The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 169 Am I Good at Fighting?

Chapter 169 Am I Good at Fighting?

The crowd was in an uproar.

Did the world's first genius just get his forehead pinched, or his amnesia hasn't fully healed yet?Give up invitations from dozens of top clubs at home and abroad, but start a grassroots team from scratch?

They, like Tao Zheng, thought it was Wu Di's whimsical and childish behavior.

With impure intentions, some reporters continued to ask:
"Then I would like to ask player Wu Di, how much time do you plan to spend to get your team into the Super League?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure."

"Then do you think your decision is an impulsive decision?"


Although the organizing committee was surprised by Wu Di's answer, but after seeing that there was a faint sign of attacking Wu Di, they hurried out to smooth things over and asked the reporters on the scene not to conduct violent questions.

After some haggling, the reporters were ordered to ask only the last three questions.

"Wu Di, can you tell me about your brother, Wu Shuang, what kind of player is he? By the way, I would like to ask you, after you leave, will the Brilliant Club go all out to build Wu Shuang?"

"No comment."

"We ask fans a personal question, do you have a girlfriend now?"

"used to have."

"The last question, you said that you would leave the Brilliant Team for your dream. Then, what is your dream?"

"I want to build a fair and transparent e-sports kingdom!"

As soon as these words came out, all the e-sports reporters and the recruiting teams of the major clubs widened their eyes and fell into extreme shock.

This kid... was caught in the door!

A young man under the age of 20 who has disappeared from the e-sports circle for more than a year, in the face of a press conference whose size is second only to the All-Star press conference of the Super League, said that he wants to build an e-sports kingdom The ridiculous remarks made by you are really a fantasy.

The reporters suddenly became interested, and began to ask about Wu Di's plan regardless of the organizing committee's dissuasion, but Wu Di got up quietly and left the black market pavilion.

The protagonist left the scene, and the press conference came to an abrupt end.However, this did not stop these e-sports reporters from continuing to gossip and gossip. They followed Wu Di to the outside of the venue.

However, at this time, the fans had already enthusiastically blocked the gate of the venue, trying to get a glimpse of the idol's demeanor.

Countless fans squeezed me, I pushed you, so that those reporters were squeezed in the periphery, and they could no longer get close to Wu Di.

The two bodyguards tried their best to prevent the crowd of fans around them. Standing between them, Wu Di waved to all the fans, and then walked towards the outside of the court non-stop.

at this time.

Some fanatical fans rushed in front of Wu Di recklessly, trying to surround him at close range, and when they took the opportunity to lift off his obstructive peaked cap, a large group of blond and strong bodyguards appeared in front of Wu Di. Those who do good things are blocked one by one.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful and slender figure appeared in the eyes of all fans.

Yuna!The glamorous queen Yuna!
The fans shouted, screamed, and yelled, a beautiful professional player is a favorite everywhere, even if this blonde beauty just stood on the opposite side of all Huaxia fans.

Yuna waved to the fans politely, then came to Wu Di and whispered:
"You have officially announced that you have left the Brilliant Team, so you are too embarrassed to take their special car now.

Come with me, I have something to tell you. "

Wu Di thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

So, these two top e-sports players, who looked like a talented woman, a handsome husband, and a married couple, left the scene in a hurry under the escort of bodyguards and boarded a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

After the two got into the car, the commercial vehicle roared away, and soon disappeared in front of the public.

Yuna got straight to the point and suggested directly:
"Do you really want to form a team yourself?"


"Then I want to buy shares." Yuna blinked her eyes, full of flair.


"Damn! You don't want to give you money, but you still refuse to be seduced by beauty. I want to join a gang, but I can't do it?"

"Not really. I have my own plans."

Yuna pouted, and the image of the queen disappeared.

"If you want to start all over again, you will definitely need a lot of money! Venues, advertisements and other hardware and software facilities all need a lot of investment. If you have money, your family will not be so poor that you will sell your house in Quancheng and move. Right. I know that the old fox of the Brilliant Club used a shady method to defile most of your income without permission!"

Wu Di raised the brim of his hat, squinted his eyes and looked at Yuna meaningfully.

"You investigate me?"

Yuna continued to laugh in half-baked Chinese:

"Oh, they care about you, not against you. Continue to the topic, I will inject 3000 million US dollars into you! Let your team develop in a short period of time!"

Wu Di laughed, laughing so much that Yuna felt a chill down her spine.

"Didn't I make it clear to you before? I won't let you inject capital. I have my own plan."

"What a stubborn person! Forget it, I won't argue with you. For the sake of our friendship surpassing pure friendship, can you tell me, do you have money?"

Yuna is still thinking about Wu Di.She still fantasizes that if Wu Di's financial situation is not good, she and the Seton Group behind her may still attract Wu Di, a man who will definitely return to the top of e-sports again, especially when she sees Wu Di's performance in the second game. The frightening strength shown in the game-that is a new style of play that can make people creepy through the screen!With this new style of play, Wu Di must be stronger than before!
Yuna firmly believed in her own deduction, so she did all these special things so that she and Wu Di could talk about cooperation face to face again.Whether or not Wu Di can be recruited into the team is irrelevant, the important thing now is to build a good relationship with him!Even let his own side become his major shareholder so that he can make bigger plans in the future.

The calculation in Yuna's heart was very loud, but Wu Di looked at her deeply again, and said with a broken smile:

"Heh! When did you and I have a friendship beyond friendship? Besides, I have money. Just after finishing the challenge, Tao Zheng paid me 3000 million as a reward."

"3000 million? RMB? You're kidding again. 3000 million RMB can't even buy the ceiling of a fancy venue, so let me help you." Yuna smiled.

Wu Di waved his hand, a little impatient.

"Stop talking. I won't accept anyone's investment. That's it. Put me down at the intersection ahead. I have something to do and I have to go."

"Don't go!"

At this time, Yuna jumped up from the seat in front of Wu Di, a hungry tiger rushed towards Wu Di suddenly!

This bold and wild move made Wu Di stunned.

With a pounce, Yuna's sexy and hot body pressed tightly against Wu Di's body, and she gently lifted Wu Di's peaked cap with pear blossoms in her eyes, and carefully examined her appearance, which has greatly changed from the previous few years. Different Wu Di.

"What are you doing?" Wu Di hurriedly moved aside while pushing Yuna.This blonde girl is too bold and unrestrained, and the city is quite deep, Wu Di is afraid that she will accidentally fall into her trap.

Unexpectedly, although Yuna let Wu Di slip away from under her body, she still held his arm tightly, and put her head on Wu Di's right shoulder with a look of being a little bird.

"I'm worried about you, I'm really worried about you... You can't provoke that organization alone, so let me help you. For my father's career, I've done my best. Now, it's me who In my own name, I really want to help you."

Yuna raised her eyes and looked at everything outside the car window, her voice was like a mosquito, and there was already a bit of sadness in her tone.

Wu Di frowned, and didn't care about the behavior of the blonde beauty, but asked:
"To be honest, I didn't care much about you back then, right? When I met you, I was at most sixteen or seventeen years old. At that time, I was arrogant and arrogant, and I didn't take anyone seriously. At that time, I didn't Do what I'm sorry for."

Yuna turned her head and smiled mischievously, "When I was learning Chinese, I learned a sentence called [Don't fight, don't know each other]. You and I are a super friendship made by [typing]?"

The super friendship that came out?
Wu Di was confused, quite confused.When he and Yuna first met yesterday, he did experience her boxing strength, which is as fast as a rabbit and lightning, but... Nima, I am a master of the League of Legends, and I don’t seem to be proficient in anything else!

Can I strike a friendship with this girl?Wu Di shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly - he thought Yuna was making fun of him again.

However, when Yuna saw Wu Di's puzzled and self-deprecating smile, she opened her mouth wide in surprise, and couldn't help asking:

" don't forget that you can fight well, do you?"

This time, it was Wu Di's turn to be completely speechless.Ever since he recovered his memories of League of Legends, he hadn't thought of anything else at all.After hearing Yuna's serious question, he also asked back:
"Am I good at fighting? Like you?"

As soon as the words came out, Wu Di himself felt very ridiculous.If she could fight, the previous Xia Ninghan had already told herself.

But Yuna kept nodding her head and said solemnly:
"Yeah! You're very good! You beat me down back then, and you rode on me and said, one day, as long as I can beat you in an official game of League of Legends, or beat you in reality Get down, and you will volunteer to be my servant for a year!
Oh, you have amnesia, you should not be able to remember these things, right? "

Wu Di was completely shocked.Could it be... Xia Ninghan has been hiding something from me?

Is he really good at fighting?Can you beat down this blond beauty who seems to be even more feminine than a woman?Heaven, earth, what magical skill I have learned, let me recover my memory quickly.

Seeing Wu Di's obviously shocked expression, Yuna continued to explain:
"You and I are bound to each other. When you went to a foreign competition and saw my cold appearance, you slandered me, saying that I pretended to be such a glamorous image on purpose. Of course I was angry instantly... In a rage, I took the initiative to attack you... You know, my fighting strength is very good, but I didn't expect you to be stronger than me. After a few rounds, you beat me to the ground.

I am the heir of the Sidon Group!When did you suffer such insults, and you finally rode on my waist and told me what you just said.

They went back and cried all night. "

As she spoke, Yuna's face flushed red, revealing the shy look of a girl next door that is rare to see.

But Wu Di heard one head and two big, such sensitive words as "riding on my waist" made him extremely embarrassed.

After the two looked at each other, they both laughed heartily, and the atmosphere suddenly eased.

At the end, Wu Di suddenly put away his smile and said solemnly:

"You said I can fight, I can fight very well, are you sure it's true?"

"Of course it's true. At that time, you were very ruthless in your moves. You didn't know how to sympathize with others."

Wu Di was silent.He closed his eyes and began to think about something in his mind.

a long time.

He opened his eyes, stared at Yuna like a torch, and begged:

"Yuna, can you... teach me how to fight?"

Yuna is so smart, she naturally guessed what Wu Di was thinking, and then she thought about it, nodded and said:
"Yes, but I have a condition. I will follow you for a few days, day and night."

During the conversation, Yuna's queen style was fully exposed again.

She raised her head with an irresistible majesty in her tone.

After weighing it over and over again, Wu Di agreed to Yuna's proposal.However, he also mentioned that he will only stay in Quancheng for another week or so, and after this week, he will leave Quancheng...

that night.

The major e-sports media rushed to report on what Wu Di said at the press conference, so that Huaxia fans were extremely divided into two factions.

Of course, the supporters will continue to support any decision of Wu Di as before, while the opponents scoff at Wu Di's so-called fair and transparent e-sports kingdom and dismiss them.

The two sides also launched a war of words on the Internet, and the battle was indescribable.

And the protagonist Wu Di, who is in the center of public opinion, is already in Yuna's room at the Dynasty Hotel, ready to receive Yuna's fighting training.

Wu Di was dressed in bunt attire, showing his rather muscular figure, and stood energetically in the center of the room, waiting for the arrival of the cool queen's training.

After a while, Yuna appeared in front of Wu Di wearing a tight sleeveless pure black vest and a pair of tight elastic boxer shorts that exposed white thighs.

Seeing this outfit suddenly, Wu Di also felt a rush of blood rushing to his brain.

"This...can you wear some more and come teach me how to fight again?"

Yuna chuckled and said, "How can it be? When fighting, of course, the less restraints the better. Hurry up and stop talking nonsense."

As soon as the words fell, Yuna rushed straight towards Wu Di's face with a powerful straight right fist, and stopped in front of Wu Di's eyes after half a breath.

"This is a straight right punch, simple and rough, you men should like to use it."

Then, Yuna withdrew her right fist again, and with a flick of her arm, her right fist suddenly struck from below Wu Di's field of vision.

"This is a right uppercut. It hits the opponent's chin directly. It is more lethal. Use it with caution."

Afterwards, Yuna demonstrated a set of entry-level boxing techniques in front of Wu Di, which made Wu Di amazed.

Every punch of Yuna carries strong wind, if her fist lands on a human body, it will definitely deal a heavy blow to it.Thinking of this, Wu Di was also in a cold sweat, secretly thinking that it was fortunate that he didn't offend the blonde queen.

After Yuna finished a set of combined punches, her breathing was as normal as before, which made Wu Di amazed.

Ever since, he was full of interest and punched a few times, although his posture and momentum were not as breathtaking as Yuna's, but every time he punched, there was something in his mind overflowing desperately, waving After dozens of times, Wu Di froze in place.Some memory fragments began to appear clearly in Wu Di's mind!
[Wu Di, this is a straight punch with a straight back, which is very powerful, unless it is a critical moment, remember not to use it casually!The body of an ordinary person simply cannot withstand a straight punch from the back. 】

[Wu Di, this is Inch Strength!Produce maximum power with minimum displacement.This is how it behaves. 】

【Wu Di, this is a gossip step!Eighty-eight, 64 kinds of advance and retreat steps are contained in it, you should hurry up and practice! 】

In his mind, the voice that kept explaining to him impatiently made Wu Di dumbfounded.The owner of this voice - is his father Wu Tianhao!
My father taught me boxing?Moreover, is it still such a powerful boxing technique?

Wu Di couldn't calm down for a long time.He clenched his fists and thought to himself: Good!I thought I was just a useless guy with no power to restrain a chicken. It turned out that the old man had taught me these fighting skills a long time ago!
But, why did Xia Ninghan hide this fact from me after I recovered my memory?
Wu Di racked his brains and couldn't figure it out. Could it be...she had some kind of invisible purpose for me from the very beginning?

do not care!At least, I now have enough self-protection ability!
Wait, I have to test it...

After a while, he still turned his head to Yuna in disbelief and asked:

"I was really able to fight before? Are you sure you remember correctly?"

Yuna nodded and said seriously: "Your fighting skills are better than mine. Now you feel that you can't fight, and you can't fight. Naturally, you are affected by amnesia."

Wu Di closed his eyes and looked for the feeling, and immediately suggested:
"Yuna, bring me something. I'll see how powerful it can be with one punch."

After a while, Yuna rummaged around in the room and found a thin wooden board.

"Come on, try it. I'll hold it for you."

After finishing speaking, Yuna raised the wooden board, signaling Wu Di to start.

Wu Di nodded, and after taking a deep breath, according to the memory of [Tongbei Zhiquan] that appeared in his mind before, he posed with his right arm raised and his right palm facing the wooden board.Then, he suddenly burst out with a breathtaking aura, his feet moved forward alternately, and he turned his palms into fists, blasting towards the wooden board.

The board broke in two, and Wu Di was stunned—this is a straight punch?

Yuna on the side was already speechless in surprise.

This really good at fighting!
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(End of this chapter)

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