Chapter 188
The person who spoke was none other than the female devil's distant cousin, Zhou Kai, who ranked fifth in the top lane this year!
Wu Di was startled. Hearing this tone, he naturally understood that the other party had recognized his true identity!Although he really wanted to know why this top professional player would know his true identity, but right now, there are more important things!

"You've got the wrong person. My name is..."

"Wu Youzhi, isn't that right? The Kings Team is a grassroots team created by you. I don't know why you thought about it. You gave up the opportunity to develop in Tianfu City and came to this Yangcheng City. You plan to directly use the city competition to win the representative team. Yangcheng's qualifications to participate in the second division league. All of this, I have said literally!"

At this time, not only Wu Di was stunned, but even Mu Piaopiao beside him frowned.

A professional player who knows Wu Di's background clearly?Is he a professional player or a professional detective?
Wu Di didn't make a sound to distinguish, but raised his head and met Zhou Kai's eyes.

Zhou Yikai's gaze was as sharp as a blade, and seemed to be able to see through everything about Wu Di. This was the first time Wu Di met a guy with such sharp eyes.

"You don't have to rack your brains anymore to think about how I figured out your identity. Let's go, find a quieter place, and let's have a good chat. It's been a year or two since I've seen you, and you have indeed changed a lot.

This beauty, if you are afraid that something will go wrong with him, you can follow her. "

After speaking, Zhou Kai made a gesture of invitation, as if he was trying to drive the ducks to the shelves, so that Wu Di could not go.

Just when Wu Di was a little hesitant, four tall and mighty figures suddenly appeared from all around. Although they did not approach them, they vaguely formed an encirclement trend, sealing off all the escape routes of Wu Di and Mu Piaopiao .

Seeing this, Wu Di smiled lightly and asked:

"Is it okay to not go?"

Zhou Yikai laughed arrogantly, "You can take people, why can't I take people? These are my bodyguards, they protect me, as long as you don't hurt me, they won't make a move. Let's go, don't be here Waste of time here.

In order to arouse your interest, let me just say it bluntly. I came to Yangcheng this time to talk about cooperation with you!
If you want your team base to be successfully completed, you'd better come with me..."

If it was a personal grievance, Wu Di could definitely ignore the man who appeared out of the blue, but after the team base was involved, Wu Di also had to be skeptical, and followed Zhou Yikai to leave the Shinhwa Internet Cafe.

Near Shinhwa Internet Cafe, there is an antique tea house called Yipin Pavilion, with an elegant environment and unique decoration. As soon as you enter here, you will feel a strong sense of antiquity.

After Zhou Yikai led Wu Di into the teahouse, he went straight to a private room on the second floor.Obviously, he has already reserved a private room here.

Mu Piaopiao wanted to follow Wu Di into the private room, but Zhou Kai suddenly sneered and said:

"I want to have a private chat with him, it's better not to come in with idlers."

Mu Piaopiao was furious and was about to get mad, but was stopped by Wu Di and pointed backwards.Mu Piaopiao turned his head, only to realize that the four guys in suits and leather shoes had stopped walking long ago, staring at him intently not far away.

"Call me if you have anything to do!" Mu Piaopiao walked aside wisely with a livid face, standing still like a statue, watching the four men's every move...

After Zhou Yikai and Wu Di sat down face to face, they didn't put on a show or affectation, and went straight to the point:

"Want to know why I know everything about you. It's very simple, someone told me and my cousin everything about you!
You don't need to know who this person is.He also promised both of us that if he can make it difficult for you and your Kings team to make progress in Yangcheng, and fail to enter the second division league, he will cooperate with us to build a brand new and powerful club together, and then in this group of heroes In the era of hegemony, take the lead in taking a piece of the big cake of the e-sports industry! "

Wu Di, who has been tempered by the world, saw that Zhou Kai's tone was a little teasing, as if he was testing himself, so he didn't make a sound, just looked into his eyes expressionlessly.

Zhou Kai was a little surprised and sighed:

"Everyone says you've changed, kid. At first I didn't believe it. I thought you were just a stubborn bastard whose nature is hard to change, but I didn't expect you to be more than just putting on airs. You really surprised me!
Haha, good, very good, only if you are no longer the reckless boy you used to be, can we continue talking!
I said so much just now, I don't want to ask me, why should I tell you all my details? "

The corners of Wu Di's mouth curled up, and he said with a faint smile, "When you want to say it, you will naturally say it."

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the invincible Wu Di back then is gone forever! After hearing what I said, he can still talk to me so calmly and happily. Well, I won't keep it to myself!

To tell you the truth, I came to you and told you my story, just to cooperate with you!And, you can't refuse me! "

"Oh? Tell me how to cooperate? Also, no one can influence my decision." Wu Di still had a half-smile expression.

Zhou Yikai took a sip of the fine Zhuyeqing lightly, and said cynically:
"You know my nickname in the e-sports circle, right?"

"Sorry, I lost my memory."

"Ha, the nickname given to me by others is [Bad Boy]! As a person, I always talk and do things as I please, but I hate people threatening me the most! That guy who came to my door made me unhappy, he His tone was clearly threatening!

So, I want to let him miscalculate!Let him capsize in the gutter!

Wu Di!Cooperate with me, I can work with you to build the e-sports kingdom you mentioned in the press conference! "

Zhou Kai's expression changed, and his whole body was like a sharp sword that could see blood sealing his throat, exuding a strong terrifying aura.His eyes were even more fierce, and seemed to have reached the legendary realm of killing with eyes.

Wu Di saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart.

"You and your cousin have come to Yangcheng to find me so tirelessly, just to discuss this cooperation with me?"

"That's right! And I can tell you that the owner of the Shinhwa Internet Cafe is also one of our partners. My cousin and I don't want to be puppets of the club anymore, we have to start a new one!"

Wu Di was a little surprised. In his impression, professional players like Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui should earn quite a lot under normal circumstances, and the worst should be eight figures a year.

However, such an income still makes them dissatisfied?
Zhou Yikai looked at his words, and naturally saw the doubt in Wu Di's eyes. He withdrew that Ling Lie aura, and laughed loudly:

"Actually, I really appreciate the dream you shouted at the press conference that seemed to make people laugh. The income of Huihui and I is very good, but when we meet by chance, After knowing a shocking secret, we already had the idea of ​​going it alone!
do you know?The club we belonged to secretly negotiated with those sponsors behind our backs, and forcibly turned the cost of our personal sponsorship into the cost of sponsoring the club!
This kind of behavior has never stopped since the two of us joined the club!
Let me give you a simple example, if a sponsor finds me and asks me to be the spokesperson of their brand, and pays 1000 million a year as a sponsorship fee, then I only need to hand over 300 million to the club, and the rest will be mine .But if the club finds sponsors independently and asks them to directly sponsor the club instead of the players, out of the 1000 million, I will only get less than 100 million in the end!
Such a black-hearted club, do you think Huihui and I will go it alone after knowing these shady scenes? "

Wu Di was shocked, this was the first time he had heard of such a thing.

China's e-sports league mechanism was indeed a monopoly in the early years. Professional players did not have much autonomy. In many cases, the club directly took care of all the business affairs, and the players only needed to do their part. .

Therefore, Zhou Kai's words still made Wu Di pale with shock.Such phenomena are certainly not rare.As long as it is a businessman with a profit-only purpose, he will do this!
Seeing his own words, Zhou Zhoukai moved Wu Di, so he narrowed his eyes slightly and continued:
"The club I belong to is the middle and upper reaches of the Super League - the Burning Sun team. This news is by no means groundless. I believe that most clubs that put money first as the principle of doing things will do the same!

Now, I have expressed my sincerity enough, and I will tell you all the ins and outs of the matter.I hope this can dispel your doubts. Only trust is the prerequisite for cooperation. "

Wu Di raised his peaked cap, stared at Zhou Kai, and said in a flat tone:
"I just learned of your so-called reasons for cooperation, but you haven't said how to cooperate."

Seeing that Wu Di seems to be very interested in cooperation, Zhou Yikai strikes while the iron is hot and says in a fanatical tone:
"It's very simple. I pay both money and people! The owner of the Shinhwa Internet Cafe pays, and my cousin and I can transfer to your King's team with an absolutely low transfer fee, or even for free! Then, we will work together Build that base and create an e-sports kingdom that belongs to us!

Of course, we require at least 40% of the equity. "

Having said that, Zhou Kai stopped, he was waiting for Wu Di's answer.

But Wu Di's heart is as bright as a mirror.

If Zhou Kai is a close partner like Lu Tian, ​​if he still has the character that likes to be praised by others, then Wu Di may have agreed to Zhou Kai's proposal.

However, Zhou Yikai is not a close partner, and he himself has long since become less innocent and arrogant, not to mention that he only learned about the relationship between himself and this "bad boy" who came suddenly from fans not long ago , at least it doesn't look harmonious!

Thinking of this, Wu Di pushed back the brim of his hat and said in a low voice:

"The proposal of cooperation is very good, but I'm sorry, you also know that I have always been conceited, and I think my strength is enough to build an e-sports kingdom.

I don't think you and your cousin can help me much.

So...let's stop with this proposal. "

"What did you say? You rejected me?" Zhou Kai stood up suddenly, staring at Wu Di's cap like an eagle.

"Yes." Wu Di was still calm.

"Hahaha, Wu Di, you asked for it yourself! I wanted to help you, but you didn't know a good heart and rejected me!"

Zhou Kai let out a wild laugh, his face completely exposed.

When Wu Di saw this scene, he was unambiguous, so he got up with a whoosh, and looked at him with four eyes, without losing any momentum!
"First, before I lost my memory, my relationship with you, including Zhou Huihui, was pretty bad! I don't believe that you would come to help me so kindly?
Second, you came to me so abruptly, and even gave me a big gift for cooperation, do you think I'm a three-year-old?Bewitched by a few words of yours, I believed you?

Third, in the Shenhua Cup match just now, your good cousin Zhou Huihui actually provoked the relationship between our Kings team and the local e-sports fans in Yangcheng in public.Let me ask, would a partner who works with peace of mind do this?

So, to sum up, what you said before was just taught by the person behind you, right?The purpose is to test me!

In other words, if I were simply fooled and reached a cooperative relationship with you and Zhou Huihui, then you would be able to know all the information about my base!At that time, the base of our King's team will really fall into a place of eternal doom! "

Zhou Kai was completely stunned by Wu Di's plausible words.

He had heard that Wu Di had changed a long time ago, but he didn't expect that he would become so sophisticated and wise.

Wu Di's inference was correct, the previous words were the probing words that that person taught them!

However, he still has something to gain.

I saw Zhou Yikai laughed instead of anger, and laughed extremely loudly.

"You have indeed become a little scary! This kind of horror is the same as the feeling brought to us in the e-sports arena!

However, you are still too young!How did Huihui and I know that your king team is going to take root in Yangcheng?We don't know your overall plan at all.

My tentative inquiry turned out to be miraculous.

What a reward this time!Hahaha, I actually learned the important news that you are going to build an e-sports base here! "

Wu Di was taken aback, the [bad boy] in front of him didn't know his background at all, everything was a temptation!

"Don't hate me, it's you who are too naive! In a few words, you let your affairs slip through.

You are right, how could Huihui and I cooperate with you?What you did to Huihui in the locker room back then, and on the field, you continued to destroy our confidence with your finishing style of play. All of these things, I will recover for our cousins ​​in Yangcheng justice! "

After hearing the words, Wu Di also frowned, and said solemnly:

"Zhou Kai, if you want to play tricks, just come at me, don't mess with my team!"

Zhou Yikai laughed, his face changed for a while, and he said fiercely:
"Back then, every time I fought with you, my mood would be affected for at least half a month. Your finishing style of play has always lingered in my heart like a nightmare!

This situation has only slightly improved since your accident more than a year ago.Don't you want to form a team yourself?Don't you want to bring a grassroots team to the top professional league?Well, for the shadow you gave me back then, I will seek justice from your team members! "

Wu Di, who had regained his fighting memory, couldn't bear it any longer. He took a sideways step and stood one meter in front of Zhou Kai, his fists clenched loudly.

"If you dare to attack my team members, believe it or not, I will prevent you from leaving the door of this private room!"

Zhou Kai was taken aback for a moment, then smiled coldly and said:
"Oh, this is your true face, that Wu Di who will be provoked at will and become extremely arrogant. Come on, come and touch me. I don't believe what you can do to me in broad daylight! This is Huaxia China is a country with a sound legal system, and there are four people outside of me who can testify for me, if you want to stay in the detention center for ten and a half days, I can fulfill you!"

Suddenly, unexpectedly, beyond Zhou Kai's expectation, Wu Di relaxed instantly.He shrugged, smiled lightly and said:

"Hey, the same trick didn't work for me. Thanks to you, I remembered something...

In the top league a few years ago, you managed to piss me off and punched you hard in the face, and then you were investigated separately by the League of Legends organizing committee, and you were suspended for ten games in the end. And fined tens of thousands of yuan, and also apologized to you on the public media!
I remember these things.Do you think you can still let me fall into your trap like before? "

This time, Zhou Yikai was completely stunned. He knew that this Wu Di was indeed no longer the Wuxia Amon from back then.His psychological maturity has already been many times better than before!
However, today he approached Wu Di, besides inquiring about his team news, he had another plan!
"Wu Di, we don't need to bicker like this anymore. I have a little game. I wonder if you'd like to play it with me? If you can beat me, Huihui and I will leave Yangcheng immediately and won't be entangled with you anymore!"

A confident look appeared on Zhou Yikai's face. He didn't believe this proposal could impress Wu Di!
Wu Di raised his head and said with a smile:
"Oh? What bad idea is the bad boy up to? Tell me?"

"My cousin and I want to have a few 2V2 matches with your king team, how about it? Of course, we can do it in a closed form!"


Wu Di was somewhat puzzled by this proposal.Although Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui are relatives and are top professional players in China, one of them plays in the top lane and the other in the mid lane. If they have to fight in a 2v2 format, they seem to have been working together in the bottom lane for a long time The duo is the most suitable for such a matchup.

Wu Di couldn't figure it out, but he still responded immediately:
"Okay, no problem, if the grievances between us can be resolved through the League of Legends, of course I wish for it.

But for the sake of fairness, I want to remind you that my current strength has recovered more than three-fifths. You should have known this information long ago.

If you still want to have your confidence destroyed by me, and you still want to be slapped in the face by me, I can fulfill you and meet your little request. "

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(End of this chapter)

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