Chapter 185

Mu Piao Piao's beautiful legs stopped a few centimeters in front of the uncle's abdomen.

And this pause naturally gave Wu Di precious time to react. He was deeply afraid that the personal bodyguard would run amok again, so he directly raised his left hand to catch her beautiful leg.At the same time, he made a claw shape with his right hand, grabbed Mu Piao Piao's left shoulder, and then pushed her whole body onto the armchair with an inch of strength.

At this time, Mu Piaopiao, who had super-normal reaction power, was thinking about what the uncle said before. He never thought that Wu Di would take the initiative to attack him, so he stretched out his legs almost subconsciously, forcing Wu Di to jump into the air.And it was under this jump that Wu Di lost his center of gravity, and with a plop, he fell into Mu Piao Piao's arms.

This scene came too suddenly, Mu Piaopiao swayed on the seat for a while, Wu Di slipped his right hand, and held a soft object along her shoulder blade.

Mu Piaopiao screamed in shock, which made Wu Di's old face blush—he realized what he was holding...

In desperation, Wu Di pushed his right hand again and bounced off Mu Piao Piao's body.After landing, he immediately stood in front of the uncle, staring intently at Mu Piao Piao's every move.Although, his face was already blushing.

Mu Piao Piao gracefully jumped from the seat to Wu Di, and said:
"Hmph, the old guy is a cowardly, unwilling to take responsibility for his heart, and the apprentice he taught is also a piss! If my aunt hadn't told me to protect you, I would have killed you little pervert a long time ago. block!"

Wu Di knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't say much, but his body has been firmly protecting the uncle.

The uncle patted him on the shoulder, walked around to him again, and sighed softly at Mu Piao Piao.

"Hey, no matter how you look at me, you still want to beat me up to vent your anger for your aunt. It doesn't matter anymore, let the past pass. You are now my apprentice's personal bodyguard. I think you should not For me, you will ruin your own big business."

Mu Piaopiao stood on the spot silently, the expression on his face was as cold as a ten-thousand-year ice cellar.

After a moment of silence, Mu Piaopiao turned his head and walked away, and said to Wu Di without looking back:
"This old guy is right! I can't ruin a big event for my own selfishness! But, I'm ugly!

Now that I know that this nasty guy is in Team Kings, protecting your safety is one thing, but whether your Team Kings can successfully qualify for the professional league in Yangcheng is another matter!

Because my mission here is only to protect your personal safety!I don't need to ask anything else!

To tell you the truth, Wu Di, the reason why I want you to show off your skills is to steal from you!In order to improve their own strength!I want to become a professional e-sports player!I want to defeat you and Lufeng's apprentice in the e-sports competition!I want to find justice for my aunt in the most suitable place!
I have long heard that Lu Feng has made a comeback, and he has accepted a peerless genius who is rare in ten years!

That guy, and this wretched uncle, are my enemies in my eyes!

I was brought up by my aunt, her enemy is my enemy! "

After throwing down this ruthless sentence, Mu Piao Piao walked straight out of the gate of Wang Wang Internet Cafe, and soon disappeared from Wu Di's eyes.

And through the conversation between the uncle and Mu Piaopiao just now, Wu Di can be regarded as aware of some of the whole story, so he asked the uncle:

"Master, I believe in your character. Therefore, I think you must have had a last resort for that incident!

Originally, I shouldn't have asked about your personal affairs.However, I still want to know, otherwise, if this mysterious woman does something that is not good for the King's team, we will regret it. "

Wu Di was very calm, and the uncle was very pleased to see this.This disciple, who he once loved and hated at the same time, has finally matured gradually.

The uncle was not intimidated by Mu Piaopiao's behavior at all. He pointed to the armchair beside him and said:

"Sit down, since I am now a member of the King's team, we are comrades-in-arms standing on the same front. If it affects the development of the King's team because of my bad things back then, I will be very sorry.

So, I decided to show you the reason for this incident. "

Wu Di nodded and sat down, and said, "All ears."

The uncle cleared his throat, and said unhurriedly:
"That girl is right. I really liked Wanwan back then, and Lu Feng also liked her secretly. The relationship between the three of us has always been very harmonious. Because, since the three of us made our debut, fans have placed high hopes on her. The e-sports talents of the three of us are all on par, and Wanwan's talent is slightly higher than that of Lu Feng and me. Even if her reaction speed is called the best in the world, it is no exaggeration!

We are known as the three strongest among the first generation of e-sports players in China.With us, Huaxia Kingdom's e-sports strength began to slowly show around the world. With us, Huaxia Kingdom began to have the strength to become the world champion of e-sports.To be honest, in the initial period, the three of us worked together to make a contribution to China's e-sports cause.

But...we, who are young and energetic, still can't pass the test of [feeling].

With the continuous contact with Wanwan, I began to find that this soft-tempered girl is very suitable for my appetite, and after you came to me, I also found that she is actually quite interesting to me.So, I secretly confessed my love to her, and even, we both have a very dreamy vision - that is to represent China, and become a husband and wife team player on the world stage of e-sports that makes foreign players frightened!

Her backhand style and my Wang Dao style can be said to be the most compatible combination.So we are going to stay in the same team and work hard together for China's e-sports cause!
However, when she and I began to imagine whether it was she coming to my team or me going to her team, something strange happened!

Our mutual good friend, the originator of data flow, Lu Feng, at this time, regardless of my feelings, confessed to Wan Wan!
At that time, we were both shocked!Although Wanwan and I haven't officially confirmed our relationship, we were rumored to be a pair of golden boys and girls at that time, and we ourselves acquiesced to this relationship from the bottom of our hearts.

Wanwan has always had special feelings for both of us, but her feelings for me are deeper, so in order to take care of Lu Feng's emotions, she didn't directly refuse!

However, just when the two of us had discussed it properly and were about to announce our relationship to bring this matter to an end, Lu Feng began to announce his love for Wanwan to the outside world!

Wanwan considered again and again, if she refused Lu Feng at this time, he would definitely be hit hard.And in order to take care of Lu Feng's emotions, Wanwan compromised again... She ignored Lu Feng, including me.

But I know that she buried her feelings for me deeply in her heart!

I was very annoyed, angry and anxious. All the acquaintances around me knew that Wanwan and I were about to go public and stay together, but someone came out and ruined our bright future.

At that time, my mood was only one sentence - what is this if it's not love?
Moreover, Cheng Yaojin, who came out halfway, turned out to be a good friend of both of us?

I questioned Lu Feng, why did he do this, but he just smiled without saying a word, and said cruel words - Wanwan will be his sooner or later!
I was furious, so far, the relationship between me and Lu Feng has completely deteriorated.

Since then, the relationship between the three of us has been hyped by the e-sports media.In order to avoid suspicion and to prepare for the professional league with peace of mind, the three of us reached a tacit agreement-we will no longer communicate with each other.

And more than half a year has passed like this.

At that time, the game League of Legends had not yet been officially released. Our competition was another team e-sports game, and the professional league was also very informal. However, there was an important cup every year. To win that cup, You will be able to represent China in world-class competitions!
It was in this cup that the teams of me, Wanwan and Lu Feng all made it to the final four.And my opponent in the semi-finals is Lu Feng's team!

The night before the start of the semi-finals, Lu Feng approached me. I remember very clearly that it was a night of heavy rain.

He told me that Wanwan had secretly lived with him for more than three months, and she was already pregnant!

I was devastated, feeling like my sky was collapsing, and I could barely breathe under the weight of the truth!I have always been very confident in Wanwan and my relationship, and I have always believed that as time goes by, I will finally get together with her!
Lu Feng's words made me fall into hell instantly!
I was shouting and howling, but Lu Feng just smiled casually in front of me. There was a bit of sarcasm in that smile, and a bit of complacency. At that time, I wished I could rush forward and chop him up!
However, he then withdrew that smile and said to me seriously, I should bless them!
Yeah, it's over, what else can I do?What can I do besides wishing them a happy life?

In an instant, I was completely hopeless and had no fighting spirit. It wasn't until that moment that I realized that Wanwan's position in my heart had climbed to an incomparable peak!

If you want me to make a choice between e-sports and Wanwan.Then I will definitely choose Wanwan without hesitation!

I thought at the time that it was too late, that everything was irreparable.

In the second day's semi-finals, I, who had no desire to fight, became a burden to the team, and my team was quickly defeated.

And on the first night of the finals, I had already made up my mind to give up Wanwan and bless her and Lu Feng, so I naturally found her and wanted to personally send my blessings...

Damn it!Damn me!Why didn't I notice Wanwan's joy after seeing me at that time?Why didn't I realize that everything was a conspiracy carefully arranged by that damned Lu Feng?
Apprentice, do you know?I was an idiot, a complete idiot.I thought the excitement on Wanwan's face was for me to show, to appease my emotions.

Without waiting for her to speak, I sent my stupid blessing directly, and made a stupid expression of indifference, saying that I was young, energetic and ignorant before saying those vows to her affectionately, and now I am , very clear that he doesn't like her at all!And declare that from now on, she will be completely separated from her, and there will be no relationship between life and death!
Wanwan was of course shocked, and stared at me dumbfounded.At this time, I, the idiot, made another idiot act!

I just turned around and left!Without hearing a single word from Wanwan, he just left like a fool!

Damn it!I was doing it to let her have a step down!How could she know that she, who is pure and innocent, believed everything I said to be true!
...The next day, I hid in a hidden corner of the auditorium, wanting to watch the match between her and Lu Feng, but was surprised to find that Wanwan wasn't there at all!
That important tournament championship was naturally easily held by Lu Feng, and he also obtained the qualification to represent China in the World E-sports Competition.

But at that time, I didn't put my mind on e-sports at all. Instead, I called Wanwan directly to try to find out. I was worried that something happened to her.

Wanwan didn't answer my call, so I foolishly made a judgment at that time. I thought that since she was pregnant, she would definitely have some symptoms that pregnant women should have from time to time, and she would definitely be at home all the time. Take good care of your baby.

From that day on, there was no contact between me and her, and I didn't know the cause and effect of the matter at all!

Later, when she held a press conference to announce her retirement not long after, I learned the truth of the matter as an afterthought!

She wasn't pregnant at all!Sitting at the press conference, she is still so slender!
Until that moment, I didn't know that all of this was a shocking conspiracy secretly designed by Lu Feng!Not only did Wanwan and I sever the relationship, but it also won the only qualification to represent China in the World Series!
After the press conference, I called Wanwan again, but was told that the number had been shut down.In the next few months, after I took a long vacation in the team, I frantically searched for Wanwan in China, but no matter how hard I tried and how persistent I was, I still couldn't find her.

I knew that what I said that night hurt her mortally.Wanwan was originally a very simple girl, intrigues, conspiracies and tricks, and she couldn't get along with her.She must have mistakenly thought that I really took the relationship between the two of us as a joke!Therefore, they avoided seeing me.

Half a year later, I also understood that it is impossible for Wanwan, who deliberately avoided me, to come back to me... So, I vented all my anger and unwillingness on Lu Feng.

Since he values ​​fame and reputation so much, I will pull him down in the e-sports arena and give him a head-on blow!
I want to seek justice for Wanwan and myself!
I returned to the team and began to train desperately, delved into the Wang Dao Liu, perfected the Wang Dao Liu, but... as you know, in the next few years, I never defeated Lu Feng once!Moreover, I completely lost the trace of Wanwan. "

When the uncle said this, he stopped, with countless emotions in his eyes.

Everyone knows the heroic deeds of the uncrowned king, but only Wu Di can know the sadness behind that glory.

Wu Di knew that this was the first time that the master told the past in front of him, this was the first time that the master was confessing his heart to others, his heart must be full of remorse and unwillingness!

However, based on his own understanding of his master, he should be on par with Lu Feng in his heyday, but why did he fail to win a championship in a few years?
Thinking of this, Wu Di couldn't help asking softly: "Master, can you tell me why you have always been defeated by Lu Feng? I know, this is a scar of yours, and I shouldn't expose it easily..."

The uncle laughed at himself, sorted out his thoughts, and said calmly:
"Heh, there are no scars at all. It's normal for you to want to know. I didn't realize this reason until a long time after I retired.

At that time, Lu Feng's strength was indeed on a par with mine. It really just depended on our on-the-spot status.

Why do I keep losing at his hands?At the beginning, I didn't want to understand.In the countless confrontations with him, sometimes I have even noticed that my perfect version of Wang Daoliu can completely suppress his data flow style of play.

However, even so, I still keep losing!There is no other reason, and it is very simple. Looking back now, I am really a fucking idiot.Perhaps, this is also the only weakness of the players who practice Wang Daoliu-the heroic spirit and easy to be provoked.

Before the start of every game with him, this guy would always come to me alone, and then make a big fuss about Wanwan!

At first, I always thought that he was asking me to give up Wanwan completely, so as to fulfill his dream of being together with Wanwan.But after retiring, I gradually understood that his data flow started from the moment we met before the game!

He used his words to successfully make me uneasy and affect my fighting spirit.Although I wanted to defeat him and teach him a lesson, I was no longer his opponent in the arena because of my impetuosity.

I have been teaching you that the most important quality of a professional player is mental quality.If you have the psychological quality of not being surprised by the changes, you will be invincible among players of the same level if you have the psychological quality of not being surprised by the changes.
However, every time I played against Lu Feng, my heart was no longer calm, and I couldn't take it easy. From the very beginning, I was doomed to fail...

And this is the biggest reason why I have been defeated by him! "

Indeed, if professional players can't treat the game with a normal heart, they will inevitably make a lot of mistakes and lose control of their emotions.Obviously, the uncle has been plotted against by Lu Feng all along!
Wu Di looked at the uncle without saying a word, just quietly waiting for him to calm down completely.After a while, the uncle, who told his story in a flash, finally regained his previous calm.

"Uncle, that means, since the night before the final, have you never seen Aunt Huan Shen?"

The uncle shrugged his shoulders and sighed: "Yes. Although I have selectively forgotten many past events through time, she is a pain in my heart after all."

Wu Di felt a little melancholy when he saw the uncle, so in order to ease the atmosphere, he deliberately teased and said:
"Ha! Uncle, you are wrong to say that. Now you have seniors and juniors, and you have a gentle and virtuous wife who is taking care of the housework for you. You should let go of these past events completely. Otherwise, you will fall into an embarrassing situation. You can't be sorry to the people in the past, but also to the people in the present."

However, what surprised Wu Di was that the uncle let out a long sigh of relief, and sadly said:
"Apprentice, I... am not married! I have no children either!"

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(End of this chapter)

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