Chapter 398

Wu Dina's indistinct eagerness to wait excited all the Korean freshmen.But after a while, they regained their senses and thought that this arrogant Chinese newcomer was just playing with a flashlight in the latrine—looking for death!
If Li He couldn't defeat this Huaxia man in a short period of time, then his title of "Korea's No. [-] Powerhouse" would be in vain.What's more, the freshmen didn't even think about whether Li He could defeat the opponent. What they thought most was how long it would take Li He to defeat this arrogant boy!
Although the rules of this coaching competition are a bit different, but Li He proposed these rules, coupled with his superior strength, defeating this Huaxia man is as easy as crushing an ant!
When all the freshmen watched the match between Li He and Wu Di with the mood of watching a joke, Wu Di surprised them again in the selection.He actually chose a jungle hero—Udyr, the spirit of the beast? !
Playing jungle with Lee Hyuk, the recognized No. [-] jungler in Korea?This is not looking for death, but that there is no cure!

Lee Hyuk has been playing as a jungler since his debut.And he is obviously a natural rhythm controller. After he officially appeared on the field, the team discovered that this young man has a unique insight into the rhythm of the game.

A long time ago, the pace of League of Legends e-sports competitions was not as fast as it is now. At that time, lane changes were not frequent, and the tactics of pushing towers with three or even four people had not yet been developed, so the rhythm of the early game was completely It is controlled by the jungler alone.The GANK support and anti-squatting of jungle heroes can determine the strengths and weaknesses of a line to a large extent.

At that time, Li He's judgment on the enemy's jungler's position was almost god-level.His performance of predicting things like a god quickly won him the main position and later fame.

If according to Li He's regulations, both sides can only operate in the wild area, then Li He must ignore any opponents!

Therefore, when Wu Di took out Udyr, all Korean freshmen and onlookers thought that Wu Di was digging his own grave—using a jungler to deal with Lee Hyuk?What an idiot!
Wu Di, who was sitting on the armchair, didn't think so much. Anyway, he couldn't understand the words of these Koreans, so he kept smiling confidently, waiting for his opponent to make a move.

The corner of Li He's mouth twitched, and when he was about to take out a jungle hero to deal with his opponent, Jin Huien suddenly walked up to him and said to him in a low voice:
"Don't underestimate the enemy! I'm not doubting your strength, but the background and strength of this Huaxia freshman is a bit confusing!"

Li He turned his head to look at the beautiful instructor with whom he had a lot of entanglements, and said with a light smile:

"You... are too cautious. Even if this unknown Chinese boy has a good e-sports talent and some battle experience, so what? Who am I? I am recognized as the number one master in Korea! He is Who? He's just the third-ranked rookie in the e-sports department's freshman training! Not even the first! Don't worry, I won't capsize in the gutter."

Jin Huien was still worried, and continued to remind: "Use the blind monk, blind monk, you are the most slick, although you can't kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, but this Chinese freshman gives me a mysterious feeling, I think you are still the best!" You should use the momentum of a lion fighting a rabbit, and deal with him in one go!"

Jin Huien's suggestion was finally affirmed by Li Hyuk. Although he never thought that he would lose to Wu Di, he still chose to listen to Jin Huien's words.

Blind monk, here we go!
A dozen or so Korean freshmen suddenly opened their eyes and whispered.

【Hey, no way, Li He actually used a blind monk!You know, in the official arena, his blind monk must be banned. 】

[Li He uses a blind monk, a great god plays a niche?Is it necessary? This Chinese man is really lucky. Although he will be tortured to pieces by Li He, he will be defeated by his blind monk... Well, he should be proud of this! 】

[This rule of God Li He is very suitable for contestants to fight wits and bravery.If you can only hang around in the wild, there are too many places to ambush and counter-ambush!But that Huaxia rookie probably doesn't have much battle experience, so how can he compare with Li He, who has experienced many battles?Let's wait and see how Li Hyuk will play him! 】

The two sides entered the selection process.

And the contest between Wu Di and Li He has already begun from the choice of summoner skills!
Punishment is a must.Under this rule, the heroes of both sides can only hang out in the wild area and kill wild monsters to increase their level. The red and blue buff monsters are amazingly powerful in the early stage, and they can easily hit all level-[-] heroes. Therefore, punishment can quickly kill heroes. These big monsters get BUFF and enough experience. [Punishment] must be worn, which has become the consensus of the two people invisibly.

As for the choice of another summoner skill, it is worth pondering.With [ignite]?Now this version of [Healing Technique] can eliminate the [Healing Effect Halved] effect caused by igniting, and [Healing Technique] can increase the movement speed, which often plays a key role in life and death. Therefore, in this version, [Healing] has a high appearance rate.

Li He squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, but he gave up the healing technique and chose [Weakness] instead!Weakness can reduce the attack speed and attack damage of enemy heroes, and it is indeed the best choice for heads-up.And Wu Di chose [Flash] almost without hesitation!
As for the reason, he was like a bright mirror in his heart: the blind monk has super agility, crossing mountains and wading through mountains and rivers is like playing, as long as the W skill exists in front of him, there is no barrier!Therefore, if you want to kill him at a critical moment, you must carry [Flash] that can pass through walls!
Moreover, although Udyr's W skill can also suck blood, Udyr is a hero who consumes mana. If he flicks a few skills, if he does not have the blue back effect provided by the blue BUFF, he will immediately lose his combat ability.Therefore, out of these two considerations, Wu Di brought Flash.

Entering the screen reading stage, everyone saw the summoner skill choices of both sides. When the Korean freshmen saw that Wu Di was carrying Ignition, they immediately burst into laughter——Blind Monk’s E skill can slow down the target’s movement speed and attack speed. [Weakness] also has the same purpose, and it can also reduce its damage ability.It can be said that if Li Hyuk's skill rhythm is released extremely well, Udyr may not be able to play a decent damage output at all!

Udyr wants to take the first head?Daydreaming!

And when the two sides entered the official battle screen, Li He and Wu Di started the game again!

If you can only fight in the wild, then how to use the opening time of the opponent to kill the first BUFF monster has become the primary issue for both sides to consider.

For level one heroes, it is very difficult to fight the buff monsters. Not only is their own attack power weak, the killing time will be delayed for a long time, and the big wild monsters do good damage, and they can also cause considerable damage to heroes.Under normal circumstances, after killing the first BUFF monster and two mobs, although the hero can be promoted to level 2, he is still dying.Therefore, under Li He's regulations, unless you are sure that the opponent is thousands of miles away from you, then you must be cautious and don't kill the BUFF monster lightly!
【What buff will he hit first?Red BUFF or blue BUFF?Or invade my jungle? ] The same idea appeared in the minds of both parties.

After pondering for two seconds, Li He made a decisive decision, directly bought Dolan's Sword and a bottle of red medicine, and then controlled the blind monk to set off from the base and go straight to the opposite blue BUFF refresh point - such a starting outfit, is In order to get first blood!

How strong is an unknown person's predictive ability?Facing me, the number one player in Korea, he is lucky if he doesn't pee his pants in fright, and dare to fight against my BUFF monster?Coupled with Udyr's lack of mana in the early stage, the jungler's efficiency is pretty good, so... he will definitely open the mana buff first!
After making up his mind, Li He didn't move in the slightest. After setting off from the base, he marched all the way towards the opponent's blue BUFF wild area, but when he reached the river, he let the blind monk get into the grass, and then Quietly waiting for the arrival of 1 minute and 55 seconds.

At that point in time, the BUFF monsters will be refreshed. Before that, it is definitely not the style of the first master to expose one's position too early...

However, Li He has calculated everything and seems to have a plan in his chest, but he can't figure out that Wu Di has already seen through his plan at this time!
Wu Di had naturally thought of everything he could think of.This South Korea's number one master will definitely regard himself as a fledgling rookie, so he concludes that he dare not and will not take the initiative to attack.And according to the characteristics of the hero, he will definitely stay here with the blue buff.So, a smile appeared on the corner of Wu Di's mouth, he bought 5 bottles of red medicine and a wild knife, and quietly went to the opponent's blue BUFF refresh point!
The Korean freshmen were also surprised when they saw that both sides were squatting in the grass not far from the opponent's blue BUFF refresh point.They had blind confidence in Li He, and they didn't believe that this Huaxia rookie could see through the opponent's plan at all!

Just a coincidence... yes!It must be a coincidence!

However, Jin Huien, who has been engaged in e-sports for several years, stared at Wu Di's computer screen with staring eyes.

[No way... These newcomers think that this Chinese man was lucky enough to avoid Li He's blocking, but I don't think so!First, his route to this grass is the shortest route in theory!What does this mean?It shows that he has already planned everything in his heart, without any hesitation or pause!Second, what he brought was a jungle knife and 5 bottles of red medicine... This is the rhythm of directly killing the buff monster!In the early stage of the game, you have to race against time, grab levels, experience, and buffs. His appearance and actions...meaning that he has seen through Li He's tricks, so he...has a better strategy? 】

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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