Chapter 393

Cui Mingxiu looked at his achievement with complacency, and felt the envious eyes of the students around him, and he was very proud.Especially those few hot female school girls who sip [Mingxiu Ouba] by his side made him happy even more.

Jin Huien coughed twice, and the juniors immediately shut up tremblingly, deeply afraid of offending this seemingly gentle, but in fact stern, beautiful instructor.

After a while, the staff counted the e-sports quality test results of more than 30 freshmen into Jin Huien's hands.

Jin Huien raised her eyes casually, and then her graceful body seemed to see Medusa's eyes... petrified.

On this statistical list, isn't Cui Mingxiu the number one? !But a freshman named Wu?This that young Chinese man?

After countless surprising thoughts flashed through his mind, Jin Huien came back to his senses, lowered his voice, and said in a deep voice:

"Well... In this e-sports basic quality test, the first place is... Wu Youzhi, a specially recruited freshman from China, and his score is... 97 points!
The last one is Han Yuan!Han Yuan was eliminated from the training team of this summer camp!In addition, Cui Mingxiu, you don't have a punishment for dinner today, so carry it out as usual! "

As soon as this remark came out, all the Korean freshmen, including Cui Mingxiu, showed an expression of shock in disbelief!

What?That Chinese guy is No.1? 97 points?Did you make a mistake?Is there a bug in the software?
And Cui Mingxiu immediately cast a murderous look at Wu Di, wishing to tear Wu Di to pieces—because of Wu Di's brilliant performance, he still hasn't got his dinner today!
The other person who hated Wu Di and the others was Han Yuan who was eliminated. This guy was the short Korean freshman who had a verbal fight with Lulu before!
Han Yuan was forced to leave the training team, and before he left, he gave Wu Di a hard look, but Cui Mingxiu put his hatred on Wu Di from the beginning to the end, and never looked away.

After arranging a car to take Han Yuan back to the dormitory, Jin Huien also walked up to Wu Di and asked curiously:

"Have you... ever done any professional training?"

Wu Di replied with a relaxed expression: "I haven't done it. Oh, yes, instructor Jin, is 97 points high or low?"

Lulu on the side immediately saw Wu Di's intentions.She suppressed her smile and sighed in her heart: Brother Wu Di... This is the rhythm of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger...

Jin Huien nodded with satisfaction, and replied: "97 points is a very high score. Don't you know that the highest score of the test software you did just now is only 100 points? Have you never done a similar test before?"

Wu Di pretended to be surprised, and wondered: "The full score is 100 points? I really haven't done such a test. Haha, I didn't expect me to hide it so well. I have such potential."

Jin Huien replied solemnly:

"Yes! Do you know what this score means? Let me tell you this. In South Korea, the average score of the basic quality of e-sports for the second-tier professional players is 80 points, and the average score for the first-tier professional players is 89 points. And we in South Korea Recognized as the number one e-sports player, Li He's e-sports quality score is... 98 points, which is only one point higher than yours.

And your junior, Cui Mingxiu, was ranked third in the middle lane in the year-end ranking of the e-sports department last year, and his e-sports quality score was only 92 points.So, your talent is extremely strong!Well, it seems that it is necessary to re-examine you. I thought that special admissions are based on connections.

Oh, by the way, Mu Piaopiao's score is 82 points, and Lulu's score is 81 points. The quality of these two girls is also considered good. "

There is something in Jin Huien's words, and there is a needle hidden in the cotton. Wu Di is so shrewd, so I can see it naturally-it seems that it is not good to be too eye-catching, and I don't know how many troubles will happen in the future...

After working for a long time, it was already lunch time.

The stomachs of all the freshmen began to growl disobediently, and Wu Di was no exception.As soon as 12 noon arrived, Jin Huien hurriedly took the freshmen to the staff cafeteria of the e-sports base, and arranged lunch for the freshmen.

As soon as he walked into the staff cafeteria of the e-sports base, the scent that hit his face made all the freshmen salivate.And this fragrance comes from the most famous barbecue in Korea!

The three of Wu Di chose a seat by the window, and after the lunch was served in front of them, they immediately started eating. Although the lunch was very simple, only a few pieces of barbecue, rice, kimchi, miso soup and some side dishes, Wu Di was extremely hungry. Or wipe everything off the table.

The two beauties had already finished the small amount of food in front of them, and the rest of the time was spent watching Wu Di perform alone.

Wu Di had a piece of barbecue on the left and a mouthful of kimchi on the right.While eating, he sighed:
"It is said that Korean food is not very tasty, but I think it is very good! Even the most popular kimchi is delicious."

Lulu smiled and replied: "Every country has different characteristics. Is this the first time you eat it? It must be delicious."

After Wu Di drank the miso soup in one gulp, he said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, I have changed my opinion of Korean food, it's very refreshing."

While the three of Wu Di were chatting, Jin Huien came to Wu Di with a bowl of miso soup, and asked politely:

"Can I sit here? I want to talk to you for a while."

Wu Di wiped his mouth grinningly, and said with a smile, "Sit down, please sit down, Instructor Kim, the Korean food is so delicious, don't mind my appearance. I like meat more."

Jin Huien raised her eyebrows, and said with a light smile, "Eat more if you like it, so that you don't have the energy to cope with the training camp later in the afternoon."

Wu Di's eyes widened, and he asked back, "Ah? What's the project for the afternoon?"

"We will have a physical training program in the afternoon. Every professional player, because of sitting in front of the computer for a long time, will cause strain on the cervical spine, eyes, wrists and buttocks. Therefore, our e-sports department will not let our students have not yet stood. On the world stage, you have to fight hard without a healthy body. The physical strength training project is a compulsory subject for every freshman. You have to work hard, otherwise, the last place in this project will also be He was invited back to the student dormitory."

When Lulu heard this, she immediately expressed her dissatisfaction:

"It's not fair, Instructor Jin. The boys have good physical strength. All of them are tall and thick. They can run and jump. Don't we girls have to use the same reference model as them?"

Jin Huien smiled slightly and explained:
"You asked a good question. For girls, we will not use the final elimination system in this event. Girls only need to complete basic physical training subjects, such as long-distance running, sit-ups and other basic events.

However, the boys will carry out the final elimination system!Wu, do you have confidence? "

Of course Wu Di was full of confidence.Under the influence and training of that strange father since he was a child, he not only mastered fighting skills, but also possessed extraordinary physical strength, so of course he was not afraid of physical training.

However, he still put on a worried look on the surface: "Oh, Instructor Jin, I'm a little uneasy. My physical strength has never been very good. If I get the bottom one, will I also be invited back?" Student dormitory?"

Jin Huien still kept his signature smile, and said softly: "Naturally. As I said, we won't exercise privileges on anyone. I can't exempt you from this project by coming here, and I can't. To help you complete the project, I just want to tell you...for some reason, the local Korean freshmen seem to be... quite hostile to you!"

Wu Di put on a frightened expression, and said in horror: "Then what should I do? Will they punish me?"

Jin Huien withdrew her smile, and said solemnly: "During the 5000-meter long-distance running training in the afternoon, you have to be careful, maybe they will attack you!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Huien got up and left, and disappeared from the sight of Wu Di and the others after a while.But after Jin Huien left, he summoned a few Korean freshmen and whispered:

"We're going to have long-distance running training later, when the time comes, you guys will surround that Huaxia boy from front to back, from left to right, and then... find a way to make him stumble or something!"

Several Korean boys have long been unhappy with Wu Di. With the support of the instructor, they are of course willing to do so, but they still don't understand why this beautiful instructor shows such a huge contrast to the Chinese freshman Behavior.

Jin Huien saw what they were thinking, but she didn't say much, she just told them to do what she told them, and not to tell anyone!

After a few freshmen took their orders and left, the corner of her mouth curled up, and she muttered with hatred in her heart:

"Huaxia and South Korea have always been rivals in the e-sports arena! Although I don't know what method these three people used to enter our e-sports department, but... I don't want to see such an outstanding newcomer in the e-sports department. Grow up under our training!"

After the lunch break, all the e-sports freshmen gathered again on the open-air training ground of the SOS team.

This open-air training field is a 200-meter circular runway on the outside, but there are various training facilities on the inside.Horizontal bars, parallel bars, sand traps, basketball courts and a small football field are among them.From the outside, it is a multi-purpose sports field.

After the freshmen were assembled, after Jin Huien whistled, the first and most important physical exercise project—long-distance running and training officially started.

So, Wu Di and more than 20 Korean freshmen began to run hard on the runway...

After three laps, those Korean boys who were instructed by Kim Hye-eun had surrounded Wu Di silently!
Wu Di looked around and listened to all directions, and he had already discovered the abnormal behavior of these freshmen, but he didn't say anything, just laughed and said nothing.

Suddenly, the boy running in front of him slowed down by half a beat, and deliberately stretched his right heel in the direction of Wu Di's progress.As long as Wu Di's foot is half a step forward, he will trip over him!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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