Chapter 180 Tailored
The best position for support?Is it an auxiliary position serving as a commanding officer?

Su Yiyi asked herself repeatedly in her heart, falling into reverie.

But Wu Di patted her fragrant shoulder excitedly again, and explained:

"During team battles, the role of support is to hand over your key control skills and summoner skills at the first time, and then... To be honest, as long as you are not the top support, after handing in your skills, you will enter a kind of resignation mode.

The support itself is very fragile, and the escape skill generally only has one method of flashing. When the flashing is cooling down, it is easy to be obliterated by the opponent's tons of damage.But please don't underestimate the role of support!

Although the auxiliary position has a high mortality rate, it can use its own sacrifice in exchange for the head of the opponent's output hero!Your hand speed is too low, and it is difficult to achieve higher attainments in other positions. In one-on-one, the player with high hand speed does have an absolute advantage, but if you are playing in the support position, there is an ADC hero beside you, and The role of support is not only to put in the ward, but also to observe the situation on the field, and to help the ADC gain an advantage in the line. To do these things, although it is necessary to be able to overlook the overall situation and insight, but in fact, the speed of the hand is very important. The requirements are not high.

In addition, your ability - the ability to calculate the economic gap of the team in an instant, can still be developed and evolved!Not only is it used in the team battle period, but also in the laning period!
I have recently studied Lufeng's data flow. In fact, in his early games, the place where he used the most data flow was the laning phase!He accurately calculated the damage ability of the opponent, the attack ability of the minions, the range of the skills and common attacks of both sides, and then made the most favorable strategy for himself to gain an advantage. This is the data flow style of play in the early years!

Since you can calculate the team economic data of both sides within two to three seconds, then naturally, you can also calculate the relevant data of your opponent during the laning phase!

And now you have no experience and don't know how to calculate, but I can teach you!
As long as you memorize a little more, you can achieve this effect.

I don't know the true meaning of data flow, but I know how to use the most direct and effective style of play to break the rhythm of all genres of play, so I can better understand what you need to calculate!
Xia Ninghan is learning data flow. Although I don't know what changes Lufeng will bring to data flow after nearly ten years, but back then, data flow was invincible during the laning phase! "

Hearing that Xia Ninghan was currently studying the data flow, Su Yiyi's eyes lit up and her spirits lifted.She asked excitedly:
"Master, you mean... I can learn data flow?"

"Yes! To be precise, this is just a [Wu-style data flow] with a strong style. Moreover, you have a more obvious advantage over the data flow in the early years, that is, quickly calculate the economic value of both sides before the team battle period. Gap, and then make the most beneficial decision!
In other words, the data-flow-like style of play that suits you can not only ensure that you don’t fall behind online, but also make the most appropriate tactical choice for the team during the team battle period!

This is after you said three [Damn] in a row just now, I figured it out immediately!Haha, it can be said that this style of play is similar to data flow, but I tailor it for you!Even I myself can't complete such a calculation in an instant!

But... your a big problem..."

Wu Di's mind was racing, trying to find a way to not only make this girl no longer arrogant, but also quickly grasp what he said.

However, these stirring words reached Su Yiyi's ears and immediately awakened the latent blood in her heart.

There has never been... no one has ever affirmed me like Wu Youzhi!

It was just a fabled blink of an eye, Su Yiyi looked at Wu Di with an essential difference.

No wonder Brother Li strongly recommends him, no wonder Brother Li said that only he can teach him, but this master who seems to be proficient in all heroes and all styles of come he is just an ordinary freshman, not a great A famous professional player?

For the first time, Su Yiyi had doubts about Wu Di's identity, but she was soon interrupted by Wu Di's words.

"Apprentice, I let you join my team, are you interested?" Wu Di looked at Su Yiyi solemnly, and asked softly.

"The proposal is very good, strength is not good, will it hold you back? Besides, I'm not used to communicating with people." In the conversation, Su Yiyi's arrogant tone was everywhere.

Wu Di was very displeased with this girl's tone, and when he rolled his eyes, he had an idea.

"Think about it first, I'll go out for a while, I have something to do!"

After 5 minutes passed.

Wu Di went and came back again, and put on a strict teacher's demeanor, said awe-inspiringly:
"The king's team is not a team that plays games, you have to be aware of this. And this is one of the special trainings I tailor-made for you!"

"Okay, as long as I can improve my strength, I will listen to you, master."

"Joining the king team, the special training has already begun, and the main purpose of this special training is to kill your arrogance!" Wu Di laughed wildly in his heart, but his face still had a serious preaching look on his face.

It turned out that Wu Di had already made some calculations in his mind, and found a way to make this tsundere girl less arrogant and help the king's team, that is, let her join the king's team!
League of Legends needs a sense of collective honor and an atmosphere of teamwork, and the arrogant Su Yiyi is naturally far away from this, so Wu Di had the idea of ​​letting her join the team to learn and hone her character.

Immediately afterwards, after looking at the sullen look on the face of the beautiful apprentice, Teacher Wu Di taught with a very demeanor:
"Apprentice, do you know? Your temper and personality are the real bottlenecks that hinder you from becoming a professional player. I have repeatedly emphasized before that League of Legends is a team game, so sacrifices are indispensable for the team, but with your personality , It must be difficult to get in touch with people. My master, that is, your veritable master, that wretched uncle, is how you got angry.

Isn't his reluctance to teach you the best example?

So, the master made this decision after weighing it over and over again, all for the purpose of tempering your character.An excellent professional player must have top-notch ability to control emotions. "

Wu Di's words pierced Su Yiyi's heart like a sharp sword. This girl is usually calm and arrogant, but when it comes to [professional players], her blood will immediately rise.

After this period of running-in, Wu Di has somewhat figured out the temperament of this tsundere girl, so he prescribes the right medicine and prescribed this prescription.

Sure enough, Su Yiyi's eyes lit up immediately, and she nodded immediately in agreement: "Okay! I will follow the master's arrangement and join the King's Team!"

"Senior Wuhen, here's the contract!" Wu Di shouted towards the door.

Within a moment, Ye Wuhen brought a stack of contracts and put them in front of Su Yiyi's eyes.

At this point, Su Yiyi, who was as smart as ice and snow, realized that her master had already calculated everything into it.

But Wu Di's words are very reasonable, if he wants to break through the bottleneck, he must change himself!

With a swipe of a pen, Su Yiyi signed her name on the last page without looking at the contract carefully, and has since become an inseparable and important member of the King's team.

Wu Di, Su Yiyi, including Ye Wuhen, never expected that it was this understated signature that caused some subtle changes in Su Yiyi's future.

For a long time to come, Su Yiyi's name will often be compared with the once-in-a-decade prodigy Xia Ninghan. The topic that people are most passionate about is, which of these two top beauties is stronger or weaker?
Of course, this is something for later, let’s not mention it for now...

With the arrival of the winter vacation, the freshmen of Tianfu University began to embark on the journey home, and after saying goodbye to several roommates, Wu Di also devoted himself to the operation of the team and self-improvement.

Under the uncle's devil training who can pull out three layers of skin, Wu Di only felt that the memory of the middle unit had been recovered to a very small extent, and there was only a certain opportunity to fully recover!However, no matter how he and his uncle discussed and worked together in the past few days, this crucial step has never been taken.

In the early morning of this day, Ye Wuhen got up early, and after completing his training subjects as usual, he hurriedly approached Wu Di and told him that the temporary base in Yangcheng was also ready, and asked him to decide when he could Collectively step on the spot.

The winter vacation will last for about a month, and during this period, everyone is gearing up and ready to go to Yangcheng City.

After soliciting everyone's opinions, after lunch the next day, all members of the King's team took the team-specific minibus specially purchased by Ye Wuhen and headed for Yangcheng together!

Everyone happily sat in the minibus, looked around, and was deeply attracted by the luxury of this special car.

The existence of this special car filled the players' hearts with longing for the professional league.

The more and more formal king team also let everyone see the great hope of becoming an official professional player!
A few hours of journey passed quickly amidst the chatter of everyone, and when the night fell quietly in Yangcheng, the minibus brought everyone to the gate of an Internet cafe in the center of Yangcheng.

The name of this Internet cafe is King, and several huge golden signboard characters shone under the night, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.This gold-lettered signboard, which has a taste of local tyrant gold, is Ye Wuhen's proud work.

He looked at the signboard and said quite complacently: "How about it, it's bright enough, it's flashy enough, it's big enough, so our King's team will soon get the attention of e-sports people in Yangcheng."

Everyone stared at this vulgar, domineering, and imposing signboard for a long time, and made a contemptuous gesture towards Ye Wuhen in unison:

"Like a nouveau riche, so tacky!"

However, the uncle liked this exaggerated style very much. He stood up and stood with his hands behind his back, posing as a lonely master of Dugu Nine Swords, and sighed softly: "I like this name, I like this style, Let's go! This is the courage that a king should have!"

Ye Wuhen had black lines all over his face, and instead of arguing with everyone, he followed the uncle through the door.

After walking into this resplendently decorated Wangwang Internet Cafe, everyone felt that their eyes were a little dazzled!The gold that can be seen everywhere is dazzling.

Emma, ​​what's going on?All gold?Everything is golden in appearance?
Golden computers, golden seats, golden walls, golden ceilings, golden spiral staircases... so rich!
Ye Wuhen looked at his masterpiece triumphantly, and shouted loudly:

"Ha, this is our temporary base in Yangcheng! Although the captain's personal fund of 500 million was spent, it's worth it! Such a place can set off our identity!"

Seeing Ye Wuhen's jumping off again, everyone shook their heads helplessly, and stopped talking to him, but started to visit the Wangwang Internet Cafe on their own.

Wu Di walked casually, glanced casually, although there was no objection on the face, but his heart was already bleeding!

This shit cost me 500 million, 500 million! 500 million has built such a tasteless temporary base, it seems that I have to reconsider whether to entrust the construction of the official base to Senior Wuhen!
What a loser!

Su Yiyi, as Wu Di's apprentice, has been following closely behind, seeing that this is completely a masterpiece of local tyrants, noncommittal.

After waiting for everyone to patrol around, Ye Wuhen called everyone together.

"The structure and configuration of Wangwang Internet Cafe are basically the same as our Blue Sky Internet Cafe, and it is also divided into three floors. However, the place is much bigger. Of course, we still use the old routine to operate here.

The first floor is still used as an Internet cafe to receive customers and fans. The second floor is designed as a special training room for each team member, a meeting room and a seminar room, and other team-specific rooms. It is as warm as home!

The old rules, everyone first go to the second floor to choose your favorite dedicated training room!We will be staying here this winter vacation!
In addition, I have already made arrangements for the competition we need to participate in Yangcheng.Because we didn't win enough amateur championships here, we can't afford to lose in the city competition a month later!
Only by winning the city competition can we ensure the qualification to represent Yangcheng City in the Second Division!

Alright, everyone dismissed, Captain, I have something to report to you! "

After finishing speaking, all the team members couldn't hold back their curiosity, and rushed to the second floor.

Ye Wuhen came to Wu Di and said bluntly:
"Although Yangcheng does not have a top team like Team Bright, it is a land of Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons. According to my investigation some time ago, we have three main opponents.

The first is the DODO team that has won 29 amateur championship titles.This team is well-known in Yangcheng, appearing in various amateur competitions all year round. Basically, their personnel are all college students in Yangcheng. Everyone has good strength, and they practice different styles of play. It's not the same. Among them, their strongest person is a sophomore named Wang Hu, who plays the ADC position.This person was invited by the Brilliant Club, but he declined for unknown reasons.

The second opponent is a motley crew composed entirely of people from the society called Kuang Ba Tian Tian.It sounds like they are very domineering and local tyrants. In fact, they are really a gangster-like team. Their style of play is chaotic, but their momentum is overwhelming. The captain at the head is said to be a boss who has been in Yangcheng for many years.

The third opponent is very special, because this is another team with more women, called the Windless Team.Hey hey...Captain, I just looked at you with a hint that only you can understand, no other intentions, no other intentions!Don't look at me with your murderous eyes, my little heart is jumping around because of you...

To be honest, the composition of this team is all older youths over the age of 25. Although there are men and women, the majority are still women.None of them were married, some were playing games, and some were sticking to their dreams. In terms of fighting will, the Windless team had the strongest fighting power, and they never gave up on a single game. "

After listening to the opponent's situation introduced by Ye Wuhen, Wu Di just nodded and said:

"When I was in Tianfu City, I said that the test I gave you was to let you win a few championships in amateur competitions. Now this test is still the same! During this period of time in Yangcheng City, I hope that when I don't In the case of playing, you can pass the test I gave you!

Although these teams are very strong, they are only amateurs at best, and their competitiveness and strength are far inferior to those in Tianfu City.This time, it's up to you! "

Wu Di's decision instantly ignited Ye Wuhen's fighting spirit.

He patted his chest and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, Captain! We will definitely pass the test!"

While speaking, the members of King's Team had already selected their own dedicated training room, and came down in groups from upstairs.

Lin Xiaoxiao, Xia Jie, Chen Jiang, Wang Yuanyuan, Jin Qiqi, Su Yiyi, Ye Wuhen, these people are the current main force of the king team!It is also the skeleton of the king's team!Only with them can we be called a team!

Standing in the hall on the first floor of the magnificent Wangwang Internet Cafe, Wu Di glanced at the crowd meaningfully, causing everyone to be puzzled.

But in Wu Di's heart, suddenly there was a kind of can't wait, a kind of overwhelming fighting spirit!

These players are the reliance for him to stand at the pinnacle of e-sports again!These team members are comrades-in-arms who can hand over their backs!

With this in mind, Wu Di stepped forward, stood in front of everyone, and said forcefully:

"Everyone, now everyone is becoming more and more professional, and we are also approaching that great goal step by step!

My test, I have said it, and I will say it again!In all the games in Yangcheng, I will not play!Including the final City Rivalry!
Don't question my decision, don't doubt your own strength, I, Wu Di, the captain of King's Team believe in you, so please believe in yourself too!

This is my test for you, and it is also a critical moment for you to test yourself.Every professional player is not born to be extremely powerful, and every professional player's fame is achieved by working hard step by step.

Now, we come to Yangcheng, it is a brand new beginning, and we come with the determination to win!Whether King's team can successfully enter the second division depends on everyone's determination and performance.I will always be by your side! "

After the captain suddenly announced this decision, it immediately attracted whispers from the team members.After they discussed for a while, Ye Wuhen jumped out and asked softly:

"Captain... if you don't appear in the city competition... don't you think it's a little too big..."

The crowd agrees.

Even Su Yiyi, who was at the diamond level with Tsundere attributes, frowned, and nodded in agreement with Ye Wuhen's opinion.

However, the uncle who is in the high position of the team consultant gave Wu Di a gratified look, and took his words and continued:
"Young people, this is a test tailored for you by your captain. The road to e-sports is difficult and full of thorns.

When you feel the word flinch come to your mind, please remember the name of our team - King!
King, never back down!
King, go forward! "

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(End of this chapter)

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