Chapter 170
"What are you going to do this week? Are you going to make money?"

Yuna looked at Wu Di who was waving his fists with relish, like a three-year-old child practicing [Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms] on a stake, and couldn't help but blurt out and ask.

She has always been curious about where this number one genius in the world, who has not been seen for several years, got the confidence to form a team from scratch.

Money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.

After this kid was scammed by his own club, although he got one-tenth of the salary, it was just a drop in the bucket. Such a figure could not even meet the expenses of a top team for a season.

So, while Wu Di was intoxicated with the excitement of regaining his fighting memory, she deliberately asked her confusion.

"Hey!" Wu Di withdrew his fist, stopped suddenly, and his face returned to calm.It's just his weird smile that made Deyuna a little confused.

"I'm really going to spend a week making some money. Will you come with me?"

Yuna was taken aback, puzzled and said:
"Make money with you? Can I help you make money? You might as well just let me invest in your team."

"NONONO, if you don't want to make money with me, forget it."

Yuna is not sure about Wu Di's details, but she is very curious.

"Oh, I'll do it with you? But what are you going to do?"

Wu Di sighed with a black line all over his head:

"Who did you learn this character from? The Chinese character is very easy to associate with Pianpian, you should use it with caution. If you are not careful, you almost got me in. I am looking for money. , not to make money!"

Yuna is not an expert in Huaxia, but I have heard people say that the word "engagement" already implies a lot of hidden meanings, and it should not be used indiscriminately in many situations.She rolled her eyes and said with a sneer:
"Haha, making money and looking for money mean the same thing. I know the meaning of the word making money, and it can't be used on people! For example, you can't say [I fuck you], otherwise, in the United States, I can sue you , Said you harassed me!"

Wu Di was sweating all over his head, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Let me tell you the truth, the way I find money is also very simple-underground competition in the black market. I'm going to make a fortune!"

As the unique e-sports black market in China's e-sports circle, Yuna has heard of it for a long time.Hearing that Wu Di actually wanted to find money there, he became even more excited and asked excitedly:
"Okay, okay! I'll be with you. I heard that there are three competition systems: singles, doubles, and five-person teams. Let's go to the doubles. With our strength, we can easily sweep the underground competition. "

Wu Di chuckled, shook his head, and revealed his plan.

"Underground competition, there is an unwritten rule in the Huaxia e-sports circle. That is, players ranked in the top [-] at the end of the year cannot participate. So if we compete there, we will not encounter too much resistance. But, we I can't get much money to play a double match, I already have a plan in my mind, but I just lack a partner who has great acting skills and a great reputation."

Upon hearing this, Yuna quickly patted her plump breasts and said, "I, I am famous for my excellent acting skills, and I am your most loyal partner."

Wu Di didn't dare to look at the sexy Yuna anymore, turned his gaze to one side, and continued:

"Okay, the plan is actually very simple. The two of us go to the doubles match, and the most we can do is to earn some dividends and appearance fees. The money is too little. I want a big ticket! The black market is an important news of the Xue family. Competing industry...

Oh, by the way, it suddenly occurred to me that you have a good relationship with the Xue family, forget it, I'd better find someone else. "

Yuna was in a hurry, she pretended to be about to cry, and said:
"Don't, I told you. Now I am helping you from a completely personal standpoint. The life and death of the Xue family has nothing to do with me personally! Why do you want me to participate? The idea you had before was very vicious and very It's interesting, now you must come up with a more perfect idea!"

Wu Di couldn't hold back Yuna, so he revealed the whole plan under her persuasion.

"The Xue family has plotted against my brother in every possible way. Before the challenge, I have been planning this matter. My method is very simple. First, let my partner appear in the underground arena of the black market with his pipa half-hidden. Then I won the trust of all gamblers step by step with my extraordinary strength, and then, at this time, I turned out to challenge my partners in a vest.

Because of the prestige and strength of my partner, his handicap will definitely be set as normal, and my vest handicap will definitely be set as high odds.

In the end, I invested a large amount of money in myself. After winning over my partner, not only will I make a lot of money, but I will also make the Xue family bleed again! "

After hearing Wu Di's plan, Yuna suddenly worried:
"Didn't you just say that China's top professional players are not allowed to participate in the underground competition? Then if your participation is discovered, your reputation will be ruined..."

Wu Di chuckled and said casually:
"What are you afraid of? First, I will not let others find out the fact that I am participating. Second, even if I am found out, I have nothing to fear. I am no longer a professional player, and that unwritten rule is useless to me ha."

Yuna snorted and laughed.

"Ha! I didn't expect to see you for so long. You are still the same as before. You have a lot of ghost ideas! In your Huaxia words, does your behavior belong to pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? And you ate it clean." , leaving no residue."

"No, no, I wanted to leave directly, but the Xue family is too bullying, you don't know how they deal with my brother. In order to get this justice, I will naturally let the Xue family bleed again." Wu Diyan said Suddenly, a fierce force was inadvertently exuded.

Yuna smiled secretly, and sighed: "Do you know why we are so compatible? Because...we are very similar in many ways."

In the next week, in the world-famous black market of underground competitions in Quancheng, a single player who had won every battle appeared.Her birth out of nowhere immediately attracted the attention of the children of the aristocratic family who were keen to gamble here.Moreover, under the intentional or unintentional disclosure of the black market organizing committee, everyone knew an amazing fact-it turns out that this guy is not a newcomer who just appeared out of thin air, but the glamorous queen You Na's trumpet!
After the failure of the challenge, the Glamorous Queen didn't go straight back home like her teammates did, but happily played the single player match in the underground competition, and in just a few days, firmly occupied the Ranked No.1 in the leaderboard, unshakable!

Her appearance naturally attracted countless Chinese e-sports newcomers and lesser-known professional players.China's top players are bound by the unwritten agreement, so naturally they cannot participate in the underground competition, but they are foreign players after all, so they are not within the scope of this restriction.

Therefore, every night, as long as Yuna is online, there are hundreds of challengers waiting to fight her.

The black market organizing committee certainly hoped to see such a scene, because Yuna not only brought huge popularity to the black market, but also allowed the black market to make a steady profit in the past few days.Even, in order to make the game full of suspense, the organizing committee no longer set up handicap based on the relationship between victory and defeat, but used the time spent in the game as the basis for the handicap.

According to the time when Yuna played against the opponent, the black market offered the following three markets.

The first handicap is from 15 minutes to [-] minutes. As long as Yuna can't solve the opponent within this time period, the bettors of this handicap will lose their bets after the game ends;
The second handicap is from 15 minutes to 10 minutes. As long as Yuna defeats the opponent during this period, those who bet on this handicap can get a corresponding proportion of bets;

The third handicap is more than 10 minutes. As the name suggests, as long as Yuna needs to spend more than 10 minutes to defeat the opponent, then the gamblers who bet on this handicap will be considered as winners.

Of course, there is another situation where Yuna will defeat the opponent before twelve minutes. Once this happens, the betting amount of all three markets will automatically belong to the black market.And this kind of situation naturally happens from time to time, and this is also the biggest source of income for the black market to make money without losing money.

The appearance of Yuna and the ever-increasing number of challengers made the black market sweep away the sluggishness during the challenge, and after just one week, it regained its previous popularity.

Her appearance also made Huaxia fans love and hate.What they love is that they can see this glamorous and noble queen in person; what they hate is that this blonde beauty completely treats the domestic players participating in the underground competition as the object of teasing, and the players who play against her, even Very few people can survive 15 minutes!

Finally, under the advocacy of a network pusher, a unified voice appeared on the Huaxia e-sports network: Defeat Yuna, defend Huaxia e-sports!
After Yuna had been calling the shots in the underground competition for six days, an unremarkable trumpet was quickly registered on the official black market server of the underground competition.

Wu Di couldn't help laughing as he looked at the vest number he had registered - Defeat the Tsundere Girl.

This name is the product of Yuna Qian's exhortation.Her reason is also very simple, that is, when she sees this name, she knows that this is her vest, so that she can recognize herself among hundreds of challengers at a glance and accept the challenge application.

Night of the seventh day.

Spring City in the deep winter is chilly, especially after nightfall, the whole city can feel the biting cold.

In stark contrast to this gloomy night, the black market in the underground competition is still a scene of prosperity. The black market venues have been full in the past few days, and the popularity is high, which can be seen.

Yuna sat in the secret private room deliberately arranged by Xue's family, waiting for the start of the underground singles competition.

After a while, after the underground competition started, hundreds of people immediately applied for a challenge to Yuna in the singles competition, but after she held back in a hurry, she found a group of challengers named [Defeat the Tsundere Girl] ] ID.

Yuna smiled, and accepted the ID challenge with a tacit understanding!
After a while, the organizing committee opened the market. They didn't pay any attention to this newly registered rookie ID. They just thought it was another down-and-out professional player who was trying to find a sense of presence in the cool queen. one.


Obviously, no one thought that this newcomer could withstand Queen Yuna's strong attack for more than 15 minutes.

Wu Di saw the odds in his room at the Dynasty Hotel.

"It's only 1:8, I threw 3000 million in, and in the end I could only earn more than 2 million... According to the data provided by senior Ye Wuhen, the team site selection, venue construction, and various basic hardware facilities add up, and it takes at least five years to complete the initial stage. [-] million, this is obviously far from enough... No matter how much it is, let's make [-] million first!"

After making up his mind, Wu Di quickly logged into another betting account, and bet 3000 million in this single match between himself and Yuna!
The betting time passed by in a flash. When the black market organizing committee checked the betting list and amount, they found that an anonymous account had suppressed 3000 million yuan, and the bet he bet was exactly 10 minutes or more that no one cared about. Handicap.

The staff laughed unscrupulously, brighter than flowers.

Which kind of rich and stupid financial backer is here to try his luck?Yuna II defeated the opponent in more than 10 minutes?This possibility is even smaller than the probability of winning the lottery jackpot.

Sao Nian, we appreciate you!

When the final betting amount was displayed on the big screen, the children of the rich and powerful who came to the black market pavilion also saw the outstanding and unique betting amount of 3000 million.

These young and old laughed one by one, lamenting that the bettor must have just been caught by the door, and many of them bet on the time period of 15 minutes to [-] minutes.After all, it is unrealistic to beat an opponent in twelve minutes in a heads-up match.

So, after everyone stared at the screen in the mood of watching a joke, ready to appreciate Queen Yuna's stunning performance, the competition officially started quietly.

After 10 minute has passed...

Um?Yuna actually got into an inseparable fight with that rookie?what's the situation?This time the rookie is a bit stronger.

After 15 minute has passed...

Nima!This is a hunk!It's been 15 minutes of fighting head-to-head with Queen Yuna, and there is no sign of defeat?Hey, I should bet on the next line.

Two 10 minutes later...

What? !Queen Yuna hasn't defeated her opponent yet?Didn't even knock down the first tower in the middle?Didn't Queen Yuna wake up today?
Three 10 minutes later...

Wu Di and Yuna are still fighting vigorously in the middle lane, very lively.Laymen think that this rookie is of a very high level, able to fight Queen Yuna for three to 10 minutes without losing the wind; but some experts have seen the way—although the two of them fought extremely hotly, come on. Let me go, the fight was extremely fierce, but...the two seemed to have a tacit understanding that whenever they were about to produce a head, they would deliberately make a mistake, and then let the opponent successfully escape back to the tower.

When the organizing committee saw this scene, they were already dumbfounded in surprise.They are only responsible for the operation of the black market and are not familiar with the game League of Legends.Seeing that the two of them continued to fight, they would probably fight forever, so they also interrupted the match and announced that the game between the two was a draw!

According to the handicap opened according to the game time, there is indeed no need to continue.The black market staff looked at me and I looked at you, puzzled but helpless, and put the astronomical figure of 4000 million into the account of the only big winner of this challenge.

But... a draw?
The bold gamblers were excited to watch, but the competition was forcibly interrupted by the organizing committee?
Although such a move is in line with the rules, what the black market organizing committee did is also reasonable.But these guys are all benefactors who like to watch the excitement, and such a scene naturally makes them very upset.

So, they immediately exploded the customer service hotline of the black market, strongly urging the two to fight again!And this round must be decided!And the handicap is no longer based on the time of the game, but directly uses the relationship between the winner and the loser to determine the odds!
On weekdays, Xue Tianyue, who is the person in charge of the black market, has already been sent abroad by his furious father to study abroad. Therefore, the temporary top decision-maker of the black market has been replaced by his younger sister—Xue Tianqing.

Xue Tianqing was right next to the black market organizing committee, so she naturally knew everything about it.

She is not deeply involved in the world, never thought that this is a big set by Wu Di for Xue's family, she just thinks that in order to maintain the reputation of the black market and take care of the mood of customers, it is necessary for Miss Yuna to have another reunion with this mysterious newcomer. Let's fight!
She called Yuna herself and carefully consulted Yuna's opinion.As a result, Yuna agreed to the proposal very cooperatively, and her tone was even more belligerent.

Therefore, Xue Tianqing, who was kept in the dark, asked the black market organizing committee to organize another single match, and the two opponents were Wu Di and Yuna.

Xue Tianqing, who was in contact with the black market decision-making for the first time, did not dare to take too much action, but set the odds for both of them as regular odds, which is 1:1. In this way, no matter which side wins, the black market will not win. It will be too bad.Of course, she and most of the gamblers are more optimistic about Yuna.

Wu Dihao made a huge sum of more than 2 million yuan, and he was in a good mood.He thought that the cheating operation was over, but he didn't expect that the black market organizing committee would open the market again based on the relationship between victory and defeat, and appointed a match between himself and Yuna.At this moment, he has a strong pleasure of pie in the sky.

Of course, Wu Di would not let go of this last chance to deceive people. Without blinking an eye, he immediately poured the huge sum of over 2 million yuan he just won on himself, which also left the black market staff dumbfounded again.

In the last single match, the only big winner made another move?Is he so optimistic about that unknown rookie?

But the doubts are all doubts. After the short betting time ended, the game kicked off again.

This time, Wu Di and Yuna reached a tacit understanding - go all out!
However, Wu Di, who was fully fired, overwhelmed Yuna from the very beginning.This one-man match lasted only 8 minutes, and Wu Di won the victory with such momentum.

In an instant, the eyes of all those who followed the game were wide-eyed like a bull's-eye.After waiting for a short time, Wu Di, who saw that 8000 million had been successfully credited to the account, was already content and happy, and hurriedly logged off the betting account and the game account at the same time, unplugged the network cable, and lay comfortably on the bed, enjoying the huge The fruits of victory...

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(End of this chapter)

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