Chapter 179
The Blue Sky Internet Cafe has three floors. The ground floor is still operated as an Internet cafe, which reduces the number of machines, but it can gather more people. The second floor is used as a training room for each team member, and a conference room and tactical seminar room. It is well-equipped and meets the standards of a formal club operation. On the third floor, several rooms have been transformed into dormitory rooms for the team members. Chen Jiang, Xia Jie and Wang Yuanyuan all live here, and the one in the innermost room is specially set up for uncles. bedroom.

At this time, the slightly tired uncle came to the conference room on the second floor with a face full of indignation.

Under Wu Di's hard work, his master finally forced his eyelids to come here, and met Su Yiyi, who Wu Di has always recommended.

Wu Di didn't tell Su Yiyi the real identity of Uncle Su Yiyi, and Su Yiyi, who had always been proud and arrogant, twitched her mouth unnaturally after seeing this slovenly [uncle], disapproving.

Seeing this, the uncle smiled and said:

"It's a bit arrogant, it looks like another second-generation disciple? Apprentice, apprentice, I am already very satisfied with the closed disciple named Lin Xiaoxiao you found, why do you still strongly recommend this girl? I don't know that I have to hire her It depends on talent, but also on character. She is like... forgive me, I can't do anything, it's not your master's style.

Otherwise, you can accept her directly. With your current understanding and strength, it is easy to teach someone. "

The uncle's tone was full of contempt, which made Su Yiyi suddenly angry.

"Wu Youzhi, this is your master? What a big tone! As expected, like a teacher, there must be a disciple! Are you two too arrogant! If it wasn't for Li Ge's sake, I would have lost my temper a long time ago." !"

After hearing the words, the uncle immediately prepared to attack, but was stopped by Wu Di unexpectedly.

His ability to deal with people has made great progress, and he immediately acted as a peacemaker:
"Student Su Yiyi, my master is always like this, and he didn't mean to target you, so don't take it to heart.

But... You should also be more respectful in your tone, my master is also your brother Li's master! "

Su Yiyi was shocked.She never thought that this unattractive uncle turned out to be the master of the number one ADC in the country?
"What you said is true? I've never heard Brother Li say that?"

"If you don't believe me, just go back and ask him. We are all straightforward people, so don't talk nonsense. If you really want to improve your League of Legends level, you should quickly learn from your teacher. From now on, everyone will be in the same school... ..."

"I don't teach!"

"I don't say goodbye!"

Su Yiyi and the uncle shouted in unison, which made Wu Di quite embarrassed.

"You... what are you doing?"

The uncle yawned, and said weakly: "Training Lin Xiaoxiao has already spent all my energy, and I will also find time to teach your other team members, so give me another one, I am really powerless. The master is tired. , went to sleep, no matter what happened or not, don't call me!"

The uncle turned his head and walked away, walking away.Wu Di couldn't help saying in his heart: He is really a man of temperament!People who don't like it, no matter how hard they try, they really won't accept it...

Thinking of this, Wu Di looked back at Su Yiyi who was a little astonished, and sighed:
"Look, your dear brother Li's master, just got mad at you and left."

Su Yiyi, who was hit hard, kicked Wu Di angrily, and said coldly:
"You didn't make it clear at the beginning. Now that everyone is gone, you still want to ridicule me! Don't bring such a bully! Now, I have also decided that I only want you to teach me! Are you going to teach me or not? Teach me, give me a correct sentence!"

Wu Di, who lost his temper after being tortured by the final exam, could only shrug his shoulders habitually, and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll just teach you."

Su Yiyi rarely squeezed out a smile that was a little better than crying, and she was a little excited.

"Okay! As long as you teach me well, I can help you with the final exam!
Um... do you have a teacup or something here? "

"Tea cup? Are you thirsty?" Wu Di was puzzled.

"Stupid! Of course I'm toasting you with a cup of apprenticeship tea! Let's make the rules first, so you won't be afraid of regretting it. I heard that you broke up with Xia Ninghan, and she went to worship Lu Feng, the originator of data streaming, and you It’s about making your King’s team famous. This matter has been raging on Tianfu University’s forum. I was thinking, I heard that you and Xia Ninghan were childhood sweethearts, but you both broke up——I’m a little Doubt your character!
So I have to finish the rules, lest you refuse to admit it in the future.

Another point, although you and I are single, but with this master-student relationship, you shouldn't have other meanings for me like those bees and butterflies, right? "

Su Yiyi didn't open any pot and carried which pot, and she plausibly and conceitedly wanted to draw a clear line with Wu Di, which made Wu Di very angry.

But for the final exam... I will bear it!
Wu Di suppressed the emotion that the volcano was about to erupt, and said in a low voice:
"Don't worry, I don't think anything wrong with you! You are one of the top ten campus beauties, and I'm just a nobody! We are not a good match!
Moreover, I will definitely spare no effort to teach you, so that one day you can defeat Xia Ninghan in one fell swoop! "

Every word, Wu Di gritted his teeth and said, if it wasn't for the final exam, he would have turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

After a while, Su Yiyi took a paper cup from the water dispenser, took a paper towel and wiped it again and again, until the paper towel was all rubbed to pieces, then looked suspiciously at the rim of the cup again, and saw that it was poured inside. Drink a glass of water.

Then, she generously raised the paper cup in front of Wu Di, bent her waist that had never been bent to anyone respectfully, and said in a deep voice:

"The master is above, please accept the disciples!"

Faced with this scene, Wu Di, who was feeling a little angry, also lost more than half of his anger.

Hey, if you don't show off at this time, earn some face, when will you wait!
So, Wu Di kept his face straight on purpose, raised his chin, noncommittal, and let Su Yiyi hold the paper cup respectfully in front of his eyes.

Su Yiyi raised her head suspiciously, stared into Wu Di's eyes for a while, and asked:
"Master, is there something I haven't done right? Why don't you accept my apprenticeship tea?"

Wu Di put on an appearance of an outsider, curled his lips, and replied:

"You don't bend too much, and your sincerity is not enough."

Damn it!How could I have forgotten that this is a freshman who is arrogant and aggressive!

The last time he came to apply for my assistant, he couldn't help but ask me to register for him in person!
Forget it, if Brother Li hadn't assured me that this person is not only outstanding in strength, but also good at training, I wouldn't be so humbly worshiping him as my teacher!

Everything, for the e-sports dream in my heart!
Just bend!I'll give you a ninety-degree bow, I see if your small body can bear this big gift from me!
After Su Yiyi struggled with herself for a while, she made up her mind and bent Xiao Man's waist down again!
This bending over originally fulfilled Wu Di's wish to play tricks on this tsundere girl, but it caused even greater trouble...

It is said that women are not afraid of cold animals.This is well demonstrated by Su Yiyi.Today, she never expected that Wu Di would ask her to perform such a big apprenticeship ceremony, so before she came to Lantian Internet Cafe, she only wore a loose low-necked sweater.

And after the ninety-degree bow and salute, Wu Di, who was contented, blushed a moment later, feeling extremely embarrassed!
Because, he clearly saw the infinite spring in the low-necked sweater!

Wu Di only felt that his vision was full of the delicate pure white color and the legendary career line that could represent how much a woman can achieve!

"Get up... get up, alright, I'll formally accept you as an apprentice!" Wu Di faltered a bit.

Su Yiyi was immediately surprised, and when she looked up, she saw the rosiness on Wu Di's face, and realized that she had just had a good time just now!

A raging anger surged into his brain in an instant.Su Yiyi hugged her shoulders angrily, and said angrily:

"What are you looking at? How can you do this?"

Wu Di turned his head to one side and did not back down: "Who told you to bend so hard? I didn't mean to..."


For a moment, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

Both of them were somewhat annoyed by each other's words and deeds, but for their own purposes, they had to form this deformed master-student relationship.And the previous misunderstanding made the two of them even more embarrassing.

In the end, Wu Di, as a man, took the lead in breaking the silence on the scene.

"This...apprentice, since the apprenticeship ceremony has been completed, then you are the first and only official apprentice I accept! So, from now on, our concern is the master-student relationship! I hope you don't worry too much! "

Su Yiyi received a good family education since she was a child, so of course she understood that this was the step Wu Di gave her, so she stepped on this step and said:
"Well, master, I understand. It's getting late now, so I'll go back first? Starting tomorrow, I hope you can spare time to teach me more. I also know that my situation is very special... In fact, I have always been skeptical , with my hand speed, shouldn't I aspire to become a professional player? Besides, I'm a bit older..."

During the conversation, Su Yiyi showed confusion for the first time, her arrogance was gone.

Seeing this, Wu Di encouraged him out of a responsible attitude:

"Apprentice, you have to understand two things.

First, although the speed of hand speed will affect the performance on the spot, it is not the decisive factor!In the e-sports world, whether it was in the past or now, there are some top professional players with slow hands. They are active in the e-sports field, not relying on hand speed, but relying on their brains!How to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses is what you should consider carefully.

Second, your age, as a female player, is not that old.The careers of female players are obviously much longer than those of male players, and most of them only debuted in their twenties, so you have to have confidence in yourself.

Anyway, I am very optimistic about your terrifying calculation ability.I think, if you develop and practice well, there is always a routine that is suitable for you.I heard from Lu Li that you worked very hard, which is actually your greatest strength.Come on, I'll teach you as best I can. "

Wu Di spoke very sincerely and frankly, which made Su Yiyi feel an involuntary touch in her heart.

This is the first time someone affirmed his dream and his efforts!
Su Yiyi has met many e-sports people, and has consulted many e-sports experts, but there has never been anyone who has given herself such affirmation as Wu Di today!

At this time, Su Yiyi had long forgotten Wu Di's hateful words and deeds before, but was grateful to him from the bottom of her heart.

For her dream, she can endure exhaustion and forget the pain, but she can't bear the wanton trampling of others!
Everyone is saying that a player with a handicap cannot become a top player!She has also been working hard, constantly questioning her choice, but at this moment, Wu Di's heartfelt words made her completely make up her mind!
"Thank you! Master! I will continue to work hard!"

After she finished speaking, her heart was full of tears, but Su Yiyi, who looked as arrogant as ever, hurriedly said goodbye to Wu Di, and hurriedly left the Lantian Internet Cafe—she didn't want anyone to see her vulnerable side!
Looking at Su Yiyi's hurried footsteps, Wu Di also laughed dumbly and said:

"You are really a stubborn girl. However, the e-sports world that has begun to collapse needs such the purest stubbornness! If e-sports wants to win the public's recognition, it must let people see e-sports. the truth!

Hold on, it's one of them! "

In the next week, Su Yiyi naturally helped Wu Di solve the big problem of the final exam. All his subjects were postponed until his senior year, and the make-up exam for high mathematics that he failed was also postponed until two or three years later.

Wu Di, who has no worries about the future, can be said to be in a good mood now.Every day he only does two things.

The first thing is to accept the uncle's hellish training, and constantly retrieve the lost memories of the mid laner; and the second thing is to start teaching Su Yiyi some advanced high-level tactics and tactics based on her characteristics. Skill.

It has to be said that Su Yiyi, the school girl, is indeed very perceptive. She can master all the things Wu Di taught with almost no effort.But her shortcoming is also obvious, that is, the low hand speed cannot guarantee the success rate of some high-level skills.

For example, when Wu Di taught her the improved version of the zigzag step, that is, the S-step, she could immediately understand how to operate it in a short time, and realized that the key point of this type of step is the moment of each change of direction.However, when it's the turn of the actual drill, if you just operate out of thin air, there is no big problem, but once you enter the actual combat, you will be disturbed by the opponent's rhythm and aggressiveness, so that you can't show this kind of pace perfectly of subtlety.

Wu Di saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

How can we get her over this hurdle?Brother Gao Fushuai should be clear about this, and he must have tried many times, but he can't teach him, can he get his wish?
Wu Di fell into deep thought, and began to think of ways to train Su Yiyi.Just when he was thinking hard but failed to get the result, Su Yiyi suddenly called out:

"Damn it! The damn arrow of punishment on the opposite side is bullying my hand speed again! Master, my walking and slashing skills are not perfect! Oh, no, to be precise, I can only hold it for two or three seconds at most. When it comes to walking and chopping, because of my hand speed, I can't do walking and chopping for a long time!

Damn damn damn damn! "

Three consecutive [Damn] passed into Wu Di's ears like a spell.Suddenly, Wu Di had a flash of inspiration and thought of a key question.

Why let her learn to walk and slash?If the hand speed is not enough, just let her attack the opponent directly!

Why should she learn S-steps?If you don't have enough hand speed, just know how to zigzag!
Why let her learn those high-level skills that rely heavily on hand speed?Hand speed is not enough, just master the most basic skills!
Wu Di seemed to have realized everything, and he couldn't help pressing his hands heavily on Su Yiyi's fragrant shoulders with some excitement.Su Yiyi was taken aback, and when she was about to knock off his hand, she heard Wu Di say excitedly:

"Haha! Apprentice, you have given me a good reminder! What is heavy sword without front! What is great wisdom and stupidity! What is great hermit in the city! You can use your [handicap] to express these things at once, Let me be enlightened!
Well, well, you don't have to practice those so-called high-level skills anymore!

The hand speed is not high, and there are styles of play that are not high in hand speed!From now on, you only need to do one thing!That is to find your own rhythm! "

After hearing the words, Su Yiyi didn't care about Wu Di's hands being placed on her shoulders unscrupulously, but asked in doubt:
"Master, how can you become a top player if you don't practice those high-level skills?"

According to most people's understanding, top professional players must be able to master a wide variety of advanced skills with high difficulty, otherwise how can they be called superior?Naturally, Su Yiyi was no exception, and fell into this cognition like common sense.

However, Wu Di excitedly increased the strength in his hands, and said excitedly like a divine enlightenment:
"Apprentice, you don't know. Modern e-sports players do master advanced techniques that they have developed themselves or have been popular for a long time. These techniques will indeed turn the tide on some key occasions.

However, they all overlooked one point!That is League of Legends is a team game!What is a team game?The essence of team games is to fight against teams with teams!

You can't make advanced skills, you don't have extraordinary hand speed, but you just need to find your own personal rhythm and ensure that you will not be defeated by your opponent during the laning phase!And the glorious moment that really belongs to you is during the team battle period!
During team battles, it's your moment to shine!Because at that time, the disadvantages of your hand speed will be minimized!In team battles, everything is done in an instant. After about ten seconds, the heads that should be generated have already been generated, and the people who should escape have also escaped. At this stage, hand speed is not important except for a few special cases!
I have confirmed your location!The most suitable position for you is... the auxiliary position!

Don't underestimate this position, many top teams are commanded by players in this position! "

(End of this chapter)

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