Chapter 163 Rage State

Wu Shuang, who was sitting not far from Wu Di, saw that the aura he had managed to create in the first-level team battle was suppressed by him forcefully. mouse.

He shouted coldly in his heart:
Korean Bangzi, thank me, after this challenge, you will become famous because of me!

After making up his mind, Wu Shuang's EZ was no longer conservative, and began eagerly provoking the wine barrel on the opposite side.

After a few rounds of minions, both sides have reached level 3, which is the best time for a firefight.

Many novice players are easily overwhelmed or even overwhelmed by higher-level players when they are laning. The fundamental reason is that they do not have a good grasp of the hero's attack timing and defensive methods.

At the beginning of the game, levels 1, 3, and 6 are the best time for most heroes to attack first.

At level 1, strong duo laners must not miss this opportunity to attack; at level 3, all laning heroes can attack at the right time, because at this level, heroes can use all skills except ultimate moves, and cooperate with them Summoner skills have a certain chance to suppress the opponent or get a kill; as for when the hero reaches level 6 and has a big move, it is the best opportunity not to be missed.Some heroes who rely on big moves to make a living will often launch a tidal wave of attacks on their opponents when they have just reached level 6, pressing them back to the base or taking away their heads.

Therefore, at these levels, veterans must know better than novices how to get ahead and how to exchange blood to gain an online advantage.

Closer to home.

After Wu Shuang's EZ reached level 3, he did not click three skills, but clicked two levels on the main output skill [Secret Shooting], and upgraded the displacement skill [Arcane Leap].

There is nothing wrong with such an approach.

The explorer's W skill is less powerful at level 1. Although it can hit the opponent across the pile of soldiers, it can't cause much damage to it. However, once the two-level [Secret Shooting] hits the opponent, it can cause a lot of damage. harm.

On the other hand, Lee Jae-ri's wine barrel, he chose a relatively safe way of adding points. [Rolling Barrel], [Drunken Rage] (restores mana, reduces the damage he takes), and [Meat Bullet Impact] (displacement skill, slows down the target's movement speed for a few seconds) each added a little.

It is worth mentioning that the wine barrel's Q skill [Rolling Wine Barrel] is his signature skill for consuming opponents. The cooldown time is not long and the power is huge. After hitting the opponent, it can also reduce the opponent's attack speed. It can be said to be against ADCs. Great weapon for heroes and dashing melee strikers.

However, casting [Rolling Wine Barrel] is quite difficult.Because he needs top-level anticipation ability.

The release screen of this skill is that the wine barrel throws a chubby super wine barrel to the designated position. This wine barrel can explode and cause massive damage, but because its trajectory is easy to grasp, when dealing with heroes with displacement skills, the effect not big.

After reaching level 3, Li Zairi has not released this skill.At this time, he had already seen that the elegant EZ opposite him was not an ordinary person.

As a big bowler in the e-sports world said many years ago, the skills that are not cast are the most threatening skills!
As long as the Q skill of the wine barrel is not cast casually, it can cause a certain psychological deterrent effect on the opponent.

Lee Jae-il has been famous in South Korea for many years, and he has worked hard for so long in the most competitive South Korea, so he naturally knows this truth well.

He has been waiting.

Waiting for the time when the opponent can't bear the loneliness and wants to fight him head-on.As long as the opponent takes the initiative to attack, there will definitely be flaws!And as a top mid laner, he will definitely find this flaw and cause a lot of consumption to it!
Therefore, he has been dealing with EZ.

But Wu Shuang had lost interest in probing with his opponent at this time, and saw the most handsome male hero in the league with a blond hair step forward, and had already launched an attack on the wine barrel!
Seeing this, Li Zairi yelled, "Good time!"

After the wine barrel held the real wine barrel and drank a big mouthful of spirits, he entered a state of drunken rage, and then rushed towards EZ like an unstoppable berserk chariot.

[Meat bomb impact]!
Wu Shuang sneered, the arcane leap came at his fingertips, and the landing position happened to be an excellent attacking position that the opponent could only look at but not touch.

But at this moment, a high-speed rotating wine barrel was placed under his feet almost at the same time as he landed - rolling wine barrel!
The rolling barrel exploded at the sound, and EZ's health dropped sharply, but his basic attack and secret shot also hit the barrel.

The effect of reducing the attack speed of the rolling wine barrel took effect. EZ raised his hand slowly, unable to make a second general attack. This seemingly understated fight between the two ended in a loss for both sides.

Su Yiyi timely switched the live broadcast screen to the two people who were fighting in the middle. After explaining at high speed like firecrackers, when she was about to describe the two people's battle ideas with more details, Wu Shuang's EZ was already reluctant. Rao Di continued to pursue the wine barrel!
【oh?Player Wu Shuang looked like he would not let his opponent back, and vowed not to give up.According to the information provided by the brilliant team, this challenge is his first time on stage.It seemed that he didn't want to be enveloped by his younger brother's aura of invincibility.

EZ is against the barrel, as long as it is not blown by the barrel, it has enough capital to fight against it.

Wine Barrel, a mid-lane hero, still focuses on consumption. Only after reaching level 6, with the ultimate move of Explosive Wine Barrel, combined with Ignition, can it be possible to take away the heads of EZ in a round of explosion.

But now that he is only level 3, he still can't compete with ADC heroes. 】

Qin Shuangshuang has been a commentator for several years. Although he cannot be mixed in the professional e-sports circle because of his low quality, his overall view and natural sensitivity of women are still very good.Her words just explained the characteristics of the two heroes.

There was just one thing, but she was still a little puzzled.

EZ was bombed by the wine barrel, and the attack speed dropped a lot, why continue to chase?Once within the range of the soldiers, the small body of EZ can't stand the devastation of these soldiers.

once, twice...

EZ went straight into the pile of soldiers, and attacked the wine barrel recklessly. Although he succeeded in reducing the health of the wine barrel, a bunch of enemy soldiers turned their guns around and all attacked him.

A moment later, the damage caused by EZ's two general attacks was comparable to the damage caused to him by the minions.

[EZ played so aggressively, what exactly does he want to do?Wine Barrel already knew his situation - his skills were all cooled down, so naturally he couldn't fight head-on with his opponent.So, Lee Jae-il's wine barrel has already withdrawn from the pawn line, leaving EZ alone to bear the attack of several small soldiers?

If this continues, EZ will fall into a dilemma.

Moreover, this style of play is not superior to EZ! EZ goes out directly with Dolan's sword, and the wine barrel has two red medicines that can be recovered. As one changes, the blood of this rotation must be the wine barrel that will have the upper hand!

As the level of the wine barrel increases, the power of his rolling barrel will also become more and more powerful. As long as he hits once, after he reaches level 6, he can find the right opportunity to use his big move to blow EZ to the front of him and then a Just bombing indiscriminately can kill EZ's life.

It seems...whether Wu Shuang was too excited because of his debut, so that he lost his sense of proportion. 】

While Su Yiyi was talking about it, although EZ suffered the damage from the soldiers, he also achieved his ultimate goal - to drive the wine barrel out of the line of soldiers!
Immediately afterwards, a [Secret Shot] like a GPS automatic tracking system hit the fat wine barrel accurately!

This skill caused a lot of damage to the wine barrel, and it also made the bloodlines of the two of them stand out.

The audience stared dumbfounded at EZ's oppressive style of play. Judging from the appearance, it looked like an end game.

【You said... Did Wu Shuang get advice from his younger brother Wu Di?His style of play is also full of aggressiveness, very similar to the unreasonable and unforgiving style of the finalist. 】

【wrong!That's not the ending flow. The ending flow is very targeted for positioning and consumption from the first second of meeting. He waited three times for more than three groups of soldiers before launching an attack. 】

[It doesn't matter what they are, anyway, as long as the Korean stick can't lift his head up!Come on Wu Shuang!Brilliant come on! 】

Voices of support for Wu Shuang sounded outside the court for a while, which also made the corner of his mouth with a high self-esteem a smug look.

At the same moment, after he pushed the wine barrel out of the line of soldiers, he also quickly moved away from the line of soldiers to avoid the attack of the soldiers.

Li Zairi squinted his eyes, only to realize that although EZ was far away from the pawn line, it has been swaying in his own half area!Such a move naturally made him have to hide in front of the defense tower, so that he would not be able to get the experience and money of the soldiers.

If an ordinary player faced this scene, he would definitely be very anxious, because at this time, the wine barrel can only use skills to clear the soldiers, and the rest can be done, just in front of the defense tower, watching EZ cut off his own The pawn line caused him to lose a lot of money.

But Li Zairi had a sneer on his face, he seemed to like such a scene very much?
Minutes passed by.At this point, both sides have reached level 6.

The wine barrel was suppressed by EZ and kept away from the line of soldiers. Naturally, the experience gained was less than that of EZ, so the time for the wine barrel to reach level 6 was a little later.But at the moment when the wine barrel was upgraded, Li Zairi's eyes shot out a fierce and fierce gaze.

Level 6!I'm waiting for level 6!
Come on, arrogant boy, eat me up!
Li Zairi roared in his heart, without stopping in his hands, a huge wine barrel like a bomb dropped from the sky, and before everyone had time to react, it hit the thin and thin EZ with incomparable precision!

[Explode the wine barrel!The moment the wine barrel reached level 6, it launched an attack on EZ!
This time, Wu Shuang must have been caught off guard.Whether it is the timing or the suddenness of this big move, it far exceeds the reaction speed of ordinary people.

Look everyone! EZ has been blown to the opponent's defense tower!
The wine barrel rushed over with a big belly, and the meat bomb hit!


Lee Jae-il is indeed a top player who has been fighting for many years in the most competitive Korean area. This round of explosion came without warning, but it came just right!
There is no gap between the explosive wine barrel and the impact of the meat bomb!Only top players can predict in advance where the opponent will be bombed, and then connect to the deceleration skill of meat bomb impact!
In order to suppress the barrel, EZ moved very forward, so this also gave the barrel a chance to explode.

EZ, it seems that the ominous situation is getting worse...

Player Wu Shuang took advantage of the opportunity of being blown in front of him by the wine barrel, and also hung an ignition on his opponent?

ha!flash! EZ handed in a flash!

Um!Wu Shuang's reaction is indeed top-notch. Although he was hit by the barrel's combo, the flash opportunity was delivered very timely, but EZ is still in a deceleration state. Only by using the arcane leap to retreat again can he avoid being killed woe...

EZ used arcane leap, but the direction he chose was not behind him, but in front of the wine barrel again?

I see……

Player Li Zairi had already predicted that the opponent would use flash and arcane leap, so he put the rolling barrel behind EZ.If EZ only thought about retreating, he would definitely be blown to death by this wine barrel!
Player Wu Shuang's judgment is quite astonishing. This operation of going back and forth made him completely relieved of worries.He's fighting back!

Secret shooting, precise barrage, essence jumping, three-shot!

EZ has retained all skills?So... can I come to the conclusion that he has been waiting for the wine barrel to reach level 6 to go crazy, although he will suffer tons of damage, as long as he doesn't die, he can completely fight against this melee mage hero In the case that the opponent cannot use any skills, and then start to counterattack calmly?
All of this is in Wu Shuang's calculation?
Audience, I don't know if you believe my statement, anyway, I do.

Wow!Player Wu Shuang turned his head and left in a cool manner?This scene... reminds me of the scene where Jordan, the god of basketball, would turn his head away after every confident jump shot.

Could it be...he has already confirmed that the head of the wine barrel will be accepted by him? 】

Qin Shuangshuang is indeed one of the best quick-talkers in China. After a burst of passionate commentary in one go, the words were also printed on the live broadcast screen: The explorer killed the wine barrel!
The audience, who were shocked by Wu Di's wonderful performance just now, gave applause without hesitation after seeing the whole process of Wu's double-double killing.

【powerful!He is very strong!Do you think their Wu family is an e-sports family?The younger brother is powerful all over the world, and the elder brother is not too far behind. 】

[I like to see such a scene, these two brothers will definitely bring Huaxia e-sports back to the top in the future! 】

【Ha, I'm very glad that the two brothers are on the same team. It won't be like in other competitions where there will be brothers fighting each other on the field.Brilliant Club is very beautiful.With the joining of these two brothers, next year's Super League championship is almost in their pocket. 】

[Sao Nian, take a long-term view, what is a domestic champion?What we want is the Club World Cup champion that has never been involved!Only by proving ourselves in the World Series can we relieve our years of grievances. 】

Wu Shuang smiled smugly, unscrupulously.

This is what he wanted!
This head is just the beginning!Who will fight with that useless brother?What I want is all of him!That should belong to me all!
The fighting spirit in Wu Shuang's heart became stronger and stronger, and he, who had a sincere hatred for Wu Di from the bottom of his heart, could not control his emotions at this time, and his feet began to stamp rhythmically.

The rest of the Brilliant team were very surprised by Wu Shuang's performance, but the captain Lu Tian dispelled everyone's doubts:

"Oh! Don't worry too much. The legend of League of Legends, Cody, likes to step on the beat while playing. This is one of his habitual behaviors. As his only introductory disciple, Wu Shuang has such a performance. Strange. It is precisely this that shows that he is a true disciple of Cudi."

Lu Tian's words reassured his teammates, especially Wu Di.

Wu Di had seen the split personality of the counterfeit talking to himself, and thought that the brother who appeared out of nowhere was also such a person, so he paid extra attention.However, Lu Tian's explanation is still very reasonable.

So, he stopped talking and continued to concentrate on the game.

However, at this moment, to Wu Di's surprise, Wu Shuang's behavior of stepping on the drums with both feet originated from his master Cody, but his rhythm is quite strong!It has already exceeded the level of the so-called [inertial behavior]...

Sitting in the private room and looking at Wu Shuang from a distance, Stephen was still wearing a pair of sunglasses and a large black windbreaker. He also muttered when he saw that Wu Shuang showed such signs a few minutes after the game started. muttered to himself:

"This kid is really a weirdo. The organization has conducted experiments on the No. 1 potion on many people. He is not only the only one who is still unharmed after taking the second half of the No. 1 potion, but also a person who can exert the No. 2 potion to the fullest." The ultimate miraculous body owner.

Originally, he had been apprenticed to Cody for less than half a year, and the level of League of Legends was not enough to make him proud of the entire e-sports world, so the organization kept him hidden.

But he insisted on relying on the efficacy of the No. 2 potion, allowing himself to master all the essence of the evil way in a short period of time, and possess the strength no less than any top player in the world, including the unfinished No. 1 Wu Di of Pharmacy.

The older brother is so weird, and the younger brother is also a different kind.Compared with the completed type of Potion No. 1, the incomplete type is actually not much different... And he can recover after losing his memory?

Hey!But the better he recovers, the happier I am.I just love seeing scenes like this!

For the father and son Wu Di and Wu Tianhao, Wu Shuang has an unforgettable hatred...

The [Rage] state that can be triggered by the No. 2 potion, it seems that it will appear on Wu Shuang soon.

Wu Shuang is good at everything, are young, too young, you can't control your emotions, you do it casually, you don't know what reservation is! "

Just like the situation of Stephen talking to himself, when Wu Shuangshuang's drums reached an unimaginable speed, his whole body completely entered another state-【Furious】.

Just like that fake Wu Di, his expression was crazy and weird, except that he didn't talk to himself, everything else was exactly the same as that fake!
Wu Shuang, who was in the state of [Rage], launched another strong attack on the wine barrel!
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(End of this chapter)

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