The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 178 Su Yiyi's Talent

Chapter 178 Su Yiyi's Talent
"Does she care about me in choosing a tutor? Does she care about my make-up exam?" Wu Di was puzzled why the roommate would tell Su Yiyi about finding a tutor at such a critical juncture.

"You know a basket! Do you know who Su Yiyi is? Do you really think she is just a school girl like a vase? All I know is that she never has to take final exams, and all subjects are automatically passed... If you really think you are If you fail the make-up exam, contact her quickly and ask how to pass! Otherwise, be careful and you won’t be able to graduate!” Zhang Mingdong explained.

"She won't be a recommended student or something, but even if she is recommended, she must take the exam and earn enough credits!
Is there really such a privilege, unheard of? "Wu Diqi said.

Zhang Mingdong chuckled, "Don't care what she does so much, as long as she can help you pass the test! Go ahead, apply for the job, like last time, bring us back a big surprise! A school belle not inferior to Xia Ninghan !
Maybe with your now famous LOL strength in Tianfu City, you can successfully capture her heart! "

Wu Di didn't say anything, but was just thinking that the relationship between Su Yiyi and Lu Li seemed to be very close, why not find Lu Li, but to openly select a mentor?

Thinking of this, he hurried to the bedroom balcony and called Lu Li.

When Wu Di narrated the cause and effect, Lu Li's unscrupulous laughter came from the receiver.

"Hey, what can I say about you, my master brother, look at you, you are so majestic in the arena, meeting gods and killing gods, meeting Buddhas and Buddhas, but you were stopped on this little final exam. "

Wu Di said angrily: "Damn! I came to you to find out what's going on with her, instead of letting you tease me like this without restraint and no limit!"

Lu Li reluctantly stopped smiling, and said, "Okay, I won't laugh anymore. Senior brother in the make-up exam, why don't I teach Su Yiyi about this question, let me just say it straight. First, I'm still a professional Players, after the new year, they have to prepare for the next season. They really don't have the time and energy to juggle so much; second, Su Yiyi is a girl with a lot of characteristics, and I can't teach her! Ordinary skills have been taught to her before, but Once it comes to high-level skills and tactics... It takes her several times longer than ordinary people to comprehend and master them! You also know that I am so busy, so of course I don't have the patience to teach her."

"How many times did it take? What's going on? Isn't her e-sports talent high?"

"'s mainly because this girl is a handicapped player! The hand speed is only less than 200 at most. When I taught her, she was able to quickly grasp the main points, but because of the low hand speed, she couldn't show it. "

Lu Li smiled wryly, he was at a loss what to do with this girl who was not talented but always wanted to prove it to others.

"Hey, doesn't she know her own weakness? Why is she going to find a mentor with such a big fanfare?"

Lu Li smiled mysteriously, and said: "Hey, she once told me that her real wish is to become a professional player! That's why she practiced like this. Talent belongs to talent, but when it comes to hard work, she She works even harder than some professional players! I have seen with my own eyes that she sat in front of the computer for six hours without eating or drinking and practiced desperately.

This perseverance is still worthy of praise.

Okay, let's not talk nonsense, I have something to do, so hang up first, if you really want to solve your make-up exam problem through her, I'll call her first and let her know. "

Wu Di thought about it and couldn't think of any way to pass the make-up exam, so he had to agree with Lu Li's approach.

After a while, when Wu Di was chatting and farting with his roommates whom he hadn't seen for a long time, his phone rang suddenly.

an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, who are you?"

"I, Su Yiyi, I heard Brother Li say that you are willing to teach me? Teach me without reservation? He also said that your strength is comparable to any mentor? Including those top professional players who have retired?

Although you are very powerful, I still doubt your strength, but Brother Li actually gave you a guarantee, so I half-believed and called to verify. "

After hearing the words, Wu Di cursed in his heart:

Granny Bear!He was betrayed by that tall, rich and handsome junior brother again!

Judging from the tone of this school girl, Lu Liding had already promised Su Yiyi that he was willing to teach her without asking for his own consent!
However, the make-up exam is a difficult must pass it!

After making up his mind, Wu Di replied softly: "Well, I can indeed teach you, and my strength is much stronger than it appears on paper. But I teach you, there are conditions, didn't Lu Li tell you? ?”

"I said it! It's just to help you pass the make-up exam. This is very easy to handle! Do you want to know why every final exam, I don't have to take it directly?

I won't hide it from you, it's not that I don't have to take the exam, but I've postponed all the exams!I postponed all the exams until my senior year!Of course, ordinary students do not have this privilege to defer examination subjects.If you can really teach me, I will help you with this favor! "

I see……

Wu Di replied: "Well, yes, I can teach you. I have failed the final exam this semester, and I need to make up the exam. Can you find a way?"

"It's a piece of cake. As long as you can teach me for a long time and help me improve the strength of the League of Legends, I will help you for four years! However, you have to ensure that my strength can be improved rapidly after a winter vacation! And , I don't want to hear those big words, I just want to know, if you teach well, if I work hard enough, can I defeat Xia Ninghan within a year or two?"

Su Yiyi's aggressive tone made Wu Di frowned. Facing this menacing school girl, he had no choice but to ask for something, so he could only patiently explain:
"The improvement of e-sports strength requires not only unremitting efforts, but also a certain amount of talent... I heard that your hand speed is not high. With such basic conditions, it is difficult to become a top player."

Surprisingly, Su Yiyi didn't get angry when Wu Di told the truth.

"Well, I know that my peak hand speed is only 200APM, but besides the advantages of hard work, I also have a little-known super characteristic!"

"Oh?" Wu Di immediately became very interested.As far as he knows, the hand speed of female players is generally not as shocking as that of male players. Top domestic female players such as Ye Ling and Qin Rou rely on their outstanding rhythm control ability.

"I have one of the biggest characteristics, and Li Ge knows it. He always teases me, saying that I have a silver-level performance, and the mouth of the strongest king... In fact, I keep everything he taught me in my heart. , I have already remembered it thoroughly in my mind. But I just can't do it in practice!
My biggest feature is that after confirming the strength of the opponent, I can calculate the best combat strategy in my brain in a short period of time according to the situation on the field!
But the premise is that I can fully understand the real strength of the opponent. "

Is it another tactical analyst like Chen Jiang?

Wu Di found Su Yiyi's talent very interesting, so he said with a smile:

"Well, let's meet at night, and I want to see what you call this characteristic."

"Okay! Let's go to the Blue Sky Internet Cafe last time. Brother Ting Li said that it has been bought by you and has become the temporary base of your king team?"

"Well, so don't worry about any other troubles. Just come and see you at 07:30 in the evening."

Afterwards, Wu Di chatted with his roommates whom he hadn't seen for a while, and then went to the student cafeteria for a feast with everyone.

The roommates ordered whatever was the most expensive, and they all ordered the most expensive stir-fried and boiled dishes all over the place.

Wu Di had a good relationship with these roommates from all corners of the country, so he didn't say anything. Anyway, he is a wealthy person now, and it only costs one or two hundred yuan to invite everyone to eat in the cafeteria. He looked at everyone's smiles, I am also very happy from the bottom of my heart.

The feelings of the student days are the purest.He was convinced of it.

After everyone ate a big meal vigorously, Wu Di left in a hurry.Regarding the important matter of whether he can pass the final exam, he dare not take it lightly.

After coming to the Blue Sky Internet Cafe, the scene here has been greatly changed from the previous period.

When Boss Lan was still in the Internet cafe, the customers he was acquainted with all stopped patronizing out of consideration for their own safety.However, after Wu Di and Ye Wuhen sat here, their popularity suddenly recovered a lot.

First of all, because the Kings team is already well-known in Tianfu City, some e-sports fans learned that the Kings team is stationed here, so they naturally came here for the name. Over time, in order to make it easier to see their idol Wu Youzhi, they simply did it directly Membership card, waiting online here, hoping to be lucky enough to see the real person.

Second, the reason why Blue Sky Internet Cafe's business is not good is that everyone is worried about the suppression of the Tiger Head Gang, and everyone is in danger. But now that Ye Wuhen has given an order and many rumors of positive energy have spread, this place will naturally become an Internet cafe. A paradise for e-sports players.

Therefore, the business of Blue Sky Internet Cafe is not much worse than those Internet Cafes that have been in operation for many years.

As soon as Wu Di stepped into the gate of the Internet cafe, people immediately recognized his iconic peaked cap.The players who came here soon knew that the captain of the king team had appeared in the blue sky Internet cafe!

Players and fans are gearing up to wait and see. After seeing Wu Di, they all expressed their desire for him to play a few guide games in the end. When Wu Di was dealing with it frequently, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"Cut! What is the number one expert in Tianfu City? He is still wearing a peaked cap so that no one can see clearly, imitating Wu Di?
You know, compared with Wu Di, your level of series is like the gap between the light of a bright moon and the light of a firefly! "

Everyone looked sideways, and even Wu Di looked at the source of the sound dumbfounded—don't you know that this is actually a person?
And when everyone saw the speaker clearly, they all let out a sigh.

This is a young girl with a perfect and delicate face.If you have to find an accurate adjective to describe it, there are only four words - Barbie.

Wu Di carefully sized up the rude girl for a while, and recognized her after a while.This is Jin Qiqi's inseparable good sister Lulu.

Wu Di didn't know the reason for his visit, but he was afraid of being recognized by this seemingly similar girl, so he prepared to quietly stay away from the crowd and go back to the training room on the second floor.

At this moment, his way was blocked by the sudden appearance of Jin Qiqi.

"Hey, master, where are you going?"

Wu Di slapped his forehead and sighed: "Hey, when I saw that Barbie doll appear, I should have thought you were here. Are you here to report?"

Qiqi smiled sweetly: "Of course. I am lucky to be able to join your team. I naturally hope that the sooner the report, the better. By the way, don't take Lulu's words to heart. She has always been I regard you as an absolute idol, but I followed your arrangement and didn't tell her your true identity.

After your trip to Quancheng, it has brought a trend now! "

Wu Diqi said: "What trend?"

Qiqi pursed her lips, "Look at the people who come to this Internet cafe to surf the Internet?"

Wu Di glanced around, only to find that seven or eight of the ten people were wearing the same peaked caps that he wore when he was in Quancheng!The style and color are exactly the same!

"This is the effect of idols. The reason why Lulu said that is because she thought you were just an amateur player who likes to imitate.

Oh, by the way, she is also a freshman at Tianfu University, the same as us, a freshman. "

So that's how it turned out... It turned out that I made a big oolong with myself.

But that's good too, in this way, no one will question his true identity.I have to take off my peaked cap, the day of my real comeback... I still have to wait!
Then, after Wu Di led Jin Qiqi to the meeting room on the second floor, he briefly introduced everyone, announcing that Jin Qiqi has become an official member of Kings Team!
Before this, Ye Wuhen had heard Wu Di mention Qiqi's identity, so he also jumped out at this time, took out a contract, and prepared to formally sign it with her.

Jin Qiqi didn't even read it, and directly wrote her name on the last page of the contract, which surprised Ye Wuhen.

Qiqi smiled and gave her own reasons: "I don't worry about the young master of the Ye family doing things. Besides, you and my two families have many business contacts. I believe you will not cheat me here."

When everyone in the King's team was communicating with each other, a burst of unhurried high-heeled shoes sounded from the stairwell to everyone's ears.

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized:

"Ha, everyone, a very arrogant and arrogant beauty is coming, she is looking for me, you should go to your own. This is the time, the master and the old man should rest, and can't guide you. The rest is you I have trained hard, don't worry about me.

Senior Wuhen, please take Qiqi to choose a private room as a special training room. "

After the captain spoke, the team members naturally didn't dare to make mistakes. These amateur players who have been trained by the uncle for nearly a month have gradually become more and more like professional players.

With Wu Di's order, they each entered their private rooms in the training room and began to train without sleep or food.

In a few breaths, Su Yiyi stepped into the temporary meeting room of the king team in a pair of shiny black high heels.

As soon as she stepped into the small conference room that could only accommodate about ten people, Su Yiyi frowned, but she didn't attack.

"This is... your team's temporary base?"

"Yes, on behalf of Team King, I formally welcome Su Yiyi, one of the top ten beauties of Tianfu University, to our base."

Su Yiyi waved her hand, her arrogance was on the verge of breaking out.

"Stop talking nonsense, you said you want to test my characteristics, how do you try?"

Wu Di shrugged helplessly, and replied: "Then let's get straight to the point. In this way, you can use any number to match a match or play a match, and I will watch by your side. When the time comes, I will stop." After that, you stop and say what you think."


More than ten minutes passed quickly.

When Su Yiyi frowned and was dealing with a gold-level qualifying match, she already felt a little powerless.The reason is clear at a glance, her hand speed restricts her performance.

After losing a team battle, Wu Di called a stop.

"Tell me, what is the reason for the failure of the team battle just now? Then tell me, from now on, what should you and your team members do to ensure victory in this qualifying match?"

Su Yiyi's breathing was slightly disturbed. After adjusting for a few seconds, she looked at her black and white screen and said calmly:

"In the previous team battles, my side made a fatal mistake, that is, the jungler and the ADC stand too far forward. If the ADC stands two positions behind, and the jungler is one position behind position, then this situation will be avoided.

Although our side failed this team battle, the economy is still ahead by almost 1K.only U.S……"

"and many more!"

Wu Di interrupted Su Yiyi and asked, "How do you know that your economy is still 1K ahead?"

"I figured it out. I looked at the number of last hits on both sides, and then calculated the gold coins and kills needed for the hero's equipment, the number of assists, the number of defensive towers that were knocked down, and the number of dragons that were taken away. Is this the conclusion? Why, am I wrong?"

Su Yiyi explained in a very serious manner, and murmured in her heart: For such a thing, I will calculate almost the same every time, and the error rate will be kept below 5%... There will be no mistakes...

This time, it was Wu Di's turn to be shocked.

You must know that when a professional player is fighting hard on the field, most of his energy is spent on dealing with his opponents. He can perform complex operations while accurately calculating abstract factors such as team economy. Data players... are basically rare, there are only a handful of them.Even Wu Di himself cannot report such team data anytime and anywhere.

Team data is not important?
Novice players will of course scoff at it and don't care, but every professional player will value team data very much!

After being wiped out twice by the opponent, morale plummeted, and then rashly concluded that one's side must be behind by a lot of economy, so they shrink back and dare not start team battles, and then let the victory slip away from their hands.

It is not terrible to lose in a team battle, what is terrible is that the loser mistakenly thinks that he will definitely lose!If everyone in a team can clearly understand the team economic situation of both sides, then they can make the most accurate team tactics according to the current situation!

If the economy is ahead by a large margin, it is the best strategy to attack the opponent by force and start a group first; if the economy is at a stalemate, then waiting for opportunities is the best strategy; if the economy is lagging far behind, then the only way to avoid being taken away by the opponent is to stick together and defend.

talent!The team's economic data can be calculated in two to three seconds. This kind of calculation ability can only be done by Lu Feng, the originator of the data flow!
"What's the error rate?" Wu Di broke the casserole and asked.

"No more than 5%, Li Ge has tested it before."

Wu Di buried his head in thought.After a while, he replied:
"There is someone who can teach you better, and I recommend you to him! With his help, can become a famous professional player!"

(Just to say a word, I mistyped the name of the commentary in the Quancheng chapter earlier, it should be Qin Shuangshuang, not this Su Yiyi. SORRY, it has been changed)
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(End of this chapter)

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