Chapter 191 Repay ten times!
Seeing the determination in Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes, the uncle guessed that she was going to jump into this pit of fire, so he immediately got up and held her back, and said vigilantly: "Xiaoxiao is back! We don't need to fight this game! There is no need to find this by yourself Bitter taste!"

The uncle has been watching the words and expressions from the sidelines, so he naturally knows the insidious intentions of the two professional players who proposed to play a 2V2 match.Strictly speaking, Lin Xiaoxiao is the fifth disciple he has accepted, and also the last closed disciple.He didn't want this simple girl to ask for trouble.

There will be tests in the future, but this kind of test is not worth mentioning!

The uncle used to be a grassroots player who came from the folks, so he naturally knows how precious confidence is for a newcomer!
Lin Xiaoxiao stopped, turned around and whispered to everyone:

"Dear comrades-in-arms, those two professional players are obviously aiming at us newcomers. I think everyone knows it all too well. But, the captain is right! If we escape here, then we will lose our ability to become Qualifications for professional players!
I don't want to be a deserter, I don't want to be looked down upon.Even knowing it was a fire pit, I would still jump in!
Without the tempering of the fire, how can it be transformed?

Even if I lose all confidence, even if I'm completely shattered by them, it's a difficult but necessary process.

If we escape here, these professional players will see us as a joke.

This is my decision, uncle please understand and support! "

Lin Xiaoxiao's righteous words not only raised the heads of Su Yiyi and Ye Wuhen who were thinking hard at the same time, but also surprised Mu Piaopiao who had been witnessing the whole incident with the mentality of a bystander.

In her heart, e-sports is nothing more than a group of young people who have nothing to do, evade work, evade studies, and make up a ridiculous career of youth without regrets.

However, Lin Xiaoxiao's words pierced into her heart like a silver bullet.

Esports...seems to be quite interesting...

Afterwards, Lin Xiaoxiao sat next to Wu Di without hesitation, her face was persistent and firm, and the fearlessness of a strong man who never returned was fully revealed on her body!

When Kai Shu saw Lin Xiaoxiao appeared on stage on Monday, he also teased Zhou Huihui beside him:
"Ha, I know this girl, she's not very strong, but her boobs are obvious to all."

Zhou Huihui immediately doubled her voice and sarcastically said:
"Whoever she is, bully these novices anyway, let them know that not everyone can enter the professional league, isn't that all right?"

After hearing the words, Wu Di had already suppressed the anger in his heart with difficulty, turned his head and told Lin Xiaoxiao:

"Xiaoxiao, stay under the tower later, don't go anywhere!
I will clean them up!I will make them pay dearly for their actions!They want to attack you, so let me show them clearly that in the e-sports world, I am their insurmountable gap!
Don't talk to me later, I will use the God-killing Style, and no external factors will affect me at that time! "

To Wu Di's surprise, Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head, shook her head at him seriously and seriously, and said firmly:

"Captain, don't use the God-killing style!"

"Why? They treat you like this, I will teach them a heavy lesson!" Wu Di gritted his teeth.

"I heard from my uncle that your Killing God Style has great side effects on your body and mind! If you use it frequently, it will definitely leave indelible aftereffects. Don't use it lightly for us!

You were right just now, this is our biggest test.If our goal is to become a professional player, we must compete with these first-class professional players.

I don't care whether they are for any purpose, but I don't want to miss such an opportunity!I'd rather lose heart for a while than bear this test!

If I shrink back and fear here, then all my previous efforts will be in vain!Please captain understand and support my decision!

I... want to fight against them!Only by understanding the gap between the two sides can I grow!In order to realize the great dream in my heart. "

Lin Xiaoxiao made up her mind. She became stubborn and no longer listened to anyone's advice.

Wu Di stared at her for a long time, and the persistence on her face remained undiminished, which made Wu Di let go of his worries a little.

In Wu Di's impression, this girl has always been full of enthusiasm and devoted herself to her career without any scruples, and this time she took the initiative to ask for a job, which made Wu Di suddenly feel that she may have underestimated this girl !

Yes, no matter what the opponent's purpose is, such a test will be encountered sooner or later, and such an opponent will be encountered sooner or later!

Long pain is worse than short pain!

"Since you have made up your mind, let's start! Remember, don't lose your heart at any time. I will always accompany you to grow up!"

Another half hour passed by.

In the third 2V2 match, the plot was still the same.Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui, the two first-class players, didn't care about Wu Di's life or death, and they kept targeting Lin Xiaoxiao, attacking her time and time again, making her surrender her heads repeatedly.

At the end of the game, Lin Xiaoxiao's ADC hero had been killed fifteen times!But Wu Di could only watch such a scene happen.

Throughout the match, he suppressed his anger and just focused on manipulating his heroes, trying to end the match quickly.

However, the strength of Zhou Yikai's two brothers and sisters should not be underestimated. While they kept killing Lin Xiaoxiao's hero, they also paid attention to maintaining the rhythm of the game, which abruptly prolonged the process of the game.

The final victory still belonged to the king team, but Wu Di was not happy at all.

Looking at the helpless and helpless expression on Lin Xiaoxiao's face who stood up slumped, he was about to erupt!

"Hehe, the third rookie is finished. I don't know what lessons this hot-breasted girl will learn from this 2V2 match? Dreams? Are you kidding me! Dreams are not something that a weak rookie like you can do. Talk casually!
Let's face it, sooner or later you will give up your childish dreaming! "

Zhou Kai taunted at the right time, his eyes full of disdain.

When Wu Di was about to stand up and reason with him, Lin Xiaoxiao, with blank eyes, stopped him.

She raised her head and said to Zhou Kai with a blank expression:
"Thank you two professional players for your pointers! Xiaoxiao is very grateful! However, if one day, you and our king team have the opportunity to compete in the official arena, today's shame, I, Lin Xiaoxiao, will definitely be ten Pay back twice as much!"

As soon as these words came out, not only Zhou Yikai and the two siblings were stunned, but even the rest of King's team, including Wu Di and the uncle, were shocked.

The most innocent girl in their eyes has not been destroyed by such a blow?On the contrary, she also learned from the painful experience, and issued a declaration to the two first-class professional players that they will fight again in the future, and will shed the shame?

"Good job!" The uncle took the lead to break the silence in the field, "You are worthy of being my apprentice, and you are worthy of being a newcomer who bears the name of king! Well said! Today's shame will be reported in the future!

Today they bully you as rookies, tomorrow you will be able to defeat them like kings! "

The uncle took three steps and two steps at a time, and came to Lin Xiaoxiao's body, supporting this lovely girl who was already a little bit tottering with one hand.

Although Lin Xiaoxiao spoke her mind, her mental state was still severely hit. The uncle knew that she was a little out of her mind even when she was walking, so he quickly brought her back to the team and let her have a perfect Exit ceremony.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Di made up his mind that he didn't want the team members to suffer this kind of torture again.He looked at the strongest person in the team besides him - Jin Qiqi.

As expected, Jin Qiqi knew Wu Di very well. From this look, she already understood what Wu Di was going to do.But just as she was about to stand up and partner with Wu Di, another passionate young man among the rookies stepped forward before her.

Xia Jie!

A peerless genius with a normal hand speed of over 500 and a professional player's basic quality score of 99!

Having left the society early, he was rather gangster-like, laughed loudly and said:
"Captain, our sister Xiaoxiao has already expressed the unyielding foundation and courage of our king team with actions! I, a man of five big and three rough, naturally refuse to lag behind her!

This fourth game, let me come!We have to cross the threshold of professional players sooner or later!With Xiaoxiao's role model, I can't lose the chain at this critical moment!
I am coming! "

Xia Jie walked quickly to Wu Di's side with great momentum, and sat down on his buttocks.

Seeing this, Wu Di was also quite happy.

He knew that Lin Xiaoxiao aroused the latent fighting spirit of these grassroots rookies in his team with his amazing courage that he would rather be broken than broken.

What about pro players?Sooner or later they will step into this circle, and sooner or later they will become kings!
This hurdle will definitely be crossed collectively today!
And Zhou Yikai was very upset when he saw the degenerate temperament of all the newcomers in the King's team.Zhou Huihui, who was beside her, saw the sudden smug look on Wu Di's face, her eyes widened and her anger came from her heart.

The fourth game soon entered the game screen, and Zhou Yikai and his brother and sister both squinted their eyes slightly, preparing to bring out the targeted and destructive style of play to the fullest in this game.And the object of their venting was none other than Xia Jie!
This match took four to ten minutes to end with difficulty.

In this match, Xia Jie, relying on his extraordinary talent, was completely unafraid of the targeted play of the opponent's duo.He who was awakened by Lin Xiaoxiao's infinite fighting spirit knew that he was doomed every time, so he made up his mind and simply stopped running away!

Enthusiastic, he directly adopted Wang Daoliu's most common attacking pattern - provoke an attack when they meet!

He knew that he would be targeted by these two professional players, so he didn't dodge or dodge at all, and even launched a rush attack, which caught Zhou Kai and the two by surprise.

And with his desperate cover in the front and his continuous dedication to sacrifice his life for righteousness, Wu Di also quickly gained an economic advantage, and made large-scale equipment in a short while.

Zhou Yikai and the others were startled when they saw that the fourth rookie was playing desperately and desperately, and they didn't dare to underestimate Xia Jie anymore. Hence, this 2V2 turned into a protracted tug-of-war !
In every battle, Xia Jie's hero will take the lead and be buried in the opponent's attack, but with his cover, Wu Di can also find the output position in time, so that his sacrifice is not in vain, and he can succeed every time Do one for one!

After Xia Jie and one of the Zhou brothers and sisters both fell, things became extremely simple.

You want to fight Wu Di one-on-one?Do you want to compete with the world's first talent online?contend?Doesn’t this word flatter you too much!

As everyone expected, in the one-on-one laning, Wu Di was majestic and brought the ending flow to the extreme!

Regardless of whether it was Zhou Yikai or Zhou Huihui who were left, they would be suppressed by Ling Lie's offensive and struggle.In the end, the remaining person had shrunk under the tower and no longer took the initiative to attack.

The strength of these two brothers and sisters is also top-notch, and it is by no means easy to defeat them in a short period of time.After each exchange of heads, the remaining one of them will adopt conservative tactics to avoid Wu Di's edge.

Therefore, the game was dragged on for four to 10 minutes before it ended.

When Xia Jie left the stage, he had no fear on his face.This targeted and destructive style of play did not have any side effects on him, and he became the only rookie player who retreated unscathed.

With his aggressive style of play and passionate attitude, he successfully crossed this deep ditch!
Seeing that the rookie's performance was very different from before, Zhou Yikai realized that the confidence-destroying style of play used by himself and his cousin had begun to fail.

After a quick calculation in his mind, he said to Wu Di with a half-smile:
"Asshole, it's almost there. We've played four 2V2 games, and you've been winning for so long, so don't fight the rest! Just treat it as the two of us who lost to you!

My cousin and I will abide by the previous agreement, and will no longer play with your king's team.

But what I want to remind you is that the matter between us is not over yet! "

The Zhou brothers and sisters got up at the same time, and when they were about to turn around and leave, Wu Di stopped them.

"Ha, two well-known professional players, do you want to be a coward in front of newcomers?"

Zhou Yikai turned around and glared at Wu Di, yelling, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Wu Di smiled instead of anger, and wrote lightly: "If you don't want to be a turtle, just sit down for me! Don't we have one game left? If you leave like this, my remaining rookies The team members will be relentless."

Wu Di gave Jin Qiqi a knowing smile, which made the short-haired girl immediately get up and walk to Wu Di's side.

"Yeah, my name is Jin Qiqi, and I'm also a novice player. I really want to play against two first-class professional players. How about it, you are not being picked by our captain, are you, ready to run away?"


Everyone shouted in their hearts at the same time, others don't know, but they know it well, this beautiful contestant who has joined the team for less than a month has amazing strength!According to the uncle, Jin Qiqi is the only rookie player who can barely keep up with the rhythm of the professional league!

That is to say, she already has professional-level strength!

Zhou Yikai and Zhou Huihui naturally didn't know Jin Qiqi's details, and thought that this girl was a young girl who was extremely arrogant, so they didn't get angry, but just sneered:
"Okay, since there are people who are not afraid of death coming to our door to be ravaged by us, of course we wish for it. Hurry up and start, finish the work early and call it a day!"

Zhou Yikai, who had been playing tricks on Wu Di, never expected this time that Wu Di had unknowingly fought back!

The strength of the previous players was too weak to compete with professional players, but Jin Qiqi's current strength is far superior to other players, and she can barely keep up with her own rhythm.

In other words, this 2V2 has become a contest between four professional players!Wu Di and Jin Qiqi knew it well, but Zhou Yikai and his brother and sister were kept in the dark!
The fifth 2V2 game kicked off soon.

Before the official match started, Wu Di had already entered the state of [Trance], and the mode of killing gods was turned on!
The Zhou brothers and sisters, who had never personally experienced Wu Di's killing style, thought that this game would be the same as before. The rookie players were brutally abused by the two of them together, and Wu Di could only watch helplessly as his players' confidence was hit.

It didn't take a moment for them to realize that they were wrong and their panties were all wrong!
Wu Di's killing style combined with Sparta, the king of war with strong suppression ability in the early stage, played well online, and Jin Qiqi's strength should not be underestimated. While paying close attention to her own safety, she also timely Create opportunities for Wu Di to attack.

This 2V2 took less than 20 minutes and ended hastily.

In this game, Wu Di manipulated the Sparta who wore armor underwear as a coat, fully revealing the suppressing advantage in the early stage, coupled with Jin Qiqi's cooperation and assistance, directly from the first meeting, let The Zhou brothers and sisters were miserable.

The ultimate goal of killing the gods is to get the opponent's head. Its aggressiveness and pertinence are not comparable to the previous style of play used by Zhou Kai and Zhou Huihui.

After a while, Sparta had already won double-digit heads!
However, it's not over yet!
In the second half of the competition, the Zhou brothers and sisters knew that it was difficult to resist Wu Di's thunderous offensive.Therefore, they adopted the conservative tactics of self-defeating and self-defeating, and retreated under the tower, still relying on Wu Di to attack.

At this moment, they just want to make a fuss and end the game early.

However, Wu Di immediately showed the heroic and domineering side of the King of War!Whenever the cooling time of his Flying ult expires, he immediately activates his ult, descends from the sky, catches the weakest of the two and beats him violently. At the same time, Jin Qiqi's hero will follow up to fight Si Bada made enough support.

At the last moment, Wu Di's Sparta was able to resist the attack of the defensive tower, and could easily take away the heads of the heroes controlled by the Zhou brothers and sisters. All of a sudden, everyone in the King's team cheered unceasingly - his own Captain, use your god-like performance that day to avenge them!
At the end of the game, Jin Qiqi called Wu Di a few times, forcing him to turn off the terrifying God-killing mode.

Wu Di got up, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said:
"Five 2V2 games are over, and our team of kings won all five games. I hope you can fulfill your promise and disappear from my sight! Also, I would like to remind you that if we have a chance to meet each other in the arena someday, these pink and tender The newcomer will definitely repay you tenfold!"

 I was on fire when I wrote this chapter, I don’t know if you will be on fire after reading it...

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(End of this chapter)

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