Chapter 168 Trivia
The deafening shouts outside the stadium did not affect Wu Di in the slightest.After killing EZ and gaining the [Guilty Pleasure] passive acceleration effect for the fourth time, Runaway Lolita got out of the grass like a cool coupe, and rushed towards the big-bellied wine Bucket rushes!
Pentakill?At this time, Wu Di has no concept of pentakill at all, and he just keeps repeating the same sentence in his heart:

Head, I want a head!
This is the only thought in Wu Di's mind in the killing god state!

Li Zairi's wine barrel has already absconded into the vicinity of the Brilliant Team's red BUFF wild area by using the displacement effect of the E skill [Meat Bullet Impact].

At this time, seeing that Wu Di had obtained the terrifying data of quadruple kills, Wu Shuang was also unwilling to be lonely. He bypassed the gang of four wild monsters from the middle road and rushed directly to the wine barrel with low blood.

He wants to clean up the wine barrels before Wu Di!

Want to get a pentakill?Go dreaming!
On the way Clockwork rushed towards the wine barrel, Lolita Crazy used the acceleration effect to catch up with his footsteps, almost keeping pace with him.

Wu Shuang grinned, and let the clockwork move forward, forming a blocking position abruptly, squeezing the violent loli behind her.

Seeing this, Lu Tian immediately shouted:
"Don't do stupid things, the wine barrel won't be able to escape if you are alone!"

Lu Tian's kind reminder didn't help. The two Wu Di brothers didn't split up to outflank the wine barrel at all.
This top-notch step, which was originally used to limit the opponent's movement, appeared among the players of the same team at this time, which also made the audience puzzled and discussed.

In their impression, the protagonist who can often do such things that are not conducive to unity should be the world's number one genius who was invincible but capricious back then.However, the occurrence of this scene now seems to tell everyone that Wu Di's elder brother——Wu Shuang is even worse than his younger brother!

This is obviously an act of jealousy when he sees his younger brother is about to get the pentakill that destroys the opponent's confidence, and then actively interferes.

For a while, Wu Shuang, who had just established a patriotic and e-sports image in the hearts of fans, was scoffed at by supporters.

[Believe it or not, I have a hunch that these two brothers will definitely not be able to get together! 】

[Well, it makes sense.I thought Wu Di had changed, but his brother's urination seems to be even more hateful than he used to be. 】

【Hey, finally Wu Di came back, and his elder brother rose like a comet, let us see a bright future for the brilliant team, but... these two brothers must be at odds with each other.Tangled ah……】

[Hey, let's guess, after this challenge is over, Wu Di will get his name back and come back out of the arena, will the Brilliant team keep him or his brother? 】

[Aren't you talking nonsense, unless Chairman Tao's forehead is pinched, you must use the maximum salary to keep Wu Di!Just kidding, the first day in the world doesn’t stay, go and keep a newcomer, unless he doesn’t want to hang out in the e-sports circle...]

Fans like to gossip, but deep down, they still hope that the Brilliant team will continue to be brilliant.This is their home team, and it is also a veteran team that was half a step away from reaching the top of the world.Therefore, although they were joking, in fact, they hoped that the two brothers Wu Di could fight side by side, lead the brilliant team out of the trough, and reshape the name of the king.

However, the scene on the live broadcast made tens of thousands of fans shake their heads again in unison.

Wu Shuang's clockwork even used the W skill to accelerate himself, so as to ensure that he could continue to use the follow-up step in front of Wu Di's runaway loli!
Wu Di, who has entered the killing state, has no extra thoughts to take care of things other than the game.As soon as he saw that Clockwork would not hesitate to use his skills and limit his position, he immediately retreated and chased after him from another direction.

All the members of the Brilliant team were surprised to see that Wu Di had compromised instead of haggling with others like before.

But after about ten seconds, they realized that Wu Di retreated in the opposite direction. It was not a compromise, but he was like opening his eyes. He found and blocked it in the bushes at the Sanchakou on the road. It was only half a second away. The wine barrel that can successfully return to the city and escape the hunt!
After seeing this murderous figure, Li Zairi sighed helplessly, and then watched helplessly as the bloody wine barrel was shot to death by the runaway Lolita with a machine gun.

Runaway Lolita killed the wine barrel.

However, the word five kills did not appear.Because the time for the system to calculate the killing streak has quietly passed away.

When the fans sighed, they also pointed their finger at Clockwork, who had stopped Lori from running away before.

Wu Shuang didn't take it seriously, and there was still a cynical faint smile on his face——his goal had been achieved.

Moreover, he didn't pay attention to the fans' complaints and bombardment at all. He knew that once the challenge was over, he would become the well-deserved top card of the Brilliant team, while Wu Di would stubbornly leave the team...

Two 10 minutes later.

Carter and Pepe had completely lost confidence when the runaway Lolita staged a quadruple kill. In the next game, they made frequent mistakes; Lee Jae-il and Kameda Er were also targeted by Wu Di within 10 minutes. It was so painful that they would become the first target of the runaway Lolita every time in a team battle. After two team battles, the two of them actually fell to the bottom of their confidence just like the famous European bottom lane combination!

In the end, the only person in the KING team who was not affected by Wu Di's powerful and domineering style of play was [Queen of Cold Beauty] Yuna.One reason is that the character she controls is a relatively tough stone man, and the other reason is that Wu Di seems to be very proud of himself and has never shot against him.


The challenge ended, and in the end, this motley army composed of top foreign professional players lost both games, and their face was completely gone.And it was the two brothers of the Brilliant team that caused this scene.

In the first game, the two brothers Wu Di and Wu Shuang beat their opponents in line, and won the victory in a devastating manner.

In the second round, Wu Shuang suddenly stopped fighting for no reason, but Wu Di used a terrifying performance like killing a god, and by himself alone, the confidence of the four opponents lost without a trace!
In the second game, the Brilliant team only got 23 kills in total, and Wu Di alone won 90.00 kills and [-] kills, which means that [-]% of the team's kills were with Wu Di. related!
It was this unbelievable data that made everyone extremely excited and shouted Wu Di's name.

Through this challenge, they already knew clearly that this talented player who was once criticized has become stronger!
So far, World Number One has officially announced his return to the e-sports world with a stunning performance that cannot be desecrated, slandered, or underestimated!
Wu Di is still that invincible existence, even though his current strength has only recovered more than half...

Although the game is over, there are many tidbits to follow.

Trivia [-]: The two brothers and sister Xue Tianyue's eyes were swollen, their eyes were dull. They couldn't believe that the KING team they hired and formed was defeated without any power to fight back.

Especially Wu Di's god-killing mode in the second match made these two wealthy boys who were amateur players dumbfounded.

Xue Xingyun called angrily and scolded Xue Tianyue bloody.It's not terrible to lose a few hundred million, but the terrible thing is that Xue Xingyun was so disappointed in Xue Tianyue that he canceled all his current positions in the group company over the phone, and decided to send him abroad to study for a year!
Trivia [-]: Stephen saw Wu Di's strangeness in the second game, and also realized that Wu Di might have used some special means to enter that mysterious and wonderful state, so he weighed it over and over again and reported it to the organization. Details of the competition.After a while, the organization issued an order: Wu Di cannot be allowed to stay in the Brilliant Club, and Wu Di cannot be allowed to continue to recover!
Trivia [-]: The League of Legends National General Organizing Committee organized a press conference, cordially invited Wu Di to participate, and briefly told the media about the future plans.

Tidbit [-]: The "Putting Groups" of the world's major clubs have drawn out blank checks one after another, and are closely watching Wu Di's every move.They are waiting eagerly, waiting for Wu Di to make an appointment and give them the treatment and remuneration within their ability when Wu Di is free.

What is Wu Di to them?Be the world champion!It's a cash cow!It is a huge influence of billions or even more than tens of billions!
When the major clubs and e-sports media reporters were stuck in the temporary rest room of the Brilliant team, Tao Zheng had already called everyone away, and sat face to face with Wu Di alone.

The weather-beaten e-sports investor helped his valuable gold-rimmed glasses and sighed:
"Wu Di, the reason why I want to talk to you alone, I should be able to detect my current thoughts based on your current experience."

With the help of Chen Linlin, Wu Di, who was relieved of the God-killing state, had recovered his calm at this time.When he saw Tao Zheng's seemingly sincere eyes, he felt relieved.

"Heh! Chairman Tao wants me to stay in Team Brilliant."

Tao Zheng replied decisively: "That's right! Whatever conditions you want, just ask! In addition, I can see that you and your brother are not on good terms. I can tear up the contract with him for you, even if the club I will pay some liquidated damages for this!"

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said:
"No need, I don't need to bother you about the matter between me and that Wu Shuang. As for my plan, I have already discussed it clearly with you before, so it should be clear. Why did Chairman Tao suddenly change his mind? ? Could it be that because of my amazing performance, you have seen that there is still enough residual value in me that has not been tapped?"

Tao Zheng took a deep breath and said with a smile:
"Now you are much more mature than before. I just opened the window to say the truth, as long as you can stay, I can make any promise for you! You see, this is my sincerity."

After speaking, Tao Zheng took out a check from his pocket and handed it to Wu Di.

Wu Di took a closer look, the number on the check was not 3000 million, but [-] million!

Wu Di laughed, and said, "Ha, Chairman Tao said that the club's finances are tight. It's only a day's work, how come it's [-] million?"

Tao Zhengying said: "I'm not going to hide it from you, [-] million out of the [-] million is my personal property, but I bet [-] million on the black market to bet on us to win, so the club is still making neither profit nor loss." , I just subsidized [-] million privately to repay the club owes you."

At this time, Tao Zheng had a plan in mind.He is using practical actions to show Wu Di that the Brilliant Club is not impersonal, on the contrary, it is full of humanity!He would rather pay out of his own pocket to make up for the club's debt to Wu Di!'s too late.

Wu Di just took a closer look at the check, and then gently placed it on the table.

"What do you mean?" Tao Zheng was taken aback.

"It's not interesting. You also know that I am a stubborn person. I will never regret what I have decided, and I will never go back on it. Since I have decided to leave the Brilliant team completely, then I will definitely do so.

Chairman Tao, thank you very much for making such a move. I also understand that you want me to stay in the team.Although it is out of interest, you have also shown enough sincerity and humanity. "

Tao Zheng was puzzled and said, "Since that's the case, why are you still so determined?"

"Sorrow, nothing is worse than death. When you refused me to take even one-tenth of the reward I deserved, my heart for the Brilliant team was already dead." Wu Di said lightly.

"Is there no turning point?"


Tao Zheng exhaled again. He knew that from this moment on, the Brilliant Club and Wu Di completely cut off all possibilities.

Tao Zheng, who was in a weird mood, stood up slowly, turned around and walked towards the door. Before the door opened, he asked in a low voice:
"Can I make one last request?"

Wu Di responded, "Please tell me."

"I hope you don't join any team in the China Super League! I'd rather you go abroad than see you become our brilliant opponent!"

Wu Di looked at the ceiling thoughtfully, and said softly:
"Don't worry, I will not join any team in the Super League, nor will I join a foreign team. As for whether we will become rivals... I can't guarantee it."

Tao Zheng was slightly angry, turned around and asked, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"I have my ideal, I have my way, and for that ideal that seems like a dream, I will not rely on others. To tell you the truth, I have formed a team by myself, and I will soon be able to score Second Division."

After hearing these words, the anger on Tao Zheng's face immediately disappeared, replaced by a look of contempt.

"Haha. Well, as an old friend, I'm here to wish you all your wishes come true! Starting from an amateur team, this spirit is worth encouraging! I'm in the Super League, waiting for the moment when you reappear!"

Wu Di smiled lightly and said, "Well, thanks to your good words, I think this moment should come soon."

Tao Zheng's face darkened, and he suddenly shouted:

"Wu Di! Do you really think that by forming a random grassroots team, you can return to the Super League step by step?

Daydreaming!You are just a reckless young man, and your so-called dream is just an illusion in the mirror!How stupid you are to start from scratch for a ludicrous dream instead of a brilliant ready-made opportunity! "

Tao Zheng originally thought that the young boy could reconsider his decision by using the aggressive method, but what surprised him was that Wu Di just smiled lightly in the face of his harsh words, without too many emotional fluctuations .

"Thank you, Chairman Tao, for your reminder. I never regret that sentence! In addition, you don't have to worry about me talking nonsense at the press conference to slander the image of the club you have worked so hard to manage."

Tao Zheng has been standing at the door, lingering, his purpose is to find an excuse for Wu Di not to talk nonsense in front of the media.

After hearing Wu Di's promise, he let go of the last big stone in his heart, quietly opened the door and walked out.

At this moment, recruiting teams from major clubs poured in like a tide.

They chattered about the price they were willing to offer, and the noisy situation was interrupted by Wu Di's violent wave of his hand.

"Guys, I know why you're here. I'm going to the press conference now, where you'll hear my decision."

After speaking, Wu Di, escorted by two bodyguards, went straight to the site of the press conference—the temporarily rebuilt rostrum in the center of the black market pavilion.

As soon as he stepped into the venue, countless flashing lights began to light up frequently.However, Wu Di has been wearing a wide peaked cap, so that these photos do not capture Wu Di's current appearance.

The organizing committee quieted down the scene, then invited Wu Di to the speaking platform, and then signaled the reporters to ask questions one by one.

"Wu Di, are you really ready to come back?"


"Has your body fully recovered, or are you still ill as rumored?"

"My body has not fully recovered, and my LOL strength has only recovered a little more than half, maybe [-]%."

"Would you please take off your hat and let us see what you look like?"

Wu Di pursed his lips and smiled, and refused: "This is not acceptable. Let's talk about it when I fully recover."

"Then I would like to ask player Wu Di, will you still stay in the Brilliant team?"

After this sharp and sensitive question was thrown out, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

This is the most critical question... If Wu Di doesn't stay, then other clubs will have an excellent opportunity to poach talent!

Unexpectedly, Wu Di's answer exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Oh, I won't stay in the Brilliant Team anymore."

"Then, do you already have the intention of going home now?"

"I'm not going to any club again either."

"What do you mean?" All the reporters asked in unison.

"I will form a team by myself, from the amateur game to the Super League. So, I will not join any team."

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(End of this chapter)

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