Chapter 165 Restrictions
In the first match, the Brilliant team crushed two teams, and after winning the victory like a rainbow, the five members of the KING team also entered a closed private room, staring at each other without saying a word.

Except for the glamorous queen Yuna who played normally and successfully knocked out her opponent on the road, the performance of the others was simply horrible.

Yuna looked around and saw that everyone's morale was low, so she also said aloud:

"This time, you have personally experienced how powerful Wu Di and Wu Shuang who turned out to be are. Will you continue to be arrogant? I told you to practice together, but you didn't listen, and now you have suffered a lot."

Li Zairi raised his head, gave Yuna a hard look, and said coldly:
"It's useless to talk about these afterthoughts now! The kid in the middle lane is very weird. He practices cunning way and is very aggressive. In the old Chinese saying, I just lost Jingzhou carelessly. I will deal with it in the next game." Get back on him!"

As a jungler, Kameda Er performed mediocrely, but he has always preserved his strength.He was also very happy when he saw these top players hang their heads down.

He rolled his eyes and said with an evil smile:

"A fledgling kid with a tender head beat you, a top three mid laner in Korea, to the point where you can't take care of yourself. Where did you get the confidence to be so sure that you can suppress your opponent in the next game? I see, we still choose Change the road. I will take care of the road where they have fewer people."

Yuna nodded, agreeing with Kamedaji's statement.

"The Japanese is right. We can switch lanes and try not to let them have a chance to perform. If Li Zairi feels that you are not sure about suppressing the kid in the middle lane, we can even switch the duo lane to the middle lane!"

As soon as the words fell, three voices of rejection sounded at the same time.

Carter, Pepe, and Lee Jae-il rejected the proposal with one voice.

"We fell into the opponent's trick to lure the enemy, and then lost the early advantage. In the next game, although we can't guarantee to suppress Wu Di, we can definitely maintain a balance of power with them!
We will not change paths!

Changing lanes means backing down, the outcome of this game is irrelevant, what we both value most - reputation!
To deal with a semi-disabled Wu Di, you actually have to change paths?After this news gets out, how will the two of us hang out in the e-sports circle in the future? "

Carter and Pepe are determined and do not support lane change tactics.

Li Zairi snorted coldly and added:
"The two of them are right. How can I lose my reputation here? I will let Wu Shuang teach me what is the real cunning way!"

When the five people were arguing endlessly, Xue Tianyue pushed the door open and interrupted everyone's conversation.

"Ha! Brother Li Zairi, don't worry too much. After our preliminary investigation and deduction, the reason why Wu Shuang's performance is so eye-catching is not because of his personal strength, but because he took medicine that can keep him in a state of excitement. Prohibited drugs such as stimulants!"

Li Zairi's eyes lit up, and he said in amazement: "Is this really true?"

Xue Tianyue nodded and smiled:
"Yes, it should be confirmed. So, in the next game, our Xue family will make a little contribution to you, the top three mid laner in Korea, in order to make the game fair. You don't have to worry about him.

His days of showing off his might are over! "

Then, Xue Tianyue turned her head to Carter and said vowedly:
"You two, your deduction is correct. It is true that the two of you played the game because you fell into the enemy's trick in the early stage, so Wu Di, the top player who can snowball the most, seized the opportunity and took advantage of this advantage. The bigger the poly.

However, as long as you can play steadily in the next game, you won't give Wu Di such an opportunity.This is what a super expert told my father, I believe you all have a deep understanding. "

Carter was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Super expert? Who?"

Xue Tianyue waved her hand and said with a smile:

"Ha, you two don't need to worry about that. Anyway, that's the truth. Well, everyone, I hope you will continue to work hard and win the remaining two games!
Defeating Wu Di, defeating Brilliance, what profound meaning it has for you, I believe I don't need to say more. "

Xue Tianyue turned and left with a confident smile, while the five members of the KING team also regained their confidence and renewed their fighting spirit.

Brilliant team game room.

The other players used the rest time to rest and adjust their status in various ways, but Wu Shuang was the only one who stayed in the game room alone.

At this time, his face was calm, and the evil and insane look in the berserk state had long since disappeared.

Regarding the berserk state, he has been able to freely enter and release it freely, which also made Stephen's eyes shine in the stands.

Stephen looked at the evil figure, and couldn't help saying to himself:
"What a genius! No. 2 potion can push people's mental activity to the peak, and burst into a terrifying state that makes people smack their tongues. Unexpectedly, after taking No. 2 potion, this kid is not only unscathed , and can also control the use of the berserk state as one likes.

With time, maybe our organization will really use technology and medicine to create an unparalleled world number one e-sports player.Hehe, e-sports is a big cake, but the boss has been coveting it all the time..."

at this time.

Seeing Wu Shuang living alone in the competition room, the black market staff also kindly brought a huge plate with hot towels, water and other items on it.

Wu Shuang nodded, asked the staff member to put down the plate, and after carefully staring at the transparent and clear water glass for a while, finally picked up the glass.

Gudu Gudu... Wu Shuang was indeed thirsty, and the berserk state would make people feel hot all over his body, which was hard to suppress, so he took up the water glass and drank more than half of it.

However, when the clear water flowed down his throat, he immediately slammed the water glass in front of the computer screen, and stared intently at the water glass with his eyes bulging.

After a while, Wu Shuang got up suddenly, showing a weird expression of surprise!

He clenched his fists tightly and looked around. After looking around and finding nothing, he turned his gaze to Stephen, the man in sunglasses who was sitting in a hidden position.

Stephen was taken aback, seeing that Wu Shuang had something to say to him, so he got up and pointed to the bathroom.

Soon, the two met in the bathroom.

After confirming that there are no other outsiders in the bathroom for the time being, Wu Shuang showed a worried look for the first time, and whispered to Stephen:

"I've been tricked!"

Stephen was shocked, and quickly asked: "What do you mean? What trick did you get?"

"I drank half a glass of water just now, and that water should contain a lot of sedatives! Now I... can no longer enter a berserk state at will!"

After hearing the words, Stephen quickly took out a black object the size of a matchbox from his arms, and asked Wu Shuang to put his hand on it.Immediately afterwards, several numbers were displayed on the black box. Stephen looked at it intently, and his face immediately became cloudy.

"Well, your deduction is correct. It seems that someone has seen the clues of your berserk state. But don't worry for now, what you took should not be the medicine to dissolve the No. 2 potion, but a sedative.

According to our experiments, the sedative can suppress the effect of the No. 2 agent for a short period of time.

That said, from now on, you may not be able to use the berserk state for a long time, which is... a secret way of limiting you.But, who knows this little-known secret?

No. 2 potion can be temporarily affected by sedatives. As long as you know about it, don't spread it to the outside world. This is your only weakness! "

Wu Shuang was furious and punched the wall.

"Who? Who is it? Dare to plot against me? It seems that he has taken the courage of ambition."

After staring at the numbers on the black box for a while, Stephen suddenly smiled instead of anger:

"Ha! If my inference is correct, I know who did it. Think about it, who benefits the most after you can't perform normally?"

"I was restricted and couldn't perform normally. Naturally, the limelight was about to be snatched away by Wu Di. Could it be his trick?"

Stephen put the black box back into his arms, waved his hands, and explained:

"Wu Di doesn't know anything about you, how could he play tricks on you? You are still too young, and you exposed your cards too early. Only Xue Home is fine.

The Xue family has long coveted the Brilliant Club for a long time. They brought in well-known foreign professional players and temporarily formed the KING team in order to deal a fatal blow to the Brilliant team. "

Wu Shuang frowned, doubtful:
"I have no grievances with that Xue family, and they dare to set their abacus on me! It seems that if they don't give them some color, they don't know how powerful Wu Shuang is!

You know exactly what happened to me when I was in the slums.If it’s not obvious, I’ll come secretly!Anyone who offends me will be punished! "

Stephen gently put his hand on Wu Shuang's shoulder, and after a little force, Wu Shuang couldn't move anymore.

Then, Stephen whispered in a commanding tone:
"This is a country ruled by law, and your impulsive behavior in that small country cannot be tolerated! You have to remember clearly, our organization digs you, rescues you, and trains you, not to let you act recklessly for your own selfishness!
If you dare to mess around, I will take back everything you own on behalf of the organization!And you should be well aware of the consequences.

If you really want to go back to that chaotic slum, I will grant your wish.

As far as the organization is concerned, those who are disobedient will have no good fruit to eat.Remember? "

Unexpectedly by Stephen, Wu Shuang laughed heartily after hearing his threatening words.

"Of course I don't want to go back, and of course I will listen to you.

Of course, I don't want to have that kind of poverty, desolation, and life like grass.

Don't worry, I'm just playing lip service, I won't really do it.

Just kidding, I am now a future e-sports star, how could I give those media the opportunity to create scandals. "

Stephen squeezed out a knowing smile, and said in a low voice:

"It's good that you understand. But in the next game, your limelight may not be as good as in the last game. That's good too. Exposing all your cards too early will not be good for you in the e-sports circle."

The murderous look flashed across Wu's eyes.

"Well, I understand the truth. It's okay if I can't use the berserk state, anyway, my own strength is not bad. Hurry up, don't you say that Wu Di has already remembered that you personally shot him?
If you get caught by him right here, it will be very difficult for you to escape. "

After Stephen suffocated the capricious young man deeply, he turned and left the bathroom without saying a word.

Looking at the bathroom door that was still slightly swinging, a strange smile appeared on Wu Shuang's face again.

【You have your Zhang Liangji, I have my wall ladder.You use me to attack Wu Di and Wu Tianhao through my vengeful heart, and I will do what you wish, because I hate them!Unforgettable hate!But when the event is completed, you will definitely turn your guns on me.

I know most of your unknown secrets, so naturally you will not let me go easily.Hey, when the time comes, I won't fulfill your wish, and you will pay a heavy price for it! 】


The rest time passed quietly, and the second game officially started!
When Wu Di came out of Chen Linlin's private room wearing a dark peaked cap, no one noticed that this obtrusive peaked cap had covered a pair of eyes full of strange aura.

Under Chen Linlin's hypnosis, Wu Di has temporarily recovered the memory of the middle unit.So far, he has been able to play the four positions of ADC, support, top laner and mid laner in a short period of time!

Sometimes Wu Di walked like a fly, and sometimes followed suit. When he sat in front of his computer in the game room with a subconscious mind, Lu Tian saw that he seemed to be a little abnormal, and he also expressed his concern:
"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

no answer.

Lu Tian widened his eyes, seeing that Wu Di ignored him, he felt even more anxious.

"Hey, brother, just say something, will you be okay?"

Wu Di turned his head, and Lu Tian took a closer look, only to find that Wu Di's eyes were filled with an inexplicable murderous aura!

At this time, Wu Di seemed to have regained his sanity under Lu Tian's call. He raised his index finger, made a silent movement towards Lu Tian, ​​and then turned his head to face his computer screen.

This is... hypnosis?Is this the completed version of [Death God State] that Wu Di himself said?
Lu Tian's heart froze—Wu Di must have been hypnotized by that beautiful hypnotist...

He had heard about the effects and effects of hypnosis, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he was so surprised that his jaw almost fell to the ground.

With some worries and doubts, Lu Tian began to ban the selection of heroes.

After routinely banning a few heroes, the two sides also quickly offered their own well-thought-out strong lineups.

When it was Wu Di and Wu Shuang's turn to choose a hero at the same time, Wu Shuang cast his eyes on Wu Di with great interest, but unexpectedly found that Wu Di was sitting there motionless like a towering mountain, and his hands were even tighter. Surprisingly placed on top of your own legs?

After seeing this, Wu Shuang immediately became interested.He folded his arms and sat on the seat leisurely, not taking the initiative to choose a hero, just staring at the computer screen, waiting for Wu Di to choose first.

The selection time is as long as 1 minute.In this way, neither of the two Wu Di brothers chose a hero, and it took more than half a minute.

After seeing this miraculous scene, the audience outside the venue couldn't help discussing loudly.

【What are you doing?Why haven't the two brothers chosen yet?Are they still hesitating? 】

[I don't see it... Judging from the scene where EZ snatched the plane's head through the screen last time, I don't think the two brothers are as harmonious as imagined.It is very possible...they are competing! 】

[Upstairs is correct.In the last game, they all used the ADC hero. It can be seen that Wu Di's brother Wu Shuang deliberately chose the ADC hero EZ.The purpose is also very simple, just to prove that he is not inferior to his younger brother! 】

【Wu Shuang, it's very strong, that's right.But compared to being the first in the world, I always feel that there is something missing.Hey, don't worry so much, if you don't choose, it will be random!These two brothers can't be awkward at this critical moment!Back then, Wu Di often had conflicts with his teammates at critical moments, which caused the Brilliant team to lose the championship.This kind of thing is not uncommon.

This time, nothing can go wrong.This is the time for foreign players to bully them, they can only win! 】

As the captain of the team, when Lu Tian saw this strange scene in bewilderment, he hurriedly reminded:
"Wu Shuang, Wu Di, what kind of plane are you two doing? Hurry up and choose! There are more than ten seconds left! Wu Shuang is still the mid laner, and Wu Di is still partnering with me in the bottom lane!"

The last five seconds of selection... Wu Shuang curled her lips, seeing that [cute brother] still hadn't made any movement, and he couldn't use the berserk state in this game, so he stopped wasting with Wu Di, The devil's clockwork head clicked down.

The last second of selection...Wu Di moved!Idioms such as moving like a cunning rabbit can no longer describe his speed, because almost no one can see how he moves. At the moment when the selection time ends, Wu Di's right hand quickly holds the mouse, and it seems that With a casual flick, it landed on the head of [Rage Lolita] Jinx.

"I chose, Wu Di chose! He chose... the runaway loli!"

Su Yiyi, who was acting as the commentator, was as anxious as the audience. He thought Wu Di was so arrogant that he would randomly choose a hero to deal with the strong KING team. At the last moment, he still chose an ADC hero.So, she hurriedly explained the characteristics of this loli hero to the audience like a cannonball:
"Rampage Lolita is an ADC hero that rarely appears. Because she has no movement skills.

However, her advantages are also obvious, she has a very high burst and super line-clearing ability.In the early stage, you can rely on skills to do long-distance poke (consumption), and after switching to machine gun mode, the speed of pushing towers is amazing.Moreover, her ult is one of the few global types, which can be supported on the whole map, with good damage, and it is easy to take away those heads with residual blood.

As for her shortcomings, as I mentioned earlier, her lack of movement skills is her biggest weakness. In addition, her machine gun stance has a very short range, and the mana cost is very high when switching to rocket weapons.

All in all, if this hero plays very smoothly, he can definitely meet gods and kill gods, meet Buddhas and Buddhas, and turn on the super god mode, but if there is a slight mistake in positioning and attack timing, he will definitely become a cash machine for the opponent.

Let's take a look and see what kind of wonderful performance Wu Di can bring us! "

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(End of this chapter)

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