The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 391 SOS Team Gaming Base

Chapter 391 SOS Team Gaming Base
More than an hour later.

More than 30 freshmen from the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University in South Korea went through a lot of bumps, and finally came to the SOS team e-sports base near Seoul, the capital of South Korea.

The Korean e-sports atmosphere is very conducive to the development of grassroots players.From a long time ago, they paid special attention to discovering potential new stars across the country, and directly brought them to professional e-sports teams for training.Although the income of professional players in Korean e-sports varies, they have a very standardized level of treatment.As long as the performance of professional players is getting better and better, the performance of the team is getting better and better, and more and more championships are won, then the treatment of professional players will also increase. After the top brands, you can also get boss-level income levels.

The SOS team is a well-known and old e-sports club in South Korea. It has a long history of establishment, and it has a history of nearly 20 years.And it has always stood at the pinnacle of the Korean e-sports industry, the biggest reason is its talent training mechanism.

In the SOS team, a newcomer usually has to go through the following process:
First, to be the follower of a long-established e-sports star.This process is essential in the SOS team.

To be a follower of a top star, it is inevitable that one will suffer a lot of grievances, even, at the expense of self-deprecation, serving tea and water for the top star. The SOS team is very familiar with this phenomenon.Because in their training philosophy, if a rookie can't even endure this bit of hardship, can't even stand this bit of grievance, and can't even understand this so-called unfairness, then he is not worthy of becoming a top professional player!

Moreover, new players in Korean e-sports are not allowed to fall in love!If you fall in love, you will automatically lose your name and no longer have the qualifications to become a professional player.The age of e-sports players is getting younger and younger, so the high-level executives of the major professional teams have formulated this seemingly unreasonable requirement in order not to distract the players.As long as you are under the age of 22, no matter how famous you are, you are forbidden to fall in love.

Second, after being a follower of a top star for a period of time, the newcomers will have a devil basic training course.In this course, in the daily schedule of the newcomers, almost except for rest, it is training!And when this course is over, the team will conduct a basic quality test on them as an e-sports professional.In this basic quality test, as long as the score is lower than 90 points (out of 100 points), the rookie will be eliminated!

It is precisely because of the existence of this regulation that any rookie who enters the professional circle, as long as he comes from the SOS team, must be a powerful rookie with excellent talent.

Third, after passing the basic e-sports quality test, rookies can become second-tier players of the team.At this time, they began to have income, began to participate in various low-level competitions, and through performance, step by step from the second-tier players to the first-tier substitutes, and finally the best among them could get the main position of the first-tier team!

This process that newcomers must go through generally eliminates more than 90% of the newcomers. Although the elimination rate is extremely high, the remaining ones are all super newcomers. In the past 20 years, it has been firmly sitting on the top spot of the Korean e-sports team.In this regard, even the regular KKT team in the World Series cannot be compared with it.

At the gate of the SOS e-sports base, Jin Huien introduced the newcomer training process of the SOS team to all the new students of the e-sports department.Some local freshmen in South Korea also looked anxious and a little discouraged.The elimination rate is over 90%?Then I will definitely not be one of the few lucky ones.

At this time, Jin Huien seemed to see the worries in the hearts of the freshmen, so she squeezed out a friendly smile and said to the students:
"Heh, don't worry too much, everyone. We came to the SOS team e-sports base just to let everyone experience the atmosphere of a professional team in advance, not to make everyone have to join the SOS team! In Korea, there are many strong teams They are thirsty for talents! Teams like KKT, CJ, etc., which have always been the top few teams in the Korean professional league, will offer olive branches to strong newcomers.

So, as long as you work hard, you will be able to become a professional player and join your favorite team! "

Jin Enhui's words made all the freshmen react - yes, they don't have to join the SOS team, so his rules naturally don't apply to him.

Thus, Jin Enhui led a group of freshmen into the SOS e-sports base, which was built in an unusually low-key manner.

The gate of the SOS e-sports base is very similar to the gate of a public toilet in a prosperous city in China, and there is nothing special about it.Extra orders, ordinary, no highlights, this is the gate of the base of Korea's No. [-] e-sports team?
The three of Wu Di happily walked at the end of the team, and curiously looked at the door that had almost no sense of existence, feeling very moved in their hearts.

The three of them have all been to the Brilliant E-sports Base, and they have all seen the magnificently built gate of the base, especially the two words [Brilliant] that were glittering and huge on the door, which impressed them even more.On the other hand, the gate of the SOS team's base was unremarkable. If the instructor Jin Enhui hadn't said that this was the gate of their e-sports base, they would have thought they had walked into a public toilet!

Low-key, low-key is also a virtue - Wu Di couldn't help sighing in his heart.South Korea's e-sports level has always been in the leading position in the world. Its good e-sports atmosphere is one of the important factors, and this [low-key] is the core factor for them to continue to achieve good results in the World Series.

And when the three of Wu Di walked into the gate and took a look around, their eyes were straightened, and there was an unbelievable shocked expression on their faces—the internal setting of the SOS e-sports base formed a sharp contrast with their facade project. Compared!
If their e-sports gate is just a simple facade at the level of a public toilet, then the various facilities inside their e-sports are world-class projects!
More than a dozen high-rise buildings that are somewhat dazzlingly resplendent stand upright in all directions of the e-sports base.In this e-sports base, there are not only supermarkets, sports fields, and gymnasiums, but also hospitals, elevator apartments, and a live CS field!

Mortal CS: is a field war game.It is actually a game that imitates army combat. Participants wear various military uniforms, hold laser guns, and are equipped with various field equipment. They shuttle between the jungles and show various formations and personal skills.Participants are all thrown into it and take on the role of a soldier or general.

Live CS mainly has the following characteristics:
1. Positioning simulated battlefield experience, which is a highly simulated combat in a real battlefield environment.

2. Let the students feel happy through confrontation games, so that students can experience the talents in the real battlefield environment, and inspire courage, belief, strategy, and friendship in battle.

3. In addition to combat confrontation, there is also a complete explanation of military tactics and practical training on equipment.

4. Live CS can also be carried out in the form of a battle.Among them, there are mainly game tasks such as offensive and defensive warfare, battle royale, or the setting of standard military unit exercises and campaigns.

5. The battlefield is generally dominated by jungles, plains, ruins, unfinished buildings or actual combat terrain.

And the live-action CS venue that Wu Di and the others saw was mainly a few unfinished buildings and ruins.At first, they thought it was a tofu project, or other facilities that were going to be demolished and rebuilt.

But Jin Huien knew that the freshmen were very interested in this live CS venue, so she patiently explained to everyone:

"Freshmen, the ruins and unfinished buildings you see are real CS battlefields! Maybe you are all wondering why such facilities appear in a strong e-sports team base?

In fact, this is another reason why the SOS team is strong - they are racking their brains for the improvement of their players all the time, and they are constantly innovating!

E-sports is a battlefield without gunpowder!I don’t know if you have ever thought about it, when five members of your team meet with five members of the opponent in a game or game, is it like a small-scale war?
That's right!E-sports competition is equivalent to a small-scale war!In the game, you have to constantly play games with your opponents!
The layout, tactics, fighting more with less or fighting more with less, offense, defense and other scenes are actually very similar to the various military actions taken by the opposing sides in order to win the war.

The SOS team is the first professional team in the world to integrate warfare into e-sports competitions!And this live CS field is also the only one among all e-sports professional teams in the world.

Most e-sports teams still scoff at this approach, but this live CS field is the biggest feature of the SOS team!They allow team members or students to experience the immersive experience of a five-person team fighting against each other in a simulated battlefield.And, they use it to cultivate and exercise teamwork and trust.

From this point of view, the SOS team has created a precedent in the e-sports world.

However, other e-sports teams have not done so, and the reason is very simple.One is that the economic strength is not enough, and the other is that they think that the biggest effect of doing this is to relax the spirit of professional players, and it does not improve the teamwork and cooperation much.

Here, I will not comment, but you, a group of freshmen, will participate in a 5V5 live CS simulated battlefield exercise in the future.

Well, everyone saw it.This is the No. [-] professional e-sports base in Korea!You all have your own e-sports dreams, have been admitted to the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University, and come here!

From now on, everyone should be ready.The devil's summer camp training has officially started when you step into this gate!
Next, everyone will enter the core of the SOS team - the training building.After entering, the first thing we need to do is...determine the basic quality of e-sports for each freshman! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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