Chapter 190 Destroyed
No wonder he wants to play 2V2 with me, no wonder he requires every rookie player to play - his target is not me at all, but these immature rookies of Kings!
Wu Di knew very well that the enthusiastic team members went very smoothly along the way and did not encounter much setbacks, so he proposed not to participate in the competition and let them play in the amateur cup with their own strength.

However, what Wu Di never expected was that Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui set themselves up a big trick from the moment they met!
The reason why they asked every player to play must be to destroy and blow their confidence!

Bad boy Zhou Yikai's style of play has no rules to follow, but he has combined all the styles of play that can torture the opponent the most, forming his unique [destroying style of play]!
This style of play is not lethal to experienced veteran players, but it is fatal to rookies who are full of dreams!

At this time, the confidence accumulated by the players of the Kings team in the previous competitions may have disappeared without a trace under the deliberate targeting of the Zhou brothers and sisters!
Wu Di wanted them to see the gap between himself and the top professional players, but it came too suddenly.

At this moment, with a chill running down his spine, he turned his head to look at Su Yiyi, and found that complex emotions had already appeared on the face of this tsundere girl.Wu Di could tell that she was already a little angry, a little remorseful, and even a little crazy!

In the next match, the brothers and sisters Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui completely ignored Wu Dibao girl's life and death, and just kept staring at Su Yiyi's Qin girl and beat her up violently.

They would rather sacrifice themselves than drag the piano girl into the water!

Wu Di saw Zhou Yikai's intention of choosing Venus - just in case, if the Qin girl occasionally escaped the clutches of the two, he could use the super-long-range [Piercing Arrow] to take the Qin girl away life!

The game went to 10 minutes.

Su Yiyi's Qin Nu has already handed over six heads!But Zhou Kai and Zhou Huihui just gave Wu Di a head in the process of rushing to the tower.

Leopard Girl's spell equipment has not yet formed, so although Wu Di is eager to stop the targeted play of the two, he is powerless.

Soon, Qin Er became a super ghost.

And Wu Di finally made a large piece of spell damage equipment, and when he was about to vent his anger on Su Yiyi, he suddenly heard a muffled sound coming from Su Yiyi's position!
Wu Di turned around and found that Su Yiyi slapped the table in a rage!

Since she was a child, she has been aloof, when has she ever been wronged like this?

In this game, as soon as she appeared online, she would be targeted infinitely by her opponents!That's all for targeting, but he still wants to kill his own hero at all costs. After killing him, he even dances a mocking dance flaunting his might?

it's a shame!A disgrace she had never experienced since she was born!

Su Yiyi was about to leave the venue directly, but Zhou Yikai and his siblings also cheered from the bottom of their hearts when they saw this scene.Their conspiracy finally succeeded!
"Yeah? This girl won't fight anymore? Haha, that's right. Grassroots will always be grassroots. If you want to turn a sparrow into a phoenix, it's still too early!"

Zhou Yikai's loud teasing made Su Yiyi's mood completely unbalanced!
"Stop! Where are you going?" Wu Di suddenly ran away and shouted in a cold voice.

Su Yiyi's footsteps stopped, but she replied indifferently:
"Go back, why are you still standing here? Continue to be treated like a monkey by the two of them? You can bear it, but I can't bear it!"

All of a sudden, Su Yiyi's arrogant nature completely exploded.

"If you leave here, it means that you have completely left the King's Team! If you are still looking forward to the day when you defeat Xia Ninghan, just sit back in your seat honestly!

This is an experience, although it is painful, but you must pass it! "

Wu Di refocused his eyes on the computer screen and stopped staring at Su Yiyi.And that's what he planned in his heart, if Su Yiyi couldn't even bear this kind of stimulation and blow, then she already lost the qualification to become a professional player!
The e-sports world is so cruel!The e-sports world is full of thorns and difficulties!

Su Yiyi stood on the spot, motionless, hesitating in her heart.

Why did I join the King's Team?In order to defeat Xia Ninghan!Since I was a child, I have never been angry with others, nor have I tried to be bullied by others like this!I want to go!
However, after leaving, will I lose the qualification to challenge Xia Ninghan?It is said that her master is one of the best among the first generation of e-sports professionals.Under that person's instruction, she will throw me eight blocks away!

Why did this young master let me participate in such a game? Isn't this pushing his apprentice into the fire pit?

God damn it!

Su Yiyi couldn't stop drinking in her heart, but her legs involuntarily walked to the front of the seat, then she sank and sat back in her original position!
Wu Di saw her behavior from the corner of his eye, so he softened his tone and said:

"Remember, the professional arena is a battlefield without gunpowder. There are tears from failure and laughter from victory, but this is e-sports, and this is e-sports full of challenges!

I know that you like it in your bones... Then, from now on, you have to face up to the difficulties, don't be affected by these little blows and affect your confidence, they are intentional!
Don't worry, I will find justice for you! "

After speaking, Wu Di stopped talking nonsense and devoted himself to the game.And Su Yiyi held the mouse again, feeling a little joy in her heart that was hard to detect.

This... do I really like e-sports?Instead of simply aiming at defeating Xia Ninghan?

Su Yiyi continued to carry out the match with mixed feelings, and Wu Di had no time to take care of her anymore, but kept manipulating his Leopard Girl, accurately hitting the opponent's two heroes one after another.

However, Su Yiyi's departure and return did not bring about any change in the scene, and the plot of the game was still exactly the same—the only one in the eyes of Punishment Arrow and Shining Girl was Qin Nu's head!
The competition was extremely difficult, and the time dragged on for a long time. After nearly half an hour, Wu Di had already seized the advantage on the scene by virtue of his Shen Q technique as precise as Xiao Li's flying knife.

Although Su Yiyi's Qin girl was still targeted by those two people to death, although more than a dozen of her heads had been handed over, in the end, under Wu Di's performance of turning the tide, their master-student duo was still Achieved the final victory!

Wu Di let out a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and gave the two cousins ​​a hard look, without saying a word.And Su Yiyi beside him was already exhausted and depressed.

It would be the same for anyone who was targeted by the opponent in this way!

Su Yiyi stood up quietly, and silently retreated to the king's team.It was only then that everyone realized that for the first time this tsundere girl had shown a listless mental state!Only now did they know how much the targeted play of the two professional players on the opposite side had dealt a blow to Su Yiyi!

Seeing this, Jin Qiqi also whispered in Su Yiyi's ear: "It's okay, just like what the captain said, this is a hurdle we must pass, you should rest first."

Su Yiyi nodded dully, and sat aside, feeling extremely depressed...

The second one to appear as Wu Di's partner is Ye Wuhen, who is usually very eccentric.

With Su Yiyi's lessons learned from the past, Ye Wuhen directly abandoned all thoughts and completely turned into an escaped boy.

In this match, Wu Di chose Leopard Girl without hesitation, while Ye Wuhen sacrificed his strongest mid laner hero—Shining Girl.

Brilliant Girl has control, a shield, and can go crazy from a long distance. She is a mid-lane hero with strong self-protection ability.

Ye Wuhen mainly attacked the middle unit, and Brilliant Girl's achievements were beyond comparison a few months ago.In order not to let his confidence be ruined by the opponent's destructive style of play, he deliberately let himself relax, and faced the coming storm with a detached attitude!
The second 2V2 match begins!
Zhou Yikai still didn't choose his top lane hero, this time he actually chose a mid lane hero with the title of [Second Man Mage]—Evil Little Mage!

This guy can target people, and can instantly kill opponents within 2 seconds. If the equipment is formed, even tank heroes with rough skin and thick flesh can be accurate in seconds!
And in order to cooperate with the instant effect of the evil little mage, the female devil sacrificed a strategist leader Swain who can be equipped with half flesh and half spell damage.Swain, also known as the crow, is also a half-meat mage hero who can control, fight and recover.

If the control skills of these two heroes are seamlessly connected, it will really make the opponent die in seconds without even handing over the flash!

Wu Di frowned even more when he saw the person on the opposite side.

Zhou Yikai's two cousins ​​obviously made all the plans before the game, with a lineup for each game, so that they didn't have time to think about the solution.

So, he had no choice but to whisper to Ye Wuhen: "Senior, pay attention to your position, they should still target you."

Ye Wuhen nodded, with a peaceful mind, he naturally knew that the rookie killer was definitely not in vain!
The game starts soon.

Su Yiyi's performance reminded Ye Wuhen, so from the very beginning, he has been standing obscenely not far behind the pawn line, away from the range of the opponent's two mage heroes.

Once he is fixed by the two of them, it will be more or less ominous, and he naturally dare not move forward easily.

Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui performed very calmly in the first few minutes of the game. They neither took the initiative to attack the Brilliant Girl, nor did they encircle and suppress Wu Di's Leopard Girl.

The situation did not cause any disturbances.

Both Wu Di and Ye Wuhen were taken aback. Although they couldn't figure out what the opponent was planning, they still didn't dare to take it lightly, and always paid attention to the opponent's every move.

At this time, due to the strong clearing ability of the evil little mage and the crow, they have already reached level 6 first!
A little mage of this level, combined with the control and damage of the crow, can already have the ability to kill in seconds!

At this point, Wu Di suddenly realized that they had been waiting for him to reach level 6!
The evil little mage's ultimate move [Energy Burst] has a considerable extra damage bonus for mage heroes.When Wu Di just wanted to remind Ye Wuhen to pay attention to his position, Zhou Huihui's crow sneaked into the grass!
This is a signal!It is a signal that the opponent is going to attack!
In the eyes of top professional players, the grass is no longer the exclusive place for Galen, the power of Demacia, all heroes can use the grass to form strong psychological pressure on their opponents!
Ye Wuhen's personal operation ability is much stronger than Su Yiyi's. He also saw the unusual behavior of the crow, so he quickly lost an E skill that can briefly view the grass's vision, trying to expose the opponent.

But the moment this halo skill was thrown into the grass, a figure flashed across the screen, and the little mage who had been standing behind the pawn line took advantage of the space between the two of them to focus on the crow, and took the lead to surrender Flash!
Then, a high hexagonal wall quickly covered the shining girl who took a few steps forward to cast the skill!

What a smack!
Use the crow to enter the grass to confuse your own judgment, but the one who is actually attacking is the little mage who has been in sight!
At the same time that Wu Di screamed in his heart that something was wrong, Zhou Huihui had skillfully applied a set of skills to the Brilliant Girl. At the same time, the crow strolled out from the grass and released a colorful halo at the feet of the Brilliant Girl. control skills.

[The Binding of the Crow's Claw]!
This skill is the crow's signature control skill. Not only can it cause massive damage, but it can also immobilize the opponent for 2 seconds!
Without any suspense, under the opponent's smacking tactics, Brilliant Girl surrendered her first blood!

Wu Di gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.He hurriedly looked back at Ye Wuhen, only to find that there was no displeasure on the senior's face, on the contrary, he was still enjoying it?

good!After all, Senior Wuhen comes from a big family and has an unpredictable personality. As long as he is not affected by the bad boy's destructive style of play, then all the calculations of the opponent will be in vain!
The game continues.

Ye Wuhen's brilliant girl came to the line again, just as she stood firm, the crow, who hadn't handed over her flash all this time, swayed and came not far from the brilliant girl!
Ye Wuhen's hand speed and reflexes were naturally much higher than Su Yiyi's. When he suddenly saw that his opponent was going to repeat the old trick, he immediately reacted and fled backwards.

It's not a loss to exchange flicker for flicker! ——Ye Wuhen judged this way.However, it didn't take long for him to realize that he was wrong!

Just when he thought that the opponent's offensive came to an abrupt end, a terrifying figure emerged from the grass, and released the hexagonal cage on the body of the brilliant girl with lightning speed!
On Monday, Kelly used Ye Wuhen's luck to catch a small mistake in his positioning in an instant!

The Evil Little Mage's ult isn't on cooldown yet, but even without it, he and the crow can do tons of damage to the crispy Radiant Lady!
After the confinement was over, Ye Wuhen, who was in shock, controlled the sluggish Brilliant Girl, and symbolically threw out the bondage of light, but was dissolved invisibly by Zhou Yikai's two brothers and sisters' skillful retreat.

He tried desperately to escape backwards, but the crow's deceleration ability was already attached to him, and at this moment he had a strong feeling that he was powerless.

Just like that, before the Brilliant Girl fled back to the defense tower step by step, she was crushed to death in front of the tower by the little mage and the crow!

Wu Di was deeply afraid that Senior Wuhen would be affected by this, so he immediately said anxiously to Ye Wuhen beside him:

"Calm down! Senior Wuhen! Wait for a while longer, when my equipment is formed, they will have no resistance at all!"

Ye Wuhen, who had been decapitated by his opponent twice in a row, did not have the same mood swings as Su Yiyi.He nodded silently and continued on the line.

However, what even Wu Di couldn't detect was that the heart of this escaped senior was shaken...

The subsequent game process was no different from when Su Yiyi was on the court.

Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui completely ignored Wu Di's existence, and only pointed their finger at Ye Wuhen's brilliant girl.

Even though Brilliant Girl can add shields to herself and control her opponents, but in front of these two first-class professional players, his skills always fail to hit, and the shield is like nothing in front of the second hero, the little mage. , It will break at the touch of a touch!
Soon, Brilliant Girl's record became 070.

070 is not 007, Brilliant Girl has handed over seven heads!Instead of getting 7 assists!
Beads of sweat ooze from Ye Wuhen's face, and his state of mind is no longer peaceful.In essence, although he is a jumping boy, he is actually just an amateur player.The opponent's highly targeted and destructive style of play also made him suffer a lot. After going back and forth, his confidence was inevitably shaken!

He didn't act as aggressively as Su Yiyi did, but his expression had already told his captain: he could hardly hold on any longer!This is a completely unplayable rhythm...

Finally, Wu Di's Leopard Girl also made a large spell damage equipment.From this moment on, he has the capital to fight the second with the first.

However, the plot of the competition is still going on according to the director of Zhou Yikai and the two brothers and sisters.

While Ye Wuhen's Brilliant Girl handed over No.13's head, Wu Di successfully destroyed the opponent's base, but when he turned his head to look back at Ye Wuhen, he was surprised to find that Senior Wuhen's face was already full of blood. The weather is uncertain, and the decadence is beyond words.

Ye Wuhen got up quietly with a dull expression, his performance was no different from Su Yiyi.

Even though he is an escaped boy, even if he is a guy with a deep city, even if his maturity is much higher than Su Yiyi, but... the destructive targeting style jointly dedicated by the rookie killer and his cousin, the female devil, has already Let him seriously doubt whether he still has the qualifications to enter the professional league!
This is a test that cannot be escaped, and it is also the most ruthless slap in the face.

"Ah? It's over, I haven't killed enough yet? These rookies don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, thinking that if they abuse amateur players, they can become professional players. It's far away..."

This time, it was Zhou Huihui who represented the bad boy and uttered the shocking words loudly.

Ye Wuhen returned to the team with his head downcast, and everyone offered comfort in a friendly manner. He sat on the seat with Su Yiyi and fell into deep thought.

The second, this is already the second!

Buddha also has three points of anger, let alone ordinary human beings with seven emotions and six desires?
Wu Di was furious, and was about to enter the state of [trance] and use the killing technique to fight back against the two brothers and sisters who were laughing, when a person in the team suddenly stood up.

This person is Lin Xiaoxiao, the purest fierce girl in the king's team.

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(End of this chapter)

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