Chapter 166

The selection of the second round of the Challenger League is over.

The positions of the Brilliant team and the KING team have been swapped, and the lineups of the two sides have been officially released. The details are as follows:
KING team: Golem in the top lane, Wine Barrel in the mid lane, explorer and Zyra in the bottom lane, and blind monk in the wild.

Brilliant team: top laner weapon master, mid laner clockwork monster, bottom lane combination of runaway loli and Qinnv, and jungle prince.

After entering the game waiting screen, Qin Shuangshuang also introduced the characteristics of the two lineups to the audience in a timely manner:

"From the point of view of the lineup, the KING team's lineup is conducive to team battle consumption, and because of the existence of the stone man and Zyra's ultimate moves, its team battle control is quite good; on the other hand, the brilliant team, as long as the ultimate move is properly cast, it will also give the opponent deal a devastating blow.

Here, I have to mention the runaway loli chosen by contestant Wu Di.As we all know, this is an ADC hero without displacement skills, with strong explosive ability, and his harvesting ability can be compared with the alliance's harvesting weapon, night hunter Vayne.

Her passive skill is [Guilty Pleasure], after killing heroes or destroying defense towers, Jinx's movement speed will be significantly increased!The acceleration state in just a few seconds can easily allow her to catch up with the hero with residual blood, and then complete the harvest.

The Brilliant team sacrificed a lineup such as the prince, the piano girl, the weapon master, and the clockwork, which can guarantee enough output space for the runaway loli to a large extent.

Well, the competition has officially started, let us wait and see what kind of visual feast Wu Di can bring us! "

With Xue Tianyue's reminder at halftime, the five KINGs acted very cautiously this time. They no longer took the initiative to invade the opponent's jungle area, but after setting up scout guards in the key grass, they each went to stand guard at the entrance of the jungle area. At this moment, the team fell into a strange atmosphere.

Originally, as the captain of the team, Lu Tian had the responsibility and obligation to direct everyone's actions, but in the last game, due to the extraordinary personal performance of the two brothers Wu Di, he actually didn't have much time to direct. , he is too lazy to talk, still relying on Wu Shuang's EZ and Wu Di's plane to consume skills there, and when the consumption is almost the same, he will rush forward, with the overwhelming advantage of equipment level economy, naturally it is effortless. Won the team battle.

In this scene, he originally wanted to take on the important task of commanding, but he found that Wu Di was uncharacteristically, his eyes were hot and gloomy, and that terrifying expression that made people feel panic had unconsciously affected Lu Tian's emotions.

Liu Yu and Zhang Ting saw that Team Lu didn't speak for a long time, so they had to remind them softly in the earphones:

"Captain, why don't you command?"

Lu Tian came back to his senses, and then hurriedly said:
"Well, they should have learned a lesson, this time they won't take the initiative to invade our wild area. Before the little soldiers arrive on the line, just keep an eye on the entrance of the wild area."

Then, Lu Tian took a deep look at Wu Di again, and found that the kid was still silent, just circling around in a seemingly boring way, so he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut and not to say more.

Xiaobing quickly arrived on the line, and after helping the prince take away the red BUFF, the violent Lolita and Qinnv sprinted towards the bottom road side by side.

On the screen, these two people walk together, forming a stark contrast: Qin Nu is the top three big-breasted girls in the league known as "The Waves" while Lolita is one of the few in the league. Countless flat-chested girls, one 36D, one 32A, the two heroes gathered together naturally made some male audience laugh.

The audience watched curiously after these two sister paper heroes with very different styles came online, but discovered an amazing phenomenon:

According to common sense, no, to be precise, according to Wu Di's style, he should launch wave after wave of blows and attacks after meeting his opponent, but at this moment, the founder of the end flow is the old man. Honestly huddled outside his own line, and completed every last attack in a regular manner?

What is this for?

The audience and Qin Shuangshuang were at a loss.Especially Qin Shuangshuang, who had already taken a sip of water before the official game, cleared his throat, and prepared to explain the upcoming storm with super-high speed, but Wu Di slapped himself hard, and the game started 3 In [-] minutes, she was stunned that she couldn't find any chance to explain in the bottom lane.

In desperation, she turned the camera to the middle, hoping to find a breakthrough in the commentary on Wu Shuang, but what happened was contrary to her expectations.

Wu Shuang also adopted a conservative laning strategy just like Wu Di in this game, and the evil and domineering style of play in the first game also disappeared.

Qin Shuangshuang was depressed. The well-known domestic beauty commentator couldn't find any scenes to explain in an instant.

To comment on the road?
Although Yuna on the road is Liu Yu whose strength is far superior to that of the Brilliant team, she chose a stone man!Her opponent is a weapon master, another laning situation with endless consumption.

To explain the jungler?
At this time, the blind monk and the prince both took off the double buffs in their wild areas, and they were rushing towards the top road in a tacit understanding. If they want to explain, it is estimated that they will have to wait for more than ten seconds...

Lonely as snow.Qin Shuangshuang sighed secretly, and at the same time vented this resentment on the two brothers Wu Di.

[Where are you two playing this?Use the morale accumulated from the victory in the first game to take the initiative!Beat the opponent to pieces!What kind of hero is hiding behind the pawn line?up! 】

Just as Qin Shuangshuang was roaring in his heart, the prince and the blind monk arrived on the road at the same time, and launched a rush attack at the same time!

Four good friends, the stone man, the weapon master, the prince, and the blind monk, fought for a round. The summoner's skill coefficient was handed over. Suddenly, the scene was extremely hot. Just as they were fighting vigorously, it seemed that a blood would explode. At that time, words were quickly typed on the screen, and the familiar female voice of the system came from everyone's earphones:

Runaway loli killed Zyra!
Runaway loli got first blood!

What? !
Qin Shuangshuang quickly switched the live broadcast camera to the bottom lane, only to realize that Wu Di's runaway loli had won the long-lost first blood without making a sound?

What exactly happened just now?
Qin Shuangshuang switched back to the replay of the wonderful scene, and re-witnessed everything that happened before with the audience.

It turned out that Lolita Runaway had been holding back until her level reached level three, then she suddenly came up from behind the line of soldiers, and under the astonished eyes of EZ and Zyra, threw three [Fire Chewer Grenade] They were neatly placed not far behind them, and then a beautiful [small retreat] avoided Zyra's entanglement skills, and began to shoot at EZ with machine guns desperately.

Even Lu Tian didn't react to this move. After half a second, she rushed up and attacked EZ together with the violent loli.

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, EZ immediately used his displacement skills to flee away.

His support hero, Zyra, saw that the opponent stepped forward, and wanted to attack her side regardless of the attack of the minions. She also quickly put a weakness on the head of the runaway loli, and signaled her good friend not to miss this excellent opportunity to counterattack.

However, it was she who didn't flash away in time, which made her the first head taken by the runaway Lolita!
Runaway Loli used the form of a machine gun to stack three layers of acceleration BUFF. At this time, when the muzzle of the gun was changed, it was instantly replaced with a large-caliber rocket launcher, turning herself into a terrifying output machine. She ran away when she saw EZ , immediately turned the gun and aimed at Zyra!

Lu Tian had cooperated with Wu Di for many years, so he naturally understood that he was actually attacking EZ openly and stealing Zyra secretly, so he quickly put a weakness on Zyra's head, which made her stagger and her defensive attributes dropped a lot .

At this time, Zyra remembered to escape in a's too late!
Not long after she landed with a halo of weakness, Lori's W skill [Shocking Electromagnetic Wave] hit her heel accurately!
The shocking electromagnetic wave is a straight-line attack, which needs to be predicted. It has a delay in starting and launching moves. For ordinary players, it is a skill that is not easy to master, but in Wu Di's hands, hitting the opponent is as simple as catching a turtle in a jar.

Zyra was slowed down again, and the runaway loli naturally wouldn't miss this excellent opportunity to hunt down. After she opened the barrier to resist the attacks of EZ and minions, she launched a final blow to Zyra without fear!

Two seconds later, Zyra fell to the ground, and when she was about to use her passive skill to take the head of this nasty loli, the passive skill [Guilty Pleasure] of Rampage Lolita took effect!
In the blink of an eye, Wu Di handed over Flash, and when EZ was about to chase after Flash, he found that the loli girl on the opposite side... was running too fast!
In just this split second, she slipped away for a long distance, completely out of the effective attack range of herself and Zyra.

EZ wanted to chase after him, but Qin Nu stood aside intact, which naturally dispelled his idea.

Thus, Yixue was once again handed over to Wu Di in such an understatement...

After Qin Shuangshuang and the audience saw this wonderful scene clearly, they were also full of praise:
"Ha! It seems that we were too careless. In a trance, we missed this wonderful first-blood shot. Wu Di stayed put for the first 2 minutes, presumably waiting for himself to reach level 3!
Level 3 runaway loli is a terrifying duel period. [Flame Chewer Grenade] can be used to restrict the opponent's movement, and [Electromagnetic Wave] is an extremely powerful retention skill, plus Loli's Q skill [Symphony of Guns] provides good group damage ability and Attack speed bonus, as long as she is not hit by control skills, then she will definitely be able to transform into a real runaway girl in an instant.

Just now, contestant Wu Di has performed a live performance for us perfectly.

Runaway loli, that's how she wants to run away! "

And when everyone recalled the process of the blood generation, although the four on the road fought in full swing, in the end they just fought for both sides.

The game has entered a flat period again.

This dull period is very, very short, so short that it is only the time for Wu Di to spend enough money to go back to the city to buy equipment and then come to the online journey again.

Because, Wu Di, as the top player who can snowball the most in history, naturally won't give his opponent any respite after winning the first blood!
When the rampant Lolita came to the front of the line, the audience discovered that she had made an unexpected equipment-【Net Eclipse】.

[Net Erosion] The name of this equipment looks mighty and domineering, but it is actually what the players call the "Little Ice Hammer".It can increase the hero's blood volume and attack power, and after each normal attack, it will gain 20 movement speed for 2 seconds.After killing an enemy hero, it will provide a movement speed of 60 for 2 seconds.

The crowd was in an uproar.

According to common sense, because of the existence of the Q skill, the hero of Rampage Lolita can superimpose the attack speed, so her first choice of equipment is mostly those that can increase the attack power.

However, Wu Di's first choice is Little Ice Hammer, that is to say, he is going to use the three-phase power first?

Although the power of the three phases has all the attributes that are suitable for Runaway Lolita, theoretically speaking, it is not very suitable for her.

In the eyes of ordinary players, the power of three phases is only suitable for heroes with short CD skills.

Such as the R skill [Rocket Bombardment] of the aircraft and the secret shooting of EZ, including the R skill [Supreme Blade] of Blade Will and the Q skill [Dodge Assault] of Wayne.These heroes all have short CD skills, so they can also trigger more passive effects of the power of three phases, thus causing double blows to the opponent.

However, each skill CD of Runaway Lolita is relatively long. Although she can switch her weapons in a short period of time, this Q skill [Symphony of Guns] cannot trigger the passive effect of the three-phase force.Because of this, players who play Rampage Lolita basically don't consider the power of the three phases.

It wasn't until the runaway loli came to the line with a small ice hammer in her arms that they discovered why Wu Di chose this equipment.

A moment later, a strange figure like an elf appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Runaway Loli first used the machine gun form to attack three times. After accumulating the attack speed to the limit, she immediately went forward and aimed at the crispy EZ or Zyra for a general attack.

If the opponent retreats immediately, she immediately puts down the [Flame Chewer Grenade] behind him to restrict the opponent's movement, and at the same time switches the weapon to the rocket launcher form, using the increased range of this form to strike the opponent from a long distance.With the acceleration effect of the small ice hammer, the berserk loli can catch up with the fleeing opponent by virtue of her extraordinary movement speed, and continue to hit him; if the opponent wants to fight recklessly, she will use the basic attack to bring Extra movement speed, immediately withdraw back, and use the rocket launcher to consume the opponent remotely at a slightly farther position.

In short, this little ice hammer made Derunning Lolita a terrifying existence.When the opponent wanted to fight, she immediately withdrew, bombarding the opponent with rockets while avoiding his sharp edge; when the opponent wanted to retreat, she used skills and basic attacks to continuously attack him, causing the opponent's health to drop continuously.

In this way, Wu Di used that smart runaway loli to continuously consume the opponent's blood.Within a short time, the blood volume of EZ and Zyra was less than half!
At this moment, a golden light flashed, and Lolita Runaway first reached level 6!
What can a level 6 runaway loli do?Check out her R skill...

[Super Ultimate Reaper Missile]: Jinx fires a missile that can span the entire map, and the longer the flight time, the higher the damage value.The missile will explode after hitting an enemy hero, dealing damage to the target and enemies near the target, and the lower the target's health, the higher the damage taken.

Qin Shuangshuang is worthy of being a top commentator. After seeing the runaway Lolita reach level 6, she immediately explained:

"It's level 6! Runaway Lolita is level 6! If I'm right, Wu Di is going to attack!

Runaway Lolita's ultimate move is an absolute weapon for harvesting heads! "

This time, Su Yiyi finally caught up with Wu Di's train of thought.

Sure enough, as Su Yiyi expected, as soon as Wu Dishu reached level 6, he immediately used the machine gun form to accumulate three layers of acceleration, and then launched a crazy attack on Zyra...

Pepe has been fighting in Europe for many years, and has participated in many competitions, large and small, but this time, with the help of the Xue family, he came to Huaxia Spring City to participate in this challenge. the wrong decision making.

The runaway loli didn't change her target this time, and kept locking on the crispy Zyra. Zyra didn't flash, and the entanglement skill didn't hit the cunning loli, so under her desperate attack, she quickly handed over Out of his own head.

Seeing that the situation was not good, EZ naturally used his displacement skills to flee away early, but before Zyra returned to the line, Carter's EZ did not dare to take the initiative to go forward to make up the knife.

In the [Killing God] state, Wu Di has completely entered a wonderful state after taking down two heads, and everything around him has become deaf.In his eyes, there is only the opponent's hero!

The berserk loli in the bottom lane is completely in a berserk state. As long as the opponent dares to appear in her field of vision, she will quickly come to the opponent like a hungry tiger, and beat him fiercely until the opponent is killed. Play the pawn line so that it can only defend under the tower.

After Carter and Pepe called the jungler blind monk for support twice, they were both destroyed by the prince's back-squatting. Under Wu Di's constant pressure, the bottom tower was quickly destroyed!
"The laning period is over! Immediately form a group in the middle! Force the opponent to fight!"

When Yuna saw that Carter and Pepe were falling into the rhythm of collapse again, she immediately screamed in the earphone.She had thoroughly experienced Wu Di's strength many years ago, and naturally knew that under the pressure of Wu Di's finishing style of play, no one could reverse the disadvantages accumulated like a snowball.

Carter and Pepe were a little downcast, but they still reluctantly obeyed Yuna's command.

Wu Di, this powerful Chinese native, became famous after destroying the confidence of many top players with his final style of play.However, they had never fought against Wu Di, and they simply believed that most of his fame and strength were just bragging.

With this belief, they came to Huaxia alone to fight against him, trying to destroy his invincible image.

But just today, without knowing it, they have already experienced the power of Wu Di's newly completed killing style, and the once unbreakable belief in their hearts is also quietly collapsing.

This Chinese... is invincible!
His final flow is terrible!Any slight disadvantage will be magnified infinitely by him, and any fleeting opportunity will be keenly grasped by him!Such an e-sports player has no mistakes and no weaknesses. This is the legendary [Ending Flow]?
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(End of this chapter)

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