Chapter 402
The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

The blind monk was caught off guard, and Udyr's giant bear form moved too fast, in the blink of an eye, the blind monk was immediately stunned by him!
But how could Li He be an idler? The moment he was photographed by Udyr, he had already controlled the blind monk to play two stages of E skills!
Udyr's attack speed and movement speed are weakened at the same time, but this does not affect Udyr, who has upgraded his tiger form to level 3, and launched a stormy offensive!

In Udyr's tiger form, the most powerful is the first two general attacks, so when he is slowed down, his output ability should not be underestimated.

After Udyr scratched the blind monk twice with his sharp tiger claws, the blind monk regained his ability to move.However, Li He didn't use the scouting guard to do the grafting and escape, but stood on the spot without fear and fought Udyr recklessly!

The first skill released by the blind monk is naturally the W skill [Golden Bell Cover]. This skill can not only add a shield, but also give the blind monk the ability to suck blood. It is understandable to use this skill first when fighting recklessly.

Next, all the onlookers stared wide-eyed, staring at every move of the blind monk-if the blind monk wants to defeat Udyr, his Q skills and R skills must be released just right.Especially the Q skill, you must not miss it!
These Korean freshmen have all used blind monks, and they know that blind monk's Q skill is actually very difficult to hit opponents when fighting with opponents at close range!Because when the blind monk dances face-to-face with the opponent at zero distance, although the trajectory of the Q skill does not need to travel so long, in fact, the opponent hero can easily dodge with just a slight twist of the body!

Of course Li He knew this very well.While using the slashing technique, he paid close attention to Udyr's moving position, ready to release his Q skill at any time.

Although Wu Di has not recovered the memory of being a jungler, he has never seen a pig run but has eaten pork - he has already learned some mainstream games of the blind monk through videos and observations of the people around him.So he also understands that in front of the blind monk who has the ultimate move, he must not be kicked by him, otherwise the outcome will be unpredictable!
At this critical moment of life and death, Udyr didn't use slashing!Unexpectedly, he took a strange and strange step in front of the blind monk!

The reason why Wu Di doesn't use the slashing technique is also very simple - he is afraid that Lee Hyuk, the number one master in Korea, will figure out the rhythm of his slashing and slashing, and then he will be caught by other players at the moment when he makes a general attack and the [pause point] appears. hit.

Wu Di, who has recovered most of his strength, of course knows that he must not stick to the rules in a duel between masters, and only by surprise can he win!

So, he let Udyr walk this strange step that looks like a waltz.Moreover, he only attacks the blind monk once in a while, preventing him from controlling his attack rhythm!
Udyr started to walk around the blind monk in an arc, but he stopped and walked, and kept changing the direction of walking, which made Li He not dare to use his own strength easily for a while. Q skills.

When each skill is released, its running speed is different.Although the blind monk's Q skill [Tianyin Strike] runs faster, as long as the enemy hero's movement speed is fast enough, it is still not easy for the blind monk to kick the opponent.

The cooling time of Udyr's various skills is extremely short, so he can switch to the giant bear form the moment he sees the blind monk raise his hand, and use the increased movement speed of this form to quickly avoid the blind monk's Q skill.

Li He frowned, and there was a trace of hesitation in his heart.This waltz-like gorgeous movement proved that the strength of the Chinese newcomer he was fighting against was not as weak as it appeared on paper.

Who is he?This extremely novel pace, I have never heard of it!Arc movement is the most difficult movement technique to master, because he needs super-high hand speed for support, and every time he moves, he must click the mouse continuously to ensure that the hero can walk out of this gorgeous-looking movement. bit mode.

However, Li Hyuk's hesitation disappeared afterward.Because he discovered an amazing fact: Although Udyr has exquisite steps, he actually regards the blind monk he controls as a steel pipe!It's pole dancing around the blind monk!

After discovering this, Li Hyuk threw out a Korean curse in his heart, and then he stopped entangled, but manipulated the blind monk to raise his right hand, making a gesture to use his Q skill!
Can it hit Udyr?This question arose in everyone's mind.

[Tianyin Strike] Sent!Did you win?bingo!

The Korean freshmen burst into ecstasy.But the next scene left them stunned—although Udyr was kicked by the blind monk, he had already dragged on for six seconds to deal with his opponent!Therefore, in the giant bear form, he has already slapped him with one palm, and once again fixed the blind monk in place!

Immediately afterwards, Udyr switched to the tiger form again, swishing his two claws, causing the blind monk's health to drop rapidly. Even without counting the subsequent continuous damage, the blind monk's blood volume at this time is already below half!
At this critical moment, Li He decided to trade his life for his life!
After the blind monk regained his ability to move, he immediately launched a crazy counterattack against Udyr.Since the second stage of the Q skill adds additional damage based on the target's current health (the lower the target's health, the higher the damage of the blind monk's second-stage Q skill), so the blind monk is completely reckless. Dill is up to it.

Basic attack, E, general attack, E... Then there was a kick that cut off the sons and grandchildren——【Shenlong Wagging Tail】Sent out impressively!
Udyr was kicked back, and before he landed, the blind monk sent out the second paragraph immediately before the Q skill was about to expire!

This section of damage combined with the burn effect of the red BUFF is very impressive.Udyr's health dropped by half in an instant, and at this time his health was less than 100 points!
On the other hand, blind monk, his life is also difficult.After being caught twice by Udyr again, the extra damage of the tiger form echoed the burn effect of the red BUFF, instantly reducing the blood volume of the blind monk to only 40 points!
After a wonderful duel, although the life value of the blind monk was not optimistic, all the Korean freshmen and Jin Huien breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

Because, it seems that as long as the blind monk is touched by Udyr, he will be killed by him, but the current situation is-after the blind monk played a set of the strongest burst attacks on Udyr, he immediately used the W skill to come Next to the scouting guard in the grass, temporarily distanced himself from Udyr!

Although the level of these newcomers cannot be compared with top experts, they understand that the situation at this time can be completely controlled by the blind monk.After opening the distance with Udyr, what the blind monk has to do is extremely simple...he only needs to wait for his Q skill to cool down!When the next Q skill cools down, according to Udyr's current health, he will definitely be able to kill him with one kick!

As long as Udyr pursues the blind monk foolishly, the blind monk can kill him before he touches himself.

Of course, Wu Di understands the agility of the blind monk and the current situation, so he didn't act like a schoolboy when he deliberately tried it just now, and chasing the blind monk recklessly is naturally seeking his own death, so Udyr... directly Turn around and leave!
Udyr not chasing?Really not chasing?Didn't he just keep trying to kill the idol?Not chasing now?

Jin Huien's eyes were shining brightly, and Wu Di's behavior was completely different, which made her suspicious.

This kid...why is he behaving like this?what do you wantoh!What he wants is... I get it!This game can't go on.The identity of this Huaxia boy is too suspicious!Although my friend in Huaxia helped me find out his background and knew that he was just a college student master. He once formed a team to participate in the low-level competitions in Huaxia, trying to enter the professional league, but in the end the team was disbanded. ...

This information is not enough to reveal the true identity of this Huaxia boy!Maybe... his team is a chess piece he arranged!This man is not simple, and must be investigated in depth.

As for why he took the initiative to invite Li He to fight, I figured it out... He wanted to steal from Li He!
At this point, Jin Huien's mind turned sharply, and finally came up with an idea.

She walked in front of Wu Di in three steps at a time, and said aloud:
"Okay, you performed very well, there is no need to continue this game, it can be terminated."

Wu Di was puzzled, raised his head, and said with a soft smile: "Instructor Jin? Why didn't you fight anymore? This match is a life-and-death match."

When Jin Huien heard this, he confirmed the guess in his heart.Good boy!He actually set his mind on our No. [-] master in Korea!Hmph, sooner or later I will reveal your false face and see what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd.

"Well, no need, Li Hyuk is the number one star of SOS, and his time is limited. You have already exceeded expectations in this match. He has more important things to do, so this match can only be called off."

Wu Di smiled, but did not insist on fighting again.He stretched his arms and stood up.

"Okay then, I'll follow Instructor Jin's orders! I'm really sorry, I didn't expect Senior Li He to be so strong, and I've been fighting for so long without knowing it."

Jin Huien gave Wu Di a supercilious look, and didn't speak to him, but went straight to Li He's side, and whispered in his ear:

"Don't question my decision. This Huaxia person wants to steal his teacher! That's why I told you not to fight."

"Stealing a teacher?" Li Heqi said, "What kind of teacher can he steal? Besides, his strength is really strong."

"I don't know... I just know that his performance before and after is too big, which always makes me a little uneasy. Forget it, you can go to your own business, and don't teach the other two freshmen. I will investigate this Huaxia carefully. Human."

Afterwards, Kim Hye-eun led all the freshmen back to campus after bowing deeply to the hard work and staff who took care of them.

After a bumpy journey, the three of Wu Di also returned to Chung-Ang University in South Korea.

And just when the best of the newcomers in this group of training camps were about to answer their own dormitories, Jin Huien issued another instruction: "Congratulations to everyone who passed the training camp. Next, there is another compulsory item before the school starts-playing rankings." Race!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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