The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 403 Gaming Enthusiasm

Chapter 403 Gaming Enthusiasm
Play qualifying?

The three of Wu Di looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what the importance of this compulsory subject was.The rest of the Korean freshmen are even more confused, not knowing what kind of qualifying match the beautiful instructor is going to let them play.

Jin Huien was expressionless, and under the puzzled eyes of everyone, he said slowly:

"You are all e-sports geniuses selected by thousands of people to enter our Chung-Ang University in South Korea. Although... there are some privileged students. However, your e-sports quality is far beyond that of ordinary players, so we will focus on training every freshman. However, not every freshman will become an all-powerful top professional player, and not every freshman can lead the way to his dream.

Here, I have to put the ugly words up front.The e-sports world is extremely cruel. Although you all have e-sports dreams of one kind or another, there is only one team that can stand at the top!Therefore, you must be mentally prepared to be eliminated at any time.This is hard to hear, but it is also an ironclad fact.

Of course, explaining the current situation clearly to everyone is also responsible to everyone.Ok, now let's get to the point.The qualifying match I asked you to play is the qualifying match of the Korean national server!
What you have to do is to start calling from a new account in the ten days before the official start of school, and then make statistics ten days later.Play as high a rank as you can.It is still the old rule, the top three will be rewarded, and the last one will be given [special care].In addition, all freshmen who left the training team before will also re-enter the evaluation queue together.Don't take it lightly, there are all kinds of training programs, and it is normal for many freshmen to be unsuitable and eliminated, but this does not mean that their e-sports strength is really much inferior to yours!

In short, I would like to remind everyone that all the training subjects and compulsory courses of the e-sports department will be assessed. If you cannot get the favor of a professional team during the two years of study, then you will be able to obtain a higher score when you graduate. If there are more credits, the leaders of our e-sports department will also recommend top-ranked freshmen to top professional teams!

You come here, as long as you put in enough effort, as long as you can continue to grow, your future will be bright!
Hanbok will open a brand new server at 12:108 tonight, the serial number is [-].I look forward to your excellent performance. "

After the training session, Kim Hye-eun announced that the trainees were disbanded.

A group of freshmen had already been exhausted by the training camp, so they hurried back to their dormitory and began to sleep soundly, in order to recharge their energy and rush to play the new server at 12 o'clock.

And Wu Di and the three looked at each other and smiled, and slowly returned to their dormitory.

Lulu jumped to Wu Di's dormitory, and suggested: "Brother Wu Di, you want to play a qualifying game on the public server. Let's double queue together? I'm very good."

Wu Di smiled, noncommittal, just expressed his own consideration:

"Double queuing is fine, but the problem is that we have to upgrade our new account to level 30 first, otherwise we are not eligible to play ranked matches. Oh, by the way, we have to buy more than 15 heroes to participate in ranked matches Sai. This process is a bit slow."

Lulu smiled sweetly and explained:
"Don't worry. I've already asked other freshmen, and they said that we can buy quadruple experience packs, quadruple gold coin cards and other props, so that our new account can quickly reach the capped level of level 30."

Wu Di was taken aback, and asked: "Is this still possible? Can the purchase cost of the props be reimbursed?"

Lulu laughed dumbly and said: "Oh, how much is that worth, but the beautiful instructor said that it can be reimbursed, but for that little money, I went to the leader, it's a bit of a big deal."

Wu Di replied with a smile: "This project was arranged by the leaders of the e-sports department. It's only natural to get reimbursed. Anyway, I'm going to reimburse the expenses. Oh, I don't have any credit cards or Korean won, so the purchase of props depends on you." .I'll give it back to you."

Lulu was about to refuse, but Mu Piaopiao quietly appeared beside the two of them, causing Lulu to scream.

"Ah! Please, sister Piao Piao, can you make a sound when you appear? People are scary and scary!"

Mu Piaopiao still had that dull expression, and ignored Lulu, but looked directly at Wu Di, and asked in a cold voice:
"I want to play with you in the Hanbok qualifying match, is that okay?"

Before Wu Di opened her mouth, Lulu was already unhappy: "Sister Piao Piao, don't bring such a thing. I first asked Brother Wu Di to make this suggestion. You can't get in the way. You have to pay attention to the order."

Mu Piaopiao thought for a while, and felt that Lulu's words were reasonable, so without waiting for Wu Di to answer, she nodded indifferently and exited Wu Di's bedroom.

Wu Di opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.Lulu giggled, grabbed Wu Di's arm, and said with a playful smile:
"Brother Wu Di, do you like sister Piao Piao?"

"Where is it! I don't like anyone now!" Wu Di's expression turned serious.

"Ah? That's right, but I think sister Piao Piao is as cold as a thousand-year icehouse on the surface, but in fact she is very hot inside. I think she misses you very much."

"Don't talk nonsense, you all know the purpose of my coming here, you are just a naughty little girl, so don't cause me any trouble. Hurry up and recharge the Korean currency, let's buy the props first, after the server opens at night, Play a few matches first.

Um?Matchmaking can be done with several people. Hurry up and ask Mu Piaopiao to come back, and say that the three of us can fight side by side until we reach level 30. "

Lulu frowned, and finally called Mu Piaopiao back reluctantly, so the three of them agreed to go to bed now and start the fight on time at 12 o'clock in the evening!
12pm late at night.

The three of Wu Di gathered in his single bedroom.Lulu and Mu Piaopiao each hugged a laptop and sat beside him.What Wu Di uses is a top-notch desktop computer, which is a training computer specially equipped by the e-sports department for every freshman, and its performance is almost the same as that used in official competitions.

"Let's get started...hehe, I haven't done [opening black] for a long, long time, and I miss it."

The eccentric Lulu smiled mysteriously, and blurted out, "Brother Wu Di, do you know what the highest state of [opening black] is in this era?"

"What? There's still a highest state in open black? I haven't heard of it, can you tell me?" Wu Di suddenly became interested.

"Cough cough", Lulu coughed twice, and then said: "The highest level of blackout is our current state, no need to speak, no need to worry about each other's network status, and can shout and highlight the power Competition enthusiasm!"

Wu Di showed doubts on his face, and couldn't help asking: "When we sit together, we definitely don't need to use voice and don't have to worry about who is disconnected, because we are all using the same network, and we have to drop together... But you are right. Yelling, what do you mean?"

Lulu chuckled and didn't explain, but urged the two to quickly create a new account, enter the new server, and get them to play a game of computer first.Playing against the computer is a rigid rule, otherwise, it is impossible to directly fight in the matching mode.

But... when Wu Di entered the game out of boredom, before the fierce fight with the computer brothers, Lulu cleared her throat, and suddenly shouted:
"Up, up, up! Damn it! The opposite side is a group of Vegetable B, and they beat them so hard that they have no chance of surrendering in 20 minutes!"

As soon as these words came out, both Wu Di and Mu Piaopiao cast alien-like eyes on Lulu—daring to show their enthusiasm for e-sports, this is the highlighting method.

Opposite is a computer!
Lulu laughed again, and explained: "Don't think I'm mentally out of order. I'm just going to prove to you what is the passion for e-sports. It's fun to play black games. Let's take this game first. The computer brothers are familiar with it, warm up."

Ever since, in the 305 dormitory where Wu Di was staying, an incomparably fanatical voice resounded throughout the space.Lulu proved with her actual actions that such is the passion for e-sports!


After learning from the computer, the three of them started their hacking journey with great anticipation!
Three first-level trumpets, no runes, no talent points, if you encounter a full-level opponent in the line, you will still suffer a lot.No matter how strong the players or players are, if they are not as good as others in terms of hardware, they should still be conservative.

Wu Di wanted to restore his jungle memory. He originally wanted to choose a jungle hero to practice, but when he thought that he had no runes or talent, he would be easily killed by wild monsters. So, after thinking about it, he suggested:
"By the way, I've always been curious about your e-sports prowess. Although there were various training programs in that summer camp, those with strong e-sports skills may not be able to stand out in this training camp, but you two really stayed until the end!
I've seen Mu Piao Piao's hand speed before, and his e-sports talent is good, but what about you, Lulu, when did you have a good e-sports ability? "

Lulu was very happy when she heard that Wu Di had developed a strong interest in her.She smiled heartily and replied:

"Hey, this game will let you experience my strength. My main style of attack is your...finishing style."

"What kind of horse?" Wu Di was startled, turned his head to look at Lulu directly, and asked in surprise, "You know my ending flow? Are you kidding me?"

Lulu showed a shy expression deliberately, and replied: "Don't look at people like this, I will be shy. Of course I will follow your end flow, I am your most, most, and most loyal fan!"

"Okay then, I'll choose a support hero, you play ADC, I'll see what's going on with your finishing flow. Wait, I'm still worried... Tell me about your understanding of the finishing flow What's the play like?"

To Wu Di's surprise, Lulu withdrew her fickle expressions and said solemnly:

"I have studied all of your game videos. The main core of the ending style of play is to predict all the next actions of the object to [end], and then attack first, destroying all the actions of the [end object]! Finally, Let it be targeted infinitely by itself, and it will not be able to perform at its due level."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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