Chapter 164

In the game of League of Legends, a crucial factor that can determine the outcome of a game is the frequency of [mistakes].

When the strengths of the two sides are similar, which side makes fewer mistakes and which side is more able to control the rhythm of the game, and then destroy the opponent's rhythm, and win the final victory.

Therefore, how to avoid mistakes has become one of the main topics studied by many top club technicians.

There are many reasons for mistakes, such as poor mental state of the players, impatience, or the opponent's tactical drive, or even the influence of some subjective and objective conditions outside the field, which will cause the players to make mistakes.

And once there is a mistake, experienced teams or players will find the loopholes, so that they will be defeated by their opponents.

In official competitions, professional players often wear huge headphones, just to avoid the influence of off-court factors within a controllable range.

However, most of the mistakes are caused by the players themselves.

Feeling distracted by being suppressed by the opponent; friends who made mistakes and lost their heads and became a super god player on the opposite side; Make mistakes.

Among the top professional players, they have been able to control their emotions very well, and will not be influenced by other factors, but they still make mistakes. Why is this?

The reason is simple, no one is perfect, everyone has more or less some weaknesses or shortcomings, top professional players can make 99 correct choices out of [-] choices, but there may also be one wrong choice , which creates an error.

However, after Wu Shuang entered the berserk state, not only did he not lose control, on the contrary, his operation was almost perfect!Every move he made was flawless, and the chance of making a mistake on his body was infinitely close to zero!

This is essentially the same principle as Wu Di's completed version of Killing God Flow.

Wu Di entered the [trance] state through hypnosis or self-suggestion, and after turning on the killing spirit mode, he also aimed at zero mistakes.

Of course, when a character can make zero mistakes whether in the line or in the team battle, then naturally a large number of kills will be easily collected by him.

At this time, Wu Shuang was already very upset because he and Wu Di were teammate against the top foreign players, and after Wu Di scored one or two bloods with his amazing performance, he was even more upset fire.

Therefore, under such stimulation, he gave up his original intention unknowingly, let the No. 2 potion control his body, and entered a berserk state!
His opponent, the well-known South Korean mid laner Lee Jae-il, also noticed the change in his opponent's style of play through the screen.

Shocked, he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack again due to his backwardness in economy and equipment. He just blindly huddled under the tower, not giving his opponent a chance to attack.

After this stalemate lasted for a while, he raised his eyes and saw that the opposite EZ actually raised his hands and jumped into the air!
This is... the pre-release action of EZ's ultimate move [Precise Barrage]!

Um?I'm full of blood, what is he doing with his big move?Qing soldiers?Then go back to the city?
Li Zairi was puzzled, but when he saw the direction of EZ's raised hand, he immediately screamed in the earphone:

"On the road! On the road, hurry up and dodge! EZ's big move is coming!"

Su Yiyi saw Li Zairi's surprised expression and EZ's big move, and quickly switched the live broadcast to the road.

At this moment, Liu Yu, the top laner of the Brilliant team, has been single-killed by his opponent Yuna because of the disparity in strength, and Yuna's health is also depleted by his counterattack.

While dealing with well-known players in the middle lane, EZ can also observe the battle on the top lane?

The moment everyone was stunned, a gorgeous crescent-shaped light streaked across the body of the weapon master controlled by Yuna, and took away the bloody head!
The crowd was in an uproar.

However, Li Zairi frowned tightly, not daring to relax his vigilance at all.Because, after EZ released his big move, he continued to suppress himself.

His every step, every operation, is like a smart computer, with extremely precise calculations.There was no way for the wine barrel to be suppressed, so he had to call his jungler brother Kamedaji to come to help.

When the blind monk sneaked into the grass in the middle, EZ was like carrying an automatic radar capable of detecting the opponent's movements, and immediately withdrew from the line of troops and disappeared from the opponent's sight.

The blind monk squatted for a while, but EZ still didn't appear in his field of vision. It was deduced that he might have returned to the city, so he went to other roads to GANK.But just as he was leaving, EZ stood up swaggeringly and continued to suppress the wine barrel!

The blind monk came to camp again.

EZ disappeared again...

After repeating this several times, Kamedaji also complained in the earphone:

"Brother Zai, he inserted eyes in both bushes?"

"No! He didn't wear eyes when he went out!"

"Then why does he back off every time I enter the grass? As soon as I leave the grass, he goes to the lane to suppress you again? Just kidding, who can make such accurate predictions? LOL has no cheats."

Li Zairi was already dripping with sweat, and his eyes were a little dazed.

"I don't know... this kid is just as terrifying as his younger brother. That kind of weird positioning... He is practicing the cunning style commonly used in Korea! His moves are unreasonable! That's all, you go help Let's go down the road, Carter and Pepe are not Wu Di's opponents at all. I will adopt a conservative style of play in the middle."

"That's fine, you can do it yourself."

When the blind monk was desperately rushing to the bottom lane, Wu Di and Lu Tian had once again forcibly launched a strong attack on Carter and Pepe. Seeing that this pair of bottom lane duo who had been in the European continent for a while, they would both present their heads again. At that moment, a bright meniscus roared with the momentum of thunder, passing through the bloody arrow of punishment and Thresh's body in the blink of an eye...

The explorer killed the arrow of retribution!
The explorer killed Thresh!
The explorer got a double kill!

In an instant, warm cheers pierced the night sky from outside the stadium.

[Good job!Well done Wu Shuang!Let these arrogant opponents experience the true e-sports level of Huaxia Kingdom! 】

【Wu Shuang, I want to give birth to you! 】

[Wu Di, invincible!Wu Shuang, Wu Shuang!I am optimistic about you two brothers!The two of you will definitely be able to bring Huaxia e-sports to a peerless peak where you can see all the mountains and small mountains! 】

However, Wu Di was obviously not in the same good mood as the audience outside the venue.He gently put down the earphones, turned his head, and asked Wu Shuang angrily:

"Wu Shuang, what are you doing?"

When Wu Shuang heard someone calling him, his eyes flickered. After his arrogant face calmed down for a while, he also pulled out the earphones, pulled the corner of his mouth, and said with an evil smile:
"What am I doing? I'm taking the head?"

When Lu Tianshun saw Wu Shuang's frivolous appearance, he also shouted angrily:
"The two kills in the bottom lane are already in Wu Di's pocket, why did you go to the extra effort to snatch his kills? Do you know how important two kills are to the early ADC?

By doing this, you are not helping your teammates, but hindering the development of the team! "

Facing Lu Tian and Wu Di's questioning, Wu Shuang didn't take it seriously, and said with a plausible evil smile:

"After I am super god, I can naturally beat my opponent to pieces. The head is robbed. Instead of looking for the reason for myself, I blame others. Is this the strength and ability of the world's number one genius?

Haha, I know it.But that's all, that's all..."

"You!" Lu Tian was furious, and was about to get mad, but was stopped by Wu Di.

Instead of being angry, Wu Di smiled, with a meaningful smile on his face, and said:
"That is to say, if you have the chance, you will still take my head?"

After hearing the words, Wu Shuang still had that cynical smile.He stared into Wu Di's eyes, suddenly shot an aggressive gaze, and said fiercely:
"That's right! I want to grab your head, I want to grab everything about you! But, not today!"

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said:
"That is to say, from the bottom of your heart, you still hope that the Brilliant team can win this challenge?"

"Yes! But the ugly words are up front. I help the Brilliant team not because of any ridiculous national righteousness or the team's sense of belonging, but because... I want to prove to the world that I am stronger than you!"

After hearing this, Zhang Ting, who had always been critical of Wu Di and chose to remain silent, couldn't help roaring:
"Wu Shuang, what do you think of this place? If you don't have the awareness to stay in Brilliant, why did you join Brilliant? If you don't want to stay here, get out!"

Facing the anger of his teammates, Wu Shuang responded lightly:
"Everyone, are you still not concentrating on the game and dealing with your opponents? If you want to lose, just put down the mouse and argue with me. Only Chairman Tao can decide whether I will go or stay. You should ask for more blessings."

Lu Tian was completely irritated. He could tolerate his teammates' mistakes, but he absolutely couldn't let his teammates disunity. Seeing that he was about to erupt, Wu Di held him back and made a gesture to stop his voice.

Then, Wu Di turned his head away, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which made Lu Tian confused.

"Brother, just let that kid do whatever he wants? His performance like this is a ticking time bomb! If he doesn't fit in with the group during the team battle, we will probably lose!"

Wu Di waved his hand and said with a smile:
"Don't worry, he doesn't want to lose, and he won't drag everyone down. Because this his battle to become famous! He doesn't want to bear the notoriety of not knowing teamwork before he is famous.

You see, you listen, the deafening cheers outside the court, they really like this kind of scene that can show their personal abilities.

Believe me, in this game, let him do whatever he wants, as long as he wins in the end.But... In the next game, I will let him understand that old saying, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky! "

After the Brilliant team went through this small disturbance, although it caused a little estrangement among the people, it didn't affect them at all to gain the advantage on the scene.

So far, the head ratio between the Brilliant team and the KING team is 5:1, and the team economy gap is 2000.

At this time, the game had only started for less than 10 minutes.

After Su Yiyi explained the battle situation to the audience in a timely manner, she also used passionate words to make the audience's enthusiasm soar. Suddenly, the reputation of the brilliant team climbed to a peak again.

Wu Shuang, who entered the berserk state, was interrupted by Wu Di and the other two, and after dealing with Li Zairi for a while, he entered the [rage state] that sent chills down the opponent's spine again.

He played more and more aggressively, more and more weirdly. The main purpose of the evil way is to make strange moves frequently, which makes people hard to guard against. In addition, Wu Shuang in a berserk state can do terrible operations with zero mistakes. Li Zairi's The wine barrel was single-killed twice by EZ within 5 minutes!
So far, Wu Shuang's EZ has won five kills!
The fans and the audience shouted wildly, even though the top laner Liu Yu of the Brilliant team had been beaten by the beautiful player Yuna, they didn't care at all.

In their eyes, as long as Wu Di plays normally, they have a chance of winning, but now Wu Di's elder brother is showing them a strength no less than Wu Di's in a stunning performance, which makes them feel that, Nine out of ten victories in this challenge belong to Team Brilliant.

The two brothers and sisters Xue Tianyue and Xue Tianqing, who were sitting in the luxury private room watching the game, had been frowning for a long time.They are all amateur players of the League of Legends, so they naturally know that judging from the current situation, the game of the KING team should be more or less ominous.

Although Yuna's top laner easily overwhelmed the opponent, but the duo of Lee Jae-il in the middle lane and the bottom laner were all overwhelmed by the opponent one after another.Such a situation is naturally the prelude to the collapse.

Xue Tianxue didn't say a word, just stared at the big screen with cold eyes, thinking constantly in her heart.

This time, he really miscalculated.He thought that Wu Di, who is half-disabled and has not participated in an official competition for more than a year, would not have an amazing performance. At best, he would be a bluffing paper tiger. And aggressiveness just behaves exactly as before!And, vaguely, he also learned to help and cover his teammates?Such a terrifying Wu Di has long exceeded Xue Tianyue's expectation.

In addition, Wu Shuang, who rose like a comet, was also a hateful guy who made him gnash his teeth.The style of play is very similar to the cunning style that is popular in South Korea, but its offensiveness is not inferior to Wu Di who uses the finishing style.

Such a powerful guy actually beat Lee Jae-il, the top three in South Korea, to the point where he couldn't find the southeast and northwest.If Xue Tianyue hadn't seen such a scene with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

Seeing her elder brother's face gloomy, Xue Tianqing also expressed concern:
"Brother, it seems that the KING team is not the opponent of the brilliant team. If the challenge cannot beat the brilliant team, then father's plan will come to naught... Tell me, do you want to ask your father for instructions, should we do something from it?" Order something."

Xue Tianyue replied in a low voice:
"Father has been watching the live broadcast in another place. He must know the situation of the challenge. If he thinks it is necessary to do something, he will definitely call us. We don't have to worry too much."

Before the words finished, Xue Tianyue's phone rang.

"Father, tell me."

Xue Xingyun's calm and prestige voice came from the other side of the receiver.

"Tianyue, I have seen the situation of the game. The Brilliant team's combat power is much stronger than we imagined. But the biggest threat is only from the two brothers Wu Di and Wu Shuang.

Wu Di's body has not yet recovered, and his strength has only recovered more than half, so there is no need to worry too much for the time being.

The LOL masters around me told me that it would be fine for Carter and Pepe to play conservatively in the next game.The situation where they were crushed was actually a chain reaction caused by their rashness at level one.As long as they are stable and not provoked by their opponents, they can maintain a balance of power.

So, our biggest trouble is his brother Wu Shuang!This kid's background is very complicated. With our Xue family's network of connections, we can't investigate his background.And his strength is very terrifying. I learned from Miss Yuna that his master is the legendary character Cody of LOL, and he practiced the ancestor of the cunning style-the evil way style of play.In addition, this kid seems to have some kind of secret that cannot be seen through, and the experts around me can't see why.

If we want the KING team to win smoothly, we must start with this kid!

The masters around me said that his expression during the game was very arrogant and ostentatious, not like a normal professional player's performance, but like a sign of taking some kind of banned drugs! "

Having said that, Xue Xingyun deliberately paused.Xue Tianyue reacted immediately after listening.He chuckled and said:
"Father, what do you mean...he probably took stimulants and other prohibited drugs to enhance his on-the-spot status, and then greatly increase his strength, making him look invulnerable?
Then we immediately organize people to conduct a physical examination on them. If this is the case, then they can't afford to be brilliant and walk away!I know what to do! "

Xue Tianyue's excitement only lasted for a moment before being interrupted by Xue Xingyun.

"Tianyue, you're still not seasoned enough. The match has only gone on for less than half of the time, and there's a second, or even a third match. If you expose him now, what will be the consequences?
The big deal is that this challenge is cancelled, and Wu Shuang is suspended. Isn't this far from our ultimate goal?

Listen well, now hurry up and arrange for people to put something interesting in the clear water that Wu Shuang takes after this game.

Didn't he want to be excited?Then let's make him less excited and put a lot of tranquilizers in his clear water!And participate in some prohibited drugs that can be found out after a check!
Just calm him down and he won't act so scary. "

"Understood, father, I will do so."


Two 10 minutes later.

In the first game of the challenge, because of the dominating performance of the two brothers Wu Di and Wu Shuang, the Brilliant team won the game without bloodshed!

Under Su Yiyi's sensational commentary, the audience gave countless praises to Brilliant, Wu Di, and Wu Shuang.

While everyone was enjoying this wonderful dreamlike feeling, Wu Di took advantage of the short rest time to come to a red private room that had not been transformed into an open one, and found a woman who was Xue Zang's last trump card for him— — Chen Linlin.

"Miss Chen, although I don't need your hypnosis in this challenge, we can still defeat the opponent, but there is a person, I must suppress his aura. So, please hypnotize me! I want to use the completed version of the God of Death flow!"

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(End of this chapter)

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