The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 186 Master and Disciple

Chapter 186 Master and Disciple
"What?" Wu Di exclaimed loudly, and immediately jumped up from his seat, "How is it possible? I remember the first time I talked to you, I heard a child crying clearly on the phone Ah! Moreover, your third apprentice Lu Li once told me that you have married and have children, and he has seen your children with his own eyes!"

Wu Di was a little confused, why did the uncle refuse to admit the fact that he had married?Could it be that he is still thinking about that Aunt Phantom God?


I must stop this kind of behavior and thoughts of the master!He is a married man!

Just when Wu Di was preparing some words to persuade his master, the uncle laughed dumbfoundedly and said:

"The crying of the child you heard, and the child Lu Li met, is my sister-in-law's child... and I deliberately deceived Lu Li, making him think that I was actually living a happy life."

Wu Di was completely dumbfounded.

"Why are you doing this, Uncle?"

The uncle continued to laugh and said:

"The reason is very simple. When Lu Li was taught by me, he was already approaching the later stage of his career. This kid seems careless, but in fact he has a lot of ghosts in his heart! If he knows that I have always been single, I will definitely try my best to do more things for me and take care of me.

This kid, although his talent is not as shocking as yours, he is upright and domineering. I saw his persistence and his desire for the championship. I didn't want to distract him, so I made up this lie to make him mistaken. I thought I had already lived a happy and moist life.In this way, he can devote himself to preparing for the professional league and carry forward my kingly style.

I watched the World Club Champions League not long ago, and he really won the hearts of countless e-sports fans with his domineering style of play!I am very relieved, but in the end, the two aces of the team, including him, were plotted by someone at the same time. He also called me and told me some details. I am very worried about you... To my surprise, Hyundai Jingli is no longer pure, but full of all kinds of calculations.

To tell you the truth, when I came to help you this time, I actually wanted to take care of you.Your e-sports level has long been better than blue, but you are too young after all, and you may not be able to control many things. I am here... just to take care of you, so that nothing happens to you.

Wu Di, master, I have nothing... no champion, no family, no children... but, I have you good apprentices!

What I care about the most is you, who are much more mature than before. I am really happy. Uncle will definitely guard by your side and watch the moment you ascend to the throne of the world king!Your success is my success! "

The uncle swept away the gloom, and looked at Wu Di with blazing eyes. His current wish is indeed to help Wu Di regain his strength and help Wu Di become a world champion!

In his heart, that indestructible e-sports heart is always there!
So what if he can't become a world champion as a player?As long as his apprentice can stand on this peak!
Wu Di's whole body shook violently and he was very excited.

He empathizes with the determination and great deeds of the uncle, who is eager to love his apprentice and devotes himself to the e-sports career.

He clenched his fists and swore: "Uncle, I will definitely bring you back a world championship trophy!"

The uncle knocked on Wu Di's head and said with a smile:
"Why are you being so serious? Uncle, I told you all about this shitty thing. You also know the reason why I and Lu Fengshi are at odds, and the rest is up to you.

Oh, by the way, Uncle accepted a fourth disciple a year ago, her name is..."

"Ye Qi!" Wu Di answered first.

"Ah? How do you know?" the uncle wondered.

Wu Di laughed and explained: "She is my senior sister, who is studying in the same university as me. I have met her many times, and even played against her. At that time, I deliberately asked her, what about It is the real kingly way..."

The uncle was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and said:
"The world is really small. I never imagined that the girl who is cold outside and hot inside would study in the same university as me. Do you know? The reason why she came to me and wanted to be my disciple was, What is it?"

Wu Di shook his head.

"She's very direct, it's unbearable. She said that she wants to contribute to her family's business in the e-sports pie, and her method is to establish herself as a top professional Female player!"

Wu Di was surprised: "Is this reason moved you? You know, Lu Li begged you seven times!"

The uncle curled his lips and said:
"Of course I wouldn't agree to her. In the end, she gave me a condition that I couldn't refuse, as a reward for accepting her as an apprentice."

"What conditions?"

"She said...she can help me find Wanwan!"

This condition...for the uncle, it is indeed too lethal!For the phantom aunt, the uncle can even give up his e-sports career!Naturally, her whereabouts are the only obsession in the uncle's heart.

Ah!This senior is really good at observing people's hearts. Although I don't know how she got to know the old stories of the uncle's generation of e-sports people through some channels, but this method... really fits her personality.

"Apprentice, in fact, with the help of your little junior sister, I already know the address of Wanwan's residence..." The uncle whispered coyly like a girl returning to a sedan chair.

Wu Di was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Then why don't you go to Aunt Huan Shen? Completely eliminate that misunderstanding! I can see that you have always been thinking about Aunt Huan Shen! Otherwise, you would have really married and had children. It’s simply impossible to remain intact until now!”

The uncle shook his head, and said helplessly: "Although Wanwan is a gentle person, simple, and kind, she is actually an incomprehensibly stubborn person just like me! The past ten years have been dazzling. After it's over, other people may readily accept my apology and explanation, but she won't... Once she has made up her mind, she will stick to it for the rest of her life.

Moreover, even if I find her and tell the truth about what happened back then, it will only be my one-sided words. If she thinks that I am fabricating reasons and is still lying to her ten years later, I will really be in danger for the rest of my life. Even if it enters the Yellow River, it can't be washed away. "

Uncle's analysis is very reasonable. There was no fourth person who knew the secrets between the three of them back then, so it was very difficult for the uncle to erase the deep-rooted image of himself in Aunt Huan Shen's heart in the past ten years.

Thinking of this, Wu Di had no choice but to say in a deep voice:
"Uncle, let everything take its course. Anyway, you are in the King's team, and everyone can accompany you, so you won't feel so lonely. In this way, I promise you that when our King's team wins the world championship, I will be your Great apprentice, I will definitely go to plead guilty to Aunt Huan Shen on your behalf, and ask her for forgiveness!"

After hearing the words, the uncle patted Wu Di's shoulder heavily, his eyes became hot, and he burst into tears.

He raised his voice and sighed:

"God treats me kindly... What more can I ask for if I'm like this? You can rest assured to do your thing, and I will do my best to help you train your team members!"

Wu Di and the uncle, this pair of legendary master and apprentice, used to be incompatible and had no contact with each other, but from this moment on, the previous suspicions have been completely resolved, and a powerful joint force has truly been formed!The close cooperation between the two will become the hottest topic in the future e-sports circle...


Wu Di had lunch with his uncle, and when he was thinking about what the sexy bodyguard was going to do, Ye Wuhen came over and said solemnly to Wu Di:

"The real base of Team King's is already being built in full swing and secretly. In order to deceive people, we first built a living area dominated by players' residences. In this way, the surrounding residents and that organization will think that it is just an ordinary business. Residential projects without causing unnecessary trouble.

Tomorrow, we will officially start the journey of several amateur cups. Captain, do you want to come? "

Recently, Wu Di has been brooding over his inability to fully recover his mid laner strength, and he was a little impatient emotionally. Just when he was about to refuse, he heard his uncle interjected:

"Apprentice, you can go and take a look. The burden on you is too heavy! The mental pressure is high, and it is not suitable for restoring memory and strength. I see that your mental state has been very poor these days. Have you violated my rules? Tell me, stay up late every night for training?"

Wu Di knew that he couldn't hide anything from his uncle, so he had no choice but to admit it.

"That's right, training is important, but proper relaxation is also necessary. You are already in a state of amnesia. If you are under too much mental pressure, it may bring some troublesome variables. You don't want anything tomorrow. Do it! Just follow Wuhen and the others to the game site, and treat yourself as a vacation for yourself!"

The uncle followed his instructions carefully and finally managed Wu Di's ideological work.

"Well, I also want to see the level of e-sports in Yangcheng. Senior Wuhen, you have to work hard. I will be there, but I won't meet you. Everything is up to you."


Throughout the afternoon and evening, Mu Piaopiao kept going and never returned, which made Wu Di suspicious.Unexpectedly, just as he was about to go to bed at midnight, a ghostly figure had already entered his bedroom quickly, which frightened him a lot.

Wu Di took a closer look and found that Mu Piao Piao had returned!
" came back when you came back, why don't you go back to your room?" Wu Di asked.

Mu Piaopiao ignored Wu Di's questioning, and just walked to the temporary floor bed he had built on his own, turned over and fell asleep!
"Hey, what do I ask you, are you going to sleep with me again tonight? You want to make people gossip!" Wu Di was anxious.

However, Mu Piaopiao didn't pay attention to him at all, he had already put on a quilt, and silently turned his head to the side.

Wu Di saw that she had made up her mind to spend the night in her own room, so her mind turned sharply, and she threatened:

"Sister Piao Piao, look. In terms of age, you are not a few years older than me. In terms of body, your nearly 1.7 meters tall is very suitable for me. In terms of love, you are mine. Personal bodyguard... If you keep staying with me overnight like this, I'm really afraid that one night I will lose control of myself!

How did you say that?A man and a woman stay in the same room. If a man crosses the [-]th parallel, he is a beast. If he does not cross the [-]th parallel, he is worse than a beast! "

Mu Piaopiao turned his back to Wu Di, interrupted Wu Di's words, and said coldly:
"Stop talking nonsense! It's my duty to protect you. I want to beat you in the e-sports arena. That's my selfishness. I have a clear distinction between public and private, so you don't have to use words to provoke me!

I have to play a game tomorrow, so go to sleep!Otherwise, I will gag your mouth! "

Wu Di was dumbfounded, and asked casually: "Playing a game? What kind of game?"

"Mythical Cup."

Wu Di was stunned, and said in surprise: "Are you going to represent the Kings team in tomorrow's amateur cup? But, they didn't list you as a substitute?"

Mu Piaopiao snorted coldly, and replied:

"Who said that I want to represent the king team? Well, since you have already asked, I will tell you the truth!

Tomorrow I will play for another team!Moreover, I will use the skills you taught me to defeat your King's team! "

This time, Wu Di was completely speechless.

This girl is determined to confront the King's team.Oh, no, it's determined to fight me and my uncle.

"Let me tell you, sister Piao Piao, can we not compete like this? You are also my personal bodyguard anyway." Wu Di said helplessly.

Mu Piao Piao still turned his back to him, and said coldly:
"Like I said, I have a clear distinction between public and private. In my eyes, as long as you are unscathed, I care about the life and death of your king team? And my ultimate goal is to defeat you and Lu Feng's apprentice! Tomorrow is just me A little warm up!
The words have been said, there is nothing else, don't disturb my rest! "

Tens of thousands of grass and mud horses galloped past Wu Di's heart!

Nima, this is my site, this is my room, you, a personal bodyguard forced by your father, do you say that?Did you push your nose on your face?
Wu Di was out of breath, but there was nothing he could do.

Wu Di knew very well that he couldn't talk about her, and couldn't beat her, so he could only give her a hard look with his eyes, and then... went to bed!

The next morning.

The king's team is ready to go in the hall, listening to the uncle's instructions with all their attention.Since the uncle came to King's team, these grassroots players have indeed made great progress.

Among them, the most obvious improvement is naturally the fierce girl Lin Xiaoxiao who has been taught by the uncle's words and deeds.

After the uncle personally taught her, he no longer let her take the support position, but focused on the ADC position that best embodies the kingly way!
Through recent hard training, Lin Xiaoxiao's basic professional quality has not only climbed to 85 points, but also basically mastered the gameplay and simple skills of all ADC heroes.

The uncle is also very pleased that this girl has made such great progress in a short period of time - this girl's talent has always been underestimated!
The uncle cleared his throat, and shouted in a decent voice:
"Positions are allocated below! Lin Xiaoxiao, ADC position; Jin Qiqi, top unit; Ye Wuhen, mid unit; Xia Jie, jungler position; as for the support position, it's up to you, Su Yiyi!"

Su Yiyi, who is a diamond-level tsundere, was obviously shocked by the uncle's arrangement.

She has been in King's team for the shortest time, and her strength is the weakest. She can't even compare with that little Wang Yuanyuan. How can she get the main position?What's more, although she worshiped under Wu Di, but due to the bad behavior of the uncle before, she has always refused to admit the fact that the uncle is her teacher.There are often sparks between the two.

Confusion appeared on her face, and there was a hint of embarrassment?
Wu Di thought it was very funny, walked up to Su Yiyi, and patted her shoulders pretentiously, instantly turning her embarrassment into contempt.

"Good apprentice, since your master is optimistic about you, you should work hard!"

At this time, two cold voices sounded in Wu Di's left and right ears at the same time.

"He is not my master!"

"She is not my grandson!"

Everyone turned their heads in unison, and found that Su Yiyi and the uncle turned their heads to one side in a tacit understanding, ignoring each other at all.

Wu Di is full of black lines, but he still acts as a peacemaker.

"Okay, okay! Uncle is the advisor of the team, you must abide by his decision! Also... At this time, as the captain who is not playing, what should I say, Senior Wuhen?"

Everyone roared with laughter.Even the uncle and Su Yiyi couldn't help but smile.

"Don't laugh! I've never been a captain before, and I haven't given a lecture! Well, that's it, let's go! Don't look for me if you have anything to do!"

Henceforth, everyone in King's Team got into the minibus happily and headed for the venue of this [Myth Cup]——the Myth Internet Café on West Third Ring Road, Yangcheng.

After Wu Di watched the players go away, he wanted to train quietly alone, but when he thought of his uncle's advice, he laughed at himself, then went out and took a taxi to the Shinhwa Internet Cafe.

Standing in front of the gate of the Internet cafe, Wu Di immediately felt the strong e-sports atmosphere in Yangcheng.

Crowds of spectators bustled into this huge Internet cafe, and everyone was happily discussing the upcoming Mythology Cup.

Wearing a dark peaked cap, Wu Di followed the crowd and approached the Internet cafe without any sense of presence, but he heard the e-sports fans who came to watch loudly talking about a person's name.

Wu Di glanced at these onlookers curiously from the corner of his eye, and found that most of them were men, and their eyes would emit a lustful light that is unique to men from time to time.

Because the name of the person they were talking about was [Zhou Huihui].

According to Wu Di's recent supplementary information on professional players in Huaxia, this Zhou Huihui is the legendary [female devil]!The mid laner ranked ninth at the end of the year!That top professional female player with more breasts than Lin Xiaoxiao!

What is this fierce professional player with chest and breasts doing here?
Wu Di never expected that this time, as a bystander, his decision to come to the Shinhwa Internet Café to watch the game of the Kings team members brought a huge crisis to his development in Yangcheng!

And the root cause of this crisis is that he met Zhou Huihui, whom he could never meet!

 In the last few chapters, I have been writing with tears in my eyes, and I don't know if the limited readers can empathize with me.

  Ask for subscription, ask for support, ask for warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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