Chapter 162 Swing Step

The combination of the plane and the piano girl is very violent.

Although the bodies of the two are very crispy, and although the two heroes consume more mana, as long as the opposite hero does not have a strong control hero, Qin Nu can be paired with EZ, airplane, or even a male gun. When such skills can attack the opponent's powerful ADC, such a combination can guarantee a strong suppression ability in the early stage.

The combination of Arrow of Retribution and Thresh is also one of the bottom lanes with strong consumption ability.The Q skill of Retribution Arrow [Piercing Arrow] is a powerful skill with the effect of suddenly casting cold arrows. It not only shoots far, but also has great power. Combined with the passive effect of his W skill [Withering Quiver], it can Opponents deal massive damage. [Evil Spirit Arrow Rain] can slow down the opponent in the area and reduce the healing effect, and it is also one of the blood-consuming weapons.

As long as Thresh can hook the opponent, these two heroes can easily deal a fatal blow to him.

The first thing Wu Di did after he controlled the plane and came to the line was to click on the E skill [Gatling Gun] of the plane.This approach is very different from the first skill chosen by most players who are familiar with aircraft.

Most aircraft players will upgrade the Q skill [Phosphorescent Bomb], which can detect grass and deal damage in a range, or try to protect themselves. Upgrade at level one can make the aircraft look like a real aircraft, and can fly for a certain distance in the sky W skill [Valkyrie dive].

However, Wu Di chose [Gatling Gun], which baffled fans.

However, when the two sides just had a face-to-face meeting, they understood why the plane was upgraded with special machine guns.

I saw that after Wu Di made up for a small soldier with residual blood, he and the choppy Qin both bypassed the line of soldiers and sneaked into the grass one after another.Thresh was startled, and quickly ordered a scout guard in the opponent's bushes.

At this time, he found that the plane and the piano girl were almost walking in step with their chests close to their backs.

After seeing this scene, Peipei secretly rejoiced and said: Such a move... Heh!Looks like you haven't recovered to your peak form!And your partner is even more daring, walking in the first place with his proud chest? !Doesn't he know that Qin Nu is very crispy?Don't you two know that this kind of movement is the rhythm of death?
While Pepe was secretly delighted, she didn't stop in her hands, and immediately upgraded Thresh's Q skill, and stretched out a dark lock towards the flamboyant Qin girl.


Pepe shouted softly in her voice, naturally reminding her old partner Carter who has cooperated with her for many years.Seeing this, Carter immediately let the Arrow of Punishment make three steps and two steps, striding to Thresh's side, ready to attack the piano girl.

Thresh's hook can pull the opponent closer, and it can also be released again, leaving him alone to the side of the hit target.

Carter and Pepe have been partners for many years, so they naturally know each other's temperament well.How could they miss such a good opportunity to get first blood?
Thresh released his Q skill again, allowing himself to come to the Qin girl with a whoosh, and the arrow of punishment has already entered the range of the general attack and launched a blow to the Qin girl!
To the duo's surprise, Thresh's hook, which they had expected to hit and deal a blow to their opponent, would cause Qin Nu to panic and hand over Blink in order to escape.

However, the Qin girl did not dodge or evade. After Biao shot [Hymn of Heroism] and hit the arrow of punishment and Thresh, she launched a general attack on Thresh regardless of her own safety.This general attack is already a passive skill accumulated by Qin Nu after releasing three skills, which can cause double blows!
Qin Nu ate another Thresh and a general attack, and her health dropped by half. When she was about to be taken away by the opponent, the plane fired the Gatling machine gun, and the brave man rushed to Qin Nu fearlessly from behind , and launched a general attack on the arrows of punishment in the rear.

[Gatling Gun]: Cooch uses the Gatling Gun to shoot the enemies in front of him for 4 seconds, causing a certain amount of physical damage every second and reducing the target's armor.The armor value of the enemy under continuous attack will continue to decrease for 2 seconds.

Qin Nu's Q can hit two targets, and the plane's Gatling machine gun also hits the fan-shaped area. The group damage ability of the two together greatly reduces the HP of Retribution Arrow and Thresh.Especially Thresh who used the follow-up skills to come to Qin Nu!


Thresh and Qinnv handed over Flash at the same time!
In order to escape for their lives, the two assistants had to surrender this life-saving skill in order to prevent the opponent's ADC from getting a first-blood head.

At this moment, how could the arrow of punishment give up this excellent opportunity to get first blood? Qin Nu's body and defensive power are incomparable with Thresh's. Seeing Qin Nu dodging backwards, he also Immediately handed over the flash, and came behind Qin Nu alone!
Carter knew very well that although he had exposed himself to the plane's gunpoint, it was a good result worth fighting for by killing the Qin girl first to get the first blood!Moreover, I still have the skill of barrier in my hand, and the plane has not upgraded the displacement skill. At that time, there is still a good chance of escaping from his gun.

And the most important thing is that he doesn't believe that Wu Di, who has always played in the style of showing his personal ability, will not take the initiative to hand over Flash to take Thresh's life!

At most, it's a one-for-one situation, and I can get the first blood one step ahead of you!

Just before he shot a fatal arrow at Qin Nu's sexy and enchanting body, Carter was taken aback by the scene on the screen.

NO1, a halo has already covered his body.


This is a must-have summoner skill for supports that can reduce the opponent's movement speed or attack power!
Having weakened the attack power of the Arrow of Punishment, he seemed to be able to take the life of Qin Nu with a general attack, but he did not accept Qin Nu's head!
NO2, Wu Di's plane didn't hand over the flash to chase Thresh, but stayed in place, attacking himself!

In desperation, Carter raised his eyes and saw that the Qin girl's HP was less than 70 points, and she would die if she touched it casually, but the weakness was too timely!
And at this time, she naturally relied on the weak deceleration effect, and ran towards the bottom of her tower in great strides.

Lu Tian let out a soft cry, and temporarily relaxed his vigilance——Qin Nu looked like her life was hanging by a thread, but she was actually in an absolutely safe position.No one on the other side could endanger her life.The rest will be handed over to Wu Di, whom he has always trusted!

When Lutian's Qin girl zigzags and shyly returns to the defense tower, Wu Di exclaims in the earphone:
"Continue to zigzag!"

Qin Nu looked back at the moon, only to realize that the arrow of punishment had pulled her hands apart, pulling the crossbow in her hand to the maximum position.

【Puncture Arrow】!
The Arrow of Retribution has not been upgraded, he is waiting!He is waiting for the halo of weakness on his head to disappear automatically, and he is waiting for the last moment to decide what kind of skills to use to ensure that Qin Nu's head is taken!

The E skill [Evil Spirit Arrow Rain] can slow down the opponent's movement speed, but the first-level evil spirit arrow rain only has 65 points of attack power, counting the equipment bonus, the attack power is only a little bit in the early 70s, deducting Qin Nu The damage reduction effect of the armor, this time does not guarantee to get her head!

Therefore, Carter did not hesitate to put that only skill on the Piercing Arrow.The longer the piercing arrow is charged, the greater the range and power of this skill will be. If it is a perfect piercing arrow, it can definitely cause hundreds of damage to the opponent at the first level.

Seeing that the arrow of punishment was in the posture of bowing and shooting the eagle, Wu Di hurriedly attacked him as well.Carter has been in Europe for many years and has been famous for a long time. He had already expected the opponent's intentions, so the barrier was opened immediately, but the punitive arrow he operated had already completed the charge of the piercing arrow. He aimed at the piano girl position, laughed out loud.

At the bottom of his heart, he had already acquiesced that this first blood must belong to him.

Just as he was concentrating on watching Qin Nu's zigzag, and was about to shoot this fatal arrow, he discovered a phenomenon that made him dumbfounded:

Wu Di's plane did three things in a short time.

The first thing is that the plane is using the slashing that every professional player is very familiar with;

The second thing is that the plane zigzags in front of the arrow of punishment;
The third thing is that the zigzag of the plane did not open and close as usual, but swayed left and right within a very small range, and every time it swayed, it ensured that its body was blocked by the bow of the punishment arrow. Before!
This is……

Carter was taken aback by the sight.

Amateur players are not familiar with this kind of gait, but as a top professional player, he naturally knows that this zigzag gait is the [swinging gait] that is specially used to rescue his companions!
ADC heroes like Retribution Arrow and Policewoman, although their Q skills are powerful, they all have a pre-action to give the opponent time to react, and their Q skills will all penetrate the target, The damage to subsequent targets decreases gradually.

In order to deal with such a hero, in order to cope with such a situation, [Swing Step] came into being.

After using the swing step, you can not only use the moving position to block the opponent's position, but also confuse the opponent's line of sight, and can also reduce the damage power of the opponent's Q skill. This is the subtlety of this step that kills three birds with one stone.

However, the audience inside and outside the arena exploded in an instant.

【Why didn't Wu Di flash to chase Thresh just now?Although Thresh is tougher than Qinnv, he can definitely take the opponent's head and get a blood, right?Has he not recovered yet?This kind of performance is too elementary school.Don't take the heads of the people who get it? 】

[Nimma!Although I can't see the depth of the small zigzag, but I can tell...Wu Di is covering his teammates?Am I dazzled?That domineering and domineering number one genius in the world would give up his head and worry about the safety of his teammates? 】

[Crap!That's not a zigzag!That's a swinging step specially used to cover teammates from escaping!But what you said is very reasonable, I have never seen such a scene!Will Wu Di cover his teammates? 】

[Yeah, has Wu Di changed?Even in the final of the World Club Champions League more than a year ago, although he restrained his temper and did not dictate to the commander, he would not protect his teammates! 】

How could Qin Shuangshuang, who sat on the rostrum and assumed the important role of commentary, let go of this excellent opportunity to show his knowledge.After seeing this eye-catching [Swing Step], she also immediately explained this wonderful scene to the audience watching the game:
[This is a swinging step, using super high hand speed and top-level anticipation ability to get stuck in front of the target or confuse the line of sight.This is one of the top positioning techniques developed to cover teammates.

Wu Di did it even better!

Not only is he blocking the opponent, he is confusing the opponent, he is still using slashing skills.

Only Wu Di can present such a picture to all of us!

But, loyal fans of Wu Di, have you seen it?The world's number one genius, Wu Di, even used a swinging step to protect his companions!
I'm sure you're as unlikely to believe this as I am.Did Wu Di's temperament change after his body recovered?

How terrifying would a Wu Di who knows how to work as a team be?Let us wait and see together, waiting for him to bring the brilliant team to an unprecedented peak again! 】

When all the audience were surprised and amazed, Carter's [Piercing Arrow], which Carter had held back for several seconds, shot out in the blink of an eye!

With the interference of the plane and Qin Nu's uninterrupted zigzag, what kind of judgment will Carter make?
This seems to be a game of guessing heads and tails of a coin... the chance of success is only half!
At the same time, Wu Di sipped lightly in the earphone:
"Stop walking, back in reverse!"

As soon as the words fell, a sharp arrow flew across the field, carrying a bright light like a comet, and flew towards Qin Nu's body at high speed!
And just when there was no need to delay, under Wu Di's reminder, Lu Tian actually stopped his zigzag steps, and took half a step back in the opposite direction.

It is precisely this slight difference that will make a half-step of a thousand miles, so that the life-threatening arrow hastily passed through Qin Nu's plump chest, but it did not hit her body!

Looking at Qin Nu who had escaped the catastrophe, Lu Tian also let out a sigh of relief with lingering fear, this time, it is truly safe!
Originally, he was well aware of the characteristics of Wu Di's ending style of play, so when he and Wu Di were at the first level, he took the initiative to enter the grass, and deliberately let Thresh hook, and then tricked the opponent into using flash, and then lost his escape ability.Then, after putting on the weakness, the rest can be handed over to Wu Di.In the whole plan, as long as I can escape from birth at this last moment, then this plan will be flawless and impeccable!

After all, the opponent is also the world's top professional player, and under normal circumstances, he would definitely not make such a risky move.

However, he was reluctant to let the child be caught by the wolf, and only by throwing out the extremely attractive bait of the billowing waves, could the opponent submit.

This tactic was decided by Wu Di and Lu Tian when they practiced together last night, in order to get first blood and deal a blow to the opponent's morale.

Both sides are top professional players, and their own strength is not as good as their opponents, so in order to boost morale and weaken the opponent's will, first blood is inevitable.

It's just that what Lu Tian himself didn't expect was that Wu Di would actually use the [swing step] to cover himself in the actual game, which deeply touched his heart.Like the audience watching the live broadcast of the game, he thought that Wu Di was still the same Wu Di. Although his personality had become a little more easy-going, as long as he entered the game mode of the League of Legends, he would definitely become as cold and selfish as before.

However, Wu Di's performance made his good brother extremely shocked.

How terrifying will Wu Di, who knows how to work as a team, become?
Lu Tian didn't know, and he didn't dare to guess. He only knew that in the finals that year, Wu Di could let the team crush all the opponents until something happened in the finals just after he obeyed the command.

It is hard for him to predict how high a Wu Di who can truly achieve teamwork can reach.

Seeing Lu Tian's suspicious expression, Wu Di laughed softly and said:

"Don't look at me like a monster, I know you all wonder why I'm covering you. In fact, it's just that I have a deeper understanding of the game League of Legends. Don't think too much, my goodness Let's keep playing, bro."

As soon as the words fell, Wu Di's plane started chasing the arrow of punishment leisurely.

When being disturbed by Wu Di's swinging step, the Arrow of Punishment needs to maintain a specific posture of the arrow on the string. In this case, he falters and cannot counterattack with a general attack. Therefore, at this time, he has already endured several times general attack.

Although he used the barrier to counteract the offensive of some planes, but at this moment, he fell into a situation where he could not escape.

Forcibly using flash, trying to get the first blood, but was escaped by him at the last moment. Carter already understood that the head of the arrow of punishment was already a piece of fish on the plane, and he would let it be slaughtered.

With Wu Di flashing in his hand, he was naturally not afraid of escaping the punishment arrow with less than half of his health. While continuing to use the walking and slashing skills, he was paying close attention to the movement of Thresh on the opposite side!
After escorting Qin Nu away, Wu Di simulated many scenes in his brain.

[-]. The health value of the Arrow of Retribution has not yet dropped to a dangerous level. Thresh can choose to sacrifice himself and put weakness on my plane so that his teammates can escape smoothly.

[-]. Thresh left his teammates and fled immediately, even if he flashed up, he couldn't take his head.But the arrow of punishment will definitely explain here.

As the core output ADC, it cannot be easily killed by the opponent's ADC.Because in this way, not only will a lot of experience and money be lost, but also the opponent will make up the knife without any scruples. As one trades down, the economic situation of both sides will become bigger and bigger.

Therefore, Wu Di concluded that Thresh would definitely come up to cover the arrow of punishment!
With this in mind, Wu Di stepped forward, keeping an eye on Thresh's every move while maintaining the strike against the arrow of punishment.

When he saw Thresh take a step forward from the pawn pile, he used Flash under the surprised eyes of the audience!

When Pepe saw the plane rushing towards him, his hand speed was not slow, and he was already weak.

However, that doesn't put yourself in a safe place.Due to his previous recklessness, his health is running low at this time.

The plane in a weakened state, while walking and attacking, after three times, he got the first blood in his bag!

However, as the plane penetrated deep into the enemy's formation, the minion's attack followed.

A golden light flashed on the plane, [Barrier]!
Then... There was no more, the plane with an absolute advantage in life value continued to walk and chop the arrow of punishment.Relying on the large number of soldiers, the Arrow of Punishment wanted to fight, but unexpectedly the barrier of the plane played a crucial role.

So, after accepting his head, although the plane's HP was less than 50 points under the attack of the soldiers, the plane was completely safe when it burrowed into the grass - the soldiers' intelligence is limited, they don't know how to get into the grass, Check if there is any residual blood head can be collected.

So far, one or two bloods belong to Wu Di's plane!
The cheers inside and outside the stadium sounded instantly!Fans know very well that the strongest king they are familiar with is really back!Back with a different style...

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(End of this chapter)

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