Chapter 167

Carter and Pepe, the golden combination across Europe, fell silent.

It wasn't until now that they realized how terrible Wu Di was, how ridiculous and ridiculous the purpose of coming to China was.There was even a moment when they wanted to hang up and wait for 10 minutes before surrendering.

If Yuna hadn't reminded them aloud, maybe the two of them would have done this.

Let's continue to fight... I hope that after this battle, my confidence will not be completely destroyed - Carter and Pepe have this thought in their hearts at the same time.

The decision Yuna made at this time was extremely correct. If the two in the bottom lane were allowed to face each other, a super god runaway loli would appear soon.In order to avoid such a scene, the best way to avoid Wu Di's edge is to get together as soon as possible.

When Lu Tian saw the five people on the opposite side pushing forward in a group, he also quickly issued an order in the earphone:
"Prepare for a team battle in the middle! Remember, don't give them a chance to go first. Once the opponent has the head, the weapon master will directly activate the stun and jump into the crowd, and wind up the prince with a shield. If there are more people stunned by the weapon, immediately EQ Two consecutive picks to fly opponents, and use the big move, to create output opportunities for the runaway loli! My piano girl does not need to flash the first-hand tactics of increasing moves, I will pay special attention to the big moves of the stone man and Zyra on the opposite side, full-time Protect the runaway loli!

GO! "

Lu Tian issued an order, but still squinted at Wu Shuang with some palpitations.He was very afraid that this rookie player who turned out to be out of nowhere would not listen to the command and play single player on his own.

But when he saw that Wu Shuang's clockwork was already waiting in the middle, and Wu Shuang's expression returned to calm for a while, he also let go of a big stone in his heart.

League of Legends is a competitive game that pays great attention to teamwork.In team battles, any individual heroism and out-of-group actions will put the team in a doomed situation.Therefore, Lu Tian paid special attention to Wu Shuang.

After confirming that Wu Shuang should not make any drastic moves, he turned his head to Wu Di again.

After this kid entered the unpredictable state, he remained silent, his eyes staring at his computer screen with piercing eyes, and he didn't make any unnecessary movements.

In this state... will he listen to my command?
If it was in the past, he would have automatically started the mode of snatching command by chattering endlessly at this time.However, in this situation where the situation is dominant, he doesn't say a word, what kind of trouble is he going to do?
Lu Tian shook his head lightly. Ever since he reunited with Wu Di, a good brother, he already felt that this guy had changed too much.Not only has he learned humility and gratitude in character, but his game style has also changed accordingly.This made him quite uneasy, he was very afraid of something unusual happening to Wu Di.

With some anxiety, Lu Tian returned his gaze to his computer screen.After a glimpse, my heart was already roaring:
Nima!This kid won't really disobey orders, right?
Under Lu Tian's surprised eyes, Wu Di's runaway loli was still wandering in the wild area after he gave the order.Lu Tian originally thought that he was clearing the wild monsters, and after clearing them, he would return to the main force to participate in the team battle, but to his great disappointment, even after the wild monsters were cleared, Lu Tian was still idle in her wild area Roaming at a leisurely pace, with no intention of reuniting with the team at all.

Zhang Ting, Liu Yu, including Wu Shuang all questioned:
"Captain, our top card doesn't seem to want to join forces. What should we do? Could it be that he has committed the same mistakes as before? When the situation has a clear advantage, prepare to go it alone and show off his skills and lower limit?"

At this time, the brilliant four had gathered in front of the first tower in the middle lane, and their opponents were already gearing up. After the five gathered, they were eager to find an opportunity for the second man.

Four against five?Regardless of Wu Di?

How can this be!The opponent is a strong team composed of five top players. Although it is improvised, but the strength is there, it is impossible to be defeated by the four of us.

But that guy Wu Di ignored me...

Lu Tian was so anxious that he was in a cold sweat.

At this critical moment, you can't drop me, brother!As soon as he thought of this, he hurriedly exclaimed:

"Wu Di! Wu Di! Let's go, let's go!"

After a while, Lolita Runaway slowly walked around to the arc-shaped grass in the middle of the river, but where he was, it was too far away from the opponent's position.

Lu Tian was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and just when he was about to remind Wu Di again, he heard the brother who had been having a hard time opening his mouth from the beginning, suddenly came out of his teeth at this fork:

As the commander, Lu Tianzheng was at a loss, and when he was still pondering the meaning of Wu Di's words, a majestic and domineering figure raised the spear in his hand, and rushed to the enemy's formation with a gorgeous posture of piercing the clouds with a single shot !

Prince!It was the prince who used the EQ Erlian and decisively picked the stone man and the blind monk who were standing in front of him into the air!
However, I haven't issued an order yet!In Lu Tian's heart, like ten thousand muddy horses whizzing by, just about to go crazy, another one-on-one champion who claims to be able to fight three at a time - the weapon master also raised the strange lamp-shaped weapon in his hand, and jumped onto the stone man and the blind monk. Among them, and turned on the stun skill!
Lu Tian was shocked.These two heroes who used to attack the opponent's back row didn't obey their command at all, and rushed over rashly?

Is this the [opportunity] that Wu Di mentioned?
Your sister's!I've played professionally for so many years and played thousands of games, is this situation an opportunity to strike?

But the matter has come to this point, the two teammates have entered the opponent's strike range first. If they retreat at this time, not only will the skills be wasted, but the blood of the prince and the weapon master will be sacrificed in vain.

The hesitant Lu Tian quickly shouted: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Ting was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that it wasn't his captain who spoke just now!It was the voice of Wu Di, who was already the number one opponent!
"Damn it! I've formed a habit of thinking! I thought it was the captain who was talking, reminding me that this is a chance to drop the opponent's front row in seconds!"

Liu Yu, the weapon master, also reacted instantly, and immediately added: "Yeah, I also thought it was your order! I saw that the prince went up, and I also went on the ground!"

Lu Tian's brain is full of black lines... This brother's two words are more useful than his own babbling words!

The situation is extremely urgent, and there is no room for further consideration.


Lu Tian yelled in the earphone:
"Clockwork! Big move! See the opportunity to drop one of them in the front row in seconds! Now the stone man only has one piece of burning armor, and the blind monk only has one eye stone and Dolan's sword. The blood volume is not much, and it can be done in seconds!"

Wu Shuang still had an indifferent expression on his face, after hearing Lu Tian's command, he shrugged and placed the magic ball in the middle between the stone man and the blind monk.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as the ultimate move was activated, the stone man and the blind monk were swept into the air again at the same time.

Yuna has sharp eyes and quick hands, and when she was knocked into the air, she immediately shouted decisively:

"EZ's big move! The barrel's big move blows the clockwork or the piano girl! Zyra's skills are all reserved, and wait for the runaway loli to appear!"

After hearing the words, the wine barrel immediately used the E skill to move to the front line with a big belly, and threw a huge wine barrel behind Clockwork and Qin Nu.

With a muffled bang, Wu Shuang's clockwork dodged the wine barrel's big move with a flash, but Lu Tian didn't hand over the flash in time, allowing himself to be blown to the forefront of the fierce battle!

At the very moment, Lu Tian also showed his hand speed. The moment he landed, after calculating the angle, he raised his hand and immobilized the stone man, the blind monk and the wine barrel together!
After the EZ ult was released, she shifted up and aimed at the fragile turbulent Qin and beat her hard. Lu Tian symbolically used the flash to linger for two seconds, and she became the first person to fall down. .

Compared with his own death, what makes Lu Tian more distressed is that Wu Di's runaway loli is still hiding in the grass and has not rushed to join the battle!

What a plane!

Brother, you are playing with me!I hung up, you still not come?

The number of grass mud horses in Lu Tian's heart has increased from ten thousand to one hundred thousand, and the group of horses roared in unison in his heart. If he was not worried about affecting Wu Di's mood and state, he would have cursed long ago.

The team battle started, and the scene became extremely hot.

After the stone man and the blind monk suffered a lot of damage from the brilliant team, their health dropped by more than half.Especially the blind monk, whose life value has reached a critical level at this time.

Kameda Er was known for his wretchedness, and when he saw that he was in danger, he quickly retreated with his W skill, leaving Yuna's stone man in place.

Yuna said angrily:

"What are you doing running back with your remaining blood? Flash kicked the clockwork back!"

Kameda Erpi said with a nonchalant smile: "There is still one person who hasn't appeared on the stage, so why did you hand in the big move so early?"

When Yuna heard this, she knew that although these guys were playing well and having a lot of fun, in fact, everyone was worried about the world's number one talent who hadn't appeared yet.

She sighed softly, and thought to herself that the style of play was out of sync.

But her hands didn't stop for a moment.The stone man who was also bloody did not back down!With one accurate big move, the prince and the weapon master all ascended to the sky to watch the scenery in the sky.

Most of the advantages of the Brilliant team came from Wu Di's bottom lane. The equipment of the weapon master and the prince did not occupy much advantage, so under the opponent's round of fierce attack, their health is not optimistic.

However, Wu Shuang, who had always been out of place in the previous game, was staying in a relatively safe position with full health at this time, and slammed on the wine barrel rushing to the front.Seeing that the situation is not good, the wine barrel immediately flashed away.

At this time, the blood volume of the stone man, the blind monk, the weapon master, the prince, and the wine barrel is less than [-]%.

In this flash, a shark head-shaped [Super Ultimate Reaper Missile] rushed over from the grass in the middle of the road with supreme power.

Its target is not the stone man with residual blood, not the blind monk who just used the displacement skill, nor the wine barrel who just handed in the flash, but the EZ who is still standing in an excellent position to unscrupulously output damage to his side!

EZ lost nearly a third of his HP!
Carter was frightened by Wu Di, and this sneak attack made him immediately surrender his displacement skills and retreat to his rear like a frightened bird.

At this time, the runaway loli who had been hiding in the grass for a long time finally came to the battlefield after a thousand calls!
As soon as he appeared in the enemy's field of vision, the opponent immediately realized the horror of a loli killer in full state and full health—this is... the rhythm of harvesting!
As soon as Zhang Ting saw the signs of his opponents retreating collectively, he, who had been hiding his courage for many years, disregarded his own safety, and made a domineering vertical jump on the spot, and started his own big move-heaven and earth!
The target of his big move is EZ who has just handed over his displacement skills!

Runaway Loli suddenly saw that the prince's big move was released just right, so she quickly posted it, and put down the [Fire Chewer Grenade] at the back of the middle lane, so as to limit the position where EZ flashes!
When Lu Tian saw that Wu Di finally appeared on the stage, he was also greatly relieved.

[It seems that he is not committing an old problem, but has been waiting for this opportunity to harvest.Hehe, I'm still too naive. With his level, he naturally knows better than anyone else when to attack.

What?You said runaway loli can't be harvested?I just want to say one thing to you - hehe! 】

Carter is not a rookie, and when he saw that his way was blocked, he subconsciously flashed to the left of his screen!
And when his good partner Pepe had been waiting for Wu Diduo, he decisively handed over his winding skills on the way to runaway Lolita, and used the seeds planted before to generate a flower of deceleration.Then, she took a step forward and handed over her big move within the range of Wu Di's possible breakthrough, and this big move also enclosed the prince and the weapon master within the effective range!
Let me see how you break through my plant circle and go after my teammates!
You came too late for this team battle!

The audience and Su Yiyi stared, only to realize that all of Wu Di's paths were blocked by Jiela's skills!
Ha, she didn't hand over the skill to Wu Di, but used it to restrict Wu Di's movement. Is it because he has been unable to hit Wu Di?

When everyone was slightly taken aback, a [Electromagnetic Wave] hit Zyra, who was a little complacent, out of the blue!
Electromagnetic wave deceleration takes effect!
Runaway Loli started a frantic pursuit of Zyra with a machine gun!

flash?Can you escape the pursuit of the runaway loli who already has two big pieces of equipment?

When Zyra was trying to escape back to the defense tower, Rampage Lolita unluckily hit two critical strikes with basic attacks and took her head!
At this point, the berserk harvesting status of the berserk loli is on!
Zyra fell down next to Rampage Lolita, and immediately activated her passive skill [Guilty Pleasure].In an instant, Lolita's movement speed increased dramatically, and in just one breath, she had bypassed Zyra's army of plants left in the field, and came not far from the blind monk who had been waiting for an opportunity!

After the baptism of skills in the early stage of the team battle, the blind monk is already at the end of his strength at this time. Except that he still has a big move left, he can't cause substantial damage to the runaway loli at all.

When Kameda Er watched the death-like figure approaching him with swift strides, he also hurriedly fled to the grass above.


A [Shocking Electromagnetic Wave] aimed at the chrysanthemum of the blind monk with blood, successfully causing massive damage to it, and making him struggle immediately - the deceleration took effect!
Runaway Loli took three steps and made two steps, strode to the blind monk's back, raised his gun and shot, and put the blind monk's head in his pocket!
Double kill!

Just when Lolita ran amok to kill the blind monk, the anemic prince was also killed by the wine barrel.And just when he was happily preparing to retreat upwards, a terrifying figure had already arrived in front of him like lightning!

Li Zairi scolded:
"SHIRT! If you want to die, you Japanese, stay away. If you die next to me, you will drag me into the water?"

[Guilty Pleasure] It was activated the moment the blind monk fell to the ground, and the runaway loli ran behind the wine barrel again with the super high moving speed obtained!
Although Wine Barrel was huge and had a lot of fat, his health was pitifully low at this time. Under the attack of Clockwork, his health was already below half.

When Clockwork saw that Wu Di had turned on Lolita's mad dog mode and was about to run to grab the head, he also stopped attacking the wine barrel, and was about to release his skills at the last moment in order to grab the head.

It's a pity that Wu Di, who is in the killing state, only has the opponent's hero's head in his eyes. After the berserk Lolita hit two basic attack skills, he suddenly stopped attacking, turned around and rushed to use the ignition to take away the weapon master's head, and There is only a trace of blood remaining, the stone man who is about to escape in the opposite direction!

At the same time Wu Shuang was stunned, the weapon of the runaway loli flashed golden light, and the machine gun mode switched to the rocket launcher mode!
Loli in rocket launcher mode not only has the ability to group damage, but also has one of the most important things for ADCs - range!
The stone man had just taken two steps, and before he could go far, a giant [fishbone] rocket fired from Loli's bazooka barrel, ready to hit the stone man who was about to escape.

The stone man fell, and the runaway loli got a triple kill!

[Guilty Pleasure] It takes effect for the third time!

When everyone thought that the ghost-like silhouette would step on the wine barrel that had slipped a long distance with the E skill, Wu Di once again left everyone speechless.

The runaway loli switched to the machine gun form again, and with a flash of her figure, she flashed towards the grass above?
What's this doing?
While everyone didn't know what was going on, Lolita ran away to the entrance of the opponent's blue BUFF wild area.The moment he stepped into the grass, he found a figure returning to the city——EZ!

It turned out that when Carter saw the runaway Lolita enter the field to harvest, he lost the will to fight again. Desperate, he withdrew from the field early and came to the grass to return to the city.

However, the runaway Loli found him by chance!

There are eyes here?

Carter didn't have time to think about it, he was shocked and used [Arcane Leap] against the wall!
As long as the effective range of the skill exceeds two-thirds of the wall thickness, EZ can pass the wall smoothly.

But at this juncture, his EZ hit the wall headfirst!

The crowd was in an uproar.

The famous European ADC actually made a mistake when passing through the wall?
Seeing this scene, Yuna of the KING team knew it well - Carter, the well-known ADC in the European e-sports circle, had his self-confidence completely destroyed by Wu Di in this game...

Four kills!Runaway loli got four kills!

Facing the EZ hitting the wall, of course Wu Di would not let go of such a harvesting opportunity, and with a few swishes, he took the life of EZ with a machine gun.

The audience erupted.

Almost at the same time that Wu Di got the quadruple kill, the same voice sounded on and off the field:
"Five kills! Five kills! We want five kills!"

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(End of this chapter)

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