Chapter 392

The fiery red sun hung high in the sky, radiating infinite light and heat wantonly, causing sweat beads as big as beans to ooze from the foreheads of more than 30 freshmen. Some freshmen wanted to take off their coats, but Jin Huien stopped them immediately .

"Don't take it off! The SOS team is the pride of our e-sports in Korea. You must show them enough respect! After entering, remember not to whisper or walk around at will, and follow the arrangements of the staff and my instructions.

Here, you can learn too much about the essence of e-sports. If your dream is to become a top professional player, then you must show your respect to the fullest from this moment——people who don’t respect e-sports, no Qualify to become an e-sports player! "

Jin Huien changed her previous amiable expression. She stood in front of the SOS training building and warned all the freshmen.And these more than 30 freshmen, including Wu Di, also picked up their curiosity and followed this beautiful instructor into the training building.

The training building is not as magnificent as imagined, and its overall interior style still highlights the theme of simplicity but not simplicity.The surface of the pure white walls was spotless, without any stains; several supporting columns that could only be embraced by three people stood upright in four directions in the hall on the first floor.

There is a corridor passage on the left and right of the hall, and there are symmetrical house numbers and doors on both sides of the passage.

And after passing through this unremarkable hall, there are symmetrical rooms with closed doors.Judging from the distance between the doors of these rooms, the internal size of the rooms should be the same area. In an instant, the freshmen in the training camp felt a sense of solemnity in their hearts.

In their hearts, the biggest impression the SOS team gave them was—rigorous.

Jin Huien walked in the forefront, and soon led all the freshmen to the end of the passage on the left - a giant wooden door twice the size of the doors on both sides appeared in front of everyone.

"We have already communicated with the management personnel of the SOS team, and then all of you must enter this room to conduct a professional e-sports professional quality test.

I believe that everyone has conducted a quality test in private. The test items in the SOS team are similar to yours, and basically the results are not much different from yours.But... Team SOS is very cruel to newcomers!Because they adopted the last elimination system!
What is the final elimination system?The last one or a few will be invited out of the e-sports base and will no longer be a member of the SOS team!
Every year, they will conduct an internal assessment of the first and second-tier players. If the player ranked last, whether they are the main force or the substitute, they will be directly relegated or reduced to a follower. This will continue for a year. If you want to turn around , you must do your best in the next year's assessment.And if you are just a follower-level player and get the last place in the assessment, sorry, you will be dismissed by the team friendly!

We, the E-sports Department of Chung-Ang University in South Korea, are determined to continuously inject fresh blood into the professional e-sports team of our country.Maybe you will not join the SOS team, maybe you will also sneer at the various regulations of the SOS team.However, we are studying and training here now, so... all the rules of our freshman team will be based on the SOS team!That is to say, starting from the first item of the e-sports professional quality test, the last place in each item will be eliminated!
Of course, this elimination does not mean that your admission qualifications are denied. You can still go back to your university dormitory and participate in e-sports courses.And you are just disqualified from this summer camp training.

I will not comment on whether this regulation is reasonable or not, and whether it is cruel or not.I can see what's on your mind.However, if you all feel that these regulations are too harsh and difficult, and you want to find someone to vent your anger on, you can vent all your anger on me.We decided to do this so that you can feel the cruelty of the e-sports world from this moment on!
There is only one team that can become the world champion!There is only one person who can become the strongest person in the world!
If you want to stand at the pinnacle of the e-sports world, you must understand the cruelty of competition! "

Since most of the team were Korean students, Kim Hye-un's opening remarks were all in Korean, and Lulu had already played the role of an accompanying interpreter, translating all of her words right after Kim Hye-en finished speaking.

After listening, there was a sigh in Wu Di's eyes.

Lulu was puzzled, and immediately asked, "Brother Wu Di, why are you sighing?"

Wu Di pressed his peaked cap and sighed: "E-sports is not accepted by the public. For so many years, whether it is in China or other countries, their elders have regarded e-sports as a kind of leisure and entertainment activity. , The more children are exposed to, the easier it is to play with things and lose their minds. The elders are unwilling to follow the instructions, and the children are also addicted to the game. The final result is that no one understands the true meaning of the e-sports spirit!
Persistence and respect, the core of these two e-sports spirits, are increasingly buried in various rumors and negative teaching materials.

If you look at the domestic League of Legends qualifying competition, there are abuses, hang-ups, abandonment and proxy fights everywhere. Young people are caught in an endless cycle of chasing their false fame, and the elders will also get deeper and deeper. Children They see it as not doing business properly.

If e-sports is to be recognized by the world, it must use a sound and scientific mechanism to allow it to thrive.

As the pie of the e-sports industry grows bigger and bigger, all major business giants are extending their greedy hands to it. In this way, the e-sports world will become completely commercialized and professionalized, and the e-sports spirit The essence of it will be ignored and ignored even more.

I thought South Korea was willing to invest so much human, financial and material resources in e-sports because they saw the spirit of e-sports and saw that this spirit is no less hard work and hard work than traditional sports, but... they are still too eager for quick success !
Although the Korean e-sports atmosphere is strong, I don't quite agree with the cruel method of selecting talents by using the bottom elimination system.If a potential player who is full of ideals and enthusiasm for e-sports loses his qualifications to become a professional player because of his abnormal performance for a while, then this method is a behind-the-scenes hand that kills his dream.

If e-sports can become an Olympic event one day, it will not rely on iron-blooded and ruthless systems and regulations, but should try to let the world see its spirit—persistence and respect! "

Wu Di's words shocked Mu Piaopiao and Lulu for the first time, and they didn't turn around for a long time.For a long time, they thought that Wu Di was still the arrogant and domineering former number one genius in the world who didn't put everyone in his eyes by virtue of his unique talent.But he didn't expect that his current spiritual realm, especially his understanding of the e-sports spirit, had reached an unparalleled height.This point makes Mu Piao Piao, who has never been too cold towards him, look at him with admiration.


Jin Huien saw the behavior of Wu Di and the three whispering, so he immediately cast a very solemn look at them, and said in Chinese: "Although you three freshmen are special recruits from a distant country, but entering here, you will have no Any privilege! The last elimination system is applicable to any freshman! I hope that the phenomenon of your whispering just now will not happen again! There will be no next time! If you violate the regulations again, please go home directly, and we will call The competition department does not need unruly rookies! Also, after entering later, no matter who among the three of you, if you rank last in scoring, you will also be immediately asked out of the team!"

Although the thirty or so Korean freshmen couldn't understand the Chinese words of the beautiful instructor, they could tell that Jin Huien's expression was reprimanding those three hateful Chinese people!As a result, they all showed gloating looks on their faces.

Regarding Jin Huien's reprimand, Wu Di and the three of them simultaneously went into their left ear and out of their right ear, and they didn't take it seriously at all.The purpose of the three of them coming here is to feel the atmosphere of South Korea, a big e-sports country. They don't care about the results and rankings.However, this was just the beginning, and Wu Di and the others still didn't want to tear their faces apart, so Wu Di took the lead and showed an apologetic smile, and replied:
"Instructor Jin, I'm sorry, we will abide by the rules."

Afterwards, Jin Huien knocked on the door of the room at the end of the passage, and a staff member in a standard uniform appeared in front of everyone.After the staff had a friendly chat with Jin Huien for a while, all the freshmen officially entered the training room.

There are fifty or sixty top-notch computers in the room. In addition to this staff member, there are three other staff members who look like they are accompanying the freshmen.

These staff let all the freshmen sit in front of the computer one by one, and then started a test program, asking the freshmen to complete all the items of this program.

Although the test program is slightly different from the previous projects Wu Di has done, they are all similar, mainly testing the players' basic e-sports qualities such as reaction power, dynamic vision, and hand speed.

After about half an hour, all the freshmen have completed the quality test, and the rest is for the staff to rank them statistically.

During this statistical period, Jin Huien called Cui Mingxiu to him and said to him:
"These juniors should be longing for the demeanor of senior seniors. You should also take the test. Remember! If your test score can rank first, then the punishment of not being able to finish the meal will be over. But if you don't get the first place, the punishment will continue to take effect!"

This is a step that Jin Huien skillfully gave to Cui Mingxiu-with his third place in the year, it is still very easy to take the first place in the e-sports quality test among this group of fledgling rookies.So, she made such a proposal.

Cui Mingxiu understood, and immediately sat down in front of a computer, and quickly completed the test.Final result: 92 points...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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