Chapter 397 The Details Determine Success or Failure
At this time, the audience was silent.

This is the first time they have heard of this concept of "details determine success or failure", and it is also the first time they have seen Korea's top e-sports star a little speechless in front of a newcomer.

Although Lee Hyuk is the number one expert in e-sports in Korea, he is actually not good at these general concepts and theories.In most cases, he memorizes and speaks what the trainers and analysts in the team teach.And Wu Di's idea that this detail determines success or failure was thrown out, which immediately aroused the master's reflection.

Wu Di's words are reasonable, but anyone who has a deep understanding of e-sports games can understand the true meaning of these words.Li He has been famous for a long time, and he has so much experience in battles. After thinking about it, he instantly understood the truth that the details determine success or failure.

However, deep down in his heart, he didn't agree!One reason is that he received a different education, and his philosophy deviates from Wu Di's, and the other reason is that he wanted to make things difficult for Wu Di!He didn't believe how profound a newcomer's understanding of e-sports would be, so he continued to ask: "This classmate said it very well, and it seems to be true on the surface. But, I want to ask Can you give an actual example?"

Wu Di had already expected that the other party would most likely distance him, so he nodded with confidence, and continued:

"Let me give you the most obvious example.

For example, a team member did not eat breakfast before the game. In the eyes of most people, this matter seems to have nothing to do with the outcome of the game, right?However, this player's behavior of skipping breakfast will actually affect the final outcome of the game!If he didn't eat breakfast, he would be hungry. If the game was delayed a little longer and the fight was more intense, and his physical strength was exhausted too quickly, the hunger would emerge. It will continue to deteriorate, causing the player to experience dizziness under high pressure. In this way, it will naturally affect his actual combat performance.The League of Legends is a team game. In the case of equal strength, if a player performs abnormally, it will inevitably drag down the team.

This is just a simple example, but it can also provide strong evidence support for my theory just now. "

"Hahaha!" Li He laughed first, "Student, the example you gave is not appropriate. All the students here have seen that in some competitions, due to various uncertain factors in the competition, , and dragged on for a long, long time. The members of those professional teams didn't have time to eat and rest, but they still showed amazing fighting power by relying on their obsession with victory and defeat in their hearts, and finally won the game. Such Examples are common.

So, I think your statement is wrong!In my opinion, the most critical condition to determine the outcome of a game is belief!
A team, if five members have the same beliefs, and work together as one, can win the final victory! "

The Korean freshmen naturally believed in Lee Hyuk's ideas. After a brief silence, they still thought that Wu Di's "details determine success or failure" was just a childish and immature concept.As a result, a look of contempt appeared on their faces again.

"My philosophy is that whoever pays attention to more details will win the game the most. Although belief is an important factor, it is only one of the [details]."

"Really? If you don't have the heart to win the game, it's impossible to win the game. I'm afraid you, a rookie, can't understand it at all." Li He was so powerful that he saw that the freshmen all voted for him. After the eyes, the tone is even more impolite.

Wu Di Youya smiled, but insisted on her point of view:

"[Faith] is just one of the [details] on the spiritual level. This [detail] alone cannot guarantee victory over the opponent."

Next, Li He and Wu Di started a debate that lasted for several minutes, which greatly increased the interest of the freshmen.However, they soon discovered that no matter what questions Li He raised, Wu Di, a newcomer in China, could answer them in a moment.

What a strong eloquence!Is it true that this [details determine success or failure] theory is practical?So, this newcomer from Huaxia can respond smoothly without any pause?
After a few minutes.

Kim Hye-eun has gradually withdrawn from the e-sports stage in recent years, and began to concentrate on cultivating Korean e-sports talents behind the scenes, so she is very concerned about the concept.After hearing Wu Di's shocking words suddenly, she also remained silent, thinking about the implied meaning of these words.And when she heard Li He's refutation of Wu Di's words, her mind suddenly became clear, and she suddenly realized that she quickly stopped the debate between the two.

"Okay, student Wu, don't introduce your own theory anymore. Your theory is very novel and practical. As a newcomer, it is really rare for you to be able to sum up such a theory. And Li He is the number one e-sports player in our country. The theory received is also the brainchild of our Korean e-sports predecessors.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu is the second, if the two of you continue arguing like this, you will not come to the conclusion of who is right and who is wrong.However, student Wu, I want to remind you that Li Hyuk is your senior, you must respect him! "

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said, "Instructor Jin, I'm just explaining my ideas. If you tell me not to talk, I won't."

Afterwards, Wu Di slumped back to his original seat, but he looked at Li He with an obvious smile.

Li Hyuk failed to stumble Wu Di in theory, and felt a little suffocated in his heart, while Jin Huien broke out halfway, which seemed to scold Wu Di, but actually interrupted the debate between himself and Wu Di.Therefore, he glanced at Jin Huien with some complaints.

But Jin Huien was not angry, but immediately looked at the computer beside him, and gave Li Hyuk a hint.After receiving the hint, Li He immediately began to complete his own work with a smile on his face, instead of being obsessed with not being able to verbally defeat Wu Di.

The look in Jin Huien's eyes is obviously telling himself: What are you arguing with him?Wouldn't it be enough to kill him directly in the game without leaving him behind?How powerful can a rookie be?
Two hours passed in a flash.

Li He finally completed the task of lecturing as a routine.As soon as the class was over, he breathed a sigh of relief.Then, he cast a sharp look at the Chinese man who had been looking at him with a smile.That look seemed to say:

bring it on!Have you waited a little longer?Heh, I know you can't wait to be tortured to pieces by me, right?I will fulfill you now!

Li Hyuk walked in front of Jin Huien, pretending to be calm and asked: "Then is the friendship guidance match with the freshmen?"

Of course, Jin Huien understood the implication of Li Hyuk's words, so she cooperated and said:
"Yes, according to our previous agreement, you will have a mentoring match with the top three freshmen in the newcomer training camp. And the first one to play is Wu from Huaxia Kingdom."

Li He wanted to make Wu Di look bad, and after some calculations in his mind, he made a suggestion:
"That's good, I also want to see how strong the newcomers are. Is it a paper tiger talking on paper? Or a real master with real materials? Let me test your quality for myself.

But... Normal heads-up games are not interesting, everyone knows that I mainly play the jungle position, although I can also play heroes in other positions, and the level is also very high, but I prefer to use jungle heroes. Chat with freshmen.

How about this, in order to avoid others saying that I bully the small with the big and don't know how to protect newcomers, let's make a very interesting rule. "

Jin Huien wondered: "Oh? It seems that the number one master in Korea knows how to care for newcomers. If you have any rules, just say it."

While Li He looked at Wu Di arrogantly, he also explained:

"The rule is very simple. I use the [-]V[-] [Summoner's Rift] map for the guidance match with all the freshmen. I will choose a jungle hero, and the freshmen can choose heroes at will. My rule is-we can only Fight in the wild area! Cannot appear on the pawn line! Whoever appears on the pawn line to share the experience and money of the minions, even if it violates the rules, will be directly sentenced to lose! In addition, unless you are killed by the opponent, you can only return to the city once. And One point, everyone should pay attention, whoever does not move in their own base and does not enter the wild area will also be sentenced to lose!

There are no restrictions on summoner skills, you can choose punishment or other skills, but I would like to remind everyone that it is best to carry the summoner skill [Retribution].The power of red and blue BUFF is huge in the early stage.

The victory and defeat conditions of the guidance match are also very simple, whoever can get three heads first will win the guidance match!
In order to give confidence and encouragement to the newcomers, I will give you my autographed photo as a reward for defeating me! "

After Li He said this rule, the freshmen and Wu Di were thinking about the purpose of this arrangement.

After a while, Wu Di was the first to see the implication of Li He's arrangement.

First of all, Li He mainly plays the jungle position, and the heroes he is good at are all jungle heroes, and he must think that if he gets the jungle hero, he will basically be invincible.

Secondly, although Summoner's Canyon is a [-]v[-] map, if it is stipulated that it can only appear in the jungle, this top jungler who has already regarded the jungle as his own territory will definitely be able to thrive in the jungle. It is impossible to get away with being defeated by those newcomers.

In the end, the rule of [whoever gets three heads first wins], of course, was for the sake of simplicity and trouble, thinking that he would be able to make the rookies be strangled in the wild area by himself immediately by virtue of his elusive moves.Moreover, some jungle heroes have extremely strong one-on-one ability. As long as he encounters a crispy ADC hero or a mage hero, it will be easy to get a head.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Wu Di's mouth, after he understood how this kind of regulation should be played, he walked to his seat with great strides!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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