Chapter 175 Data Flow

After hearing the words, Xia Ninghan said in surprise:
"How do you know that I have a memory? I've never demonstrated it in front of people?"

Lu Feng laughed, waved his hands and said:

"There is no need to worry about this anymore. I just want to tell you that I have been searching for nearly ten years, and I am looking for rare talents with this talent!
From now on, you are going to be ready for hellish devil training, I hope you can prepare yourself both mentally and physically! "

"Wait!" Xia Ninghan interrupted Lu Feng unexpectedly, she still had a grudge against this master who arrived suddenly.

"Master, I am very glad that you can accept me as an apprentice. I have been your loyal fan since I was very young. However, I still want to find out one thing - why are you willing to accept me As a disciple?"

Lu Feng looked up to the sky with a long smile, pointed to his temple, and said solemnly:
"You are a very smart woman here, and I don't want to explain anything to you.

Don't you really want to defeat the heartless person who abandoned you?Don't you really want to prove to her what a wrong decision it was for him to abandon you?Don't you want to completely destroy his confidence in the e-sports arena?
As long as you are determined like that, nothing else matters, am I right? "

In an instant, Xia Ninghan's heart was like thousands of troops roaring past.She widened her bright eyes and stared straight at this man ten years older than herself, trying to see through his mysterious smile, but she was greatly disappointed.

This master is like a solid rock that cannot be penetrated by a drop of water, it is not something that a little girl like Xia Ninghan can see through.

However, Xia Ninghan agreed with Lu Feng's words very much.

Regarding the man who has been lingering in her heart, her current thoughts are very simple and direct, and there is one and only one: beat him in the e-sports arena!
She wants to let him understand in the place he is most proud of: if he leaves her, he will accomplish nothing!
Lu Feng suddenly saw the ruthlessness in Xia Ninghan's eyes, and laughed dumbfoundedly:

"It is said that women are water, but in my eyes, women are real tigers. Once you make up your mind, the potential that will explode can shock everyone.

Ning Han, remember the obsession in your heart, my data flow needs your obsession!Now that you've made up your mind, let me teach you about data flow.

In this way, based on your imagination and what you have seen and heard before, what kind of play do you think data flow should be? "

Xia Ninghan's spirit was lifted, she was approached by Lu Feng, and under his persuasion with reason and emotion, she became his only closed-door disciple.Of course she knew exactly why she came here!

"Master, as far as I know, the data flow is to calculate the key factors such as the damage value, displacement, and skill range of the heroes of both sides through fast and accurate calculations on the official arena after memorizing all the game-related data, and then in the shortest time. Do what is best for you within the time period.

I have watched your game, and when you are laning, you usually have a small retreat before you make a move. I think at that moment you must be running your brain very fast, calculating all the follow-up possibilities, right? And in teamfights, you generally don't have any pauses, and I guess that's because no matter how accurate your calculations are, they're useless in teamfights!

Team battles are five against five, and even you cannot guarantee that the other four teammates will be able to perform a wonderful show according to the script you designed.

Therefore, in my opinion, the place where the data flow can be brought into full play is the laning period!

Master, this is the data flow as I understand it, I don't know if it is the case. "

Lu Feng has always maintained that inscrutable and sly smile expression. After listening to Xia Ninghan's narration, a slight shock appeared on his face, but this expression was fleeting.

"Very good, the observation and insight are very strong. In the era when e-sports just started to rise, the essence of data flow is almost the same as what you said. When data flow was first created by me, it was used in this way.

At that time, I could keep in mind the basic data of all heroes, including the data changes after each level; I could also keep in mind the damage value and casting range of each skill level of all heroes; I could also keep in mind that all true and false eyes on the map disappeared. time!

It is precisely because I have such an outstanding photographic memory that I can play data flow to an astonishing level!

In those days, no one could take advantage of me during the laning phase!Because I will count even the attacks of minions!As for figuring out when the best time to attack is, it's a piece of cake for me.

It is no exaggeration to say that during the laning phase, I am invincible! "

Xia Ninghan heard something in Lu Feng's words, her mind turned sharply, and she couldn't help asking:
"That is to say... In modern e-sports, data flow is no longer understood in this way? Or, there is a new way of using it? It is no longer limited to the laning period?"

"Smart, very smart. The person who recommended you is really brilliant.

I am very relieved... You know, when I retired a few years ago, I predicted that there would not be a peerless genius who can use the data flow to the extreme in China, or even in the whole world-no one has the ability to see and see. Forget it!
However, your appearance really made me look forward to it.

listen!In the data flow of modern e-sports, there is no distinction between the laning period and the team battle period!After years of painstaking research, there is only one way to master the essence of data flow play!That is whether the players have a super memory ability!
Give a simple example.For example, if the opponent's jungler appears in the top lane at a certain minute, what would you do if you were a mid laner with data flow? "

Xia Ninghan was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why.Lu Feng knew that with her current strength, she couldn't answer this question, so she chuckled lightly and continued:

"How long does it take to go back to the city? How long does it take to walk from the base to the grass on both sides of the middle road? If it is a jungler like the blind monk, what is the initial movement speed? After purchasing the shoes, how much will it reach? Purchased After the five-speed shoes, what speed will he reach? The time it takes for him to go back to the city and lay an ambush in the grass is a data that can be calculated with an error rate of less than three seconds through the data stream!

If he is an orthodox data stream player, he can retreat to a safe position during that time period in order to escape the opponent's GANK. "

"Then what if the blind man on the opposite side goes to destroy the Gang of Four or the Three Wolves first?"

"Good question! But please allow me to ask, how long does a red BUFF last? How long does a blue BUFF last? As a qualified and competent jungler, he will definitely not waste any BUFF time, Before level 6, the effect of GANK with or without BUFF is obvious.

Although the data flow has a gorgeous appearance, it still needs to pay attention to some psychology.When the more things you can remember, the more things you can calculate, combined with your control over the opponent's psychology, then you will definitely be able to strategize and win in an instant!
[Uncle]'s name, have you heard of it? "Lu Feng looked into the distance, and the mysterious smile on his face stopped abruptly.

Xia Ninghan was taken aback, and immediately replied: "Of course I have heard of it. The person who is called the Uncrowned King. I heard that although he has never won a championship, he has played a vital role in promoting the development of Huaxia e-sports Many of his works are now regarded as treasures by professional players.

However, I also know that the biggest reason why he has not been able to win any important championships is because you, Master, were in the same era as him!
His chance to be the champion was snatched away by your old man..."

"Hahaha, I didn't rob, I defeated him and his team by virtue of my strength. Ninghan, do you know why he has been unable to defeat me? In fact, in essence, his Wang Daoliu is already very powerful, powerful enough Can destroy my data stream!"

After hearing these words, Xia Ninghan was completely stunned.

It never occurred to her that just a moment ago Lu Feng was flaunting that he was synonymous with almost invincibility in his career, but at this moment, he said that his data flow was actually not as good as that uncrowned king's domineering flow?

and many more!

Isn't that damn guy Wang Daoliu's eldest disciple?He is the eldest disciple of the Uncrowned King?
"That guy, have you ever learned from Wang Daoliu?" Xia Ninghan asked softly.She wanted to confirm again.

Looking at the doubts on Xia Ninghan's face, Lu Feng also coughed twice, and continued to explain:
"Well, uncle is indeed Wu Di's master, there is no doubt about it. But don't think too much about it, I will not interfere with the grievances between you and Wu Di, and that old guy must know that I will accept you as a disciple After hearing the news, he will come back! At that time, I will tell him that the duel will be the duel between you!"

The unrestrained and unrestrained Queen immediately promised: "I will be a teacher for a day and a father for the rest of my life. I, Xia Ninghan, will naturally carry out this principle! Master's grievances, of course, will be resolved by the disciples for you!"

"Ha! Well said! I like you more and more. You can rest assured that I will do my best to train you to be a top professional player in the world! However, there is one thing I have to remind you."

"Although Wu Di originated from Wangdaoliu, he developed and perfected the ending a few years ago.

Recently, he wore a peaked cap, appeared in Quancheng, and made a high-profile comeback, and the style of play he used in that challenge has changed again!

Is the master trying to remind me that now he has reached an extremely powerful height that can overwhelm all sentient beings?

Please rest assured, Master, I know the gap between me and him.I must do my best to train and strive to grasp the essence of data flow as soon as possible. "

Lu Feng smiled and said: "I really like your awareness. However, I like to put everything on the table and talk about it.

You have to keep in mind that for Wang Daoliu's style of play, the practitioners all possess a decisive domineering aura!The reason why I want to say that back then, Uncle's Wang Daoliu was so powerful that it could destroy my data flow style of play is because of this momentum!

Once this kind of momentum is played out, no one can restrain them.Wang Daoliu's masters are all top masters of snowballing, even a slight advantage can be continuously magnified by them, and finally turn the advantage into a victory!

There are only a handful of descendants of Wang Daoliu.The only ones who are still active in the e-sports field are Wu Di, Lu Li, and Weiwei who has been fighting abroad for many years.Among them, there is no one who is a genius with such an aura.Once this kind of person lets him enter his own rhythm, then their opponent's rhythm will be destroyed by the coefficient.

You must want to ask, if you don't let them enter the rhythm, you can suppress it.This idea is wrong, because Wang Daoliu's style of play is to put pressure on the opponent from the very beginning. From the moment they meet, they start their own rhythm!
However, any player who practices data flow needs a short analysis time during the game.The length of this analysis time varies from person to person.The stronger the memory and the stronger the calculation ability, the less time it will naturally take.

However, after meeting the masters of Wang Daoliu, they will not give you any time for analysis.The battle has started from the very beginning.Thus, your computing power and memory will be completely disabled!You don't have time to use analytical calculations!
Now, you can understand why I said Wang Daoliu can suppress the data flow... because they won't give you any respite at all! "

Xia Ninghan listened with gusto, and kept nodding.After harvesting this large amount of information, she already understood the weakness of a data flow style of play, and this weakness can only be fully exposed when facing Wang Daoliu!
"Master, after hearing what you said, I already have a preliminary understanding of data flow and kingly flow. But an ironclad fact also proves that our data flow is no worse than that kingly flow—you have always been The master who suppressed the uncle for nearly ten years. Although Wang Daoliu is very strong, isn't it the same as being firmly suppressed by you, and you can't turn over even once?"

Xia Ninghan saw hope, saw the hope of defeating Wu Di's confidence.She pursed her lips and laughed, she knew that the originator of data flow must have a unique way to suppress Wang Daoliu!
Before Xia Ninghan's good mood lasted for a moment, Lu Feng sighed softly, and said softly:
"If you talk about the ability to control the game, Wang Daoliu's style of play has already surpassed the flow of data. There is no other reason why I have been able to suppress the uncle for nearly ten years. He can suppress me in terms of style of play, but psychologically, it is me Suppressed him for nearly ten years!

Ning Han, I have been winning and winning championships all the time, not because of superiority in my style of play, but because I have maximized a psychological advantage.

Uncle has never defeated me, not because he is inferior to others, but after I beat him by chance for the first time, I have been using this psychological advantage.My data flow didn't start from the laning period, but from the very beginning of the selection, or the moment the two met, it started!
Wang Daoliu is a genre that only starts during the game, and my data flow that specializes in dealing with uncles has already started outside the game. Naturally, I have the capital and confidence to be invincible.

At that time, the uncle must not have understood this point...but today, I believe he should have seen through my tricks..."

Outside of the competition, they have already started to plot against their opponents... When Xia Ninghan thought of this, for the first time, she felt an inexplicable sense of fear from the bottom of her heart.

The man in front of him is really terrifying!Not only does he have extraordinary brain power, but he can also use this talent unreservedly in the game with his opponents.

It's no wonder that uncle has never won a championship from this man in his career, and it's no wonder that uncle has been suppressed by this man for nearly ten years!
Lu Feng took a sip of tea and continued:
"Ninghan, I've told you so much because I want to use my own personal experience to teach my words and deeds. Wang Daoliu's e-sports player has a domineering body that makes people shudder. But it is precisely because of this natural temperament that it will be difficult It is easy to be provoked, even used!

I am a prime example.In the era when I was competing with the uncle, I have been taking advantage of his mixed temperament!
So, you have to remember that if you want to deal with Wu Di, it is far from enough to go all out in the game.If he regains all his strength, to be honest, he has already surpassed the uncle of the year!

Your opponent is terrible, even more terrible than my opponent back then, but I will teach you how to make good use of the only weakness of Wang Daoliu and its related genres outside of the game!

This kind of person can't stand a failure!As long as he is defeated once, then he will be completely defeated! "

Can you defeat Wu Di by using off-court means?
Xia Ninghan frowned, a little puzzled.By nature, she is not an unscrupulous person.

Seeing the doubtful look in the only disciple's eyes, Lu Feng laughed dumbly and said:

"Let me just say it straight, defeating Wu Di in a formal competition is an incredible thing. Only by adding off-court methods can we ensure the possibility of defeating him!"

Her Majesty the Queen has always been a very assertive person.After hearing these words from Lu Feng, she stopped discussing with him, but directly said: "Master, as for whether we need to use other methods in the future, we will talk about it at that time. Now, I just want to know how to learn how to use data streaming Law!"

Lu Feng showed that mysterious smile again, and stared into Xia Ninghan's eyes for a long time.Then, he said calmly:
"Well, in my professional career, I have won countless championships and been dubbed the title of king. From the bottom of my heart, I am not the kind of person who wants to win by any means. I will talk about the future.

But the ugly words are up front, sooner or later, you will take the initiative to beg me, begging me to teach you how to control the life and death of your opponent outside the arena!
Closer to home.There are two characteristics of data stream play, you must keep them in mind!

The first point is that you need to memorize all the data that can be quantified. Only when you memorize these data in your mind can you analyze them.You have the ability of photographic memory, I don't have to worry about memory, I will only teach you how to analyze it!

The second point is that the data flow style of play is the same as Wu Di's self-created ending flow style of play, and it needs to practice all the heroes of the League of Legends!If you really want to beat Wu Di in the game, you have to do this!

Because you're not sure where your opponent is going to be, and you're not sure what hero he's going to use against you.His talent is indeed the strongest in ten years of e-sports. If you want to deal with him, you have to put in five times the effort of ordinary people!
Others practice data flow and only learn by position. They only need to remember all the hero data in one position, but you are different.

You are determined to defeat Wu Di, then you must master the data of all heroes! "

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(End of this chapter)

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