The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 404 Ranking 4 Commandments

Chapter 404 Ranking Four Precepts

"Savvy is good. But those who are familiar with me know that this is the characteristic of my finishing style of play. Well, it's useless to say more, let's start playing, but the matching mode and new account don't show any clues yet. In the next two days , we have to work hard to reach level 30 first. I will take you to play a dozen Hanbok qualifying matches!"

Wu Di did have a strong interest in Lulu. He always felt that this Barbie-like girl could bring him some strange feelings.In addition, she said that she is good at finishing and playing, which made Wu Di even more interested.If Lulu's finisher style is learned decently, then I may find some of the most familiar memories in the cooperation with her!

For the next two days, apart from eating and sleeping, the three of Wu Di got together to play League of Legends.Due to the excessive enthusiasm of the three of them, when the new accounts of the three of them reached level 30, just one day and 20 hours had passed.

"Level 30 has been reached, and the next step is to play qualifying, Mu Piaopiao, you have to fight on your own?" Wu Di exhaled, the [-] to [-] hours really made him terribly tired.

Mu Piaopiao didn't even hum, just picked up his laptop and left Wu Di's dormitory without looking back, making him, who kindly wanted to care a few words, stunned on his seat in embarrassment.

"Oh, brother Wu Di, sister Piao Piao is very cold-tempered, don't worry about it. Shall we start the qualifying match now, or wait for a night's rest and fight tomorrow?" Lulu said.

"Let's talk about it after a night's rest. We are all tired. Besides, playing qualifying doesn't mean you can get up if you can get up."

Lulu smiled and said, "With you as a great expert, of course, if you hit it, you hit it with a bang."

Wu Di burst out laughing, and asked back dumbfoundingly:

"Have you ever played qualifying in the national server?"

"Of course I did. I'm in the eighth district, and I've already reached the diamond group. How about it? It's very strong, right?"

Wu Di shook his head: "It seems that you have never experienced the most famous [District [-] phenomenon] in the national server."

"Ah? What is the phenomenon of the first district? I have never heard of it."

Wu Di patiently explained: "Area [-] is known as the place where great gods and meteor craters gather. Here, maybe you can meet the top professional players in China, and maybe you will also meet [There is no worst pit, only Even more pitiful elementary school players. In short, in this area, if you don’t have a good partner to duo with you, it’s really hard to fight.”

Lulu covered her mouth and showed an exaggerated expression of surprise: "Is it that exaggerated? I really haven't played in the first area of ​​the Huaxia national server. But I do know that it is a place where great masters gather. Many top teams in China They all pay special attention to this regional server, and they will pay special attention to those amateur players who have reached the diamond group and above, and if they are really outstanding, they will throw an olive branch to them."

Wu Di nodded and said:

"You're right. That's the fact, so this has also created the phenomenon of too many players in the first district. Some people are looking for a big god, and some people are looking for a player to play for the e-sports dream in their hearts. A platform of strength. But in most ranks below the diamond group, the qualifying match in the first district is the most difficult to play! No one! Moreover, the lower the rank, the less sure the game is, even if the world's top players are in the If you are in a solo row here, you may be cheated by a group of gods and lose your godhead.

In the low-level qualifying competition in the first district, the comparison is not which side has a higher level, but which side has fewer cheaters.Many times, you lose the game without even thinking about it.I just saw a post some time ago and I want to share it with you.

It was said that there was a player in the diamond group from another server. After learning that his good friend had been stuck in the gold group in the first region and couldn't make it for a long time, he immediately raised his eyebrows and said contemptuously [I just want to go to the next game] Platinum?Brother help you!No. Bring it. 】

Afterwards, the player in the diamond group started his miserable qualifying career in the first zone - on the first day, this person was full of eye-catching bright red (all losses), and he said [Well... the network is unstable , often stuck or short-term], so my good friend Babailijia hurriedly sent a game-specific plug-in, which can greatly improve the network speed; Said [the mouse and computer are a bit old, which affect their performance], so my good friend hurriedly sent a brand-new luxury configuration computer and a top-level optical mouse; on the third day, a green game finally appeared in this person's battle record , but the rest of the games were still very popular. He said [the qualifying match in the first district is not suitable for me...], so the good friend was speechless. "

Lulu nodded thoughtfully, and said optimistically: "Hahaha, brother Wu Di, is what you said true or false? Well, even if it is true, you don't have to worry too much, we are now In South Korea, you are playing in Hanbok, so there shouldn’t be a [District [-] Phenomenon].”

Wu Di waved his hand and said with a smile: "Not necessarily. Although the phenomenon of the first district will not appear in this new Korean server, but think about it, why Jin Huien asked us talented freshmen to play in the ranking of this district server Competition? Is it just to increase our actual combat experience? Or is it just to see what kind of personal performance we can play in the passer-by game?"

Lulu buried her head in deep thought and shook her head, not knowing why.

Wu Di went on to analyze: "First of all, we can't rule out that this is a test for our freshmen by the leaders of the e-sports department; secondly, the new server may not mean that there will be no masters! I bet that players from professional teams may not participate, However, all the students from the E-sports Department of Chung-Ang University might come out in full force! And the number of people who can enter the diamond rank of a regional server ranges from three to four hundred people to as few as a hundred or so... ..."

Hearing this, Lulu clapped her hands and shouted: "I understand! You mean, this is a new server, professional players probably won't have much interest in coming here for entertainment, but senior seniors in the e-sports department may Appear here together! One is to practice your own skills, and the other is that it is likely to be instructed by the leader of the e-sports department to test the strength of our group of freshmen?"

Wu Di nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, that's my inference. Every country's League of Legends new server will have a large number of amateur players and newcomers, and the low-level qualifying matches are basically not difficult. The higher the tier, the fewer people there are, so in many high-tier matches, there are those familiar faces. If my deduction is correct, we are likely to meet our e-sports team in the high-tier qualifying matches It's a senior in the senior class."

"What are you afraid of? With you here, I can rest assured." Lulu showed absolute confidence in Wu Di.

"Oh, by the way, isn't that Cui Mingxiu who shook my hand before a junior? But Jin Huien also said that under normal circumstances, it only takes two years to complete the courses of the e-sports department. What's the reason?" Wu Di Suddenly thinking of this, he couldn't help asking.

Lulu still showed two cute dimples, and replied:
"It's very simple. Although the course of the e-sports department is only two years, from the third year onwards, those students who are not selected by professional teams but refuse to give up their e-sports dreams can voluntarily stay in the e-sports department. Carry out self-study, and let the leaders find a suitable team for themselves. However, after completing two years of normal schooling, they can only stay for another two years. If the amateur team from the team fights, they must automatically leave the e-sports department."

"I see. Go back and have a good rest. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, we will start the tour of the Hanbok qualifying competition."

The next morning.

After a night of adjustments, Wu Di and Lulu were refreshed, and it was the first time they fought together in a foreign server, so they were still a little excited.But before the fight started, Wu Di sat upright and warned Lulu:
"Although this new server is not challenging, I still want to tell you what is called the [Four Precepts of Ranking]!"

"Huh? Is it so important to play a qualifying match? How did I easily get to the diamond group in the national server?"

After hearing the words, Wu Di twitched his mouth and blurted out: "Of course you can easily reach a high rank."

Lulu looked puzzled: "Why?"

"Because you are a girl, and you are a lovely girl. One of the bad habits of the national dress is that girls are always more popular than men!
The first of the four precepts that I am going to talk about next is [Precept for Sisters]. "

When Lulu heard this, she thought that Wu Di believed that she relied on others to bring her high rank, so she immediately pouted and said displeasedly:

"You misunderstood me, Brother Wu Di. I made it up by relying on my own personal strength. My diamond group rank is genuine, and there is absolutely no water! Also, why is the first ring in your ranking four rings is the ring sister? Where's the paper?"

Wu Di touched his forehead and said awkwardly:
"Okay, you are very capable, and you made it up by yourself. I blamed you for that. But, why do you want to quit a girl in the first ring? Let me explain. The girl I want to quit Paper is divided into two types: in-game and out-of-game.

It should be easy for you to understand the girls in the game.Those who come in and say that they are girls and will be cheated, there is a probability of more than 99% that they are really cheated!And maybe he is still a big guy who picks his feet, deliberately pretending to be a girl to win sympathy.

Although we should not discriminate against newcomers, after all, everyone starts from a novice, but this kind of people shouting such slogans, in fact, it is very likely that they have deviated from the spirit of e-sports.We are not afraid of pitfalls, novices, we don’t have to be afraid, we are afraid of these girls who are arrogant or princesses or just want to find Bai Fumei among a bunch of dick men, they don’t take e-sports seriously at all!We are afraid of these girls, they just want to find the feeling of being admired by all the stars instead of really loving e-sports!
As for girls outside the game, we should also quit. This is a problem that our young people are prone to make.Suppose, you are playing a crucial promotion game, and the opposite sex friend next to you keeps harassing you and interfering with you, can you still play at a normal level?Even if you are not by your side, I will call you a life-threatening call every three to five minutes, can you still play normally?I know that many people disagree with my point of view, thinking that I am inciting them to want LOL instead of girls.

Wrong, that was not my original intention.My original intention is to tell you that whether you are doing things or playing games, you must be serious and must be single-minded.The e-sports world will always only treat those who are dedicated! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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