The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 189 Rookie Killer!

Chapter 189 Rookie Killer!
In the words, Wu Di's tone was full of domineering, and implied a sense of ridicule.As long as they are professional players with high spirits, they will be furious after hearing such words.

However, Zhou Yikai is indeed a top player who has fought in the professional league for many years under the name of a bad boy.He just kept smiling at Wu Di, without any change in emotion.

"Of course I know that you have recovered the memory and strength of the ADC position, auxiliary position, and upper unit. I am not a fool. I have conditions and restrictions on asking you to play 2V2.

I want you to only use mid lane heroes!Moreover, your partner must be a grassroots member of those kings!How about it?If you agree to this condition, Huihui and I will fight you!And after losing, stay away from Yangcheng immediately, and don't trouble you! "

Heroes that can only use mid units?

Wu Di only felt that the pie fell too unexpectedly.

After the uncle's devil training and his own perseverance, although the memory and strength of the mid unit have not been fully recovered, Wu Di has actually been able to use most of the mid lane heroes to cope with the game!

However, the strength of Zhou Kai and Zhou Huihui has not reached the level of the top players.Therefore, even if the middle unit that has not fully recovered its strength is used to deal with the two of them, it should be sure and there will not be too many variables.

Wu Di readily agreed.

"Okay! It's settled like this. It is of course my wish that you two top professional players are willing to personally guide the players of the King's team regardless of their status!
However, I still hope that you will remember what I said before, if you lose, please stop thinking about my team! "

Zhou Yikai still smiled so palpitatingly, without any expression change.

"Heh, you've become a straight-talking guy now. Okay, let's play five 2V2 games! You have to keep playing, but your partner must change! You have to change every game! That is to say, the king The current five main players of the team must appear in this 2V2 match!"

After hearing the words, Wu Di only felt that it was too funny. Naturally, this opportunity to exercise was the best.

Also require everyone to play?
If you don't tell me, I will arrange it like this!
The two set the time for the 2V2 match to be in the evening two days later, and the location was chosen in the private room on the second floor of the Shinhwa Internet Cafe.Afterwards, the two parted ways.

Wu Di and Zhou Yikai returned to the Shinhwa Internet Cafe one after the other.

At this time, the king team has successfully entered the final, and their opponent is the DODO team.

The final soon began with the enthusiasm of the surrounding fans.

The five members of King's Team showed an unprecedented combat power, and quickly won several team battles, suppressed their opponents, and then won the final victory.

The Champion of the Myth Cup——The King's Team!
Everyone embraced and celebrated each other ecstatically. This championship is of great historical significance.

This is the first amateur championship they have won since they came to Yangcheng!

Afterwards, after Ye Wuhen received the championship certificate and bonus on behalf of the team, he came to Wu Di.

During the finals, Wu Di also noticed that the Kings team used several novel tactics, which also made him very curious.

"Senior Wuhen, did you set up the tactics in the final?" Wu Di asked.

Ye Wuhen laughed, pulled Chen Jiang behind him, pointed at the tip of his nose and said with a smile:

"It's this guy's masterpiece. Our team battle tactics in the finals were all arranged by him!"

Wu Di turned to look at Chen Jiang, and encouraged him: "Good job! Your role has already begun to show! The uncle is responsible for improving their quality and strength, and you are responsible for formulating appropriate tactics and strategies. Both you and the uncle are responsible for It is very important! Come on!"

Chen Jiang buried his head in embarrassment, his face blushing.The captain actually compared himself with the famous uncle, which made him very proud.So, he hesitated and replied:

"Ha...haha, I just see that everyone trains very hard. I am a tactical designer, but I can't fight the enemy with you. I feel very sorry. So, during this time, I am also thinking hard. , I have devised these few tactics that are somewhat innovative. I will continue to work hard."

After comforting and encouraging Chen Jiang, Wu Di turned his attention to the expressionless apprentice again.

Although this tsundere girl won the amateur cup with the team, she was not excited at all and felt a little out of place.

Wu Di found her alone, and asked in a low voice:
"How? What have you gained from the competition?"

Su Yiyi responded neither humble nor overbearing: "Playing very exciting. But in this cup, I was surrounded and killed by opponents several times because of my hand speed. I am very upset!"

Wu Di didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he patiently explained:
"Haha, I thought what was the matter, you have to remember your position! You are a support, sometimes, sacrifice is inevitable! Your greatest role is to protect the ADC!"

Su Yiyi frowned, and asked, "Can I really only play the support role? I saw them killing people and killing them. It's so cool. I want to kill people too, to try the super god feeling."

This question obviously stumped his master.Wu Di's mind turned sharply, and finally he thought of a very suitable speech to encourage Su Yiyi.

He patted Su Yiyi's shoulder heavily, and said solemnly:

"Apprentice, League of Legends is a team game, and each role has a different division of labor. But if you want to talk about which role is the core, what position do you think it is?"

Su Yiyi was startled, and subconsciously replied: "Could it be the support position?"

"That's right!" Wu Di said decisively, "It's the support position! But the players who play the support position are the core in most teams! They are all ace players! Because they not only have to take care of the safety of the ADC, but also take care of the overall situation. Do a good job of vision and prepare for team battles. It can be said that whether a team is strong or not depends entirely on the strength of its support heroes!"

These words hit Su Yiyi's heart again.

This girl is not only arrogant, but also conceited.When she first played the game, she was still a little uneasy, but after the team crushed her opponents, her self-confidence gradually recovered.

With Wu Di's affirmation and the words of encouragement from the ace player, Su Yiyi showed a rare smile.

"Well, master, what you said is very reasonable! I will continue to work hard!"

After appeasing all the team members, Wu Di also got on the team bus with everyone, and walked away amidst the exclamation of the surrounding e-sports fans.

The amateur team is equipped with a minibus?Wow!This King's team seems to have a strong background!

So far, the reputation of the King's team has also been completely established at this moment!


After returning to Wangwang Internet Cafe, Wu Di called everyone to the conference room on the second floor and told everyone about Zhou Kai and Zhou Huihui in detail.

After a short thought, Ye Wuhen suggested:

"Captain, you said that Zhou Kai and his cousin made such a request that day, they must be trying to plot against you!"

"Oh, but they didn't expect that my mid laner strength has recovered most of it. In short, no matter what purpose they have, I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you!

You are all amateur players, and before the arrival of the uncle, you have been doing non-professional training, so the speed of your strength improvement is very limited!
And if you can practice more with the top domestic players, it will definitely make you grow up quickly!

So, don't miss this opportunity! "

At this time, Xia Jie, Lin Xiaoxiao, Ye Wuhen and Su Yiyi were all shocked, and they couldn't help being a little excited.

Only by competing with top players can we know the gap, prescribe the right medicine, and improve our weaknesses!

This is an opportunity, this is the best opportunity to test your own strength!
Therefore, the players who are still immersed in the joy of winning the championship are full of expectations for the 2V2 two days later...

Two days later.

Private room on the second floor of Shinhwa Internet Cafe.

The owner of the Internet cafe deliberately transformed the place into a simple competition room.

The members of King's Team couldn't wait to come here early, waiting with anticipation for the two well-known domestic players.

After a while, Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui arrived as scheduled.

As soon as Wu Dishun saw Zhou Yikai, he immediately said coldly: "Let's start. In the first game, I will partner with Su Yiyi, and the map will be the map of Polar Smash Bros."

Zhou Yikai was full of confidence, nodded, and didn't say much, while the [female devil] Zhou Huihui next to him stared straight at Wu Di, with a burst of anger spontaneously.

As soon as she saw this hateful fellow, it brought back her tragic memories.

Of course Wu Di knew that this fierce female contestant hated him to the bone, so he avoided Zhou Huihui's murderous gaze, ignored it, and sat in front of the computer alone.

After a while, the first 2V2 match officially started!
The map of Polar Smash Bros. is an extremely long and narrow map, which is especially suitable for games with less than two players.After several revisions, the League of Legends of this era has been able to satisfy a variety of games, and different forms of games such as heads-up, 2V2, and 3V3 have been developed.Therefore, players like to use these non-5V5 methods to resolve personal grievances.

In this long and narrow map, long-range consumption of heroes is naturally the best choice.Therefore, Wu Di naturally chose the leopard girl who is most suitable for this map!His partner, his favorite disciple Su Yiyi, chose the choppy Qin, an all-around support hero who can fight, control, and control.

Among their opponents, Zhou Yikai chose Venus, the Arrow of Punishment, and Zhou Huihui chose the brilliant girl who is good at it!

After seeing this candidate, Wu Di also suddenly felt a little uneasy.

what happened?

Is Zhou Kai despising his team members?Instead of using the best top lane hero, he chose an ADC hero instead?

With doubts, Wu Di led Su Yiyi to the line quickly...

Just when Su Yiyi stopped, a flash of light that was as dazzling as a comet quickly crossed the field, and accurately hit Qin Nu who had not yet entered the competition state!

This light and shadow is the Q skill [Piercing Arrow] of Venus, the Arrow of Punishment!
Since Qin Nu was standing alone, she absorbed all the damage from the piercing arrow, and her health dropped a lot in an instant.

Seeing this, Wu Di felt more and more uneasy!
This [Bad Boy] does not use a strong hero in the top lane, but instead uses an ADC hero, is it to carry out long-range strikes against us?Or is there another picture?
Just when Wu Di was distracted thinking about the problem, a ring-shaped light wave fell from the sky and came to Qin Nu's feet.Immediately afterwards, a muffled sound exploded around Qin Nu!

This is Brilliant Girl's E skill [Translucent Singularity]!
The piano girl moved carelessly, and she already beat the opponent's two skills in a row!
At the same time, the Arrow of Punishment and the Radiant Girl had strode away and rushed towards Qin Nu!

Is this the rhythm of getting first blood?
Wu Di was shocked!

At this critical moment, the uneasiness in Wu Di's heart suddenly intensified!When he was about to tell Su Yiyi to retreat quickly, Venus' E skill [Evil Arrow Rain], which can slow down opponents and heal them, landed on Qin Nu's retreat route exactly like a precision-guided missile. At the same time, Brilliant Girl's pinning skill [Binding of Light] has successfully caught the graceful Qin girl!

In the map of Smash Bros., all heroes are level 3 as soon as they come out, and have three skill points, so they can point out their three skills immediately.

Therefore, Qin Nu made a small mistake in walking, and was caught by the Arrow of Punishment and the Brilliant Girl!

Although Wu Di's Leopard Girl has a strong expendability, but she is also a crispy hero, and can't help but fight hand-to-hand with her opponent. At this time, he can only watch Qin Girl's company [ Blink] was not even handed over, but Zhou Kai's punishment arrow took a blood!


This is how the first blood was born!
Su Yiyi was a little annoyed and a little anxious, Wu Di turned her head and comforted her:

"Don't let this blood affect your performance. This is normal. It's your first time to face these top professional players in China. You will be very uncomfortable in terms of rhythm. Next, you will stand not far behind me That's enough, just take a good look at how I deal with them."

Su Yiyi nodded, although there were 1 reluctances in her heart, she had to do so.

The strength of a professional player, she had already experienced it from the very beginning of meeting!The lesson this blood taught me was: relying on my own current strength, I absolutely cannot compete with it.

Knowing this well, she had no choice but to obey Wu Di's instructions and pay attention to her own position all the time.

Her hand speed is crippled, and her reflexes are not top-notch. Apart from choosing conservative tactics, she really has no other options.

However, just as Wu Di was about to consume his opponent with Leopard Girl's javelin, he suddenly found that the opposite hero had disappeared from the screen!
They... lurked into the grass?
What do they want to do?
Wu Di hurried to the grass not far from his home, and dropped a W skill [Jungle Ambush] into the grass that could briefly check the field of vision!
And the moment the cross-shaped trap landed on the grass, Wu Di clearly saw the position of the opponent's hero - both of them were standing at the forefront of the grass!

The next moment, the Brilliant Girl and the Arrow of Punishment handed over Flash at the same time!Came to Wu Di's side!
Wu Di was shocked, knowing that if the crispy leopard girl was fixed in place by the brilliant girl, they would easily be killed by them!
So, he hastily handed over Blink, staying away from the two opponents who handed over Blink at the same time.

But... Wu Di miscalculated.

The target of the arrow of punishment and the shining girl is not his leopard girl!It was Qin Nu who was not far behind him!

Almost at the moment of falling to the ground, the Brilliant Girl's pinning skill [Binding of Light] hit the dazed Qin Nu without any mistakes!And Zhou Yikai's disciplinary arrow also dropped [Evil Spirit Arrow Rain] not far behind Qin Nu at the right time, which can slow down opponents and heal them!
Su Yiyi's hand speed really made it impossible to look directly at. After being stopped by the brilliant girl, she quickly gave herself a sip of milk, and then watched her piano girl being beaten by the opposite pair in anger.

After the light binding effect ended, she immediately used the flash.However, the location where she flashed was exactly where Venus had predicted her escape and dropped her skills!

The crispy choppy Qin fell down for the second time under the seamless cooperation of the two.

Second Blood, hand it over!
Until now, Wu Di finally understood why Zhou Yikai proposed to play a few 2V2 matches with his team members!
Their way of playing against other players, as well as their sudden use of ADC heroes, has already shocked Wu Di.

They... want to destroy the fragile self-confidence of these grassroots players who have not been baptized in professional leagues in the King's team!
People like Su Yiyi, Lin Xiaoxiao and Xia Jie are all talented grassroots players from the folk. With their own passion and the teachings of Wu Di and uncle, they stepped into the thorny road of e-sports without complaint above.

Although they are full of enthusiasm and passion, their strength is always a flaw.

Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui have been in the top professional leagues for several years, so their natural experience and strength are far superior to these amateur players.

Moreover, under Ye Wuhen's reminder, it took Wu Di two days to understand why Zhou Kai was called "Bad Boy"!
Zhou Yikai likes to bully rookies in the professional league!He likes to watch his crushing performance make his opponents look down, even after the game, he will always use words to provoke opponents at the right time, which makes those rookies' confidence plummet!
The bad boy Zhou Yikai also has another title that only top professional players know about—【Newcomer Killer】!
Refusing to complete statistics, Zhou Yikai has destroyed at least twenty rookie players in his career.These rookies were very excited and enthusiastic after stepping into the professional league, but they were unlucky and met Zhou Kai!
Zhou Yikai used his unique destructive style of play to make these rookies lose all confidence, and after the game, this bad boy was particularly keen to insult and trample on the performance of these rookies with various words, making them Lost the confidence to continue mixing in the professional league!

He never tires of it.

His actions are extreme, and he is extremely disgusting, but in a sense, his behavior is just a manifestation of personal characteristics, and there are not many violations, so the league organizing committee just turned a blind eye With only one eye, Zhou Kai was not dealt with.

Over time, Zhou Yikai became even more unscrupulous, and abused the rookies he was playing to the point where even all the clubs would not arrange rookies to line up with him, and left quickly after the game, no matter the winner or loser.

In this way, the title of rookie killer gradually spread in the circle of professional players...

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(End of this chapter)

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