The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 399 Concession!Korea's No. 1 master!

Chapter 399 Concession!Korea's number one master!

1 minute and 55 seconds finally arrived.

The red and blue BUFF monsters in the wild areas of both sides have been refreshed, and Li He's blind monk sneaked into the grass in the opponent's blue BUFF wild area along the wall around the refresh point!

From the perspective of time, the opponent must not be able to kill this blue buff, and he should have been beaten up by wild monsters with a black nose and a swollen face!At this moment, as long as I touch him lightly, I can get the first blood!

Just as the blind monk rushed into the bushes contentedly, and was about to give Udyr a fatal blow, he suddenly found that the opponent's blue BUFF monster was leading the second general Heng Ha, standing majestically on the spot!
What about people?What about the Udyrs?Did I calculate wrong?impossible!Udyr hits the red BUFF first, and after the fight he won't die and is half disabled, and his mana will be consumed too much!
Um?Could it be that he wants to take advantage of the only chance to go back to the city after finishing the red buff, go back to the base to replenish it, and then go to the wild area?The safety factor is very high... But, when you come to the wild area again, you will be caught by me!

Confident Li He never thought that the opponent had already started killing his own blue buff monsters in his wild area.

In desperation, Li He weighed again and again, and began to kill the opponent's blue BUFF.Since he only brought a bottle of red medicine, after a while, the blind monk finally took great pains to kill the blue BUFF monster and reached level 2, but the blind monk himself was also seriously injured.

Li He expected that the opponent's killing speed would be so fast, so the blind monk simply returned to the city directly!
The South Korean freshmen also sighed slightly when they saw Li Hyuk rushing to nothing and using the only chance to go back to the city.At this time, they turned their heads and found that after Udyr wiped off the blue BUFF early, he had already started to brush the opponent's three wolf wild monsters!
In the current version, if a jungler only kills two BUFF monsters, he cannot reach level three.Two BUFF monsters plus a wave of three-wolf mobs or the experience of four-man mobs can make the jungler hero reach level three.

After Udyr finished beating the three wolves, he also used up four bottles of red medicine on his body, and his life value was even less than half, so Udyr also chose to return to the city at this time.

Both sides used the opportunity to return to the city at the same time, that is to say, if both sides were killed, they would not be able to return to the city to adjust and replenish.Sooner or later their head-to-head confrontation will come!

The freshmen and the staff are all Li He's brainless fans. Seeing that Wu Di has used up the opportunity to return to the city, of course they think that Udyr will be buried in the hands of the blind monk.However, Jin Huien felt a little worried: Udyr has more experience with the three wolf mobs than the blind monk, as long as he kills his own red BUFF, he can reach the third level smoothly!
And when Udyr killed the blue buff just now, the first skill he upgraded was not the R skill that was good for junglers, but the Q skill for fighting!Moreover, after reaching level 2, he also tapped out the E skill that can stun opponents with one palm!
Both skills are for fighting, not Qingye's R or W skills. From this point of view, this freshman from Huaxia... is he going to fight the blind monk?
When Jin Huien was in a trance, Udyr and the blind monk had already arrived at their respective red BUFF wild areas non-stop, and began to kill this tough big wild monster.Both sides bought a few bottles of red medicine this time. The only difference is that Udyr's economy is slightly better because he killed more three wolf mobs than the blind monk. claw】.

This equipment increases the wearer's attack speed by 15%.The only passive effect is [Split]: A normal attack targeting wild monsters will cause 60 additional magic damage and heal itself by 8 HP.

The change of this jungle equipment has made weapons masters, Xin Zhao and other heroes who rely on attack speed rise rapidly in the jungle position. Its cost is not high, but its cost performance is surprisingly high. Its attached attributes can also help Wild heroes clear monsters quickly. It can be said that in the early stage of the game, they are the favorites of jungle heroes.

Because Li He despised Wu Di extremely in his heart, he thought that a Dolan Sword outfit would be able to quickly take away Udyr's head, but he didn't expect that he was in vain, so from the perspective of equipment, Udy Er now has a slight advantage.

Udyr has made the necessary equipment for the jungler, and the clearing efficiency will naturally be ahead of the blind monk, and the level and experience will come faster than the blind monk.

After a while, the red buffs on both sides were cleared by him, Udyr reached the third level, and the blind monk still had a little experience to reach the third level!
At this moment, Udyr was constantly activating the E skill with an acceleration effect, transforming into an unstoppable giant bear, rushing towards the other half of the wild area.

What is he going to do?Now that Udyr has the red and blue buffs in hand, why doesn't he continue to clear the wild, but rushes desperately towards the half of the wild?The blue BUFF big monster there is gone.

Hahaha, this Huaxia kid must have thought that he could still hit Lan's father... Lan... Dad... Dad... No!He didn't walk towards the refresh point of the blue buff at all, but went straight to... the opponent's red buff wild area!

Since the two parties agreed not to appear on any line, if they want to invade the opponent's wild area, they can only take a detour!

This kid's posture is to catch up with the blind monk before he reaches the third level, and take the initiative to find his bad luck?

The onlookers turned their heads and found that the blind monk was indeed still beating the mobs of the group of four, trying to reach the third level quickly, and Udyr had already come not far from him due to the acceleration effect of the E skill!
Finally, the blind monk killed all the mobs in the group of four and successfully reached the third level.

When the upgraded golden light suddenly appeared on the blind monk, Udyr's figure suddenly appeared from the corner like a ghost, and directly slapped the blind monk unconscious with his giant palm in the shape of a bear!
Li He was startled, he never expected Udyr to come so fast, nor did he expect his movements to be smooth and smooth, as if he had decided that he was in this position!
Udyr's E skill stun time is very short, but it is enough for it to switch to Q skill [Tiger Stance] immediately!
Tiger Stance: Shortcut key Q.Active Effect - Udyr temporarily increases attack speed, and his first attack will deal high continuous damage over 2 seconds.Persistent Effect - Udyr's basic attacks deal bonus damage.

This skill could have caused the enemy target to lose blood continuously, coupled with the red BUFF on Udyr, under the pain of the blind monk, the health value has begun to drop violently!
This is Udyr's trump card skill in duels, and the damage to any hero in the early game is very considerable.

However, Li Hyuk has been in the Korean e-sports industry for several years, and his adaptability is also first-class.After regaining his freedom of movement and being slapped again by Udyr, he immediately inserted a free scout guard in front of the blind monk, and used the W skill to come to the side of the eyes gracefully and stay away from Udy for a while. El's clutches.

At this time, if both sides are in a state of full health, the blind monk may use all three skills to deal with Udyr, but Wu Di's Udyr appeared too suddenly, and he used the blind monk to kill wild monsters It was just finished, and the health was not at full value, so Li He immediately chose a temporary retreat.

Immediately afterwards, the blind monk looked back at the moon, and an accurate Q skill hit Udyr's thick body.

Of course, the blind monk didn't dare to release the follow-up skills of the Q skill again, and let himself fall into the tiger's mouth again. He used the Q skill to detect the opponent's movements, and secondly, to consume the opponent's HP.

Udyr succeeded in one blow, and naturally he refused to give up.He activated his E skill again, and rushed behind the blind monk again with a gust of wind.

The blind monk slapped the ground with one hand, and used the first E skill!Since this is an area skill, Udyr couldn't dodge it in time, and it happened that the blind monk released the second E skill again, so that he was slowed down by it.

it is good!
Although the onlookers were amazed that Wu Di's sudden attack was very successful, but Li Hyuk's two countermeasures still showed the demeanor of Korea's number one master.And after the E skill that needs to estimate the positions of both parties was released delicately, the Korean audience applauded secretly in their hearts.

At this time, among the Koreans, only one person was a little worried.

The beautiful instructor Jin Huien can see the current attitude at a glance, which has many disadvantages for the blind monk!

First, the blind monk's free scout guard and W skills have been used, and his life-saving means... no more!

Second, the blind monk's three skills have been handed over, and it is now his skill vacuum period!If Udyr takes another two shots at this stage, he will definitely be bloodied in anger!The other freshmen just watched the fun, but she herself saw that Udyr was carrying a [Flash] that could pass through walls!
Thirdly...why does this Huaxia freshman behave as if he has calculated Li He's movements accurately, every movement is extremely smooth?It's his first time to come to this training room, so it's impossible for him to see Li Hyuk's movements with mirrors or other cheating tools?
Could it be...he is already strong enough to be compared with Li He?
As soon as this thought appeared in Jin Huien's mind, she shook her head desperately, trying to forget it.Before she had time to think about it, the scene had already taken a huge turn!
The escape path of the blind monk is naturally along the vertical wall in the red BUFF wild area, and at this time Udyr is using the accelerated E skill to move through the wall with him!

When the special effect of the blind monk's Q skill disappeared on Udyr, in the blink of an eye, Udyr made a bold move-flash!
Since both sides were walking close to the wall, Udyr's flashing position fell right behind the blind monk's chrysanthemum (oh, no, it was a position behind the buttocks). The bad results began to show—his reaction was half a beat slower than Wu Di's!

And within this half a beat, before the blind monk was about to use flash to escape, he was knocked unconscious by Udyr again!
Udyr's E skill cannot stun the same target within six seconds.And the difference between the time Udyr flashed out to slap the blind monk and the time he slapped him for the first time was just over six seconds!
Next, Udyr changed into a tiger form, dancing with both palms, plus additional additional damage, the bloody blind monk... fell down!
Udyr got the first head!
"Concession! The number one master in Korea!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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