Chapter 187 Provocation
Suspiciously, Wu Di followed the crowd into the Internet cafe, followed them and stood aside as a bystander, quietly looking at the deliberately transformed temporary rostrum.

In the very center of this rostrum, sat two men and one woman.

The only woman is Zhou Huihui, a sexy female contestant who can make all male e-sports fans have a bloody effect.

It turned out that Mythology Internet Cafe invited Zhou Huihui to be the commentator of this competition!

No wonder this little-known Internet cafe has so many fans, of course, most of them are male fans.

Zhou Huihui's e-sports strength can only be considered top-notch, not top-notch. The year-end ranking can accurately explain her level of strength. However, her breasts are well-known throughout China, and even the world!
Some good people once took such a photo: Zhou Huihui was listless due to the weakness of her opponent in a game, so she lowered her head slightly and put it on her career line!
This photo was instantly circulated by fans on the Internet: How many women are there in the world who can put their heads on the line of career?
Wu Di also took a deep breath when he suddenly saw this leading female contestant with strong breasts.

Hearing is false, seeing is believing!

If Lin Xiaoxiao stands with her, there is indeed a kind of rush to see the big witch...

Although Zhou Huihui was dressed tightly due to the weather today, without revealing any career lines, the onlookers sighed, but even through the heavy feather suit, everyone could clearly see the terrifying size .So, the animals still stared at Zhou Huihui with their eyes swollen to the point of popping out of their sockets...

Beside Zhou Huihui, the two men sitting there acted as the flower protectors without hesitation. One of them had sharp eyes like a knife, giving people a strong feeling of showing their sharpness!

Looking at this unsmiling guy, Wu Di felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember the real identity of this person.

And at this moment, the fans next to him had already told him the answer.

"Look! This visit to Shinhwa Internet Cafe really paid off! Not only did we meet Zhou Huihui who gave us a nosebleed, but we also met this year's Huaxia Country's fifth-ranked top laner—— Zhou Yikai!"

"Tch, what's so surprising about that, Zhou Kaiben was Zhou Huihui's distant cousin. They are relatives, and it's very common for them to be together."

"Ah? Are they relatives? This is the first time I've heard of them. What are they doing in Yangcheng? Although this year's Super League has come to an end, they have a short vacation, but we in Yangcheng have no top-level professions." The team is stationed, and there aren’t many places of interest for tourists to visit? Maybe it’s because the owner of this Mythology Internet Cafe has a bigger face than the sky, so that these two top professional players can lower their status and come to us for a formality?"

"Hey, the owner of Shinhwa Internet Café is indeed very capable. It is said that he is also a young man in his thirties. His influence in Yangcheng can be said to be unique. He is the number one local tyrant in our Yangcheng! Can you please come here? It is not unusual for two professional players to serve as guest commentators!"

"What this brother said is indeed true. But... do you know another big gossip?"

"What gossip? Tell me quickly! Don't be secretive!"

"The two top professional players sitting here... and Wu Di, who made a high-profile appearance in Quancheng some time ago, are in a bad situation!"

"Well, that's right, this news is very reliable. It is said that Wu Di was extremely rebellious, arrogant, and liked to mess around everywhere, and his reputation among professional players was extremely bad!

He and Zhou Huihui formed a bond in a league match a few years ago!
In that game, Wu Di used his final style of play to firmly limit Zhou Huihui's performance, causing her team to voluntarily surrender and admit defeat after 10 minutes.At the end of the game, that guy Wu Di hopped and ran to the rest room of the opponent's players, and found Zhou Huihui!He closed the door... Then, Zhou Huihui's constant screams came from the room!Since then, Zhou Huihui has regarded Wu Di as her number one enemy, and has tried her best to attack Wu Di's reputation both on and off the court!As her relative, Zhou Yikai, who has been suppressed by Wu Di and caused the team to fail to achieve good results, naturally stood on the front line against Wu Di together with his distant cousin!
In short, these two cousins ​​hate Wu Di very much! "

"Ha, is what you said true? Wu Di once closed the door and made a big move on Zhou Huihui? I don't believe this. You must have added fuel and jealousy."

"Believe it or not! Without that incident, how could Zhou Huihui regard Wu Di as the number one enemy? Of course, this news has not been verified!"


Wu Di pricked up his ears and listened to the words of the fans around him clearly and clearly.

Until now, he who has not yet recovered his memory knows the extent of his arrogance back then...

Bean-sized cold sweat oozes from his face, but under the cover of the peaked cap, the people around him don't notice the unnaturalness on his face.

Wu Di raised his head slightly, glanced at Zhou Huihui who was smiling at the fans, and said in his heart:
I don't know if you know that Wu Di, whom you hate the most, is not far away...whether you can still smile so brightly.I hope the competition goes smoothly, you and I will be strangers here...

time flies.

Soon, the organizers of the Mythology Cup grouped all the participating teams and announced the schedule on the big screen.

Since there is no top professional team in Yangcheng, there are countless amateur e-sports teams in this city. Almost every large-scale amateur cup competition will attract hundreds of amateur teams to participate.

Wu Di glanced at the team names on the big screen, and suddenly found that the three teams that Ye Wuhen had mentioned that were outstanding in Yangcheng were all on the list.

Team DODO, which has already won 29 championship titles in amateur competitions, Team Kuangbatian, a motley team composed entirely of people from the public, and Team Wufeng, which has more women and is said to be the strongest in combat effectiveness. The names of these three teams all appear in However, to Wu Di's delight, these three teams were in the lower half at the same time, while the king team was in the upper half by some coincidence!That is to say, it is very likely that before the finals, Team King will not encounter these three powerful opponents.

After checking the schedule, Wu Di cast his gaze around.He was looking around, he wanted to find the team where the mysterious private bodyguard was!

After a while, Wu Di was in a corner and found Mu Piao Piao who had changed into a school uniform.

From the outside, Mu Piaopiao looked just like a college student!

This girl is even better than Qin Rou's 3-minute makeup changing method... With this appearance, who would have thought that she is a famous female snitch?This personal bodyguard with multiple identities can bring me a different feeling every time...

Afterwards, the Myth Cup officially began!
In the half area where the king team is located, there is no strong team, so they almost effortlessly entered the final eight after a few crushing games.Wu Di saw the great progress of the team members from the side, and he was very excited and unhappy.

The performance of Lin Xiaoxiao's ADC position already has the shadow of Wang Daoliu, and she has done well in various aspects such as positioning, consumption, and team battles. It seems that the uncle has put a lot of effort on her.

And Jin Qiqi, who claims to be her watchman, is completely crushing in the top lane. After a few games, she single-handedly blows up her opponent every time!Compared with professional players, its performance is not far behind!
In addition, Ye Wuhen's mid laner and Xia Jie's jungler are also remarkable.These two people trained hard, coupled with the uncle's personal guidance from time to time, their strength has grown extremely rapidly, and they have become one of the best amateur masters!Coupled with their serious devotion to the game, their temperament is becoming more and more like a professional player.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that his only apprentice, the tsundere girl Su Yiyi.

Under the arrangement of the uncle, this girl not only served as the support position, but also took on the important task of commanding the team!
Her hand speed is still terribly sloppy. Several times it was because of her own hand damage that the hero she controlled was ruined by the opponent's strong attack; however, her scalp-numbing calculation ability But in these few games, he has won the trust and support of his teammates!

Because, after she calculated the team economic gap between the two sides, she was able to give correct instructions in a timely manner!Moreover, under Wu Di's deliberate guidance, her terrifying calculation ability can already be used in the laning phase.With her reminders from time to time, Lin Xiaoxiao, who was able to seize the best opportunity to attack, naturally showed Wang Daoliu's domineering spirit.

Wu Di is very pleased with the growth of the team members, this is what he needs!
Just when he thought that the team could successfully enter the finals, Mu Piao Piao's [Unnamed] team was quietly sitting opposite the King's team.

Eight to four opponents, is Mu Piao Piao and that [unnamed] team?
Zhou Huihui also explained in a timely manner after seeing the unstoppable game style of the Kings team and the strong performance of Xiaoao in the upper half:

"Huh? According to the data, none of the members of the King's team are from Yangcheng. Most of the members are registered in Tianfu City. It seems that this team migrated from Tianfu City.

Ha, the Kings team moved from Tianfu City to Yangcheng City to participate in amateur competitions. This should be a small topic worth mentioning in today's Mythology Cup. "

All the fans listened to Zhou Huihui's dreamy voice, fixed their eyes on her chest, and couldn't help but respond to what she said just now:
not small not small...

"Hehe," Zhou Huihui has been in the professional circle for many years, and she has long been accustomed to such gazes. She smiled slightly and continued, "Tianfu City's e-sports is very powerful, and there is a strong team like the Bright Team. They give up Tianfu City's representatives. , It is indeed a wise move to come to Yangcheng. Otherwise, they are likely to be lost in Tianfu City, which is full of strong opponents. It can be said that this king's team seems to be very good at planning. They escaped from Tianfu City A group of masters came to Yangcheng to try to become the king and hegemony, become the representative of Yangcheng City, and enter the second division league. The abacus is well done!
Teams in Yangcheng, do you want to defend the dignity of the local team?We can't let this foreign team win the championship so easily. "

As soon as this remark came out, there were immediately discussions in the Shinhwa Internet Cafe.

"Sister Huihui is right! The local team in Yangcheng, come on!"

"Where is the king's team outsiders? Haha, where is the dignity of the local team? Where is the fighting spirit of the local team? Stand up!"

"The local team has shown its momentum, but we can't let the foreign monks finish their recitation!"

All of a sudden, the crowd was excited, and under Zhou Huihui's understatement, Team King became public enemy number one!

Wu Di frowned, and this sudden scene caught him off guard.

As a top professional player, Zhou Huihui should obviously explain the game from a more fair standpoint, but why does it give me the feeling that she is deliberately finding fault?She deliberately exposed the king's team to the sight of the local team, which aroused public outrage and attacked them?Why is she doing this?She is neither a native of Yangcheng, nor has any contact with the King's team. Why did she inadvertently drag the finger on the team?

Although I can't remember the grievances and grievances between me and her, but now I have changed my name, and my appearance has also changed a lot. People who are not particularly familiar, it is impossible to know that I am in the King's team!Is she acting against me?Could it be that she...

Wu Di thought about it again and again.

At this time, the match between King's Team and Unnamed Team has officially started.

Mu Piaopiao, who had learned Wu Di's eight skills yesterday, looked around, and suddenly found the guy wearing a peaked cap. Ever since, a fiery gaze made Wu Didun feel oppressed.

Mu Piaopiao made a throat-cutting motion at Wu Di, and then devoted himself fully to the game.

In the subsequent games, Mu Piao Piao chose the explorer Ezreal as the hero.Throughout the game, her [Double Fly] technique was used extremely skillfully, all kinds of basic steps were at her fingertips, and her reflexes surpassed ordinary people's, which made Lin Xiaoxiao's ADC suffer a lot, but with Su Yiyi's overall situation, she surpassed The support of ordinary people's sister paper, Lin Xiaoxiao has gradually adopted conservative tactics after suffering a few dark losses, and firmly held the situation in the bottom lane.

Mu Piao Piao's teasing several times around the corner was directly ignored by her.Lin Xiaoxiao has too little battle experience, and the days of practicing Wang Daoliu's style of play are also numbered, so she temporarily gave up that domineering style of play, and used conservative tactics to defend her defense.

On the other hand, although Mu Piaopiao suppressed Lin Xiaoxiao's [-] or so swords in making up the knife, but other than that, he has no other advantages, and because of the continuous pushing of the line, he stood too far ahead, which also attracted Xia Jie's attention. GANK, almost buried himself in GANK.

Mu Piaopiao was a little anxious, but he couldn't do anything about the situation on the court.In addition, the strength of the local team she joined temporarily was not satisfactory, and there were no outstanding players in the team. Finally, after more than 20 minutes, she was powerless and could only watch helplessly as the unnamed team was defeated. The team made it to the final four.

Mu Piaopiao stood up angrily from his seat, walked through the crowd and walked behind Wu Di without saying a word.

Looking at the extremely uncomfortable back, she clenched her fists, and whispered a word from between her teeth:
"Did you leave behind when you taught me? I can tell that the strength of the girl with big breasts is very average, just a little stronger than ordinary amateur players!
However, I can't beat her online!Be honest, are you not trying hard enough to teach me? "

Wu Di looked innocent.

He took Mu Piao Piao to a secluded corner outside the Internet cafe door, and said with a dumbfounded smile:
"Miss my bodyguard, every skill I taught you is unreserved. And you said, did you use the explorer's double-flying skill to make Lin Xiaoxiao suffer so much?"

Mu Piaopiao nodded thoughtfully. Indeed, at the beginning of the game, she embarrassed Lin Xiaoxiao very much.

"So what if I let her suffer? In the end, didn't my team still lose the game? You must have reservations! Or you set me up!"

Wu Di shrugged helplessly and sighed:
"Miss Piao Piao, why do you have the tsundere attribute? Do you think that League of Legends is a play game? If you want to win, you can win? If you want to blow up your opponent, you can blow up your opponent?

You may be underestimating e-sports, right? If everything can be achieved by relying on imagination, then wouldn’t the hard work of professional players become empty talk?

Your talent is indeed very strong, your learning ability also amazes me, and the double-flying tactics are used just right, but League of Legends is a team game!With your own strength, you cannot change the overall trend of the game!
Moreover, everyone in our king team is very strong!It's not something you can knock down at will! "

Wu Di increased his tone, trying to persuade Mu Piaopiao to give up his plan to trouble his team, but after hearing this, the girl smiled instead of anger:
"Haha, I understand! It seems that I really take e-sports too simply! The things contained in this thing really make sense! I begged my aunt to teach me before, but she was unwilling. It seems She has long known that with my personality, it is easy to go astray!
But... I will definitely grow up!From now on, you will teach me a trick every day!I will also truthfully answer one of your questions about that organization every day!In this way, I want to have the e-sports strength enough to become a professional player! "

Wu Di completely theorized that she was not this whimsical and sexy bodyguard, but he was quite interested in that organization. After weighing it up, he agreed to her proposal of [problems for skills].

"Okay, the game is over, and I have confirmed some things, now enter the official stage. Wait for me for a while."

After finishing speaking, Mu Piao Piao disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After a while, this girl actually changed into that lovely workplace OL image again, and appeared in front of Wu Di.Afterwards, he followed Wu Di closely and never left.

"Why?" Wu Di felt that he couldn't understand this personal bodyguard more and more.

"What else can I do?" Mu Piaopiao pouted, "Protect you! As your bodyguard, of course I want to be inseparable from you!"

Wu Di, who was covered with black lines, was about to enter the Shinhwa Internet Cafe again, when a man with sharp eyes came out from the main entrance of the Internet Cafe. After staring at Wu Di's peaked cap for a while, he sneered and said:
"Yo, I can't imagine that the world's number one genius in Megatron's e-sports circle is now in this state? Are you pretending to be aggressive, or are you pretending? My cousin and I came to Yangcheng this time, but we came here specially for you oh!"

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(End of this chapter)

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