Chapter 173 Team Meeting
After Boss Lan ran away in a f*cking manner, some old colleagues who were familiar with Xia Jie had already gathered in front of him and chatted with him.What they talked about the most was naturally how Xia Jie had the capital and confidence to counterattack.

Therefore, Xia Jie introduced everyone to Wu Di, and told everyone that all of this was due to his captain Wu Youzhi.

The title of Tianfu City's No. [-] rookie has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of these people, and the reputation of the King's team is also rising steadily.

Seeing the first newcomer who suddenly appeared like a comet, they also tried their best to greet Wu Di, asking questions, which made Wu Di feel a little bit helpless.

Finally, under Xia Jie's strong suggestion, everyone stopped discussing.And after getting the consent of Wu Di and Ye Wuhen, Xia Jie also promised everyone: give everyone a 10% salary increase, and encourage everyone to stay in Lantian Internet Cafe.

As a result, most of the original employees of the Blue Sky Internet Cafe stayed, and some people with bad intentions were also eliminated.

Then, after settling down the former employees, under Wu Di's initiative, the King's team held its first team meeting.

There are three themes of the meeting.

The first is how to transform the Blue Sky Internet Cafe.

After everyone expressed their opinions one after another, a consensus was finally reached:

The first floor of the Blue Sky Internet Cafe is still open to the public as an Internet cafe; the second floor is set up as a team training room, tactical analysis room, and meeting room; the private rooms on the third floor have been transformed into housing for Xia Jie and others.

Although the scale of the Blue Sky Internet Cafe is small, at least the King's team has its own destination, which makes everyone energetic and excited.

After everyone calmed down, Wu Di and Ye Wuhen announced the second topic of the meeting:
Our team of kings has prepared enough start-up funds, and we are about to select a site to build our own e-sports base!

Now, we need everyone to brainstorm and provide some suggestions for the team's location selection.

This news made the team members who had just immersed themselves in their own nest even more mentally shaken. They all opened their eyes wide and stared at the captain who announced the good news in disbelief.

Wu Di smiled, and calmly said: "I have gained a lot from going to Quancheng, and I have this fund. The biggest problem now is the location selection. You don't have to worry about the rest. Senior Wuhen and I have already made the preparations."

Until now, the team members from all over the world believed that their captain had really started to act this time!
Building an e-sports base?Without hundreds of millions of start-up funds, all planning is like a mirror!
That is to say, after their captain went to the e-sports city, he brought back this huge sum of money?

All the team members looked at Wu Di with respect in their eyes. Naturally, they watched the match between the captain and the Brilliant team and the KING team through the Internet. The deafening shouts at the scene had already penetrated into their hearts.All along, they thought that their captain was just a player with unreasonable strength in e-sports, but they didn't expect that the gold-absorbing ability of this world's number one genius who had disappeared from the public was still unmatched.

a long time.

After everyone gradually digested the breaking news, they also began to make suggestions for the future of the team.

Lin Xiaoxiao: I don't think the team should be located in Tianfu City anymore.Because there has been a famous and strong team, the Bright Team, which has taken root here for many years, and most of the e-sports fans in Tianfu City have already become their most loyal supporters.Therefore, we should build the base in another big city.In Sichuan Province, apart from Tianfu City, Yangcheng has the best e-sports atmosphere.There is already a well-known electronic city there, and the League of Legends has developed rapidly in recent years, and the number of fans there is no less than that of Tianfu City.

Chen Jiang: Well, my sister is right.One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. If we want to grab fans in Tianfu City and Cuichan, although we have the golden signboard of the captain to support the scene, we are a freshman team after all, and our competitiveness is still very limited.

Yangcheng is a veritable electronic city, and the e-sports atmosphere is quite good!As long as we operate a little bit, we can get enough popularity and support there.

Xia Jie didn't know anything about these business affairs. Seeing what others said in an orderly manner, he listened with gusto and just nodded.When Wu Di asked for his opinion, he just laughed suddenly: "It's all up to everyone. I don't have any opinions."

Finally, everyone turned their heads to look at Wang Yuanyuan who had been studying in the team, trying to ask for his opinion.

But this little guy has been in the team for so long, and he is still very shy, especially after the real Xia Ninghan parted ways with everyone, he is trembling every day, and his mood is very unstable.

At this time, when he saw that everyone was looking at him in unison, he buried his head and said falteringly:
"I... I have no objection!"

In his heart, he kept repeating a thought: I want to write down all the skills of the captain, and then save my mother!
Wu Di and Ye Wuhen never thought that this little guy was actually under such great psychological pressure. After they sorted out everyone's opinions, Ye Wuhen officially announced to everyone:
"Well, it is indeed not suitable for our team to choose a location in Tianfu City, even the surrounding second- and third-tier cities. One is that the surrounding cities do not have the e-sports atmosphere and popularity of urban areas, and the other is that we, as a new force, cannot It is inappropriate to compete with the Bright team at this time.

Let's make it like this, our team base will be located in Yangcheng!
Coincidentally, our Ye family has already established a group branch there, and even there, my family still has a lot of influence.As the second largest city in Sichuan Province, Yangcheng has no top teams stationed there, and has quite a lot of e-sports fans. It is the best place for our team base. "

Ye Wuhen had just finished speaking, but Wu Di suddenly asked:

"Senior Wuhen, I don't worry about anything else, but there is one more issue worth discussing.

During the time I went to Quancheng, with the help of Qin Rou, you have already won enough amateur competition championships, and have the qualifications to participate in the city competition early next year.

The team that can win the city competition championship can automatically obtain the qualification to participate in the second division league that year.As far as I know, the official rule is that as long as a team can win more than 30 amateur championship titles, it can have the right to represent the city in the second division. Will there be conflicts?
What I mean is, Tianfu City is a big e-sports city, and there are at least five or six teams that can win 30 championship titles in amateur competitions. Are they representing Tianfu City in the second division league at the same time, or are they only determined through the city competition? out a team? "

Wu Di's question immediately aroused everyone's interest.They waited and waited, looking at Ye Wuhen in unison.

Ye Wuhen pursed his lips and smiled, and patiently explained:
"The captain is too worried about this issue. First of all, the city competition seems to have a fierce reputation, but in fact it is only classified as an amateur competition. The championship of this competition is only used to make up for those who cannot get enough due to various reasons. Teams with multiple championship titles. When several teams have obtained the qualifications to enter the second division, the official organizing committee will not screen them.

The reason is simple, no matter how many teams a city has that are eligible to participate in the Second Division, they will eventually meet in the Second Division to determine the team that can represent the provincial region and participate in the final Second Division finals!
There is only one thing we have to do, and that is to beat all the teams in Sichuan Province in the Second Division next year, and get the right to represent in the finals!There is one and only one team that can represent Sichuan Province in the finals! "

Everyone was relieved.

Although the second division league has been dubbed the [professional league], it is actually just an amateur league. Compared with the super league, it has neither too many restrictions nor too many rules.

Wu Di nodded and continued to ask:
"Then, are we, the king team, fighting for the right to represent Tianfu City, or to fight for the right to represent Yangcheng?"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wuhen's lazy eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying light, and he stared straight at Wu Di, noncommittal.

After a while, he asked back word by word:
"You... want to give someone a chance? A chance to avoid our team, no, to be precise, a chance to avoid your edge?"

Once the jumping boy stops jumping off, he will become very gray and very powerful.

Wu Di felt such a strong rush in his heart at this moment.He, who was seen through by Ye Wuhen, laughed dumbly and said:
"Ha, you can't hide anything from Senior Wuhen... I do have such a small selfishness."

Ye Wuhen was expressionless, and after a moment of contemplation, he said solemnly:

"Just do as the captain wants... Let's use this one or two months to go to Yangcheng to participate in the competition! Try to get the qualification to participate in the second division league in a short time!"

"You agree?" Wu Di was shocked, never expecting that Ye Wuhen would approve of one of his jokes.

"Of course. I know exactly what you're thinking. You don't want someone's confidence to be destroyed by your killing skills, and you don't want to compete with someone in the e-sports arena in a short time.

Besides, since our team has already chosen a location in Yangcheng, it is natural to go there first to build momentum.Well, there is no need to discuss this topic any further, and it is settled like this.We are now discussing the third topic - about the recruitment of team members! "

Lin Xiaoxiao, Xia Jie, Chen Jiang, and the little one Wang Yuanyuan didn't realize until now that the phrase "build a team of kings" is no longer Wu Di's empty promise.

Everything, unconsciously, has already begun!The professionalization of the team is imperative!
Ye Wuhen replaced Wu Di, and first announced to everyone the treatment issues closely related to the team members.

"Our team is going to implement a brand-new salary model. The model is relatively simple and easy to understand. I named it [grading system]. We will include current players including staff and professionals, as well as future players, and even It is possible that the members of the second and third teams are divided into seven levels!

These seven levels are, in descending order, SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, and D.When joining the team, the management of the Kings team will determine the corresponding level of the players and enjoy the corresponding treatment.

Below, I begin to announce your ranks. "

Ye Wuhen paused, and immediately attracted the players' attention to himself.

This moment came very suddenly, and it came naturally.

"Lin Xiaoxiao, a first-line member of the Kings team, is designated as...C-level, with a guaranteed monthly salary of 3500 yuan, a share of the game bonus, and reserves the right to sign, endorse, and portrait. However, if a player is chosen by a sponsor, he is willing to contribute After endorsement products, 30% of the income needs to be handed over to the team, which is an essential fee.

Xia Jie, a first-line member of King's Team, is designated as...C-level, with a guaranteed monthly salary of 4000 yuan, and the rest is exactly the same as Lin Xiaoxiao.

Chen Jiang, a tactical analyst and temporary member of Team King, is rated as...C-level, with a guaranteed monthly salary of 3500 yuan, and his work performance will be assessed by the management.

Wang Yuanyuan, an alternate member of King's Team, is positioned as... D-level, with a monthly salary of 1500 yuan, and enjoys a share of the game bonus. After becoming an official member, the treatment is the same as that of an official member.

Ahem...Ye Wuhen, a first-line member of the King's team, is rated...S rank! "

Before the words fell, the rest of the team members immediately booed in good faith. Ye Wuhen laughed and continued:

"Of course, as a team member, I naturally can't enjoy the S-level treatment, but I have another position, which raises my level."

"What position?" Everyone asked in unison, even Wu Di looked at Ye Wuhen curiously, waiting for his next words.

"Of course it's the team's executive general manager, that is, the important position of CEO! Alright, alright, don't look at me like this, doing these management tasks is much more tiring than playing a professional game.

Hey, don't look at me with such murderous eyes.Okay, I'm downgraded, I'm downgraded, and I'm on an equal footing with everyone, then I'll set myself as——A grade?
Yay, don't do it, don't do it, there is something to discuss!Brother Xia Jie, I know you are good at fighting!Well, I compromise... Grade B!
Hey Hey hey!Little one, don't be instigated by that big-breasted sister to run amok!Holding a weapon is against the law!
That's all, I'm also C-level, everyone is satisfied! "

Looking at Ye Wuhen's helpless appearance, everyone felt it was very funny, but they finally achieved their goal, making this kid's wishful thinking come to nothing.

Ye Wuhen cleared his throat, and after seeing that everyone stopped laughing, he put on a serious look again, and continued:

"As for our captain, Wu Di, the number one genius in the world, what level do you think he will be?"

After hearing the words, the rest of the team members looked at each other and shouted in unison: "SSS class!"

"It's not fair! I want my S-rank!" Ye Wuhen resumed his jumping appearance again, causing everyone to laugh wildly.After Wu Di coaxed for a while, he said:
"I won't be special, let's start from the lowest level."

Unexpectedly, this time, all the team members, including Ye Wuhen, shook their heads in unison and rejected Wu Di's proposal.

"Just kidding, you are the living sign of our team, and your strength is above all professional players. You can't be humble and low-key in these things. For the team, you must be used to support the scene."

Wu Di had no choice but to continue to hold meetings with everyone under the name of this SSS player.

"Okay, the grading has been completed. It is true that you can't worry about the business management. I have already asked someone to make arrangements. Now there is another crucial question. I would like to ask everyone's opinions, especially It's the captain's opinion.

That's... who do we hire as our coaches?In fact, I have a suitable candidate in my heart, but I don't know whether to say it or not. "

Everyone was stunned.

Wu Di guessed the true identity of this candidate, but he still couldn't help asking:
"Senior Wuhen, could it be that you want to ask my master to come out of the mountain to teach you?"

Ye Wuhen nodded and said, "Bingo! That's exactly what I mean!"

"But why?" Wu Di was puzzled.

"It's very simple. Naturally, it's because of your style of play. You originated from the Wang Dao style, evolved it into the ending style, and recently developed the killing style. These styles of play are very pornographic and violent. Oh, no, it's very Fierce is very brutal. None of us have experienced the baptism of professional leagues, and our strength has seriously hindered you. So for the better tomorrow of the team, my suggestion is to invite [Uncle] his old man, Come guide and teach us.

Only when we have mastered the essence of Wang Daoliu, can we not hold you back in the game. "

Ye Wuhen's remarks really moved Wu Di, and also moved other team members. They knew that although the captain had deliberately avoided talking about it, their own strength was actually the biggest stumbling block preventing the King's team from making great strides forward.

Only when you have enough strength, the king's team will truly become a king's division!
Wu Di frowned, worried:

"I understand what you mean. This proposal is very good, but there is one biggest problem. My master has always had a grudge against me. I'm afraid that the old man will not want to come out of the mountain."

Ye Wuhen smiled mysteriously, and made a fool of himself:
"Everything depends on whether you put your heart into it. If you invite him with your heart, he may not be able to come out of the mountain. Besides, have you forgotten the most important thing? That peerless genius Lu Feng who has been suppressing the uncle in his career and cannot raise his head has already Announced on the e-sports media that he has accepted Xia Ninghan!

Everyone has pride, especially men.Although I have never been in contact with the uncle, I can imagine that a man who has been dubbed the title of "Uncrowned King" in his career carries things in his heart that are far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The so-called winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit.This truth is even more secretive in the fiercely competitive e-sports circle.

Although the uncle has played an immeasurably important role in the development of China's e-sports industry, but as a professional player, he has been robbed of the championship title. Do you think he can really be calm?
Never underestimate the heart of a champion!Someone like Uncle definitely has the heart of a champion! "

What Ye Wuhen said made Wu Di suddenly realize.

In the past, he was arrogant and ignorant of world affairs. Now, after experiencing these great ordeals, he can naturally understand the pain in his heart when the uncle announced his retirement, which is definitely beyond the imagination and tolerance of ordinary people!In his heart, he should still be looking forward to the beautiful moment when he can win the championship!

With this in mind, Wu Di took out his mobile phone in full view of everyone, and decisively dialed the uncle's number...

 Ask for subscription, ask for support, ask for everything.

  Why do I feel that I can write passionate murmurs anytime, anywhere... Hee hee.

(End of this chapter)

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