum bar.

This kind of competition team is not teammates who have been fighting together all year round, so naturally they don't need to spend their minds on designing any tactics.As long as they choose their own heroes, that's enough. 】

[Upstairs is correct.Not much to say, let's watch it quickly, it's the turn of Wu Di and Wu Shuang to choose candidates!See what hero they will choose!It seems that only the ADC position and the mid unit are left now. 】

【Hey, tell me, is that Wu Shuang really Wu Di's real brother?How is his strength?Can you be competent for these two core output positions? 】

[You craters are worried, please!This time, the challenge is to use the best-of-three system. This time it won't work, and he will definitely be replaced in the next game!We are here to see Wu Di, his brother has never been on stage, what to expect?Let's take a look at Wu Di's choice. I heard that his body has not recovered yet. I wonder if he can continue to perform wonderful Terminator performances! 】

[The Terminator... I miss it so much... I don't know who is going to be unlucky in the KING team. Is it the mid laner Lee Jae-il, or the famous European ADC player Carter?Haha I'm looking forward to it! 】

When the audience outside the arena was discussing, the two brothers Wu Di and Wu Shuang also glanced at each other [tacitly].

Wu Di chose the heroic one-handed Kutcher (commonly known as the plane), while Wu Shuang chose the explorer Ezreal (EZ).

[Wow!Isn't it, the Brilliant team is going to use double ADC tactics? 】

[This...isn't this despising the opponent?As we all know, although the dual ADC tactics have good output capabilities, the lineup's durability is quite poor. 】

[Isn't it? As long as the opponent's rushing hero rushes in front of the ADC, they can be caught off guard! 】

[You know a basket! The consumption ability of EZ and Airplane is one of the best among ADC heroes. Take a look at their lineup. If you don’t see these two heroes with certain consumption ability, they will definitely be exhausted by the opponent and have no power to fight back! 】

So, under the reminder of this enthusiastic audience, fans on and off the court saw clearly the final lineup of both sides!
[KING] Team: Top Lane Weapon Master, Mid Lane Grape Barrel, Bot Lane Combination Arrow of Retribution Venus and Thresh, and Jungle Blind Monk.

Brilliant team: top laner Alligator, mid laner EZ, bottom lane combination of Airplane and Qinnv, and wild spider.

Due to the existence of wine barrels and Venus, KING's lineup has unquestionable power consumption. On the other hand, the Brilliant team, except for EZ's [Secret Shooting] and the aircraft's R skill [Rocket Bombing], really has no consumption power.

While the fans suddenly realized, the game entered the waiting screen.

The commentator for this game was Su Yiyi who had a great quarrel with Wu Di.She had always admired Wu Di's extraordinary strength, so without knowing it, she was invited by Xue's family to be the commentator of the game, but she didn't know that Wu Di was also wearing a peaked cap. The man she loves is the Wu Youzhi who ignored her in Tianfu City.

Taking advantage of the waiting period, this famous and beautiful narrator also broke a shocking news to all the audience.

As of just before the start of this challenge, the betting amount in the black market has both exceeded the one billion mark!

Although there was not much difference in the amount of money put on the two teams in the end, the total amount still caused an uproar on the scene.

This is the highest record in the black market!

This is just a pinnacle battle led by the Xue family. There is neither an official statement nor too much publicity. However, it is in such a situation that it attracts such an astronomical bet. amount.

It’s incredible!
All e-sports giants, including Chairman Tao Zheng, were present, and they were extremely calm in such a situation.Because they know very well: this is the most intuitive economic benefit that Wu Di can bring!

These e-sports giants are sitting in the top luxury private rooms, discussing in groups of three or four. Although they seem to be chatting, they are like a mirror in their hearts, thinking about how to include Wu Di, who has no affiliation for the time being. Down!

There is intrigue outside the arena, and the same undercurrent is raging inside the arena.

After choosing EZ, Wu Shuang's face was gloomy, and he was constantly planning how to overshadow Wu Di's performance, and Wu Di was also full of energy under Ye Wuhen's reminder, he must use the most perfect performance to declare his return.

Zhang Ting, who was beside him, was looking at his computer screen brightly, but in fact, he had been staring at the calm Wu Di from the corner of his eye.Before he knew it, his hands were clenched into fists, and a monstrous fighting spirit suddenly permeated his whole body.

Lu Tian is used to seeing big scenes, he sees everything around him and remembers it in his heart.He wiped his dedicated mouse calmly, like a calm general, ready for the next battle.

Liu Yu is the most helpless and timid.He is not well-known, but his strength is average. For the first time facing such a big scene, he is already very excited. In addition, he can fight side by side with his former idol Wu Di. At this time, he has long been unable to restrain his inner surge. Trembling slightly nervously.

On the other hand, their opponents, except for Yuna who had a grudge and thought about some off-court matters, the other four were all full of energy and fighting spirit, and there was only one thought in their hearts, that is Defeat the brilliant team, defeat Wu Di!

Finally, after everyone survived the short waiting period with their own ghosts, the competition officially began!
The ten players on the field, regardless of their strength, are all veterans who have worked hard in the professional arena for many years. After purchasing the initial equipment in less than three seconds, they raced against time to go to the middle road, ready to check the opponent's position or deal with it. Level team battle.

From the lineup point of view, the [KING] team has certain advantages in the first-level team battle: the group stun of the weapon master, Thresh's flying hook, plus the elegant Q skill of the blind monk and the attack speed reduction effect of the wine barrel Q skill , can play a vital role in first-level team battles.

In addition, in this first game, the Brilliant team randomly went to the purple side, which is located at the top of the big screen.Their blue BUFF wild area has two large openings not far apart, which are very suitable for opponents to invade unscrupulously.Therefore, from a defensive point of view, such terrain will definitely increase the difficulty of its defense.

Therefore, after taking a brief glance at the opponent's five-player position, Lu Tian also planted scout eyes in the grass next to the blue BUFF at the right time, and told his teammates not to fight recklessly with the opponent.If the opponent wants to forcibly snatch the blue BUFF monster, then the spider will directly steal the opponent's blue BUFF.

Although crocodiles and spiders have immobilization skills, it is obvious that the opponent's lineup is more aggressive, so such a choice is a matter of course.

But at this critical crossroads, the rookie Wu Shuang, who made his debut for the first time, ignored the command of the captain, broke away from the crowd, and came to the position where the blue BUFF monster was refreshed, waiting for the opponent's invasion .

Lu Tian was in a hurry, and hurriedly shouted:

"Wu Shuang, what are you doing? Listen to the command and come back quickly!"

However, Wu Shuang narrowed her eyes slightly, and while operating EZ to swing back and forth, she replied nonchalantly in the earphone:

"Captain, you just need to protect yourself. I'm going to harass them here so they don't dare to enter our wild area!"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Shuang's eyes widened, and towards the area separated by a wall from the blue BUFF monster, he suddenly shot a [Secret Shot]!
There was a muffled sound, and all members of the Brilliant team heard this sound from their headphones.

Which means... there's someone in that fan!

Many novice players don't wear headphones when they play League of Legends, so that they can talk freely with their friends around them, but in fact, such scenes will never appear in professional players' games.

Because when some heroes' skills attack the grass without vision, if they hit the opponent, there will inevitably be some special sound effects!

And EZ's Q skill is one of the signature skills used to detect whether there are enemies ambushing in the grass.After his [Secret Shot] hits the opponent, the skill trajectory will be shortened, and a small hitting sound can be heard from the earphone.

After spying out the trace of the opponent, Lu Tian, ​​as an assistant, immediately manipulated Qin Nu to carefully insert a scouting guard in the strip of grass above the fan-shaped grass.

At this time, he didn't dare to take the risk of inserting eyes in the fan-shaped grass, otherwise, Thresh's hook would make him hand over blood in an instant.

Sure enough, the KING team, who was detected by EZ, immediately got out of the fan-shaped grass, and the five of them went to the strip-shaped grass above in a uniform manner.

At this time, if any hero appeared in front of this group of five, he would definitely die. After Lu Tian saw his opponent huddled there, he immediately called his teammates to retreat, and told the spider to go around the river and hit the opponent's red buff .

Just when the Brilliant team was acting collectively, Wu Shuang's explorer EZ made another [Secret Shot] and hit the opponent accurately!

[KING] The team knew that their opponents did not dare to fight head-on with them, and could only rely on EZ's skills to harass them, so in the blink of an eye, they dispatched together again, and ran to the grass on the right of the blue BUFF together!
"Go! Wu Shuang! Don't be too confident!" Lu Tian said anxiously.He didn't want to let his opponent get first blood because of Wu Shuang's arrogance.

If the first blood is taken by the output hero, it will definitely increase the difficulty of your own lineup!

But... Wu Shuang retreated very slowly!
Moreover, while he was backing away, he was also muttering in a low voice: "One, two, three!"

When the KING team walked along the outer wall of the blue BUFF monster, EZ finally waited for the cooldown time of [Secret Shot], and then threw out another accurate Q skill, again Hit the opponent!
The KING team successfully entered the grass on the right side of the blue BUFF monster, but a broken English came from their earphones:


The owner of this voice is none other than Lee Jae-il, the top three AP player in Korea.

In order to facilitate communication, the KING team reached an agreement to adopt the international common language English as the communication language.Therefore, Lee Jae-il did not speak Korean such as [Ouba], but chose an English sentence to vent.

This sentence of SHIRT made his teammates hear clearly, and they all looked sideways, only to realize that the explorer on the opposite side hit all three [Secret Technique Shots] on Li. On the barrel of the day!
The barrel ate EZ's skills three times, and the health value dropped by more than half. No wonder Li Zairi would curse out English-speaking countries.

Yuna held back a look at Li Zairi angrily and amusedly, and after telling him to pay attention to his position, she led her teammates to continue chasing the big troops of the Brilliant team not far away.

And this scene not only surprised the teammates of the Brilliant team, but also made the audience outside the stadium cheer loudly.

[This Wu Shuang looks very out of place. 】

[Hahaha, why bother so much, do you think EZ deliberately only hits the Korean stick? 】

[Hit the same person three times in a row among the crowd?How is this possible? 】

[Not necessarily...Wu Di's toughness was obvious to all. His elder brother must have worked hard behind closed doors for several years under the hands of an expert, and he did not come out until today, just to show off to everyone!I believe that Wu Shuang's strength must also be top-notch! 】

Just as the audience was discussing, Lee Jae-il yelled again from the microphone:
It turned out that when the KING team was collectively chasing the Brilliant team, they only noticed the enemy's large army in front of them, but ignored the elegant EZ, which broke away from their own organization, and detoured back to their left side without any hesitation. Hit Li Jae-il's wine barrel again with an extremely precise [Secret Shot]!

Yuna was stunned for a moment, making everyone stop chasing.At this point, it was time for the minions to attack. If this delay continued, not only would it be impossible to start a first-level team battle, but it would also delay the time for heroes in other positions on the side to reach the line.

So, after calculating in her head as fast as she could, she issued an order: Stop chasing and grab the blue BUFF on the spot!Thresh puts real eyes in the grass, rowing vision!Blind monks pay attention to using punishment to grab monsters.

Kameda Er was puzzled and asked, "Why use punishment?"

The corner of Yuna's mouth twitched, and she sneered, "Do you think that EZ is vegetarian? Do you like to use it or not, anyway, I have reminded you in advance."

Kameda Er was taken aback, naturally knowing that Yuna's decision was made after careful consideration.

Judging from EZ's god-like Q skill, the five top professional players naturally understood that the operator of this EZ is definitely not an ordinary person!
Among the five, it is not difficult to hit the opponent with Q.The difficulty is that he can be among the five and hit the same person every time!

At this time, Kamedaji and others paid attention to EZ, while nestling in the grass, they also kept an eye on the opponent's position.

Seeing that the reconnaissance guard in the grass was eliminated by the opponent, Lu Tian decided to let the crocodile and spider in the top lane go to the opponent's jungle to steal the blue BUFF, while he himself went to the bottom lane with Wu Di, waiting for the opportunity .

Just when the pawn line had reached the line and the Brilliant people parted ways, the KING team had sent the top laner back to the city first, and the other four began to grab Brilliant's blue BUFF monster.

A moment later, the blue BUFF monster was captured by the blind monk with [Punishment].

The barrel started to take a step, the moment it reached the line...

"SHIRT!" Li Zairi's third SHITR call was louder and more helpless than the previous two.

EZ's [Secret Shot] struck from a strange angle for the fifth time, instantly turning his wine barrel into a bloody hero!

It turned out that Wu Shuang didn't go to the line to make up the knife immediately after the pawn line reached the line. Instead, he was stuck in a perspective, standing at the corner of a wall, and was going to use the Q skill to grab the blue BUFF monster.To his surprise, this light wave of his received a miraculous effect.

The blind monk directly used punishment to accept the big monster, which naturally made Wu Shuang's wishful thinking come to nothing, but his [Secret Shooting] accidentally hit the retreating wine barrel again!

There was loud noise inside and outside the arena, and EZ hit the wine barrel with Q five times in a row, which made their emotions climb to a new high again.

Wu Shuang himself was amused by the wine barrel.

He laughed loudly and typed a sentence in English on the public channel:
[Sorry, Li Zairi, the first four times, I was indeed aiming at you to release skills, but this last time, I wanted to grab the blue buff.

I hope that such a blow will not affect the lineup between you and me! 】

Li Zairi's lungs exploded with anger.This appeared out of nowhere, and the contestant who claimed to be Wu Di's brother had made him embarrass himself several times in front of the fans!
So, he also replied non-stop:
[Don't be too arrogant!You wait for me!I'll let you see what crushing is! 】

Su Yiyi timely translated the English they were typing, and informed the fans, causing all the audience to burst into laughter.

[The misfit Wu Shuang, great job!Down with the stick!Hahaha, I laughed so hard! 】

The laughter spread throughout the inside and outside of the black market hall, and it also made Li Zairi's face cloudy and uncertain, so happy.

When this wanton laughter was wandering over the stadium, Wu Di and Lu Tian, ​​who were on the bottom lane, had already had a face-to-face encounter with their opponents and launched a strong attack on their own initiative!

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(End of this chapter)

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