The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 174 The Champion's Heart

Chapter 174 The Champion's Heart
After a few beeps, the phone was answered.

"Hello, Wu Di? What's the matter?" [Uncle]'s vicissitudes and hoarse voice came from the receiver.

This was the second time that Wu Di had a formal conversation with his master after losing his memory. Under the tension, he became a little hesitant to speak.

"Master...Master, how are you doing recently?"

The uncle asked angrily and amusedly: "Okay? Of course I'm fine. Fishing during the day and taking care of the baby at night. The days are dull but full of warmth.

Why are you looking for me again?Didn't I already ask Weiwei to return to China to help you?Is your memory of the top order not recovered yet?
I watched your game in the Challenger League... To be honest, I was both happy and annoyed.

The happy thing is that you have developed a more violent style of play, which ruthlessly won the face of us Huaxia e-sports people; the angry thing is... Forget it, don't mention it.

Oh, by the way, what's your new style of play called?Others can't see it, but I can see it clearly.Your previous [Finishing Style] was a targeted play style used to limit the player with the biggest card in your opponent's hand. Let me just say that although the Finishing Style is novel, it is at best an improved version of the Wang Dao Style.And the style of play you recently developed is completely a terrifying style of play aimed at taking the head. Such a style of play... If my prediction is correct, it will cause great damage to the body!You should use it with caution!The hand speed of five or six hundred at every turn, and the zero-miss performance of concentrating on not giving the opponent any opportunity to take advantage of it, is very harmful to the body. "

Contrary to Wu Di's expectation, the uncle on the phone seemed to have opened up a chatterbox, and he actually talked about his views on Shashenliu, and in the conversation, the deep concern was beyond words, which made Wu Di Immediately, his eyes turned red.

"Master..." Wu Di choked up.

"Damn! A man, don't shed blood and tears! Talk if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say, coquettish like a woman!"

The uncle took the lead and made Wu Di barely control his emotions, so he cut to the chase and said:

"Master, I want to invite you out of the mountain!"

The uncle was obviously taken aback, and there was no sound from the receiver.After a while, he sighed:

"Going out of the mountains? I am at this age, in my thirties, and I am about to approach my [-]s. What can I do if I go out of the mountains? Besides, my life is very nourishing now, and I don't want to break this kind of life.

Forget it, I know you are still very young, and you still want to be better.I heard Wei Wei and Lu Li tell you about your situation carefully...

How about this, I will take the time to come to Tianfu City to see if I can help you restore the memory of the other two locations.This is my biggest concession ha!For other requirements, please forgive me that the teacher cannot satisfy you. "

Will the master help me?Master forgive me?

Wu Di was overjoyed, but he didn't know that the uncle had fundamentally changed his view of Wu Di during the double nagging of Lu Li and Wei Wei, so he made a retreat this time and was willing to help Wu Di recover his memory.

And after a period of continuous exploration and experimentation, Wu Di has some confidence in whether he can restore his own memory.

After I came into contact with the League of Legends game again, through uninterrupted practice, I recovered the memory of the auxiliary position that did not require too much personal skill; after a month of retreat in Brightness, and after training with Lu Li, with his help, Restored the strength of the ADC position; after Weiwei's three-week special training and memorized the "Guide to Top Orders with No Solutions", he restored the memory of the top unit and developed the prototype of the killing god style.

However, after that, no matter how hard he racked his brains and searched for various methods, he only found a way to use hypnosis to activate his memory. Although it was a great way to kill God, the damage to his body was obvious.

Now that he has shown his face in Quancheng, he has naturally become the target of public criticism. If he wants to dominate in the big bowl and the league where rookies gather, he must do everything possible to restore his full strength!
The reason why Wu Di was able to restore the memories of these three locations has a common feature!That is, he was able to recover his strength smoothly with the help of Wang Daoliu's heirs!
In other words, if you want to restore the strength of the remaining two positions, you must rely on people who are proficient in Wang Daoliu!And this preferred candidate, his master—[Uncle] will do his part!
This news lifted Wu Di's spirit. With the core idea of ​​striking while the iron is hot, he quickly adopted Ye Wuhen's idea to see if he could really impress his master.

"Master... I desperately want you to come out and serve as the coach of our King's team! I plan to build this team into a king's team that will rule the world!
My team members are all rookies and haven't experienced the tempering of professional leagues, but they are all extremely talented, so I think you can teach them yourself! "

The uncle pretended to be annoyed and replied: "Teach? At the beginning, I taught you as an unfilial disciple, which made me regret for the rest of my life. It was only after you lost your memory and your personality changed that I felt a little bit of compassion. Don't really think that I completely forgive you?
th.Don't push yourself too far.I can promise to help you restore the memory of other locations, which is the biggest concession I have made! "

Wu Di was in a hurry. He knew that the uncle must still remember the wrong behaviors he regretted before, so he almost blurted out and changed the topic:
"Master, I know it was my fault before! But please tell me the truth, until now, do you still have the heart of a champion?!"

The heart of a champion... straight to the heart of the uncle!

The uncle fell into silence again.

Yes, back then I worked hard and persisted desperately in order to get rid of the title of uncrowned king, but I never won a crown!Not even a championship to comfort my own career, not at all!not a single one!

Others think that I am open-minded and open-minded, but I know it well!Is such a career complete without the proof of a championship, without a championship trophy?No!That's a handicap!
My career is a broken cup!

For the desire for the championship, no one has more extravagance than me!

The long-sealed passion in the uncle's heart exploded instantly in Wu Di's questioning.

My Wang Daoliu is invincible in the world!But why... why did that person appear, the only person who can stop me from dominating the world!

Lu Feng, Lu Feng!Why is it you who stand in my way every time?
Could it be that the old adage is really echoed—if you are born of Yu, then you will be born of Liang?
I highly appreciate your devotion to going all out in every game, but you have been crushing me for over ten years!Let me not get a championship!What is this to me?
Is it a shame?Unwilling?Is it hopeless?Is it regret?

No, not at all, for me, that is a kind of miss!
I missed the chance to conquer the world, I missed my best years, I missed the stage to realize my lifelong dream!

If e-sports had developed to the present situation, then with the help of top-notch technological equipment and the maintenance of high-end nutrition, I can still persist for a few more years, and I can still have the opportunity to realize my dream!

However, everything has been missed... I have lost together with my e-sports dream in these ruthless years...

The heart of a champion... do I still have it?Can I still have it?

In a trance, the uncle kept asking himself the same question in the bottom of his heart...

Seeing that the uncle had been silent all the time, Wu Di anxiously reminded:
"Master? Are you still there, Master?"

The uncle was called back from his memory to reality by this calling sound, and inadvertently burst into tears, and there were tears of unwillingness in the corners of his eyes.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he has not yet reached the point of sadness!
"I'm still here... You ask me if I still have the heart of a champion, what do I want to do?
You bastard, every time I get in touch with you, it makes me extremely uncomfortable, damn it!What do you mean by asking me this question! "

The uncle vented his unwillingness on Wu Di.

Of course, Wu Di didn't know that it was such a simple and direct question, which caused his master to wake up many long-lost thoughts.However, he could hear the hidden unwillingness and male passion in the master's mouth.

A man, whether he is ten years old, 20 years old, 40, [-] years old, or even over [-] years old, as long as he still has dreams and passion in his heart, then he can be full of passion!

Wu Di heard the cry from the bottom of the uncle's heart, and heard his long-buried longing!

So he couldn't help but say:
"Master, I'm serious. I want you to officially come out and take up the post of coach of our King's team! You don't have to worry about the remuneration at all, you just drive! Please give me a chance to make up for my previous mistakes!"

At this moment, the uncle withdrew all his thoughts, chuckled lightly, and said calmly:

"Treatment? This is not important. Give me a reason, give me a reason that is enough to impress me! Otherwise, it's all out of the question! I'm old, and it's your young people's business to work hard. I don't want to be casual. ruin my peaceful life."

Wu Di was quick to wit, and threw out the name that the master will never forget.

"Lu Feng! [Data Flow] The originator of the mountain, he has come back! But he didn't come back as a player. After ten years of silence, he took a fancy to a talented player, and he wants to take that player as his apprentice!

This big news has been published in the e-sports weekly magazine!
Could this person... be the biggest reason for your old man to come back? "

The name was like a bolt from the blue, and when the uncle's ears were instantly poured into his ears, he almost couldn't even hold the phone.

His whole body began to tremble. This name that had made the uncle palpitate for more than ten years brought all the memories locked deep in his heart back to his mind in an instant!
"What you said is true? Did Lu Feng accept disciples? Did he really surface again?"

Wu Di responded forcefully: "Yes, master. If you don't believe me, you can check this week's e-sports weekly. I don't need to make up lies to deceive you."

There was silence on the other side of the phone for the third time.

At this time, everyone in the King's team was staring nervously at the phone in Wu Di's hand. They knew that after this silence, the final result would be announced...

Whether this group of unknown men who are eager to stand on the e-sports stage can have a starting point higher than ordinary people, and whether they can get the guidance of the uncle who is known as the uncrowned king, can be decided after these tens of seconds!
This moment, like three autumns, this moment, seems to have experienced a century.

Finally, the familiar vicissitudes of life sounded from the other side of the phone receiver.

The uncle obviously controlled his emotions, pretending to be calm and expressing his thoughts:
"I can come to teach your team members, but I don't serve as a coach. In other words, I can be your team's tactical consultant, responsible for training and instructing your players, but on-the-spot command, tactical arrangements, etc. , I won't ask."

The uncle is holding his Nokia mobile phone that can smash mountains and rocks in one hand, and the other hand is already rattling.

On the surface, he is calm, but his heart has already turned into a huge wave!


In my professional career, I have never defeated you once, and you have always let me bear the title of "Uncrowned King" for more than ten years!

This time, let us compete to see who can teach the disciple better!
Thinking of this, the uncle naturally thought of the first apprentice he accepted, who was also the most talented, most powerful, and most successful disciple——Wu Di.

Hey, little guy Lu Feng, for the sake of fairness, I won't let my eldest disciple compete with your apprentice. Although he doesn't want to admit it, he is already better than blue.

I will find another little guy to compete with you!

The uncle reawakened his fighting spirit in his heart, and awakened the champion's heart that had been shut down by him for a long time!

When Wu Di heard that his uncle had accepted him, he was naturally very excited.He smiled and said loudly:
"Great! Master! I will arrange everything right now! In order to let you have no worries, I will send 200 million to your bank account!"

"Wait, I said that money is not a problem. Over the years, your junior brother Lu Li has treated me fairly well. He often gave me a lot of cash in the name of playing mahjong. Therefore, I have no worries about food and clothing. You don't need to do this any more.

I just want to ask you a question - You said that Lu Feng has taken in a disciple, is it a man or a woman? "Uncle obviously has his own plans.

"It's a woman, and she's my dear..." Wu Di replied awkwardly.

"Hahaha! Good luck makes people, it's good luck! But don't worry, do you have any female players in your team? Immediately find me a talented female player, I want to train her! I want her to be in the official arena Now, defeating Lu Feng's disciple proves that I am no worse than Lu Feng! Proves that my kingly flow is not inferior to his data flow!"

"Okay, master. There happens to be a female player in our team. The talent should be quite good. The basic quality score of professional players has recently increased to 70 points. However, I can't see such things as talent. I'd better wait for you, master, to test it yourself. Let's test her fineness."

"That's good! The basic quality is not important, the important thing is whether you have the talent to control the rhythm!
My old bone has been pondering over the past few years why there are so many famous handicapped players in the e-sports world!

You should know that in the eyes of most people, a player's talents such as hand speed, reaction and overall situation are the decisive factors that determine how high his achievements will be.In recent years, I have studied many top professional players with a hand speed of less than 200, including some famous players of my era, and I have already developed a new concept of play!
Hey, I'll give you a trick. Although my new style of play is also derived from the Wang Dao style, but when it comes to actual combat ability, it is not inferior to your finishing style.

stop bullshitting.Do good ideological work for your female team member.To become a top professional player, especially a girl, it takes more effort than a man!
In the end, I want to say that I stepped into the e-sports circle again at an advanced age of [-]. If you don’t bring me back a few real championship titles, I will never forgive you ! "

Wu Di laughed heartily and said:

"Haha, master, are you underestimating me? Of course you will train another very powerful disciple to kill the Quartet, but don't underestimate me.

I am very confident that with your help, I can fully recover my strength! "

The uncle chuckled lightly and replied:

"Cut! You stinky boy, have you committed the old problem again? Remember, since you have brought out my fighting spirit again, then you must do your best for me! There is only one thing I want. That is champion!"

Until now, Wu Di knew very well that the master's champion heart has never been wiped out!
"Okay! Master, although we can't compete in the same field, we can fight the enemy together! I am looking forward to such a scene!" Wu Di laughed.

"Brat, if I give you some color, are you going to open a dyeing workshop?
Everything is settled like this, I will settle down with my family in the next few days, and set off the day after tomorrow! "

In the blue sky Internet cafe.

The first team meeting of the King's team ended here.

All the team members were immersed in the excitement, and they began to high-five each other and cheered happily.

Because, in a few days, they will usher in their tactical advisor—the first-generation e-sports master known as the "Uncrowned King", the one who created the kingly way and cultivated such as Wu Di, Lu Li, and Weiwei. The man of a world-class e-sports player, the hero who led Huaxia e-sports to the world!
Tianou Community, Tianfu City.

This is a wealthy community located in the south of the city.

Independent villas are located neatly throughout the entire community, where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and there is no severe winter scene at all.

And in the innermost villa, a middle-aged man with a beard and a Tang suit stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of a young girl.

The girl nodded slightly, with a serious and serious expression, staring at the middle-aged man intently.

"Ning Han, do you know why I have taken a fancy to you?"

"I don't know." Xia Ninghan replied calmly.

Lu Feng chuckled lightly, and said, "There are so many wonders in the world. I thought my data flow would disappear with the passage of time, but I discovered your existence through a friend's recommendation.

The reason why I want to accept you as an apprentice is very simple, your ability to never forget is the biggest reliance on practicing data flow! "

 Ask for subscription, ask for support, ask for everything.

  I need passion.

(End of this chapter)

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