Chapter 176
After the first team meeting of King's Team, everyone happily spread out their palms and raised them in front of the team's interim CEO Ye Wuhen.


"Get paid!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Ye Wuhen was sweating under the waterfall, and looked up at Wu Di, Wu Di smiled and nodded, but in desperation, he had to take out his wallet and pay everyone their first official salary.

"Let's say it first, this kind of behavior is only allowed this time, and it must not be committed again in the future!"

Xia Jie gave him a playful look, and said, "Don't forget, you are also a C-level player, and we must be equal."

These words represented the aspirations of the general public, and immediately received the approval of other team members. After a few people fought with each other, they happily chose the private room they liked as their special training room.

But Ye Wuhen called Wu Di aside.

"Captain, since we have made a plan to go to Yangcheng to develop, then we need to plan ahead and make some arrangements first."

"It's fine for you to decide. In terms of business, I really don't understand much."

"Well, anyway, the winter vacation is coming soon, and we just have time to make our name there. It's is your homework?"

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that he had come to Tianfu University for almost a semester, and it seemed that he hadn't taken a serious class yet.Even with Bai Yiyi's guarantee, the final exam is a very important hurdle.

"Senior Wuhen, what about yours?"


After a while, the two hugged each other and cried...

"This is not the way, we must find a way to pass the final exam! Although we are determined to enter the professional league, we must not relax in terms of studies! My family does not care if I have conditions, that is, I must guarantee , you can’t fail at the end of each semester!” Ye Wuhen said worriedly.

Wu Di nodded and echoed: "My family only recently found out that I have recovered my memory. My father is very supportive, but my mother has a hard time passing the test, so there is no room for failure in the final exam!"

Ye Wuhen showed a disdainful look, squinted at Wu Di, and said:

"If I could just go to the black market to make hundreds of millions and get away with it like you, my family would have ignored me a long time ago! Your family is not rich...Since you can do it At this level, why does your family object to your participation in the e-sports industry?"

Wu Di let out a long sigh, and replied: "Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. In their eyes, they still hold the concept of [Everything is inferior but reading is high]. When I was a little boy a few years ago, they always Whispering in my ear, I couldn't tell them, and in a fit of anger, I lived directly in the Brilliant Club and rarely went home. Therefore, they became more and more angry with me. Now that I have recovered some memory, they must I don’t want me to make the same mistakes again. My dad expressed his support for me, but it’s hard for my mom to change her mind..."

Ye Wuhen had a quick brainstorm and reminded:

"If we want our family members to dispel their doubts about us, the way is very simple, that is to divert their attention!"

"Hey! You reminded me, and I realized that I have the capital to challenge them! My biological brother who jumped out of a crack in a rock, they must not have figured out how to convince me yet!"

"You mean Wu Shuang?"

"Yes, for no reason, an extra brother came out for no reason, and he went against me. Of course, I was angry and annoyed. I asked them if they were counterfeit, and they actually said they were real! Ha, now I really don't have to be afraid of them Stopped my plan."

Ye Wuhen nodded and said: "However... our most important problem is to think about how to pass the final exam. You are better than me. You are only a freshman. You are all basic courses. I already have professional courses..."

"Okay, we have to go our separate ways for the time being and try to find a way to get through the crisis of the final exam..."

that night.

Distressed, Wu Di hurriedly called Bai Yiyi, trying to get this beautiful teacher to help him with the regular final exam.

However, what surprised him was that after Bai Yiyi answered the phone, she burst out laughing first.

"Hahaha..." This laughter is exactly the same as the bounty hunter Miss Lucky's big move...

Teacher Bai, is it possible that his nerves are a little abnormal?

"Teacher Bai, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? Or is your brain burning? Do you want to go to the hospital first?"

"You're the one with the brain, the one with the talent!" Bai Yiyi stopped laughing and shouted angrily.

"Then why are you laughing? You're laughing so exaggeratedly, have you found a treasure?" Wu Di asked suspiciously.

"You're really right, I just picked up a big baby. How about it, Wu Youzhi, do you want to consider my previous proposal, you come to my team, or, you just take your grassroots The team has merged with my Huafeihua team.

Although you and Xia Ninghan have broken up, it doesn't affect the two of you becoming top professional players together.Besides, if you behave better, maybe I can help you get rid of her again!

The little girl's mind, the teacher knows better than you! "

[You know what a fart! 】Wu Di has a dark heart in his heart.

"Hey, Mr. Bai, we should let ourselves handle the matter of our young people, and I won't bother you. I will definitely not accept your proposal. I called you this time to ask about... the end of the term What about the ensured that my studies can be successfully completed."

After hearing this, Bai Yiyi immediately performed a special skill for women - changing faces faster than turning the pages of a book!
Just hearing her tone change suddenly, she immediately turned into an angel teacher who wanted to save the playful boy, and said earnestly:

"Student Wu Youzhi, you must not lose your mind! Although your level of League of Legends is not bad. But you have to remember, you are not allowed to be slack and sloppy in your studies. Teacher, I can only I try my best to help you with the work of some teachers, at most it is to let you score 59 points in some subjects, and let them reluctantly score 60 points. Others, I really can’t help you. Everything depends on yourself... ..."

"You!" Wu Di was at a loss for words, he really didn't expect this beautiful counselor teacher to change her face just like playing, without mercy.

This time, Wu Di is dumb and knows that he suffers from eating Coptis chinensis.

"Don't hate the teacher, I'm thinking of you. It's hard for you to enter the university, you must cherish this wonderful time...Of course, as your counselor teacher, I still need to remind you ——The credits for supplementary exams are 80 yuan per point. You are only a freshman now, and you have learned basic courses. The credits for these subjects are generally 4 to 5 points. So, you’d better prepare a thousand yuan first. Prepare for a rainy day."

After finishing speaking, Bai Yiyi smiled and hung up the phone with a proud face.

At this time, if Wu Di hadn't missed the past, he would have dropped the phone on the ground long ago.

But if you are angry, you are angry, of course he also knows why this beautiful teacher suddenly changed his mind.

It's very simple, that Lu Feng who was known as the "King" just like himself has accepted Xia Ninghan as his disciple!Everyone in Huaxia's e-sports circle knew about this matter, and it naturally contributed to Bai Yiyi's psychological advantage in breaking the contract.


Women are indeed unreliable!
However, even if you get angry again, the final exam... you have to find a way to pass it...

three days later.

The platform of Tianfu Railway Station.

After Wu Di welcomed his master, he immediately left the matter of the final exam behind.From the moment they met, there was only one thought in his mind, that is to restore the memory of the middle unit with the help of the master!
But when [Uncle] appeared in front of Wu Di with a bearded face, he was confused... This uncle who looks rather obscene is his master?This uncle who looks extremely decadent is the uncrowned king back then?This uncle who looks like his eyes are glowing, is he an epic hero who promotes the development of China's e-sports?

Wu Di couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it, because the uncle in front of him looked more ordinary than ordinary people, and he blamed Shu Li even more than he blamed Shu Li.

Wu Di only vaguely relied on some fragments of memory to confirm that this person's appearance was somewhat similar to the master in his impression.

"Master...Master?" Wu Di was still not sure.

"What? Did it disappoint you? According to your ideal situation, I should be an image of a seemingly unearthly, unworldly and refined person? Oh, young people, I just like fantasy. I am yours Master, your uncle."

After finishing speaking, the uncle laughed, walked up to Wu Di, and patted Wu Di heavily on his right shoulder.

"Haha, brat! How many years have we not seen each other? Let me do the math, one, two, three, four, five... more than six years, almost seven years. Oh, people say that women's colleges have changed, you stinky fart Your little kid actually looks so beautiful?
What are you wearing a hat for?Like others to pretend to be cool?Oh panties. "

... The scarecrow's storm of crows appeared in Wu Di's mind.

"Master, you just walked on the road like this? You don't bring anything?" Wu Di asked with concern when he saw that the uncle was empty-handed.

"What to bring? I've come to your place, and I still need to bring something. Didn't you say that everything is ready!"

Wu Di drooped his head, with black lines all over his hair.

"Enen, the master is here, I'm sure everything is ready to welcome you. Then let's go now?" Wu Di nodded to the bodyguards beside him, indicating that they can drive over to welcome the uncle back.Of course, what awaits him is a luxurious reception banquet set up by the veritable host - Gao Fushuai junior brother Lu Li.

Unexpectedly, the uncle took a step, and suddenly stopped in his tracks, and then, ignoring the curious eyes of the people around him, he burst out laughing unscrupulously.

After laughing for a while, the laughter stopped abruptly.

The uncle raised his head and said coldly, "Let's go."

Wu Di was at a loss, but he didn't want to ask more questions, so he had to get on a Buick commercial vehicle with his uncle.

The vehicle started, galloped, and soon got on the expressway around the city, and rushed towards [Banyan Garden].

As one of the best high-end Chinese restaurants in Tianfu City, Lu Li naturally regarded it as the best place to catch the wind.

Wu Di was on the train, and wanted to get close to the uncle, but unexpectedly, as soon as he got on the train, he found an excuse that the train ride was tiring, and fell asleep.After a while, it seemed that he had entered a deep dreamland.

Looking at the master who was already snoring faintly, Wu Di also had mixed feelings in his heart.

This is my master... This is the master who led me into e-sports... This is the master I abandoned back then.All of a sudden, something crystal clear leaked from the corners of Wu Di's eyes.

Some people, only when you are down, can you realize how precious he is to you.Maybe... this sentence is specifically for the uncle.

"Wipe your horse urine clean! Grandma's bear! As my first disciple, how can you act like a disappointing Wenqing, who only knows how to show off your emotions?

The past is the past, and those who cannot let go of the past can only live in the past forever!

Don't talk nonsense, tell me briefly about your plan.You spoke vaguely on the phone, but I want to hear you speak clearly in person. "

Embarrassed, Wu Di quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, revealing a sincere smile.

"Okay, master. That's my plan. The first thing I want to do is to restore my full strength with your help. The second point is that I hope you can give advice to the other members of the King's team. They are all very good. seedlings."

"No more?" The uncle squinted his eyes and asked.

"Ah? Oh, of course my final plan is to create a fair, just and open e-sports kingdom!" Wu Di expressed his dream.

The uncle was startled, and suddenly got up.

"Okay! Although this dream is just a ridiculous and childish idea in the eyes of others, especially those businessmen who use e-sports as a tool to make money, but as your master, I support you!

The state of the world is cold, people's hearts are not old, how many people have stepped into this circle no longer because of their pure love for e-sports.Too many people have entered the world of e-sports with such and such thoughts in mind.

E-sports is a noble cause comparable to any sport in the world!There are passions, dreams, and persistence here, and this is a paradise for young people.I hope you really mean what you say! "

"Don't worry, master, I have made up my mind and decided to go to the dark! Therefore, please give up your previous prejudice against me and help me with all your strength. My King's team and I need your help!"

The uncle sat upright, and the decadence and wretchedness on his face were swept away.

"En! Manly man, it must be so!

I will go all out for my dream, regardless of hardships and difficulties, even if the world slanders me, bullies me, humiliates me, laughs at me, despises me, despises me, hates me, and lies to me, so what?Just endure him, let him, let him, avoid him, endure him, respect him, ignore him, stay a few more years and see him!

This is the essential thought of our Wang Daoliu!Although you, Lu Li, and Wei Wei have quite different temperaments, they all have this kind of temperament.Don't worry about other people's opinions!

As your master, I will do my best to help you! "

Half an hour later, Lu Li waited for a long time in the banyan tree garden, and finally saw his master.

Then, at the reception banquet, Lu Li and Wu Di went up together, while the uncle turned his bow left and right and had a boozy drink with the two proud students. In the end, the three of them all got drunk and returned to each other.

And after this drunkenness, Wu Di's good days came to an end.

In order to wake up Wu Di's true memory, after learning about Wu Di's current state, the uncle resorted to the most primitive method-to let Wu Di try the purgatory training that is more terrifying than hell again!
"No! There was an extremely short pause in the middle of the zigzag step just now! In the official competition, because of this pause, you have died countless times! Do it again! Come back to wake me up after practicing two hundred times, I will squint for a while! "

"Wrong! You can take half a centimeter more with your little step! Did you not wake up? Do it again! Two hundred times!"

"Attack timing, wrong! See that minion? The middle lane is different from other lanes. In other lanes, you can enter the grass to avoid the minion's attack, but the grass in the middle lane is too far away from your hero! You can't blindly So many soldiers, do you want to die? Do it again! Wait until every time the soldiers reach the line, and then come to find the best time to attack! Two hundred waves!"

"Stop! Those who play in the middle are mostly mage heroes, relying on precise judgment and observation! Wang Daoliu's style of play requires not giving the opponent a chance to breathe! But, you are playing too aggressively! If you encounter A real mid laner will take advantage of your aggressive mentality and design to kill you! Do it again! Cast each hero skill 200 times!"

In this way, Wu Di passed several weeks without knowing it under the strict and demanding training of his uncle.

Under such high-intensity training, coupled with the tireless and careful teaching of the mentor beside him, and the fact that the two of them have the same style of play, Wu Di soon felt that the high wall in his mind that blocked his memory At one corner, it began to show signs of collapse again!

Such a feeling is naturally a precursor to recovering memory.

Wu Di was ecstatic.

Just when he was completely immersed in the devil training and was about to retrieve the memory of the middle unit, a phone rang out of nowhere.

"Ha, classmate Wu Youzhi, I want to tell you something. Tomorrow is the time for the first subject of the final exam. Are you ready?"

Wu Di was a little crazy.

"Oh, my good teacher, you have a lot of adults, please help me, you also know that I am working on a team recently, and I don't have time. If I am asked to take the exam, I will definitely fail."

"It's good that you know! I can help you if you want, but I know all the basic class teachers? But, there are conditions for helping you. As long as you join our Huafeihua team now, everything will be easy to talk about!"

Until now, this beautiful counselor still wants to poach Wu Di himself.

In fact, Bai Yiyi gave up her plan to poach him a long time ago, but Xia Ninghan once said that Wu Youzhi's strength is very strong, strong enough to compete with professional players, so she has been thinking about the future of her team. Unreasonably want to persuade Wu Di to join.But Wu Di firmly rejected her several times, so this time she took out the final exam to threaten Wu Di.

"Can you change it to other conditions? Teacher Bai, everything else is fine, but this one is not. And you promised me that day, you can't change your mind!"

"Oh, since that's the case, I won't force others to do what I want. I just changed my mind, and you...please yourself, take care."

Snapped!The phone hung up again...

Wu Di, who had no sleep all night, woke up early the next morning, trying to make a surprise test subject, but after a few minutes of reading, he gave up in a hurry.

What high it useful to learn so much?I can count money and count. It’s very difficult for quadratic round and square oranges and Lagrange’s middle designation law.

And when Wu Di stepped into the examination room sullenly and sat on his seat, he suddenly felt a burning gaze aimed at him!He turned his head and saw a girl with short hair staring at him with a smile on her face.

who is it?So familiar?
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(End of this chapter)

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