Chapter 401
What Wu Di wanted, of course, was for Li Hyuk to personally demonstrate his jungle skills!

Therefore, at this moment, he behaved exactly like a primary school student, when he saw the shadow of the blind monk, he rushed forward without hesitation.It was precisely because of his mindless pursuit that Udyr's health was also exhausted by the blind monk.When the next time the blind monk's three skills are cooled down, he no longer walks gracefully, no longer flinches, but turns around directly, and fights Udyr recklessly.

The blind monk took down Udyr with three strikes, five divisions and two divisions, and got a head, but his own life value was also consumed by more than half.Since both sides used up the only chance to return to the city, the blind monk had to continue to clear the wild through the recovery effect of red medicine and W skills, so that when Udyr came to the wild area again, he could have a good state.

Wu Di's computer screen turned into a black and white picture, but there was a knowing smile on his face.

Blind monk, scouting guards, elegant walking, estimation of skill cooling time, analysis of hero characteristics... In less than 3 minutes just now, you have deduced so many things for me, thank you, Li Huh!
Although it was just a one-on-one match between two junglers, and there were some strange rules, but if I saw the big picture from the small, I already understood some of the essence of the jungle.

Most players and players always think that the biggest role of jungle heroes is to bring the rhythm of their own team in the early stage of the game, use gank and anti-squat to destroy the offensive of the opponent's jungle heroes, so as to establish an online advantage for teammates.This understanding is the foundation of the jungler, and it is also the foundation of the jungler, there is no doubt about it.

However, everyone knows this common sense, but how many real junglers are there?Ah!In order to bring out the maximum effect of a jungle hero, the most necessary quality of the player who controls it is... Calculation!
The blind monk was taken first blood by my Udyr, and when the level economy is dominant, he bought three scout guards uncharacteristically, and set up a horn formation in the wild!In addition, his precise Q skills and E skills are released just right every time, which abruptly took back my first-blood advantage!

Everyone said that I was the best player at snowballing. Everyone thought that I could continue to magnify my early advantages in all lanes, but what about this time?My huge initial advantage was forcibly redeemed by the blind monk's three scouting guards and the perfect flying Q magic skill!

The jungle position is different from the normal laning position!For a long time, I thought that by recovering the memory of the four online positions, I could follow the same pattern, so that I could logically infer the essence of the jungler.Such thinking is wrong!

Jungle hero, after obtaining double BUFF, is of course a golden opportunity for gank, but if unfortunately killed by the opponent, it does not necessarily mean that the jungle position will collapse!The role of the jungler is to help teammates gain an online advantage, and the constant invasion and anti-squatting makes this advantage bigger and bigger.Even if it dies in the early stage of the game, as long as you can skillfully use your skills and calculate the opponent's position and behavior, then the jungler can also regain the situation!
Isn't this blind monk successfully killing Udyr under such a big disadvantage? Isn't it the best example?It doesn't matter whether the jungler is killed by the opponent's jungler or not!What matters is whether it can use hero traits to help teammates gain an advantage.The hero of the blind monk is known as the strongest rhythmic hero in the early stage. Li He's performance just now has demonstrated most of the gameplay of this hero to me!
The harvest is quite fruitful... Wu Di sighed infinitely in his heart, and after a while, he also exerted his full strength - he blocked all internal and external disturbances, and entered the state of ice heart where everything is quiet in his heart!
When he had just entered Bingxin state, he had already started to quickly calculate the opponent's next behavior. After a while, he was startled, and calculated what the opponent was currently doing - killing wild monsters!
Since Udyr was killed by the blind monk again, the red and blue double buffs were handed over to the blind monk again. Although he with all the double buffs can't go back to the city to replenish equipment, his jungle efficiency is definitely not bad!Moreover, as long as the blind monk reaches the sixth level and has the ultimate move [Shenlong Wagging Tail], he will be a deadly threat to Udyr.

Udyr, a jungle hero, is very special. He can tap the R skill [Phoenix Form] at the first level.The phoenix form is usually used to clean up wild monsters, and its efficiency is extremely high, but in order to fight against Li He, Wu Di did not upgrade this phoenix form at the first three levels, but ordered two levels of tiger form and the first level of giant bear form.In the case of the red BUFF, the one-on-one ability of the Phoenix form is quite good, but now that the BUFF is not on the body, it seems a little redundant to click on the R skill.

At this moment, the blind monk must be desperately brushing wild monsters to upgrade. When he reaches level six, his agility and gameplay will be more diverse. In fact, Udyr doesn't matter if he doesn't reach level six, because Wu Di is not Main upgrade R skills.

Wu Di's mind was clear. When he deduced that the blind monk must be desperately upgrading, he simulated several possible battle plans, and then...he made the most correct choice-I will brush too!

The Korean freshmen were naturally elated after seeing the blind monk win a victory, and they were full of confidence in their idols again.And when they saw Udyr plunge into their own wild area and brush wild monsters, they ridiculed in their hearts that this arrogant Chinese must be scared of being beaten, so they didn't dare to find the blind monk desperately.

Jin Huien greatly agrees with Wu Di's approach: If you go to the blind monk to fight recklessly at this time, you will definitely not end well.Instead of throwing himself into the trap, it is better to grind monsters to gain experience and levels. The double BUFF of the blind monk is about to disappear, and there is no return equipment to replenish it. Then there is still a fight.

Next, the scene of this game became extremely dull.The two heroes, the blind monk and Udyr, have been staying in their own wild area, constantly fighting wild monsters to the death.

After a few minutes passed, the blind monk reached the sixth level first with a flash of golden light!At this time, Udyr is only level five, and the BUFF monsters of both sides are refreshed again!
This time, Li He made careful calculations, and it was expected that Udyr would use the red buff first, so that he would have the ability to fight hard, and then he would use the blue buff.So, he quickly killed his own red buff and invaded the opponent's wild area early.

He squatted in the grass outside the blue BUFF monster spawn point, and ordered a free scout guard in the BUFF monster internal test grass, and then quietly waited for Udyr's arrival...

Wu Di in Bing Xin's state had already simulated the possible actions of the blind monk.He smiled slightly, and made up his mind...

After clearing the red buff monster, Udyr didn't go to the opponent's blue buff wild area where there was no one, but ran directly to his own blue buff monster.It's just that... Udyr stopped when he was about to be discovered by the scouting guard of the blind monk.

Udyr has not appeared in the field of vision for a long time, and Li He is not in a hurry.The reason is simple, when killing BUFF monsters, the role of [Punishment] is indispensable.It can not only cause massive damage to wild monsters in an instant, but also avoid being snatched by opponents. Therefore, under normal circumstances, when killing big wild monsters, junglers will wait for the [Punishment] skill to cool down.

And the two sides just used [Punishment] to kill their respective red buff monsters. If calculated according to the 40-second cooldown time, neither side can use punishment yet.So it is reasonable for Udyr not to kill the blue buff all the time.

After ten seconds passed, Li He, who was confident in his mind, still did not wait for Udyr's figure, which made him a little weird.

According to the normal situation, Udyr should have come a long time ago.Although the punishment will take a few seconds to cool down, but counting the time consumed by the journey and the time to kill wild monsters, there is no need to wait for these few seconds?

Another seven or eight seconds passed by.

Li He was a little confused by Monk Zhang Er.My inference is definitely not wrong!Udyr definitely wants to get the blue BUFF!But why the cooling time of [Retribution] has been up for several seconds, and it has not yet appeared in the field of vision?
Could it be that he knew I was ambushing here, so he ran to my wild area early to fight my blue buff monster?

How could a newcomer have such courage?Is he really just a rookie?In the chess piece state, he is just a chess piece in my hand, how could he escape my schemes?
Just when Li He was puzzled, Udyr walked along the wall next to the three wolf wild monsters, and quietly touched the grass where the blind monk was.

Since he has been walking close to the wall, his figure has always been out of the sight of the blind monk!

Then, Udyr stopped, and after the blind monk waited for a few more seconds, Li He finally concluded that the opponent must be killing his own blue buff, so he couldn't hold back, and he controlled the blind monk to kick towards him. Overwhelmed the opponent's blue BUFF monster!
From Udyr's position, he couldn't see the blind monk in the grass, but he could clearly see the flying kick!Afterwards, he backed away immediately, and rushed towards his own blue buff from the other side of the spawn point of the three wolves wild monsters!
Since Li He's reconnaissance guard is inserted in the grass of the blue BUFF internal test, Udyr's running action on this side cannot be noticed by the blind monk!
The South Korean onlookers who saw this scene had their hearts raised in their throats. They really wanted to remind Li He that the Chinese freshman was using tricks, and he had been squatting back to guard Li He all the time!'s too late.

After a few seconds, the onlookers were stunned to see a scene that they couldn't even believe it!
Li Hegui is the number one master, although he maintains the good habit of never using [Punishment] until the last trace of HP, but when the HP of the blue BUFF monster is reduced to only one [Punishment], he will be killed, The buff of the big wild monster did not float to the blind monk, but to Udyr who had just entered the grass inside!
BUFF was robbed!Moreover, Udyr took the lead in turning into a giant bear posture and launched an attack on the blind monk!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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