The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 181 The Female Snitch and the Female Police Officer

Chapter 181 The Female Snitch and the Female Police Officer

Yangcheng is located in the northwest of Sichuan Province. It was an important strategic city that was easy to defend and difficult to attack in ancient times, and it tightly guarded the northwest gateway of Sichuan Province.Surrounded by water on three sides, the climate is pleasant. However, the over-exploitation of resources in Sichuan Province in recent years has caused a sudden change in water quality. This city, which was originally pleasant in all seasons, has gradually become a city of smog.

Slowly, people here began to get used to wearing masks and veils when going in and out.Especially in the twelfth lunar month of winter, when the water source dries up and the stench of the river begins to rise slightly, such equipment should be born.These things can not only resist some air pollution, but also play a certain role in keeping warm, which is not uncommon in Yangcheng in the severe winter.

That evening, a hot and sexy figure in a tight black leather jacket appeared at the front desk of Wangwang Internet Cafe.

After the woman entered the door, Qiaomu glanced around intentionally or unintentionally, her sharp eyes were like blades, making people afraid to look directly at them.After confirming that this was just an ordinary Internet cafe, she walked to the front desk generously.

Her tall, curvy figure attracted the attention of some males from the moment they entered the door, but when they looked up to try to see through the beauty's face, they found that she was wearing a translucent tulle veil, except for a pair of Talking eyes are exposed, and the rest of the face is completely covered by the wavy long curly hair.

"Boss, open a machine for me. Oh, by the way, how much do you charge as a member here? See if you have just opened, is there any discount?"

The staff at the front desk replied politely: "Well, there is a discount. Now is the event period of charging 10 get [-] free. You can become a member by recharging [-] yuan. How much do you plan to recharge?"

The sexy girl tilted her head and thought for a while, then took out five cards of Grandpa Mao: "Then charge five hundred."

At first glance, the network manager was a big benefactor and a beautiful woman, so his attitude was naturally more amiable.

"Okay, okay, please wait a moment, beauty."

The beauty floated away from the bar counter with a breath-taking and unique fragrance. The moment the staff member saw her turn around, he immediately clicked on the ID card that the beauty used to register as a member just now, and suddenly discovered Her name: Mu Piao Piao.

Mu Piao Piao chose a place with few people and sat down.

The network manager was even more elated when he saw where she was sitting - she was sitting in front of a machine where he could fully appreciate the beautiful woman's back!

Then, the network administrator was a little dazed, because after Mu Piaopiao turned on the phone, he skillfully logged into a voice chat software... Afterwards, he logged into the League of Legends and directly started a qualifying match!

It's very common for girls to play League of Legends. What's unusual is that this Mu Piao Piao girl yelled fiercely into the microphone as soon as she entered the game, so that people could tell at a glance that she was the conductor? !
Moreover, her demeanor and movements when she shouted and drank were all exaggerated, without any ladylike image, which was in stark contrast to her stunning debut before.

Mu Piaopiao's game seemed to be going on extremely intensely, she kept shouting loudly in front of the microphone, which made the surrounding netizens feel unbearable.

"Grandmother... You have to command, please keep your voice down! This is a public place, pay attention to your image!" Some guys who like to pretend to be 213 in front of beautiful women are finally interrupted by their high-decibel command voice. No clamor.

Unexpectedly, after Mu Piaopiao glanced at this guy, she ignored him at all. She turned her head and said into the microphone:

"It's okay, let's continue. Just now, a bastard said that my voice is too loud! Look at you, if you behave a little better, I won't be so loud!"

The guy known as the second-rate guy suddenly became angry. In order to get back his face, he jumped up from his seat, ran behind Mu Piao Piao, and shouted angrily:
"Grandma! Who do you say is a second-hander?"

Mu Piaopiao also turned his head back and replied: "Whoever pays attention to me is a bastard!"

"Fuck! Believe it or not I slapped you?"

A crisp sound resounded throughout the hall on the first floor.

Netizens looked sideways and found that the tall and thick man was holding his right cheek, staring at Mu Piao Piao's back in dumbfounded!

Just... what happened?This eighth woman turned around and slapped me in an instant?Then turn around and continue the game?
Nima!I didn't see what she did just now?
[Second goods] The man felt that he had lost all face in front of this girl, and immediately ran away.

He raised his right leg and was about to push Mu Piao Piao off the seat with one kick, but he found that his gaze suddenly changed!

Why am I looking at the ceiling now?Damn, no!I was first kicked by this girl, and now I am on all fours!
Er Huo is angry, completely angry, being humiliated in public by this girl again and again has already made him flushed and furious.

"Damn! I'm still a Lianjiazi! You wait, I'll call someone!"

Mu Piao still just pointed the back of his head at him, and shouted softly: "Call as many people as you like! Get lost! Don't disturb my sister's game!"

In an instant, the players in the Internet cafe began to rush to the bar counter collectively.

Some of them are timid and don't want to trouble their upper body, so they are ready to get off the plane and leave immediately; while others are born with gossip, they come to the bar to buy cold drinks with melon seeds, and prepare to watch a hand-to-hand fight.

The network manager at the front desk was just a young man under 20 years old. When he saw that the scene might get out of hand, he panicked. After being reminded by an experienced network manager next to him, he remembered to notify the boss immediately!

The behind-the-scenes owner of Wangwang Internet Cafe is naturally Wu Di, and at this time Wu Di is teaching Su Yiyi individually in the special training room on the second floor.

The network manager hurriedly ran behind the mysterious boss wearing a peaked cap, and said in a panic:

"Boss! It's not good, a customer is about to fight! Should we call the police!"

Wu Di turned around and looked at the network administrator, frowned, and calmly said:
"Don't worry, I'll go down with you to see the situation. The Internet cafe has just opened, and the police have heard it, which is not good for the reputation of the Internet cafe. Apprentice, follow what I just said, practice on your own, and I will go down."

When Wu Di came downstairs, he saw a young man with blond short hair who was so angry that he just stared viciously at a beautiful figure and kept a distance of at least three meters from this figure.

After inquiring about the specific situation, he came to the man.

"Hello, guest, if you have anything to tell me, I'll help you adjust it."

The young man turned his head and saw Wu Di's peaked cap, and sneered:
"It's up to you? Oh, wearing a hat, you think you are the world's number one genius? What kind of onion are you, and you help me adjust it, the guy whose hair hasn't even grown yet!"

The two network administrators beside Wu Di suddenly became furious, and were about to make a theory, but Wu Di stopped behind him with a smile.

"I'm the boss here, you can tell me anything you want."

After hearing Wu Di's identity, the young man with short blonde hair squinted his eyes and looked at Wu Di. After a while, a sentence came out from the corner of his mouth:
"Since you are the boss, it's easy to say. I have been in Yangcheng for so many years, and I have never encountered such a useless thing today! My brother will come later, I advise you to dismiss the people who surf the Internet here as soon as possible Otherwise, we will not take any responsibility if we are accidentally injured!"

Wu Di still maintained that faint smile, and asked softly:

"That means... no discussion? Is this guest determined to cause trouble here?"

The blond young man twitched his mouth and threatened: "Yes! There are people above me! I'm not afraid of you calling the police! I've already told the above. Even if you call the police now, the 110 police will arrive after a long time!"

At this time, Mu Piao Piao, who was sitting on her seat and was playing like crazy, was playing League of Legends with great interest, but when she heard that the owner of the Internet cafe came out to mediate, but was threatened by this bastard, she immediately let go of herself. Earphones, got up and came to the side of the two.

Looking at the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared, Wu Di secretly marveled: This girl... has such a domineering figure!And dressed in a leather suit, the queen wants to?
"Boss, I'm sorry to embarrass you because of some of my actions. I'm not an unreasonable person either. I'll get off the plane right away and go out with him to discuss the matter privately."

After finishing speaking, Mu Piaopiao hooked his fingers to the blond-haired young man, and looked at him with a half-smile, which sent a chill down his spine.

Nima, I'm private with you, but I'm still beaten by you, you are a young gangster who just debuted, can't you see the situation clearly?

The blond man doubled the decibel and shouted: "Smelly bitch, you wait for me..."

Before the words were finished, a black shadow quickly flashed across the field, and in the blink of an eye, the blond man was on all fours again and fell a slam.

"My old lady has been suppressing, suppressing, and suppressing again, because she doesn't want innocent people to be implicated. You want to be beaten, you want to die!"

Mu Piaopiao rushed up, and beat the fallen blond man hard, making him scream.

Wu Di saw this, of course he couldn't wait for the situation to become irresistible, he stepped forward, stretched out his right hand like lightning, and held Mu Piao Piao's wrist.

"Huh?" Mu Piaopiao was taken aback for a moment, obviously the speed of Wu Di's shot obviously aroused her interest.

Few people can stop themselves when they go crazy!Handsome guy, try your shade!

Mu Piaopiao pretended that he hadn't vented yet, and with a sudden jerk of his hand, he used a swing cap kick!
If this kick landed on the blond man, judging by his power, it would definitely make him shut up instantly.

Wu Di knew that this girl might be really angry and was about to kill her, so she had no choice but to step across, turn her hands into palms, and grab Mu Piaopiao's sexy and alluring calf in the blink of an eye!
Wu Di, who was awakened by the glamorous Queen Yuna to his fighting memory, made this palm just right, without any sloppiness.

Mu Piaopiao raised her eyebrows, and slowly lowered her slender legs.

"Ha, I can't see that the boss is still a person who has practiced."

Wu Di smiled and said, "The beauty is being polite. I didn't expect the beauty to be very good at fighting."

The two of them had developed some interest in each other, and when they were about to have a detailed chat, there was already a commotion at the entrance of Wangwang Internet Cafe, and five young men rushed in in an instant.

"Fourth! How are you, fourth?" When the leader saw the blond man lying on the ground moaning continuously, he immediately rushed over and helped him up.

"Boss! It's this woman! This woman is very good at hitting, you have to be careful!"

The three hulking men surrounded Mu Piao Piao involuntarily, and Wu Di was embarrassed to be regarded as an accomplice, and they were surrounded together.

If this kind of scene was changed to before, Wu Di might still feel a little guilty. After all, in his memory, he is just a top professional player, not a fighting master.But it's different now. After Wu Di recalled the non-stop special fighting training that Wu Tianhao gave himself when he was a few years old, he felt very confident.

Facing the siege of five people, Wu Di just wanted to speak out, but Mu Piaopiao aggressively stretched out his hand to block him, blocking him behind.

"If you have a wronged person and a debtor, if you bastards want to take revenge on me, just come at me. This person is the owner of this Internet cafe, not my accomplice!"

"Go!" Several men have so much experience in fighting, how can they give their opponents time to stand up and argue, after one of them drank a sentence, the five of them rushed over quickly, raising their hands and feet to fight...

dong dong dong dong!

Four crisp beating sounds came to the ears of the onlookers, and everyone rubbed their eyes vigorously, unable to believe what they saw!
For a moment, really only for a moment, they saw the sexy beauty take a deep breath a second ago, and then... there was no more, the five provocative guys had already fallen to the ground!
How did you do it?Nima, is this a martial arts movie?Instant kill with one move?

Wu Di, who was standing behind Mu Piao Piao, reluctantly kept up with her movements. He knew clearly that Mu Piao Piao hit everyone's ankles with incomparable precision just now, and he made the move quickly and accurately, in one go.This kind of action, without ten years of penance, would not have such an achievement at all.

Five people fell down and lay on the ground screaming in pain. The boss was clever and quickly called the police.

This is a female killer!He doesn't want to be crippled by this killing god!
Mu Piaopiao didn't have time to stop him, but frowned slightly, turned around and said to Wu Di:

"Young and promising boss, I really caused you trouble. They called the police, and everyone present can testify that they took the initiative to provoke me. But I don't like trouble, so I will withdraw first!"

However, Mu Piao Piao, who seemed not to want to trouble her upper body, still ran into trouble...

At this time, a team of 110 policemen was patrolling near the Wangwang Internet Cafe. After receiving the alarm call, they immediately came here under the arrangement of the headquarters.

And just when Mu Piaopiao was about to step out of the gate, he was bumped into by this team of policemen.

In this team of policemen, the leader is a heroic female police officer.

The female police officer's eyes were like torches, and after meeting Mu Piao Piao's eyes for a moment, she immediately ordered:
"Wrap around!

Hehe, the famous female snitch Piao Piao, why is she free to visit Yangcheng?Hey, is this from an Internet cafe, and there is such a leisurely way to surf the Internet?You are so brave!

snort!I have long heard that you have come to Yangcheng. Our day and night patrols are just to deal with emergencies!
It's just that I didn't expect you to be so bold and reckless! "

Miss Piao Piao?
As soon as this name came out, everyone's chrysanthemums tightened, oh, no, it was a chill down the spine.

This famous sister Piao Piao is the most legendary female snitch!Legend has it that she likes to steal from the rich and give to the poor, and she specializes in stealing antique porcelain from official families with huge wealth of unknown origin or rich and unkind rich families. After selling it on the black market, she will donate it to people in impoverished areas in her own name.

Some people say that she is hype, but in fact she is not a kind and generous female snitch at all;
Some people said that she was indeed a snitch, but it was only a petty theft, and she didn't do any earth-shattering big business;
Some people even said that she was actually a member of a special department who deliberately made several unproven cases in order to deter those corrupt officials or unscrupulous businessmen.

In short, there are many rumors about her, but there is one thing that people are sure of, that is, since Miss Piao Piao appeared three years ago, there has been no news of her arrest!

Mu Piaopiao looked at the female police officer coldly, and said with a light smile, "Oh, it's He Ying, the most famous 36-year-old beauty police officer in Yangcheng! You have really sharp eyes, and you recognized me in a mask at a glance. Now that I have been recognized...then, I have no choice but to escape!"

Before the words fell, Mu Piaopiao moved and dodged a few times, and had already passed through the gate of Wangwang Internet Cafe through the cracks of people!

He Ying was startled, she never expected that the famous female snitch would be so skilled, so she hurriedly called her men to chase after her.

And the 36-beautiful police officer is also well-known in Yangcheng, for no other reason than He Ying, who is not only good-looking, but also has a proud 36D size. It is indeed difficult for such a female police officer not to be famous.

Wu Di watched a group of people rushing out, and he didn't want to be troublesome. At this time, after Ye Wuhen heard that there was a disturbance in the Internet cafe, he quickly dispatched a team of tall and burly bodyguards in black to suppress it.

When the gangsters saw this situation, they immediately understood that the owner of this Internet cafe was not simple, and immediately fled out tactfully.

Wangwang Internet Cafe fell into peace again...

Most of the guests who came to the Internet suddenly saw the imposing team of bodyguards, and they let go of the big stone in their hearts-just kidding, how domineering is an Internet cafe with bodyguards stationed there!It's safe to surf the Internet here!

Seeing that the matter had been dealt with, Wu Di went upstairs to give Su Yiyi advice for a while, and then returned to the bedroom on the third floor.

When he turned on the computer and prepared to practice on the public server as usual, a voice suddenly sounded behind him:
"Ha, I didn't expect that the boss also likes to play League of Legends. Do you have any machines here? Let's play duo!"

After a brief surprise, Wu Di didn't make a sound, stood up suddenly, and turned around with a roundabout kick!

"Yeah, boss, it's me, it's me, Mu Piao Piao!"

wood fluttering?
Wu Di took a closer look, only to find that the famous female snitch was standing behind him?

" did you come in? What are you doing in my room?" Wu Di asked vigilantly.

Mu Piao Piao showed a strange smile and said:

"Hey, the most dangerous place is the safest place! Those stupid guys must not guess that I'm back again. Boss, don't worry, I went back and forth this time, but I did my homework.

I inquired about it, and this Internet cafe of yours is not an ordinary Internet cafe, but the base of the king team!This King's team came from Tianfu City, and it is said that it is a strong team with the goal of entering the professional league!
Since you are the owner of this Internet cafe, you must be able to make decisions about the team's affairs.

I really like playing League of Legends, and under the special instructions of a very special person, please let me join your team! "

 Ask for subscription, ask for support, ask for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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