Chapter 172 Counterattack
Heart is worse than action.

After Ye Wuhen briefly explained what to do, Xia Jie, a kind of gangster-like and passionate man, opened his arms and gave Ye Wuhen a powerful hug full of affection.

"Ha, thank you, Brother Ye. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to make a good counterattack!"

At this time, Ye Wuhen had already recovered his jumping appearance. He pretended to break free from Xia Jie's embrace with contempt, and said seriously:

"Good brother, show loyalty, share weal and woe, and don't be gay!"

The next day.

After Ye Wuhen made some arrangements, he was already waiting with the king team, and came to the gate of Lantian Internet Cafe again.

Since Xia Ninghan led the king team to attract countless gangsters and high-level bosses here a few months ago, although the tiger head gang never came to find fault under the orders of [Mr. Huang], but the Lantian Internet Cafe Some regular customers were already terrified by that incident.

Do you still go to the Blue Sky Internet Cafe to surf the Internet?Are you kidding?That Internet cafe has long been targeted by the Tiger Head Gang!If you go there to surf the Internet, if you encounter some black forces fighting, wouldn't your life be in danger?

Blue Sky Internet Cafe, I can't go...

Such rumors are constantly spreading around, and after a few months, not many players are willing to go to the Blue Sky Internet Cafe to surf the Internet.The Blue Sky Internet Café, whose customer base is gradually thinning out, is already deserted at this time, and it can only support operations for a few months at most before it will close down.

Standing in front of this Internet cafe, everyone in the King's team brought back some good memories in their hearts.

Here, under Xia Ninghan's guidance, Wu Di began to retrieve the lost memory;
Here, Lin Xiaoxiao and Wu Di did not know each other. After being abused by Xia Ninghan, he worshiped under Wu Di's family and became his disciple. After learning about Wu Di's real situation, he became the No. 1 member;
Here, Wu Di discovered Xia Jie, who is extremely fast and talented in e-sports, and became the No.2 member of the team;

Here, Wu Di, Xia Ninghan, Lin Xiaoxiao, and Xiaoya had struggled for two weeks without sleep or food...

At this time, everyone couldn't help but daydream again and again.And in these memories, there is another protagonist who has quietly disappeared from everyone's side, and she may even become the biggest obstacle for the team's progress.

When Ye Wuhen saw that everyone was heartbroken at the same time, he quickly stood up and played a heartless and hateful role.

"Everyone, this is the end of the remembrance. We are here to do business. Don't ever feel sad for unnecessary people and unnecessary things!

Let's go, Xia Jie, I'll let you lead the way. I've already investigated the current situation of Lantian Internet Cafe. The background of the boss is very dirty, and I have made corresponding arrangements.

When the time comes, you can do it with confidence and courage, and all of us in the King's team will be your most solid backing! "

Xia Jie, who was swept out of the Lantian Internet Cafe, couldn't hold back for a long time. Under Ye Wuhen's reminder and encouragement, he immediately raised his chest and stepped in first.

Everyone rushed in, only to find that the business of Lantian Internet Cafe is extremely deserted today, and the bustling scene that required a long queue to surf the Internet a few months ago has long since disappeared.

The owner of the Blue Sky Internet Cafe is known as the Blue Boss.This person used to be just a gangster on the street. One day after his character exploded and won the first prize in the lottery, he opened the Blue Sky Internet Cafe outside the south gate of Tianfu University.

Originally, the business of the internet cafe had been very good, and the popularity was high. Boss Lan happily came to the counter to count the money every day, and then cheerfully collected the money and left. His life was extremely chic.

However, since the incident broke out last time, the business of the Blue Sky Internet Cafe has plummeted, which also made him jump up and down anxiously, and tried every means to maintain the operation of the Internet Cafe.

But contrary to expectations, Lantian Internet Cafe has entered the countdown to closing down.

At this time, Boss Lan was looking at the few players in the Internet cafe with a sad face, and when he was calculating how much money he would lose today, the arrival of the King's team naturally made his eyes shine.

When he, the Internet cafe owner, came to greet the guests in person regardless of his identity, he immediately recognized Xia Jie who was walking in the front.

Enemies are very jealous when they meet each other.

What Xia Jie was annoyed was that in order to avoid suspicion, Boss Lan directly fired himself in order to protect himself, regardless of his hard work and hard work over the past few years. The fuse of this incident - Xia Jie.

The two glared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Although there was a surge of anger in their hearts for a moment, no one spoke first to break the deadlock.

Finally, Xia Jie withdrew his angry expression and put on a happy smile from the bottom of his heart.

"Boss Lan, I don't see you in March. It's like ten years. I'm very happy to see you in a state of desperation. I'm so happy from the bottom of my heart! People, once you forget your roots and your gratitude, you will soon have nothing."

Everyone was shocked, never thought that this seemingly rough and gangster-like man could say such philosophical words.

However, Boss Lan twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, and said coldly:
"What are you doing here again? You are not welcome here! Get out of here while I can still control myself!"

Xia Jie smiled instead of anger, and retorted: "Yes, it is true. You should leave while I can still control myself! Otherwise, you will lose face later."

Boss Lan has been in business for many years, and the Blue Sky Internet Cafe has always brought him huge profits. The so-called thin camel is bigger than a horse. He thinks that Xia Jie has left the Internet Cafe for several months. Although he speaks confidently, he is actually just a A little bastard with no status and no money.

Such a person is a poor little person talking to himself and exaggerating in front of him.

Just when Boss Lan was about to use sharp words to ridicule Xia Jie again, unexpectedly, this hateful brat uttered a bold statement that surprised him a lot:

"Lantian Internet Cafe... After all, I have stayed here for several years, and I have a lot of feelings. I don't want this Internet cafe to be ruined in your hands. In this way, the one-buy price——100 million transfer fee, the money will be pawned Your coffin book!"

Xia Jie's domineering sideways leaked, half a smile was not a smile, Boss Lan wanted to refute, but seeing the fierceness in his eyes, he licked his lips and swallowed the vulgar words forcefully.He knows the details of this former network technician--to be ruthless, he will not die at all!

Boss Lan looked up at the other people behind Xia Jie, and saw the silent Wu Di wearing a peaked cap at a glance. He was startled and couldn't help asking:

"You are Wu...Wu Youzhi? The number one rookie who has swept away the masters in Tianfu City in the past few months, and won the championships of all major amateur cups with such momentum?"

first newcomer?

Everyone in the King's team laughed wildly in their hearts. Chen Jiang, the team's tactical analysis master who feared that the world would not be chaotic, also followed Boss Lan's words and continued:
"That's right! Our king team is going to use this place as a temporary base. This man is afraid of everyone, and flowers bloom when they see flowers. When men see them, they shy away, and women see Wu Youzhi, who throws himself into his arms! You hand over the Internet cafe to him. We are a great opportunity. You should cherish it."

Boss Lan heard the clue from Chen Jiang's words, his mind turned sharply, and he quickly came up with an idea.

"It turns out that a few of them are the members of the King's team who have been on fire in Tianfu City recently. In this way, I don't have ink marks anymore. I have no opinion at all if you want to use this place as a team base. I can provide you with a place and a computer for free. Set up a special plane for you..."

Boss Lan began to pour out all the plans he had imagined.He thinks this is an excellent opportunity to bring Lantian Internet Cafe back to life!With this gang of little bastards permanently stationed in the Blue Sky Internet Cafe, it will definitely bring considerable popularity and economic benefits. At that time, after a little publicity, it will be able to save the tragic ending of closing down.

Just when he expected that this group of students who had never seen the world would be dazzled by the generous conditions he offered, Xia Jie sneered, replacing other members, and shouted coldly:
"Boss Lan, didn't you hear clearly? We want to buy the Blue Sky Internet Cafe! Instead of renting or accepting your negligible and generous terms!
100 million, the same price, cash!If you want, sign the contract quickly, and get the hell out of my eyes! "

At this time, some of Xia Jie's old friends and colleagues from the Lantian Internet Cafe also rushed over after hearing the sound. When they heard Xia Jie's "Big Talk", they were all stunned and shocked.

The world has changed?Doesn’t the story of diaosi’s counterattack only happen in novels?OK?That Internet cafe technician who earns two to three thousand dead wages a month has come back after a few months to act as the protagonist of the counterattack?
When Boss Lan saw that the handful of netizens also turned their heads this way, he suddenly felt that he couldn't hold his face, and immediately exploded:
"Go away! Poor boy! It's not your turn to tell me what to do here!"

After a muffled sound, a heavy suitcase smashed into Boss Lan's eyes.Chen Jiang blew his palm exaggeratedly, and said to himself:
"Grandma's bear! This 100 million is really heavy, and my hands are sore!"

Xia Jie pointed to the suitcase in front of Boss Lan with his chin, then pouted, and said:
"This is 100 million in cash, hurry up and decide! Don't be a mother-in-law who doesn't look like a man, you were a mess before anyway, show some courage!"

Boss Lan, who was looked down upon by his subordinates and customers, couldn't bear it any longer, and the aura of gangsters enveloped his whole body in an instant.At this moment, he broke his heart and said angrily:

"Damn you big watermelon! Do you think I've never seen money? Listen up! This Internet cafe...I don't sell it! Get out of here!"

Ye Wuhen walked out of the crowd without a sound, and made a phone call under Boss Lan's surprised gaze.

"Well, some people threatened me, some people told me to fuck off.

Well, I'm at the Blue Sky Internet Cafe, so don't overcrowd, just a hundred or so will do.

Well, you must be polite, remember to be polite, you can only watch and not touch, this is a society ruled by law, you can only join in the fun..."

Think with your toes, Boss Lan knows that this guy who looks like a scholar is calling someone?
That's not okay!As he said, now is a society ruled by law, how can the black forces be allowed to run amok!

Thinking of this, Boss Lan became more careful, and quickly signaled a network administrator who had followed him for many years to be ready to call the police at any time.

After a while, there was noise in front of the gate of Lantian Internet Cafe, and group after group of young people kept flocking to the gate.But they didn't enter the Internet cafe, they just started to stay together in groups of three or four in front of the gate, not talking, not making noise, and behaved well, so that passers-by would not know what these people wanted to do.

After everyone arrived, the group of young people stepped into the Blue Sky Internet Cafe led by a middle-aged man in suits and leather shoes.

After seeing this, a network administrator knew that this was the best time to call the police, but unexpectedly, after seeing the middle-aged man in the lead, Boss Lan immediately winked at him, don't act rashly!
This middle-aged man is exactly the mysterious man called [Mr. Huang] who visited here a few months ago!

After Mr. Huang entered the door, he looked around in the crowd, and he breathed a sigh of relief until he saw Ye Wuhen.

This young master of the Ye family seldom asked himself to appear on the stage. He thought that some great event had happened, but when he came here, he immediately understood what happened.

He walked up to Ye Wuhen respectfully, with a blank expression on his face, quietly waiting for Ye Wuhen's order.

After all, Boss Lan had been in the society for more than ten years, so he naturally knew that Mr. Huang was a big shot who could not be easily offended. Suddenly, the scene fell into a strange silence.

Xia Jie knew that Ye Wuhen was emboldening himself, and the aura of nearly a hundred people behind him gave him enough face.At this moment, he has a feeling that he is the leader of Causeway Bay [Chen Haonan].

"Boss Lan, do you want to transfer this Internet cafe now, or wait a few minutes?"

Nima!Make it clear that the horses and horses want to eat my Internet cafe?

Boss Lan was furious, but held back, not easy to attack.

Just when he was hesitating, in the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred eyes that implied murderous intent all focused on Boss Lan, which made him feel horrified.

But Mr. Huang turned his head and shouted:
"What are you doing? Don't you know what politeness is? Change your smiling face!"

Although these nearly a hundred young people didn't know why, they all put on smiles that were uglier than crying, and all faced Boss Lan in unison.All the onlookers who saw this scene couldn't help laughing, holding back their smiles.

President Huang went on to say:

"This is Boss Lan! He needs to sign now, he needs to sit down and sign!"

Six big, five-year-old and three-year-old tall men rushed out immediately, with a sincere smile that made people laugh and cry, brought stools and tables to Boss Lan, and greeted Boss Lan to sit down.

Ye Wuhen handed the two documents in his hand to Xia Jie.

After Xia Jie took a cursory look, he immediately understood.

One of them is the transfer contract of Blue Sky Internet Cafe, while the other one clearly records every detail of Boss Lan's life before his fortune.

Hurting people to escape, defrauding money and other scandals and evils are all listed on this document, and even this Blue Sky Internet Cafe was forcibly seized from a regular businessman by Lan Boss in a way of forced buying and selling. came.

This document not only listed Boss Lan's past shady deeds, but also listed the names of some people.And these people are the relevant people who can correct Boss Lan!
It can be said that as long as such a piece of information is handed over to the Public Security Bureau, although Boss Lan cannot be convicted and sentenced immediately, at least he will be detained for ten and a half months, and there will be no problem at all.If someone from the names listed on the information wanted to correct him, then he would definitely go to jail.

Xia Jie looked at this document contentedly, and after admiring it for a while, he immediately sat down in front of Boss Lan with the heavy suitcase, and threw the two documents in his hand in front of Boss Lan at the same time.

Boss Lan was taken aback, and cautiously held the two documents in his hand, and looked at them carefully.

The transfer contract was nothing to look at, but when he saw the second document, he immediately sweated profusely and drenched in cold sweat!

This is... my old friend!
How did these people find out?
Shocked, he looked up at everyone in King's Team with a guilty conscience, and finally judged that this information must be the masterpiece of the young man who called.

Xia Jie knew that this hand knocking on the mountain shocking tiger had already received the effect, so he asked in a cold voice:
"Boss Lan, this amount should be reasonable, right?"

"Reasonable and reasonable, very reasonable."

"You don't have any other ideas, do you?"

"No, no, absolutely not."

"We are adhering to the principle of fairness, justice and openness to conduct transactions on a reciprocal basis. You have no objection to this."

"No, no, not at all."

"After you sign, you can leave with that document. Are you happy?"

"Happy, very happy."

"Okay then, let's sign. After signing, please... get out of here?"

"Sign and sign, I'll go and go."

Boss Lan was led into an embarrassing rhythm by Xia Jie, just like a hard-working hero who hadn't even had time to use his ultimate move, he was directly surrounded and killed. Without a word, he signed the contract with a flushed face. own name.

After hastily completing the handover ceremony, Boss Lan was already a little scared, he put the document under his arm and prepared to leave immediately.Just when he was about to leave this place of right and wrong, his loyal network administrator kept asking him:
"Boss, we don't call the police? They are buying and selling by force! There is also the infiltration of black forces!"

Of course, Boss Lan didn't dare to call the police, but he still had some shady background in the Public Security Bureau. When he heard the network manager's nonsense, he immediately shouted:
"Report your grandma to the police! Get out of here, and don't follow me from now on."

After finishing speaking, Boss Lan disappeared from Lantian Internet Cafe without a trace...

After Mr. Huang dismissed nearly a hundred young people, he bowed in front of Ye Wuhen and then withdrew.

At this point, the King's team no longer depends on others, and the Blue Sky Internet Cafe has become their first stop to build their reputation!
 Ask for subscription, ask for support, ask for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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