The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 405 Ranking 4 Commandments

Chapter 405 Ranking Four Precepts

Wu Di's words caused Lulu to think deeply.However, this girl has always followed Wu Di's lead. After a while, she nodded and smiled: "Okay, okay, I know that brother Wu Di wants to push e-sports to the peak and let the world truly recognize it. I will definitely Be the most solid backing behind you! Go on, you just mentioned one of the four precepts, so which three precepts are there?"

It has to be said that after Wu Di Jinchan came to Korea after she came out of her shell, Lulu became his pistachio.As soon as he saw Lulu's delicate face and innocent smile, he felt he was far away from those plots.Although this Lulu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, at least on the surface it can make Wu Di feel at ease.

"Okay, for the sake of your interest, I'll continue. The second precept of the fourth precept is [habit].

Everyone has their own unique habits, some people like to smoke, some like to listen to music, and some people have hyperactivity.And when we are in the qualifying competition, if we really want to quickly score points and get a high rank, we must quit our habits! "

Lulu was still confused, and couldn't help asking: "Personal habits have a lot to do with high scores in qualifying?"

"Of course." Wu Di picked up his teacup and took a sip of water, and then said, "I'll give you an example. For example, if a person likes to smoke, he is likely to be emotionally exhausted or caught in a qualifying match. A person’s depressed mood leads to an increase in the number of smoking. And when this person lights up a cigarette or pinches out the cigarette butt, or holds the cigarette in his mouth while controlling the keyboard and mouse with his left and right hands, at this time, you said that it may happen What?
What if the opponent is provoking a team fight at this time?What if the opponent had already ambushed him in the grass?What if the other party happened to kill him or his teammate in a flash when he was doing these actions or even his eyes were smoky?

You also know that the later the game progresses, the more critical the victory of the team battle is.Because at this time, after the hero dies once, it takes a long time to be resurrected.If it was because of this person's habit of smoking that his team was wiped out, wouldn't this qualifying match be in vain? "

Lulu suddenly realized:

"That's right. Smoking is something boys like to do, and it's not uncommon to smoke while playing. This is indeed likely to affect the outcome of qualifying. I can also understand what you said about listening to music. In the League of Legends, there are many hero skills that can be used to explore the grass! For example, Leopard Girl’s javelin, Wheel Mom and Explorer EZ’s Q skill, after hitting the target in the unknown field of vision, will produce some small sounds. If The player was listening to the song, so he didn't notice it or didn't hear it, and if he used his face to check the grass, it would also affect the outcome of the qualifying match.

Hyperactivity disorder is better understood.Some players especially like to imitate those professional players and click the mouse to pretend to be a master.Professional players move their wrists and get into the rhythm of the game as soon as possible, while amateur players simply imitate or show off their hand speed as if they are handsome.And often when this habit is brought into qualifying, it will cause some key operation mistakes. "

Wu Di looked at Lulu's face with satisfaction, and said:
"Well, from what you said, your level is indeed not bad. Alright, let me move on to the third precept! The third precept is called [Preventing temper].

When many amateur players are playing qualifying matches, especially the first match of the day, they will go to qualifying matches with full confidence and unlimited expectations.People are optimistic. Of course they like to be able to win every day. Not only are they in a good mood, but their ranking points also increase very quickly. Everyone has this kind of mood.

However, everyone's temperament is different.As mentioned in Brother Shui's state theory, all [states] are based on the personal characteristics of the players or players.Some people are impatient by nature, some are rock-solid, some are passionate, and some are cold as ice.No matter what kind of character or temper a player is, if he wants to play well in qualifying, the first thing he must learn is to control his temper!
If a teammate gives you a blood, you start scolding, which will only make the teammates in the passer-by game sneer at you, and even directly cause some immature players to hang up; Eighteen generations of other people's ancestors have greeted you over and over again. Let me ask you, if you made a mistake and someone scolded you so angrily, how would you feel?League of Legends is a game that pays great attention to team spirit. If you want to win the game, you must be united, and there must be no estrangement and alienation.It is not uncommon to win a qualifying match while scolding each other, but it is rare. In most of the matches that can win a qualifying match, the winning side will never insult each other.

So, if you want to hit a high rank, players must control their temper.Otherwise, I'm sure that a player who speaks harshly or hangs up when encountering a little bit of trouble will not be able to reach a very high rank.

Only the side that cooperates sincerely and is harmonious and united can win the qualifying match! "

As soon as Lulu heard this [Quiet temper], she immediately echoed:
"Brother Wu Di, I agree with both hands and feet! You don't know, when I played in the qualifying match of my regional server, the people I met were superb! The most interesting match I remember was that we There is a jungler Xinye here, probably because of his level, he was tricked every time by the opponent, resulting in his death many times. As a result, some people on our side couldn't get used to it and cursed a few words. Guess what this Lord Xin did later? He said, [I blocked you all, don’t scold me anymore, don’t point me anymore, hit me if you want to hit me, hang up if you don’t hit me! You have tempers, I still have What about my temper? I’m not happy about being targeted by the opponent’s jungler! Anyway, I blocked you, what are you doing!]

I was so angry at that time, if this kid was by my side, I would definitely fly up and get an electric slap!
However, the four of us didn't want to give up the game, so we just huddled together to defend the line or advance in the middle.As a result, guess what happened in the end?The timing of that Lord Xin who shielded us from appearing in team battles is always well grasped!
After the regiment wiped out the opponent twice, we regained the disadvantage, and took the baron and broke through their mid lane barracks in one go, and finally won the game with such a force!
After the fight, everyone won and felt better, so I asked the trustee, why did you appear in the team fight at the right time?

Lord Xin typed [Hehe, after I couldn't hear your yelling, I calmed down myself, so of course I can play rankings calmly, right?This is my normal level, no fuss].

This is a diamond group qualifying match.So, I think what you said [abstaining from temper] is quite reasonable!As long as he is not a novice, not the kind of guy who retaliates against the society, it doesn't matter if he is a little tricky in the qualifying match. Encourage him, maybe he will transform into a Super Saiyan and explode a game. "

Wu Di laughed and added:
"That's right, I believe more and more in your e-sports strength. It's not bad to be able to encounter such a thing and not panic. Even if the qualifying match is a double row, the other three teammates are passers-by. You don't know his strength. In fact, he doesn't know your temper. Why make a scene because of some small mistakes? Unity is the way to victory!

Well, as for the last precept, it is called [Precept Fatigue].

Many amateur players think that if their ranking win rate reaches more than 50%, then as long as they play enough qualifying matches, they will definitely be able to hit a high score!Therefore, they will continue to fight day and night, forgetting to eat and sleep, even if their upper and lower eyelids have already started fighting, they still enjoy it.

Regarding this understanding, I do not deny that as long as the winning rate reaches or exceeds 51%, then it is possible to go from the bronze group to the diamond group through thousands of games, or even thousands of games.But... are you tired?The biggest reason why e-sports is misunderstood by many elders as a hateful thing to play with is because of this!
You want to get a high rank, the idea is correct, and the starting point is even more correct, but for a false name, you spend all day in front of the computer in an Internet cafe, playing continuously without eating or sleeping, is it meaningful?Amateur players are not professional players, so where is the need to work so hard?
Therefore, my suggestion is, if you have the time and energy, do not have more than ten qualifying games per day!It is best to control it within seven or eight games or five or six games.In this way, you can ensure that you can play your best level in every game.

Although e-sports is extremely entertaining and fascinating, for amateur players, it is just a tool for recreation.When you have fought more than ten games in a row, your eyes, arms, wrists, reactions, brain and other organs will be exhausted.May I ask, you who are exhausted, even if you have the strength of the strongest king group, how high can you play in the qualifying competition?

The fourth precept [abstinence from fatigue] is, in my opinion, the most critical.What e-sports should highlight is the positive and passionate youth of our young people, rather than letting our bodies suffer minor or major injuries for the sake of a false name.

Many amateur players don't understand this truth, and the elders will naturally think that we are playing with things and losing our minds, and we don't know how to retract and release freely, so naturally we are particularly resistant to e-sports.

Hey... Speaking of this, I am very impressed. Although the e-sports industry is getting bigger and bigger, its spirit is gradually being ignored by people. "

Seeing Wu Dilue's somewhat sentimental expression, Lulu also comforted her:

"Don't worry, Brother Wu Di. I believe that your great dream will come true. Sooner or later, e-sports will be recognized by the world like traditional sports, and will eventually be on the Olympic stage!

Oh, by the way, your theory of the "Four Precepts for Ranking" is very logical and reasonable.But, for a little girl like me, I think there is still the [Fifth Precept]? "

Lulu smiled secretly, causing Wu Di's eyes to straighten. He didn't know what shocking words this girl wanted to say.

Lulu paused for a moment, gave Wu Di an affectionate glance, and then said calmly:

"I can do the [Four Precepts] you mentioned. But...for me, if I want to get a high score, I have to quit [Missing You]!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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