The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 171 Team Construction Plan

Chapter 171 Team Construction Plan
I have money!

I have the money to build Kings into a top team!
I can realize my dream by myself!

In the early morning, Wu Di woke up with a smile.

He slept very soundly last night. It was not until early in the morning that he dreamed that he was like a two hundred plus 51, holding a large pile of cash bills and shouting the three slogans brazenly. Then he came out of his sleep with a sweet smile. Woke up.

In the few months since he was studying at Tianfu University, Wu Di has experienced a lot, experienced joys and sorrows, and his mood has gradually matured unconsciously.

He opened the curtains, looked up at the cloudless sky, and the figure of the woman he loved and hated already appeared in his mind.

Xia Ninghan... Hey, it's still hard to let go.I have been holding my breath for a while, and I came to Quancheng to get back what belonged to me, just to get myself out of your shadow.However, no matter what I do, how I throw away my thoughts, I still can't help but think of you.

At this time, Wu Di had an urge to contact Xia Ninghan proactively.Just as he hesitated to pick up the phone, an electric arc suddenly rang in his ear.

"Hey, Senior Wuhen, what's the matter early in the morning?" Wu Di smiled.

The phone was silent for a moment.

"Captain, let me tell you something, don't worry about it. I didn't want to tell you, but after you return to Tianfu City, you will definitely know about it, so I told you in advance Bar."

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why.However, he suddenly remembered that his pocket was a little scary, so he immediately laughed heartily and said:
"Let's be honest, I'm still looking for you, is your plan ready?
I just made hundreds of millions, now I can realize the first step of that plan! "

Ye Wuhen was stunned for a while, and did not resonate with the good news, but said to himself:
"Sister Ninghan... She officially joined Teacher Bai's Huafeihua team, and became a teacher of Lu Feng, the originator of [data flow], the most difficult practice in the League of Legends, and became his closed disciple...It seems that Ning Sister Han is planning to become a professional player! If you don't believe me, you can read the "China E-sports Weekly" which was just released this morning.

The first page must be related to the press conference you attended yesterday, but on the second page, there is an exclusive interview report by Lu Feng, the originator of [Data Flow].

The reason why e-sports weekly magazine has an exclusive interview with this veteran who has retired for many years is because he said that he has discovered a peerless genius who is rare in ten years, and he wants to accept this genius as his apprentice. This person is none other than Xia Ninghan !
You probably haven't remembered about Lu Feng's situation, so let me briefly tell you about it.

According to my research, this person is a first-generation e-sports player who is as famous as your master.The "data flow" he created and carried forward is known as the most difficult genre to imitate and practice.Your master, that unworldly strong man nicknamed [Uncle], has fought with Lu Feng several times... He has never tasted the result of victory!
It can be said that your master has not been able to get any champions because he has been suppressed by this strong man!
Wang Daoliu relies on momentum, domineering, and accumulated advantages; while data flow uses terrifying computing power to calculate any damage data in an instant, and then make the most beneficial behavior!

Lu Feng is a once-in-a-century genius. It is said that he used to be a top student in the Department of Mathematics. It is precisely because of this background that his data flow makes your master helpless—no one can completely overcome his calculations. And retreat!

There used to be a rumor in the e-sports circle that if Lu Feng could play for a few more years, then he would become a legend that has never been seen before or since!

It is conceivable how terrifying this person's strength is. He can suppress your master for several years and win countless domestic and world championships.In that era, like you before, he was also synonymous with the era and a symbol of invincibility.

However, it is precisely because he has been using [Data Flow] frequently that his brain overworks, causing severe headache symptoms, and his spirit is often a little abnormal.So he was a few years younger than [Uncle], not long after Uncle retired, at the age of 25, he directly announced his retirement, and no longer cared about the world of e-sports.

When he retired, he once said something. He said that in the next ten years, there will be no immortal genius in China who can maximize [data flow]!Because of this, he has not accepted any disciples in the past ten years.

However, this time, with great fanfare, he let a reporter from E-sports Weekly interview him, and announced the breaking news of accepting Xia Ninghan as his apprentice. This news came right after you.According to my deduction, Xia Ninghan should have the terrifying potential to develop [data flow], you must pay attention to it! "

After Ye Wuhen informed Wu Di of the e-sports event that was released this morning, Wu Di immediately fell silent on the phone.

Xia Ninghan... used to swear that she would not embark on the path of a professional player, and once dared to make sacrifices to be a solid barrier behind her, but this news undoubtedly gave Wu Di a trace of inexplicable and complicated emotions.

"It seems that she is indeed planning to become a professional player. Senior Wuhen, have you contacted her?" Wu Di asked tentatively.

Ye Wuhen was taken aback, and sighed:

"I tried to call her, but she refused to answer. I have a bad feeling—she may become the biggest stumbling block for our team to get out of Tianfu City!"

Wu Di hung up the phone, stood quietly by the window, closed his eyes and meditated.

a long time.

He summoned up his courage and dialed the phone number that had never been deleted.

The phone rang for dozens of seconds, and finally, the phone was connected.

"You looking for me? What else can we talk about?" Xia Ninghan's tone was very cold.

Wu Di took a deep breath and asked:

"I heard that you have officially joined Lu Feng's sect. Are you planning to become a professional player? Also, you are worshiping under Lu Feng's sect to defeat me?"

Xia Ning smiled coldly, and replied:

"What I'm going to do seems to have nothing to do with you. If you have nothing else to do, don't call me in the future!"

Wu Di sighed: "Sister Ninghan, there is really no room for turning back between us?"

"Turn around?" Xia Ninghan's voice, which was as cold as an ice cellar, raised a little decibels, "You kissed another woman in front of me, and you hugged another woman's waist in front of me. , you didn't give me any explanation in front of me, do you think there is any room for turning around between us?

Wu Di, let me tell you the truth, if it weren't for the fact that our two adults have always had a good relationship, I would have refused to answer your call directly!
Well, that's the end of the matter, it doesn't make any sense for you to talk about it now.You know my character, since you and I have made a decision, then don't be a mother-in-law.

There is only one thing I can do, and that is to show a little more enthusiasm for you when the two adults meet during the Chinese New Year.I don't want them to worry about the elderly! "

Then, Xia Ninghan took the initiative to hang up the phone.

Wu Di raised his head and looked at the sky, carefully reminiscing about the little things that happened with Xia Ninghan.He clearly knew that Xia Ninghan had already made up her mind - there would be no possibility between the two of them!
the other side.

Although Xia Ninghan hung up the phone on her own initiative, two lines of crystal clear tears leaked from her big bright eyes.While staring stupidly at the familiar yet unfamiliar name on the phone, she clenched her fists and muttered to herself:
"You heartless person! Since you are most proud of your almost invincible e-sports prowess, then I will completely destroy your self-confidence on this!

I want to prove to everyone that you broke with me, not only will you lose a powerful supporter, but it will also allow you to establish a powerful opponent!I, Xia Ninghan, want to make you Wu Di regret it! "


For the next half day, Wu Di and Lu Tian sat in the coffee shop and chatted for a while.During this period, Lu Tian told Wu Di that he really wanted to leave this brilliant club, which only had human sophistication and money interests left, but Wu Di tried to persuade him to stop.

His reason is also very simple - guard for him the place where the two people's dreams started.If one day, this place is no longer worth protecting, then Lu Tian can completely let go of his burden and fly away.

Quancheng Airport.

The glamorous queen Yuna has been waiting here for a long time after she inquired about Wu Di's itinerary.

The blond beauty had a special grooming and dressing today. Her wavy long curly hair was casually placed on her fragrant shoulders. She wore a tight-fitting dark professional suit and a pair of seven or eight centimeters Chanel high-heeled shoes, which fully exposed her tall and graceful figure. In addition, she was only wearing a fluffy and large waist-length coat. This outfit not only showed her queenly temperament on the outside, but also contained infinite style inside.

She gently walked to Wu Di's side, regardless of Wu Di's obstruction in every possible way, she insisted on giving Wu Di a warm and fierce bear hug.This scene made Lu Tian who was on the side almost pop his eyes out of their sockets.

"Honey, I hope everything goes well for you. They deliberately set the time to return to China at this moment, just to give you a loving embrace.

In addition, I will help you keep an eye on every move of that [organization] secretly.Don't worry, it's all about me.

Finally, I look forward to the next confrontation with you in the e-sports arena, and I will definitely [get] you out! "

After finishing speaking, Yuna stepped into another boarding gate together with her entourage and bodyguards with a seductive smile that could instantly kill a male animal.

Then, after teasing Lu Tian for a while, he hugged Wu Di tightly and let him board the flight back to Tianfu City under the escort of two bodyguards...

After getting off the plane, Wu Di rushed to the training room without stopping, and met Ye Wuhen.

"Senior Wuhen, I have gained a lot from this trip to Quancheng. From now on, I can stand up straight in front of that tall, rich and handsome junior brother. I don't have to be ashamed of being teased by him anymore." Wu Di joked road.

Ye Wuhen bent the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:
"I'm afraid this matter will not go as you wish."

"Ah? What? I cheated the Xue family a lot of money, and now I have billions of dollars in my pocket."

Ye Wuhen smiled lightly and took out a thick stack of materials, and placed them in front of Wu Di.Wu Di took a closer look, only to find that this document was named "Team Construction Plan".

All of a sudden, he became very interested, took the plan directly from Ye Wuhen's hand, and started to browse it.

"Huh? It costs 3000 million yuan a year just to rent land? Is this the rent price of a second-tier city?"

"What? It will cost [-] million just to build an ordinary venue with all internal organs!"

"It's a scam! These desks, benches, seat cushions, sofas and desks are usually inconspicuous, and they add up to tens of millions?"

"This... setting up dedicated servers and related facilities... will cost tens of millions?"

"A well-equipped rehabilitation center for e-sports players actually costs 6000 million yuan? Sauna room, massage room, spa room, senior Wuhen, is this still a rehabilitation center?"

"There are also the salaries, contracts, etc. of the team members and managers... huh? There are also scouts! This plan has set up a hundred scouts? The salary of each not low!"

"This plan...a total of 8000 million?? Grandma's bear! It's not enough for me to win, there is still a big gap."

Wu Di talked to himself for a long time, then looked at Ye Wuhen with a calm smile in surprise, and asked in surprise:
"Senior Wuhen, is this plan formulated according to the minimum specifications? I think there are many problems..."

Ye Wuhen still replied calmly:

"This plan is the best plan formulated by my Ye family's think tank according to the current market. If you really want to build King's team into a world-class strong team, then the current investment is only the initial stage, and there are still many needs in the future." Where to spend your money.

So, the reason why those top clubs are able to make a profit while ensuring the investment of these huge funds is because they more or less have enough and powerful sponsors.

Now that you have read the plan, I think it's time to discuss some things with you, the captain. "

Seeing that Ye Wuhen's escaping image had long since disappeared, Wu Di nodded solemnly and said, "Let's talk."

"Our Ye family is deeply rooted in Tianfu City. It has been in business for many years and has a very deep background. There is no doubt about it. On behalf of our Ye family, I can provide a certain sponsorship fee to the Kings team every year. Don't rush to refuse, listen to me That's it.

In fact, strictly speaking, sponsorship and partnership are two completely different concepts. It is impossible for sponsors to share the ownership of the team, but I will enjoy a certain percentage of the sponsorship amount.

I know that you don't want to let the ownership of the team fall into the hands of others, so I'm here to ask you for your opinion.Of course, if you disagree, our Ye family will naturally not become the team's first sponsor. "

This is indeed a real problem.

It is impossible to meet the expenses of a top team with only my meager financial resources.As Ye Wuhen said, only after attracting sponsors can the team expand its influence while satisfying the team's expenses.

Ye Wuhen saw Wu Di very accurately. From the few months he refused Ye Qi's sponsorship and Bai Yiyi's solicitation, he could see that although Wu Di looked like a stick who didn't understand anything on the surface, in fact he was has considerable ambitions.

He has been stubbornly refusing anyone's sponsorship, which is actually an act of protecting the ownership of the team.

Ye Wuhen didn't want to break up with Wu Di because of this incident, so he also spoke bluntly and put everything on the table.

Brothers have to settle accounts clearly, not to mention the teammates they met halfway.

At this time, after a series of events, Wu Di is more mature than before.After looking at the plan and thinking about it carefully, he immediately responded:

"Although I don't know business management, I can roughly see that this plan is actually an optimized best plan. I have searched for these hardware facilities on the Internet before, and I know the approximate price. The price on this plan is already much lower than the market.

I can accept sponsorship from your family, it's a wonderful way to work together.You should be able to see that I value the ownership of the team very much. Maybe this is my own selfishness, but I will still insist.

Now that you've been so frank, I don't need to guess here and there, just follow Wuhen's senior. "

Ye Wuhen nodded vigorously, and once again recognized the captain from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Wuhen, who was deliberately trained by the family, naturally knows that his captain has matured day by day, and he can no longer be regarded as the young boy who didn't understand the world.

Then, Wu Di thought about it, and suggested again:

"I still have an immature idea, can you help me see, is it feasible?
This is how I think, now the prototype of my so-called e-sports kingdom already has start-up funds, but it will be at least a year or two after the construction of the base and venues is completed.

I want to spend millions of dollars to set up an Internet cafe in Tianfu City as a temporary base for our team. Is that okay? "

After hearing Wu Di's proposal, Ye Wuhen immediately applauded.

"Great idea! I really want to miss this point. The construction of the team base and venues does take a lot of time and money. Before that, we can't stay in this rental house all the time. We should find a way to build Some of the atmosphere of their own team.

It is a practical idea to set up an Internet cafe!

We simply don't do it ourselves, and just buy those old Internet cafes that are not doing well and are struggling!As long as the location and popularity are good, nothing else matters. "

Wu Di was also very excited to see Ye Wuhen's affirmation of his unconstrained suggestion.

"Ha, I just think about it casually, just to see if it's feasible."

"Of course it's possible!" Ye Wuhen said forcefully, "And I've already thought about the location. Hehe..."

Looking at Ye Wuhen's slightly sinister smile, Wu Di was also at a loss.

"Have you figured it out? Which Internet cafe?"

Ye Wuhen didn't answer directly, but called Xia Jie over, and said with a sneer:
"Xia Jiesang, do you want to put on a good show of a dick's counterattack?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xia Jie was confused by the question, but Wu Di immediately understood it clearly.

It turned out that Ye Wuhen had already locked his target on the Blue Sky Internet Cafe that had a deep connection with his team...

 The fifth volume is opened!The king's team is no longer dependent on others!Please continue to pay attention.

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(End of this chapter)

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