The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 183: Feast of Skills

Chapter 183: Feast of Skills

When the morning sun squeezed through the window and sprinkled vigorously in Wangwang Internet Cafe, all the things in the Internet cafe that were whitewashed into gold were all reflected with dazzling golden light, and Wangwang Internet Cafe turned into a golden ocean in an instant.

Mu Piaopiao looked up at this miraculous scene, and when he was about to sigh, Wu Di shouted coldly from the side:
"It's started, the first game! If you think you can keep up with my rhythm, just enjoy the golden atmosphere that only local tyrants can create."

After hearing the words, Mu Piaopiao suddenly turned around and found that Wu Di had already started the first qualifying match.

The hero he chose was Ahri, the nine-tailed demon fox.

Mid laner?According to the information obtained, hasn't his mid laner strength not yet recovered?recovered so quickly?How did he do it?
Mu Piao Piao thought to himself, and his eyes were locked on Wu Di.Of course, she never expected that the team advisor she met last night, that uncle who looked wretched and decadent, was the uncrowned king who once ruled the world!It is even more unexpected that this uncle has settled the feud with Wu Di and is willing to commit himself to the Kings team, specializing in helping Wu Di recover his memory and teaching other team members.

Five minutes after the start of qualifying, Wu Di proficiently manipulated the fox while talking endlessly:

"I will only explain each game for 1 minute, and tell you the main points of the skills I want to use. As for whether you can master it, it has nothing to do with me.

In this qualifying match, I will show you [Pinball Kill] that only Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Ahri can use!This technique is especially suitable for dealing with mid-lane heroes with short CD cooldowns such as Deathsonger, Clockwork and Snake Maiden!

Do you know what directional skills are? "

Mu Piaopiao nodded and said: "I know. Directional skills mean that when a hero releases a skill, he must move the mouse to point to the enemy hero or an open space. This kind of skill generally requires the player to predict the opponent's position before casting it. If it is cast well, of course it can hit the opponent again and again and hit it; but if it is not cast well, it will often make the skill fail again and again, and then be killed by the opponent.

Great master, I am the strength of the gold group, I know all this, don't think my level is too low.Quickly tell me, what is [Pinball Kill]! "

Seeing that Mu Piaopiao is not a novice who knows nothing, Wu Di nodded and said:

"Well, I won't talk about the basics.

[Pinball Kill] is a skill created by using the nine-tailed demon fox's big move that can be cast three times in a row.

For example, the death song in front of me has a very short cooling time for his Q skill, but he needs to predict my position so that he can hit the fox.So... watch it!This is Pinball Kill! "

Before the words fell, Wu Di's nine-tailed demon fox had reached level six, and just as the upgraded golden light flashed away, Wu Di handed over the flash and moved directly to the right side of Death Song!
The moment the fox landed on the ground, a pink heart-shaped light wave quietly emitted from the fox's hand!
This is the fox's E skill [Charm and Hex]: Ahri kisses with red lips, causing damage to the first enemy hit, and applying a charm effect, making the enemy walk towards Ahri without any malice.

The death song on the opposite side was hit by the sudden kiss of death without warning, and the whole body could not help but walk slowly towards Ari.

And when the charm magic took effect, Ahri sacrificed another blue and white orb, and rushed towards Sige.

This is Ahri's Q skill [Deceitful Orb]: Ahri releases and retracts her orb, which will cause magic damage to the enemy along the way when it is released, and cause real damage to the enemy along the way when it is retracted.

At the same time, Ahri's W skill [Wonderful Fox Fire] is already entangled in her body.This is a non-directional skill that automatically attacks the target.

Mu Piaopiao stared dumbfounded at Wu Di's dizzying hand speed, and was shocked in his heart: In the blink of an eye, he has already completed four operations?Flash, E skill, W skill, Q skill three skills burst?Oh no, the ignition is on!

Before Death Song could make a move, his health dropped by more than half!

That's not another big move, Death Song is dead!
Just when she was so surprised that she opened her cherry mouth, Wu Di suddenly shouted:
"Look! [Pinball Kill] starts!"

In the screen, the time for Death Song to be ridiculed has ended, and the freedom of movement has been restored!

So, after being beaten up by the fox, he immediately went berserk and fought back!He activated the halo E skill that can cause the opponent to lose health every second, then put down the [Wall of Pain] beside the fox that can slow down and reduce its magic resistance, and finally released a lot of energy with all his might The Q skill that tests the player's prediction ability [Desolation]: Karthus casts a mark at the designated location, causing damage to surrounding enemies.Deal double damage to a single enemy!
Just as the fox dragged its decelerated body and slowly swayed in front of Death Song, Death Song's first Q skill was accurately placed at the fox's feet!

The screen flashed, and the fox activated the big move [Soul Raid], and before the first imprint exploded, it floated away with its long tail!

Dead song's first Q skill, failed!

And the damage from the first part of the fox's ultimate move has already hit him!
In desperation, the opponent immediately placed another mark on the fox's foothold!
Before the imprint exploded, the fox had flashed again, releasing the second of the three big moves!
The second Q skill, failed!

And he once again suffered the second injury of the fox's ultimate move, and his life was already in jeopardy.

The player who controls Death Song knows that if he can't use the Q skill to wear down most of the fox's health within seven seconds of being alive and after death, then his full-screen big move is meaningless!And I can't exchange heads with the fox!
Sige on the opposite side was obviously panicked. He didn't expect this fox to be able to predict the enemy first every time. When dodging his Q skill, it seemed to be a close shot, but in fact it passed by with ease.Frightened and angry, he decisively placed the third Q skill in front of the fox that had just landed!

When the third mark was about to blow up the fox, the fox's figure flashed past at the last moment!The imprint exploded, but it failed again!
When the third part of the fox's big move hit the ground, it had already successfully taken Sige's life and got his head!

The fox, with more than half of its health left, walked leisurely from Sige's eyes and retreated towards his own side in a leisurely manner, without giving Sige any chance to kill him.

Seeing this scene, Mu Piaopiao's eyes straightened.The timing and route of the nine-tailed demon fox's ult moves to avoid Death Song's Q skill made her suddenly realize it!

[Pinball Kill], so this is Pinball Kill!It refers to the fact that the fox moves back and forth in a straight line from the moment of flashing until the release of the three big moves, which seems to be extremely coquettish!This scene, of course, resembles a picture of a pinball bouncing back and forth between two baffles.

After the fox returned to the city, Wu Di turned his head and asked, "Have you seen it? There are two elements in the skill of pinball killing. The first is to ensure the hit rate of flash and taunt, otherwise, the follow-up operations will be useless." It is empty talk; secondly, when using a big move, it is necessary to maintain the directional skills that can dodge the opponent, and ensure that the opponent's hero is within the effective range of your own big move. Of course, using the big move back and forth in a straight line is a Safer way, few players can grasp the route of the nine-tailed demon fox at this moment. However, for the top players, they will clearly know the fox's foothold, and then release the directional skills in advance.

This trick can be regarded as an advanced technique.Ok, I'm done explaining.Give me ten minutes, and I will let the other two surrender in ten minutes, so that the next game can start! "

When the qualifying match had just reached 20 minutes, the opponent couldn't wait to initiate a surrender.There is no other reason. Wu Di's nine-tailed demon fox has become the spokesperson of the nightmare. As long as this sexy figure moves, someone will fall down in a few seconds.They even gave up their plan to fight with their opponents and simply surrendered.

While withdrawing from the match, Wu Di asked in a low voice without looking back:

"First question, who is the head of the organization?"

"I don't know..." Mu Piao Piao answered truthfully.

But Wu Di was very angry, thinking that she was perfunctory.

"I won't fight anymore! You are simply perfunctory!"

Mu Piaopiao was not in a hurry, and replied blankly: "I don't know who the leader of the organization is. Even if you hang me up and beat me, I still don't know. But, to make up for you, you can ask another question." I know the problem."

"Ghost knows what you know? Grandma's Xiong, why are you talking more and more awkward. Okay, let me ask again, why did that organization target me?"

Mu Piao Piao smiled and said: "This problem can be. The reason why that organization has been obsessed with you is that they are very curious about why you came out of the state of amnesia. They want to investigate this reason, and the second is... to draw out your Father Wu Tianhao!"

"To lure out my father? Why..." Wu Di was shocked.

"Stop! Let's move on to the next round. I've remembered the pinball kill just now. Just to remind you, I don't know why you led your father out of the mountain. Don't ask me later."

Mu Piaopiao is full of confidence, and his eyes are no longer the admiration that was occasionally revealed before.

Wu Di glanced at her suspiciously, and then directly started the second qualifying match.

In this competition, he chose Leopard Girl, and the skill he demonstrated was exactly his famous work in his early years - [One Word Flash Step].

Mu Piao Piao still showed a shocked expression first, and then changed into a confident smile with a well-thought-out plan again.

The game ended quickly, and Wu Di's leopard girl was more terrifying than his fox! In 10 minutes, it only took him 10 minutes to beat the opponent's mid laner to hang up in the base pool.

"Second question, Wu he really my biological brother?"


Wu Di frowned. For a long time, he thought that Wu Shuang was his elder brother, and his father was prevaricating himself, but with the affirmation of this third party, Wu Di had somewhat confirmed this fact.

As expected, the third qualifying match ended after 10 minutes. In this match, Wu Di showed Wei En's roundabout.Having recovered the memory of his ADC, he is even more familiar with performing this roundabout step. In several encirclements and suppressions, he was stunned by his opponents.And Mu Piao Piao's expression was the same as before.

"The third question. Is Wu Shuang related to that organization?"


The fourth session: Demonstration of skills - [reverse zigzag steps].Game time: 21 minutes.

"The fourth question. Is the organization closely related to Jones of the legendary team?!"

"It's not close, it's just cooperation."

Fifth session: Demonstration of skills - explorer's [Double Fly].Game time: 22 minutes.

"The fifth question. Did that organization really attack me for the legendary team to win the finals?"

"Half and half. As I said before, the ultimate goal is to draw out your father."

Game 8: Demonstrating skills - [Swing Step], game time: [-] [-] minutes!
"Question six. What kind of person is my father...?"

"How should I put it... Uncle Tianhao is still a very good person, bold and unrestrained, and very generous... Well, I know what you want to ask, don't look at me with that look. Your father has been here for many years Before, he was a well-known secret agent who made many contributions to Huaxia Kingdom. Later, he quit the relevant department due to some incidents and started to work alone. Finally, he retired completely ten years ago. In this way, you are satisfied. "

Game 23: Demonstrating skills - [Following Steps], game time: [-] minutes.

In this qualifying match, Wu Di actually used the follow-up step to cling to his opponent for more than ten seconds, which made De Mu Piao Piao amazed.She has seen follow-up steps in the video, but those top players can only stick to their opponents for about ten seconds at most.

Ten seconds, in her mind, should be the limit time for top professional players to use follow-up steps.However, this limit time was easily broken by Wu Di.He clung to his opponent abruptly for more than ten seconds, which greatly exceeded Mu Piao Piao's expectations.

At this moment, she can only use unimaginable to describe her mood in her heart.

"The seventh question. Since my father is so powerful, has he been secretly helping me investigate everything about that organization?"

"Yes, Uncle Tianhao has never been idle since the moment your accident happened. He even used countless relationships that he cut off voluntarily in order to investigate the cause of your accident..."

Eighth session: Demonstration of skills - the exclusive [bumper car] killing skills of the barrel.Game time: 25 minutes.

The barrel's bumper car killing skill is a top skill that relies on extraordinary hand speed and super high reflexes.The casting process is as follows:
When the wine barrel uses the big move [Explosive Wine Barrel] to blow the opponent to the front, immediately use the E skill [Meat Bomb Impact] to attack the enemy hero. The hero hit by the meat bomb impact will be slowed down, and then make up one or two After one basic attack and the Q skill [Rolling Barrel], you can kill your opponent effortlessly!

The reason why this technique is called the bumper car killing technique is because the image of the wine barrel transforming into a meat bomb chariot to attack the opponent while throwing a big move to blow up the opponent is very similar to the collision of bumper cars , The name [Bumper Car] Killing Skill comes from this.

The most important element of casting this skill is the timing and location of the ultimate move.Once there is any deviation, the opponent's hero will not be blown up to him, and the scene of confrontation cannot be completed.

After Mu Piaopiao suddenly saw this technique, his eyes swelled much bigger than the previous seven times.After watching the fat body of the wine barrel collide with the opponent's hero, she kept sighing in her heart: How fast hand speed and reaction are needed to complete such a bumper car scene...

"The eighth question. I know it is nonsense to talk about dismantling that organization. However, I still want to ask, what should I do at this moment in order to avoid the calculations of that organization ?”

For the first time, Mu Piaopiao didn't answer Wu Di directly, but buried his head, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, she raised her eyes and stared at Wu Di:

"It's very simple. Do a good job of your team, do a good job of your base, and restore your e-sports strength. This is what you have to do now, and what you can do. The rest is beyond your control."

Wu Di let out a long breath and sighed:

"That's the only way... Well, the eight qualifying matches are over, all victories. It's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Mu Piaopiao smiled lightly, seeing that his account had successfully raised a small rank, he was quite happy in his heart.Suddenly, she lowered her head, blew hot air into Wu Di's ear, and said softly:

"Thank you. Thank you for giving me a feast of skills. As a reward, I will tell you my real identity now. In fact, I have many identities. You can regard me as a notorious female snitch, You can also regard me as a staff member of a certain department of the country, and you can also regard me as an e-sports enthusiast trying to become a professional e-sports player. Even if you regard me as an insider of that organization, it is not a little bit Not surprising.

Of course, I know that my answer will definitely dissatisfy you, in fact... you just need to remember, no matter what you see or hear, I, Mu Piao Piao, am really your most reliable personal bodyguard! "

Wu Di curled his lips and said dissatisfiedly: "Are you fooling people? Your reasoning is really fake..."

Just when Wu Di was about to sneer, he clearly saw the sincerity in Mu Piao Piao's eyes.

The eyes of a person are indeed the window to the soul, and the eyes of a person who is not loyal are indeed different from others.

Looking at this look, Wu Di could only sigh inwardly: either, you are a super actor who can compete for the Oscar for Best Actress, or you are a teammate who can trust your back!
"Do you understand? Now let me answer your second question. The purpose of my coming to Yangcheng is really entrusted to protect you. In addition, I have a small selfishness... that is I want to test whether I, the successor of the "backhand style" style of play that has been eliminated by the times, has the qualifications to become a professional player!"

 Ask for subscription, ask for everything, ask for warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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