The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 400 Heaven Makes a Chessboard, Stars Make Children

Chapter 400 Heaven Makes a Chessboard, Stars Make Children

Wu Di speaks Chinese, which is unknown to all Koreans, but Kim Hye-eun sees it clearly!
What a big tone!What an arrogant word!Doesn't he know this is in Korea?Doesn't he know that what he is facing is the number one master in South Korea?Doesn't he know that he is just a low-status freshman in the e-sports department?

Jin Huien was annoyed and was about to speak, but found that Li Hyuk was giving her a reassuring look at this time.

The No. [-] e-sports idol in Korea was given first blood by Wu Di. Instead of becoming angry, he even showed a meaningful smile?What does he want to do?According to the regulations, as long as Udyr takes two more kills, Li He, the much-anticipated master, will be ruthlessly defeated by a freshman!Although his golden signboard will not be split in half, his face will definitely be lost!

Li He turned his head away, withdrawing all distracting thoughts in his heart, looking at his own black and white screen, he only took a second to enter a certain magical [state]!
This is the most suitable state that Li Hyuk summed up through countless battles and competitions.Junglers need to keep calm all the time, figure out the opponent's jungler's position or GANK routes, calculate when the golden GANK opportunities will appear on each route, and calculate the approximate damage capabilities of the heroes on both sides.In short, what a jungler needs most is... the ability to calculate!
And this state is a result of a coincidence, after he learned of Brother Shui's state theory, combined with his own experience and dedication to e-sports, he comprehended it by himself!He called this state [chess piece state]!Moreover, according to Brother Shui's theory, it is a second-level supernormal state!
The sky makes the chessboard, and the stars are the sons.The game is like a chessboard, all opponents including your own teammates are chess pieces!The status of the chess pieces will make Li Hyuk temporarily forget the outcome of the e-sports game, forget his own identity, and regard the whole game as a stalemate chess game!Any terrain, any timing when key resources are refreshed, and any hero's skill characteristics can be used by Li He, and become the reliance of his layout, and finally let the opponent fall into the trap he designed!
As we all know, Korean Go geniuses come forth in large numbers, and they are frequent visitors of world champions, and Korean Go players' layout ability and calculation ability are second to none in the industry.After learning about Brother Shui's status theory, Li He found a famous Korean chess player who used League of Legends as a way of leisure and entertainment in his spare time, and had an in-depth discussion and exchange with him. Under the influence of theories and concepts, I finally comprehended this [chess piece state]!
The characteristics of chess piece state and Bing Xin state are similar.It is also based on layout and reasoning, and it is also based on calculating opponents, but there are some subtle differences between the two.The Bing Xin state allows the user to temporarily shield all internal and external interference, and possesses unparalleled reasoning ability, while the chess piece state allows the user to enter the state of selflessness from the very beginning, and start the layout, please enter the urn!
Li He has played in the SOS team for many years, and his experience in nearly a thousand professional games makes him extremely vigilant.He was taken aback by being overturned in the gutter in front of this Huaxia freshman just now, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and realized that this Huaxia boy was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface!
He couldn't understand that sentence in Chinese, but he could tell from the change in Jin Huien's face that it must be a mocking sentence.How many people are there in the e-sports world who can take the initiative to use the big trick of ridicule in South Korea to ridicule the number one player in the country?
What's more, Udyr now has the first blood, leading the level, and has also taken away the double BUFF. If he doesn't work hard, then he is likely to lose here!

Therefore, the cautious Li He withdrew all his underestimation of the enemy, and took the initiative to enter the state of a chess piece, preparing to play a shocking game for Wu Dibu. Wu Di, who was sitting opposite, obviously didn't know this...

After the blind monk came back to life, he just bought a few bottles of red medicine, and then... bought three scouting guards!
The reason why the blind monk has super agility is due to his W skill [golden bell cover].This skill can use all units of one's own side as the grafting target, pass through the wall and cross the sea, escape to the limit, go deep into the enemy's line and make a fuss, and then use the W skill to return to a safe position is not uncommon.

In competitions and matches, the most commonly used graft for blind monks is the scout guard.

When all the onlookers saw the blind monk buying three scouting guards at once, they also had doubts in their hearts, not knowing what Li He wanted to do.As his opponent, Wu Di is of course still not aware of the opponent's strange behavior for the time being. He just continues to happily brush wild monsters in the wild area, waiting for the opponent to appear.

Udyr did not leave the opponent's red BUFF wild area, because Wu Di knew that since Li Hyuk represented the highest level of Korean e-sports, he would naturally not back down.After the blind monk is resurrected, he will definitely not feel at ease to farm wild monsters to gain experience and levels. There is only one thing he has to do—revenge!
After Li He entered the chess piece state, he also seemed to have seen Udyr's whereabouts at a glance - the blind monk went to the red BUFF wild area without a moment's pause.

As soon as he entered the wild area, the blind monk stopped a few positions in front of the first bush.The first thing he did was to be the first to scout the guard on this bush point!
The moment the guard put down the grass, Li He focused on the figure of the enemy who might appear, but... the grass was empty, and the enemy was not here.

However, when the blind monk walked towards the red BUFF wild monster refresh point, Udyr, who looked like a giant bear, bumped into the blind monk with his teeth bared!

Udyr hit the blind monk, but Li He, who was highly concentrated, still pressed the W button on the first scouting guard at the same time!
The blind monk came to the position where the first scouting guard was, but at the same time he was held in place by Udyr.

Due to Udyr's first blood and various advantages, the existence of double BUFF made Wu Di play more aggressively. Although Udyr is far away from the blind monk now, he still rushed towards the blind monk desperately.

After recovering his free body, the blind monk could only retreat quickly.If Udyr sticks to him again, he won't have to play this coaching match.Whether the disadvantage can be regained, the second head is very critical!
The blind monk retreated, but he still used the Q skill to consume Udyr from time to time, and when he accelerated to move behind him, he quickly used the E skill to slow down the opponent.And when the blind monk's QE skills are in a vacuum, Udyr is only half a step away from catching him
, the cooldown of the blind monk's W skill is over!
The second reconnaissance guard was skillfully inserted in the grass by Li He, and the blind monk used it as a wedding dress in an instant, temporarily escaping from Udyr's pursuit.

Unknowingly, the two scouting guards formed a straight line...

Wu Di looked at the situation calmly and continued to pursue!

Wu Di knew very well that the purpose of his outrageous words was not to ridicule his opponent, nor to discriminate against professional Korean e-sports players.What he wants most is whether he can show off Li Hyuk's true skills in this alternative mentoring competition!
Lee Hegui is the number one e-sports star in Korea, and he is also the main jungler. If he can see the true ability of his jungler, even if he loses, what he wants is the essence of this position.

Therefore, Wu Di did not hesitate to control Udyr to chase the blind monk brainlessly. He has an advantage in level and double BUFF.

The same operation keeps appearing on Udyr and the blind monk.Udyr brainlessly uses the E skill to speed up and chase the blind monk, while the blind monk constantly uses the Q skill to consume some of the opponent's blood, and uses the E skill and W skill to keep running away desperately.It's just that during this process, Li He has already clicked on the third scouting guard between the first two scouting guards, and formed a corner with the first two scouting guards!

These three scouting guards are all in the grass, not only can guarantee the vision, but also allow the blind monk to jump over the wall like a martial arts master flying over the wall in this wild area, playing Udyr invisibly.

At first, Wu Di didn't realize that the position of the other party's scouting guards was so important. Later, he discovered that the existence of these three eyes had put him in a dilemma!
Although Udyr is also very flexible, the acceleration effect provided by the E skill makes him agile and move quickly, but whenever he wants to touch the blind monk, he will use the detection guard to escape or get stuck in the field of vision Viewing angle, use E skill to slow down yourself.

After several sprints, Wu Di suddenly found that not only did Udyr not cause too much damage to the blind monk, on the contrary, after repeated consumption of the blind monk's Q skills and E skills, his blood volume was actually lower than that of the blind monk!
Especially when the blind monk's three skills are in the cooldown period, Li He's routine is: kick Udyr with the first Q skill, and then immediately release the second Q skill to cause damage to him, and wait until the opponent reacts , when he was about to slap the blind monk in place with a slap, the blind monk also used the W skill early to cross the wall. Although he would still be stunned, Udyr could only look at the wall and sigh, and he couldn't do anything to the blind monk.

Although the entire consumption process was a little slow, and both sides had bottles of red medicine to restore their health, after 2 minutes passed, Udyr had finished drinking the medicine, but the blind monk still had a bottle of medicine that could continue to be consumed.Moreover, in order to get the first blood, Udyr surrendered the flash early, and the blind monk's flash has been held in his hand, so Udyr has lost all chances to fight his opponent!
In addition, the duration of the scout guard is 3 minutes, that is to say, the blind monk can still use the triangle array he set up to continue to consume Udyr!

Faced with such a predicament, Wu Di did not show any anxiety.Jin Huien, who observed him deliberately, also saw that Wu Di's expression was exactly the same as before the fight started.

According to the current situation, Udyr will definitely be played to death by the blind monk!Moreover, this scene will appear before the three scouting guards disappear!But...why did this mysterious young Chinese man show such obvious excitement?What exactly does he want?
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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