The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 177 The Watcher Behind the King

Chapter 177 The Watcher Behind the King

The short-haired girl was full of smiles, and she just stared at Wu Di without avoiding it, making his cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Wu Di desperately searched for the girl's memory in his mind, and finally remembered her identity!

One of the two girls I met in the slow shake bar in Quancheng where professional players often care about, and I still exchanged calls with him.

Wu Di was overjoyed, and came to her side with a stride, and said with a soft smile like a spring breeze:
"Ha, I didn't expect you to be studying at Tianfu University, and you're still a freshman! Just like me! Although you and I are not in the same department, the basic course exams are all such a hodgepodge. Students from several departments gather together to take the exam!
Your seat is right behind me... Hehe, please ask Miss Qiqi for some cheat sheets later. "

Qiqi Weiwei smiled, looking at the peaked caps of different styles and colors on Wu Di's head, and whispered:

"Ha, classmate Wu Youzhi's disguise is really secretive... But, people recognized you, what should I do—Wu Di!"

Wu Di was taken aback, and quickly put his head in the past, and said in a low voice:
"Hush! Keep your voice down, no one here knows my real identity."

Suffered!As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Wu Di realized that he was tricked by this girl!
Even when he attended the press conference, he always wore a huge peaked cap, and no one could see his current appearance clearly. Even if this girl watched the live broadcast of the game and the live pictures of the press conference, she should have It is impossible to confirm that Wu Di who stands at the top of e-sports is the ordinary student studying in Tianfu University now!
She must have been probing just now!
Looking at the curvature of Wu Di's mouth, Qiqi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't reveal your identity casually. This is a university campus, and there are many e-sports fans. If they find out, I'm afraid you won't be able to complete your studies well in the future." Alright."

Wu Di let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and sighed: "It's good that you understand. By the way, from your appearance, you should be a student of Tianfu University. Why did you go to Quancheng?"

Qiqi smiled strangely like an elf, stretched out her finger and waved in front of Wu Di, "asecretmakeawomanwoman (secret makes a woman more feminine)."

Wu Di shrugged his shoulders: "Okay, but you have to give me a cheat sheet for the exam later! Otherwise, I'm dead! I don't understand high math at all!"

At this time, Qiqi pursed her lips and smiled, making her flowers tremble wildly.

"Men, you have to rely on yourself. How can you rely on such illegal means to achieve your goal?"

When Qiqi tactfully refused to give Wu Di a cheat sheet, Wu Di could only cry in his heart. He knew very well that his high score was decided!

Exam time passed quickly.Wu Di looked at the equations and functions full of papers and sighed.If it was changed to a subject with all multiple choice questions, he could still try his luck by turning pens or drawing lots, but this shit is all calculation questions!
Wu Di buried her head in a bad mood, and was about to leave this sad place when Qiqi had already walked in front of him and called him back.

"What?" Wu Di was listless.

Qiqi still had that innocent and bright smile, she quietly moved her head over and asked:
"Is your king team still accepting people? I want to join."

After hearing the words, Wu Di raised his head and stared at the short-haired beauty for a long time, feeling a little puzzled.

"You want to join the King's team? Why? It seems that I don't know you well, and my team has just started, so I can't pay you a high salary."

Qiqi pointed to the outside of the classroom, and suggested: "Go outside and say, there are too many people here, it would be bad if your identity is revealed."

Ever since, the two came to a remote corner of the corridor.

Qiqi stood still, and said straight to the point: "Wu Di, I know all about the current situation of the King's team, and I also know that you are short of people. In addition, your team members are of uneven strength. If you want to take root in Yangcheng, you will be without my help." , it’s impossible!”

Wu Di felt like breaking out in a cold sweat. This girl seems to know the King's team very well?
Qiqi stopped Wu Di's urge to speak, and continued:
"Don't have so many doubts about me. I just say one name, and you should dispel all doubts about me."

"What name?" Wu Di suddenly became interested.

"The watcher behind the king." Qiqi slowly came out of this name through her teeth.For a moment, Wu Di was already on the spot.It never occurred to him that the mysterious person who had been secretly helping him since he recovered his memory was this quirky short-haired girl in front of him?

Wu Di was speechless.

"Ha, don't be so surprised. You must have a lot of questions in your mind. Don't worry, just ask me if you want to know. I'll tell you everything."

"Who are you?" Wu Di raised the brim of his hat, and carefully looked at this short-haired beauty again.

"My surname is Jin, and Jin Qiqi is my full name."

If Ye Wuhen were here, he would definitely tell Wu Di that Jin Qiqi, the sole heir of the Jin Group, which ranks No. [-] in China's top [-] enterprises, is an out-and-out daughter of a wealthy noble family who was born with a golden key in her mouth.

Of course, our classmate Wu Di knew nothing about it.Just thought about it and asked a second question.

"Your previous ID in the first district was named the watcher behind the king, and then helped me win the longest winning streak in the League of Legends. Judging from this, you should be very familiar with me?"

However, Kiki's answer disappointed him greatly.

"We are not familiar with each other. We just met on the Internet, and by chance, we met when we ranked together with you. Do you remember? In a qualifying match, the male gun you chose, I chose Qin Nu, in the end, I was patient and still relying on you to fight to the death in the early stage, and finally secured you to become the Liushen outfit, and in a team battle, the team wiped out the opponent and won the game."

Of course, Wu Di remembers this match very clearly, because not only did this match take place before he became famous, he also used this example to explain the true meaning of Wang Daoliu to Ye Qi.

"I remember this. You said that we are not familiar with each other, but just friends on the Internet, but why are you helping me like this?"

"I'm your fan! It's not just me, one of my best friends is also determined to marry you, hehe." The best friend Qiqi mentioned is the one who took a photo with Lu Tian with exquisite facial features and Barbie Lulu like a doll.

Wu Di was covered with black lines again.This is not the first time someone has approached him with the excuse of being a big fan of him.

"Okay... I'm not good at reasoning with girls. The last question, listen to your tone, you've been helping me thoroughly investigate the cause of my accident? Do you have any clues?"

Qiqi withdrew her smile, and replied solemnly:

"This question hits the nail on the head, if you ask it so straightforwardly, I will answer you straightforwardly.

The reason why you fell into a coma, I think you have already gone through the process before and after the mermaid sister's accident, and you know it well.That's right, both you and she have been poisoned by a kind of nerve poison.The difference is that the medicine in your possession is still an unfinished version, while the medicine in Ye Ling's possession is already a completed version. "

Hearing this, Wu Di immediately showed a breath-taking chill: "Then is there any way to make Ye Ling heal?"

"Of course there is a method. It's just that I haven't found it yet..."

Wu Di frowned, suddenly changed his tone, and said viciously: "Are you kidding me?"

Seeing Wu Di's cold and terrifying expression suddenly, Qiqi couldn't help shivering.

"Don't, don't stare at me like this! I'm... very scared..." Qiqi actually hugged her shoulders with her hands and shivered.

Seeing this, Wu Di immediately withdrew his frightening aura, and said puzzledly:

"What's the matter? I didn't do anything to you, I just glanced at you? What are you afraid of?"

Qiqi trembled all over, and replied falteringly: " don't know... I was kidnapped in an accident when I was a child... The look in your eyes just now is very similar to the eyes of the person who kidnapped me... ..."

Wu Di was confused when he heard this, and asked concerned: "Have you been kidnapped?"

Kiki didn't answer.

After a while, Qiqi gradually regained her composure, and then said lightly:

"I won't talk about my affairs. Let's continue with the topic just now.

There is indeed a way to restore Ye Ling. It is very simple. Since there is a poison, there must be a corresponding antidote.It's just that the formula of this antidote has been firmly controlled by that organization.After spending some energy and means, I found that it is extremely difficult to infiltrate this organization. "

Knowing that Ye Ling was saved, Wu Di also let out a breath of air.

Antidote?I must get it!No matter what method is used!
When Qiqi saw that Wu Di seemed about to burst out with the intimidating momentum before, she hurriedly said:

"Can you control your emotions? As the number one talent in the world, the calmness you showed in the official arena is completely different from the current you. Can you calm down and listen to me? over?"

Obviously, Qiqi's words calmed Wu Di down.He nodded, signaling Kiki to continue.

"The power of that organization spreads all over the world, and it is a terrifying existence with an amazing protective umbrella. You will never be able to obtain the antidote on your own. If you really want to save Ye Ling, I suggest... you'd better start now From the beginning, I deliberately maintained the relationship with many big Chinese families! The Ye family who has a good relationship with you now, there is another family in Quancheng other than the Xue family, which is the family of the girl next to me that you saw before , and even, no matter if you are sincere or false, you must have a good relationship with the family of the glamorous Queen Yuna!"

Only in this way can you have enough confidence to challenge that organization! "

Until now, under Qiqi's deliberate reminder, Wu Di realized how ridiculous and naive his previous thoughts were.

Indeed, the power of that organization was beyond his imagination.But I naively thought that as long as I could recover my full strength and win the world championship, I would be able to use my extraordinary influence to bring that organization to justice.

Ah!Still too young, passion is important, but strength is the key to success or failure.

Wu Di laughed in his heart, but he discovered another amazing fact - the daughter of the richest man in Huaxia Kingdom knows everything about him almost like the back of his hand!
Thinking of this, he tentatively said: "Why do you know so much? You have been sending people to follow me secretly? This is a rude behavior. Although I know you should be kind."

Qiqi smiled and said, "Ha, what I said, I am your fan, the most loyal one. I told you just now about my ID named for you. The watcher behind the king, I If you don’t watch over you, who will watch over you? For the longest record winning streak, I worked hard and practiced League of Legends desperately. I didn’t double up with you until I trained myself enough to keep up with your rhythm. Well done. Before I knew it, my strength had already become a professional level..."

Wu Di had a headache.

Although he was almost sure at this moment that the short-haired girl named Qiqi was the girl who had been secretly helping him.But as to why she spared no effort to help him, he still couldn't figure it out.

The reason she gave was very similar to what a three-year-old child would say when playing house games...

"Well, I can see that you still have doubts in your heart, but don't think too much about it. Since I dare to reveal my identity to you, at least it shows that I and you are on the same front. You can rest assured to engage in your team. As for why I want to help you, when the time comes, I will make it clear."

Wu Di nodded and asked, "Are you joking when you said you wanted to join the King's team, or are you serious?"

"Of course it is serious. Since Xia Ninghan left the team, isn't the King's team short of manpower?"

"It's a little lacking..." Wu Di thought of the current situation of the King's team, with a worried look on his face.

"Want to hear what I think of the current king team?"

"Yes, you say."

Kiki paused, and then said:

"Although Ye Wuhen is very talented, he has to be distracted by many things. This is the biggest factor restricting his growth into a top professional player; and Lin Xiaoxiao's girl is indeed talented, but if there is no famous teacher to tap her inner potential, It is also very easy to become a gravedigger of dreams, rather than a person who dominates dreams; Xia Jie's hand speed is indeed terrifying, the normal hand speed of around 500 is almost unmatched in the entire e-sports world, but... Hand speed alone is not enough. Like Lin Xiaoxiao, if there is no special guidance, it is easy to become a victim of being burdened by talent; as for the one named Chen Jiang, I heard that you have given up on letting him become a professional player. You've done a good job of developing as a tactical analyst.

Finally, the mysterious boy named Wang Yuanyuan, have you investigated his true origin? "

"Wang Yuanyuan? There's nothing wrong with it. He has the ability to imitate others. He is a rare genius. Why? Have you investigated his background? Isn't he the peerless genius that Xia Ninghan brought back from Quancheng?"

Qiqi shook her head, her tone was a little cold: "No, I didn't find out where he came from."

"Then it's over? Since the investigation can't be done, there should be no problem." Wu Di expressed his opinion.

"You're wrong. It's because you can't investigate, that's the problem! Forget it, I'm telling you these things. In short, your current team is short of people, and the ability of the players needs to be improved. I'll just wait for you if you want me to join. One word!" Qiqi said bluntly.

After a few minutes, Wu Di, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"Well, although I don't know your real purpose, what you are doing is indeed helping me.

That's it. On behalf of King's Team, I officially welcome you to join! "

Wu Di stretched out his right hand friendly, but unexpectedly Qiqi smiled and opened his hand.

"What handshake? How old-fashioned!

Alright, we've finished talking about the business, you should worry more about the make-up exams you have to take in the future, hee hee. "

After finishing speaking, Qiqi stepped on cheerful steps, turned and left, leaving Wu Di alone in the wind, smiling bitterly...

a few days later.

The final exams for freshmen at Tianfu University are all over.

Wu Di returned to the dormitory with heavy steps.The men in the dormitory had already chatted happily.Judging from their expressions, they should be able to successfully pass the copy of the final exam.

When everyone saw Wu Di returning to the dormitory, they hurried over and surrounded him.

"Ha! You kid, you are finally willing to come back to see our group of good friends!" Qu Yugeng shot Wu Di a [Looking] look, which made Wu Di instantly goosebumps all over his body.

"Go, go, you gay guy, a good brother is loyal, and you won't be gay if you share adversity! By the way, Wu Youzhi, you are really good at it. Your king team is now known all over the city, and everyone knows it. What? It's time to take me to rank, with your level, get a diamond rank and sprinkle water." When Zhang Mingdong saw the return of the e-sports master in the dormitory, he naturally flattered him.

Wu Di smiled and was about to speak when Lu Gang patted him on the shoulder heavily and said earnestly:

"Hey, it's said that goddesses are not easy to take care of, and that's true. These bastards know how to talk to you about LOL and younger sisters, but brother knows the pain in your heart!

Brother Yuzhi, just wait for the past to pass, I will always support you!When you stand at a peak, what kind of girl paper can't you get?What about the goddess?The same is easy to catch! "

At this time, Wu Di knew that the group of roommates had learned the news of his breakup with Xia Ninghan through gossip channels, and Lu Gang's dignified demeanor also made him feel grateful in an instant.

"It's okay... As you said, everything is over. I am back this time because I have a business to do!"

Wu Di had a serious face, without the slightest smile.

Everyone tightened their chrysanthemums, oh, no, their expressions tightened, and they asked in unison, "What's the matter?"

Wu Di showed a distressed look on his face, and asked: "In the final exam, I guess there are three subjects...all of them will fail, what should I do?"

"Cut!" The three made contemptuous gestures at the same time.

"What to do, cold salad! Make up the exam, what else can I do."

"The problem is... I guess I won't even pass the make-up exam!"

"This... is indeed a problem!" The roommates all put on a serious look of contemplation.

Suddenly, Zhang Mingdong clapped his hands fiercely, and shouted: "Yes! Do you still remember the last time you applied for the job? Su Yiyi, one of the top ten campus beauties?"

Of course Wu Di remembered that it was because of her unintentional gossip that he met his tall, rich and handsome junior.

"What? Can she help me?"

"Of course! That girl heard that after Xia Ninghan was apprenticed to Lu Feng, the originator of data flow, she expected that she would never have a chance to surpass Xia Ninghan in this life. She is now like a crazy tigress. In the whole city, oh , No, it is to select an excellent League of Legends mentor from across the country!"

 Ask for subscription, ask for recommendation, ask for everything.


(End of this chapter)

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