Chapter 184 Enemy
Second hand flow?
When Wu Di heard that this e-sports genre had withdrawn from the historical stage of e-sports, he was startled, and looked at this private sexy bodyguard with a strange identity in disbelief.

Mu Piao Piao's eyes are still crystal clear, without any impurities, so sincere that people have to believe her words.

Backhand style of play, in the era when e-sports just started, was one of the three schools that kept pace with Uncle's Wang Dao Liu and Lu Feng's data flow.

In Wu Di's current memory, the founder of this genre is a woman, and he can't remember the name, but this woman has a famous title - [Phantom God]!
In that era, the name of the Illusory God was comparable to Uncle's "Uncrowned King" and Lu Feng's "Peerless King"!
The Illusory God, the Uncrowned King, and the Peerless King, these three people are the three heroes who lead Huaxia e-sports to the world!At that time, their names were known to everyone in the e-sports circle.

Moreover, the reaction speed of this top professional female player has reached an unbelievable level. Most of the skills she can master can be completed in an instant, which is why fans dub the title of "Phantom God".

Among the first generation of e-sports players in China, her reaction speed even surpassed that of Uncle and Lu Feng!

And the second-hand style she created is regarded as the most difficult genre to imitate by all e-sports fans and players!

Because the second-hand style of play relies on extraordinary reaction speed!Literally explained, this style of play is to wait for the opponent to make a move first, and then see the move, dissolving all the opponent's tactics invisibly!

When laning, let the opponent take the initiative to attack, and the moment before the opponent thinks that he has taken the initiative in the game, counterattack violently or retreat in time!In this way, the opponent's offensive can be instantly disintegrated.Then, see the situation clearly, strike late, and truly seize the initiative in the lane!

In team battles, it is absolutely not pre-emptive, and waits for the opponent's rushing hero or big move hero to attack first, and then after the opponent has handed over the group control skills or the attack, then look at the breakthrough and wait for the opportunity. Conquer the enemy with the second hand!
For example, for example, a player practicing Wang Dao Liu will look for opportunities to attack aggressively as soon as they meet, while a player of second-hand style will make a decision on whether to attack or retreat at that moment after he makes an attacking stance. And use the reaction speed beyond ordinary people to complete the operation.When the Wang Daoliu players inadvertently enter a position that is not conducive to their duel due to their offensive posture, they will launch a strong attack on them to force the opponent back or gain a greater advantage in the exchange.

This is the backflow.

It's easy to say, but it's more difficult to do it!

But all players who practice back-handed play must have a talent that is most valued by e-sports players-ultra-fast reaction speed!

Only players whose reaction speed is far beyond ordinary people can make the most of their backhand skills.

Players who are not quick enough to practice backhands are the rhythm of death.If the reaction speed is too slow after the opponent initiates an attack, it is impossible to gain an advantage in laning and team battles.

Originally, this genre is suitable for the practice of most professional players with super fast reaction speeds. However, with the continuous development of e-sports and the continuous revision of the League of Legends game after the rise, the rhythm of e-sports competitions has been infinitely improved. several times.

In the era when e-sports was just emerging, players with too fast reaction speed were rare, even rarer than the national special-level protected animals. Naturally, players who practiced hand skills were relatively rare, and this genre was once all the rage.

However, after so many years of development in e-sports, players with excellent reaction speeds emerge in endlessly, peerless geniuses continue to emerge, coupled with the fast-paced gameplay brought about by the changes in the game version, this genre has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history.

Do you want to strike back?With your reflexes?Haha, are you kidding me?Everyone's reaction speed is almost the same. By the time you realize the time to fight back, you have already fallen!
The pace of modern e-sports is so fast!

According to scientific research reports, the reaction time of normal people will not exceed 0 seconds.


But everyone's situation is different, and the reaction time also has a lot to do with the person's state and mood.

In general, you react faster when you are in a good mood than when you are in a bad mood; you react faster when you are excited than when you are depressed.

For example, the reaction time will be greatly prolonged when a person does not wake up or drinks alcohol, and it takes about 1 second to respond.

In addition, it is said that Liu Xiang, the "flying man" who won the Olympic gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles on behalf of Huaxia, had a reaction time of 0 seconds, so his start can give himself a good advantage; It is said that Liu Guoliang's reaction time is 139 seconds faster than his teammates, so he can guarantee good results in the confrontation with the world's top players.

Of course, the reaction speed of modern e-sports players is much faster than in the early years!
The development of various scientific training methods and training equipment has been able to greatly improve the basic professional quality of the overall professional player's reaction speed.It is precisely because of the vigorous development of the e-sports industry that overemphasizes the use of their own reaction speed as a support for the second hand, and gradually fails to keep up with the trend of the times.

In many cases, the outcome of the game can be decided in an instant!And there is not much difference in the reaction speed of everyone, it will not give you enough reaction time at all!This kind of situation is not uncommon in the increasingly fast-paced League of Legends e-sports competition.

In team battles, there are really only a few blinks of an eye, and it is basically over.The damned hero is dead, and the fleeing hero is long gone.

Therefore, contemporary e-sports players have already labeled the second-hand style as a dusty label and no longer practice.

After these messages flashed through Wu Di's mind, he couldn't help frowning and asked:

"Sister Piao Piao, you said that you are the descendant of the second-hand style? Isn't that right? As far as I know, this style of play has disappeared. In the League of Legends game, you can't see its shadow at all."

Mu Piaopiao was noncommittal, but continued to cling to Wu Di's ear, exhaling softly and said:
"I told you just now that I will never count on you. Why did you forget? I have no need to deceive you about this kind of thing. "

Wu Di trembled all over, moved away from Mu Piao Piao's hot red lips, and said in doubt:

"You asked me to show you the advanced skills I have mastered. Why? You are not a professional gamer. Even if you have learned backhand skills, it will be very difficult to learn my skills..."

"That's not necessarily the case, you get up." Mu Piaopiao pulled Wu Di up from the seat without authorization, and sat up on it, directly starting a match.

"The eight skills you showed just now are only follow-up steps. I can't do it to your level. The others... hehe, easy and simple!"

Soon, Mu Piaopiao chose the nine-tailed demon fox Ahli, and under Wu Di's dumbfounded gaze, he completed the pinball killing operation.

"How, I have mastered this pinball kill. Of course, the opponent is not a top professional player, and the ability to predict is not that strong."

Wu Di nodded and suggested:

"Among the eight skills, the follow-up step is indeed the easiest to get started, but the hardest to practice to the peak. In this way, you can change to a skill that is more about reaction and anticipation, and try the bumper car killing skill?"

In fact, Wu Di wanted to confirm whether this sexy and glamorous personal bodyguard really has top-notch reaction speed!And the barrel's bumper car killing skills are the best proof!
Mu Piaopiao readily agreed, started the game, and chose the wine barrel.

After a while, the way Wu Di looked at Mu Piao Piao completely changed.As long as the wine barrel's big move is cooled down, Mu Piao Piao can accurately perform the bumper car killing skill.As the images of collisions continue to appear, Wu Di is sure that this sister must have a reaction speed far beyond ordinary people!

Reaction time... 0 seconds?
wrong!Below 0 second!Her reaction speed is definitely one of the fastest in today's e-sports circle!Even surpassed me?

When this idea suddenly appeared in Wu Di's mind, even he was startled.

who I am?I am a professional player who has been dubbed the number one genius in the world... My reaction speed can be counted on the entire e-sports circle, which is faster than mine, but... this woman, this mysterious personal bodyguard, unexpectedly Have reflexes faster than mine?

She is just an amateur of League of Legends!Never had relevant vocational training!

For a moment, Wu Di's back was covered with cold sweat.

Could it be that the saying that masters are among the people will never become obsolete...

Mu Piaopiao looked at the shocked expression on Wu Di's face with satisfaction, and said with a smile:
"Okay, although I am quite moved by your deeds and your fighting spirit, if I want to protect you for free, I can't get through this in my heart, so, let you reveal some of the skills you have mastered, that is the reward ha."

Wu Di was not in the mood to joke, but asked seriously:

"You said just now that you are a successor? Do you know that woman called [Phantom God]?"

"This... don't worry about it. I've already said it. Now, I'm going out for a while. You just stay in Wangwang Internet Cafe and don't go anywhere. Otherwise, no one will protect your safety."

After finishing speaking, Mu Piaopiao turned around and wanted to leave, but found a middle-aged uncle with a bearded face who had been standing behind them for a long time.

The uncle stared at Mu Piao Piao's face, with mixed feelings, and some dusty memories flooded his brain again.

This girl looks so much like her!
The uncle looked excited, trembling all over, just looking straight at Mu Piao Piao without squinting.

When Mu Piaopiao saw that this man was the wretched uncle she had seen last night, she couldn't help curling her lips, and was about to walk past him, but the uncle blocked her way.

"You look very similar to an acquaintance of mine, do you know Wanwan?"

As soon as these words came out, Mu Piaopiao stopped in his tracks, his whole body trembling violently.

Wanwan is her aunt's nickname, and her aunt is the most powerful professional female e-sports player in the history of Chinese e-sports—【Phantom God】!
Mu Piaopiao tensed his whole body vigilantly, showing a terrifying expression of not getting close to strangers, and said coldly:
"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The uncle was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood why Mu Piaopiao showed such precautions, so he laughed and said:

"Don't worry, little girl, I just think you look a lot like her. Judging by your extreme reaction, there should be something to do with it. is Wanwan doing? "

Mu Piaopiao stared at the uncle for a long time, and found that there was no memory of this person in his mind.Just when she was about to ask for clarification, Wu Di said from the side:

"Master, this is... the personal bodyguard my father found for me. It seems that you know her very well?"

The uncle turned his head and said, "I don't know this girl, I just think she looks a lot like an acquaintance of mine."

At this time, Mu Piaopiao heard Wu Di calling the uncle Master, and immediately understood the real identity of the uncle for a moment in his mind!

"Are you...the uncrowned king? That e-sports legend known as the uncle?"

Hearing that the young woman knew her name, the uncle felt a sense of pride in his heart.

"Hahaha, that's right, I'm the uncle. By the way, who are you, Wanwan? You really look alike!"

Before the words fell, Mu Piao Piao's face sank, his momentum trembled in the blink of an eye, and a sideways kick flew in the air!

Seeing this, Wu Di just subconsciously stretched out his hand to block her beautiful legs.

"What are you doing! This is my master! Are you going to attack him?"

Mu Piaopiao was full of indignation and shouted angrily:
"I hit him! If he and the peerless king Lu Feng hadn't conspired against my aunt back then, my aunt wouldn't have retired so early! Otherwise, with her peak strength at that time, she would have won World champion!

open!I only say it once!My aunt doesn't want to teach this nasty guy a lesson, but I want to express my anger for my aunt! "

Mu Piaopiao seems to have become determined after eating the weight, and wants to give Uncle Hai Bian a meal!
Wu Di is completely at a loss. Of course, he doesn't understand the kindness and resentment among the first generation of e-sports people, and it is impossible to understand!
However, the uncle is the mentor who introduced himself to the world of e-sports, so naturally he will not allow him to be bullied!
Wu Di stepped forward, stood in front of the uncle, and said solemnly:

"Sister Piao Piao, I don't care what uncle did back then, right or wrong, but he is my benefactor and also my mentor. It is impossible for you to touch him in front of me!
Besides, didn't you say it all yourself?Huan Shen no longer cares about what happened back then, so why are you so brooding about it? "

Mu Piaopiao's eyes burst into anger, and he said angrily:
"Get out of the way, boy! What do you know? If you don't know, you have no right to speak!
Back then, before this guy, Lu Feng and my aunt became famous, this uncrowned king and that peerless king pursued my aunt together!
My aunt originally had a crush on both of them, and her heart was more inclined to this wretched guy!She even planned to retire to be with him after winning a world championship, and be a housewife wholeheartedly!
But, do you know what happened next?As the fame of the three of them climbed to a point where they were in full swing, this guy suddenly said that he didn't like my aunt anymore!He wants to sever ties with his aunt?

And my aunt, at that time, had already mastered the backhand skills, even this guy and Lu Feng were no match!It can be said that as long as my aunt plays professional games for a few more years, she will achieve great achievements in the history of e-sports, far surpassing all professional e-sports players!

It was this timid guy who, for some unknown reason, directly confessed to his aunt, saying that now that everyone is mature, the admiration in the past was just young, impulsive and ignorant!

My aunt, of course, was hit hard.During that time, she shed tears almost every day.After all, although she appeared to be a well-known top professional female player on the surface, she was actually just a woman!An ordinary woman longing to love and be loved!
After this guy cut off contact with my aunt, not long after, my aunt, who couldn't get out of this shadow, announced her retirement!And that year, she was only 23 years old!
And since my aunt retired and became a short-lived tragic figure in the history of Chinese e-sports, this guy and that damned Lu Feng have naturally become the overlords in domestic e-sports competitions!

Of these two men, one won the title of Sleepless King, and the other won countless championships, achieving the title of peerless king!
And all of this is because after my aunt retired, no one in the country can compete with them!It is no exaggeration to say that it is precisely because of my aunt's retirement that the reputation of these two men has been achieved! "

Mu Piaopiao coldly shouted word by word filled with righteous indignation, which made Wu Di's heart skip a beat.

It turns out that Uncle's e-sports history is full of so many stories?
Just as Wu Di was looking at Mu Piaopiao speechlessly, the uncle behind him took a step forward and walked around in front of him.

"Wanwan is your aunt, huh, no wonder you look so alike. Your name is Piao Piao, right? Then, Piao Piao, do you know that since your aunt retired, I have been living in a huge shadow Is it? Until a few years ago, I barely forgot this memory?"

Mu Piaopiao sneered and said indifferently:
"Are you living in the shadows? If you hadn't severed your relationship with my aunt, would she have retired so early? Would she have given up the e-sports career she loves? Don't stand up and talk, no matter what your reasons are. , anyway, in my eyes, you are my aunt's biggest enemy!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Piaopiao's momentum changed, and he aimed at the uncle's abdomen in a blink of an eye, and kicked a kick!
Wu Di was lost in thought, but for a while, he didn't react, and he didn't have time to protect his master.

Seeing that Mu Piaopiao's elastic and powerful legs were about to hit the uncle, the two of them heard the uncle say slowly:
"If I could let go of your aunt back then, would I never be able to defeat that Lu Feng in the following years of my career?"

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(End of this chapter)

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