Chapter 406 Violent Hero

(Sorry, I have been busy with a major event recently, so the previous episode was a bit of a bug. I would like to declare here: when Wu Di and Li He confronted each other, Udyr was carrying [Flash], and the blind monk was carrying [Weakness]. Modification, thank you book friends for reminding.)
Lulu expresses her love unscrupulously, but Wu Di doesn't want to put her mind and energy on the affairs of men and women.What's more, since this guy lost his memory, he has been a scumbag with only 5 combat power in front of women, so when he heard Lulu's implied affection, he immediately turned his head away and changed the subject:
"Let's start fighting! Qualifying is the most important thing we have to focus on now. Oh, by the way, do you know that duo queue is also very particular? Let's try not to take the bot lane."

Lulu has never been in duo with anyone. Although she was able to reach the diamond group because of her personal strength, she concealed an important fact: her personal rank was marked as a diamond rank through the five blacks!
There are two modes of qualifying: individual qualifying and team qualifying.Both modes will have a ranking point, and the system will only calculate the ranking mode with the highest score in the two ways. Her diamond group rank is obtained through team ranking.The Lulu family is powerful, so they can naturally find four top experts to form a team with her to participate in the team qualifying competition.Therefore, she actually didn't appreciate the fun of single row or double row and the possible dilemma.

After hearing Wu Di's words, Lulu couldn't help wondering: "Isn't double queuing usually a bot lane? One plays ADC and the other plays support, and then relying on the tacit cooperation of the two, they blow up the opponent's bot lane duo." , and then directly start to fight in the middle or top lane, speed up the rhythm of the game, try to push down all three defensive outer towers of the opponent in a short time, and then compete for key resources..."

Wu Di smiled casually and said:

"The practice of double queuing for the bottom lane was of course the most suitable in the early version of League of Legends. At that time, minions had more money, and mage heroes in the middle lane were mainly farmed. The game rhythm was generally very slow. Both sides only Relying on jungle heroes to drive the rhythm of the team. As long as the two bot laners are of high level and can quickly push down a bot lane tower, the key resource of Xiaolong can be controlled in hand. This statement is valid and effective.

However, the version of League of Legends is constantly updated, and strong heroes of various styles in the early stage are emerging one after another, and the pace of the game is infinitely accelerated. Now if we use the method of packing the bottom lane to double queue, the effect will not be great.

To give a simple example, even if our two queues blasted the opponent's bot lane into scum, or even advanced all the way, pushing down the defensive inner tower of the opponent's bot lane, but the other two routes were all beaten by the opponent, our mid lane , hit the road, fight wild and become [Super Ghost], do you think we will win this game?

In the passerby game, we must at least ensure that two lines have an absolute advantage, so as to ensure that the victory will not slip away from our hands!
Moreover, there is a more important reality-in this version of League of Legends, the role of ADC has been weakened a lot.Let me tell you a phenomenon, and you should think about it yourself.The top lane hero and the bottom lane ADC have the same equipment. Who do you think will have the upper hand when the top lane hero and the ADC hero are singled out? "

Lulu looked up at the ceiling, thought for a while, and replied uncertainly:
"Yes...the aggressive top laner will gain the upper hand?"

Wu Di nodded and said:

"Yes! Except for some ADCs with special evasion hero skills, such as VN, if other ADCs fight against top lane heroes with the same equipment, they will definitely not get much benefit. Moreover, ADC heroes are in the same position as mid laners. The same is true in single-hero battles. With the same equipment, an explosive mid-lane hero is likely to be able to take away the head of the ADC after throwing out a set of skills!"

Lulu was puzzled: "In this way, wouldn't it be unfair to the ADC?"

Wu Di smiled and said: "There is nothing unfair about it. The equivalent equipment I mentioned only refers to the situation where the two sides only have one or two large pieces of equipment. When an ADC hero can make three output-type large-scale equipment and one defensive-type When equipped, this differentiated heads-up winning rate will change due to the player's operation level. ADC heroes are the main output point of the team and cannot die, or die too quickly, so the current version of ADC players first All you have to do is learn how to protect yourself.

After the rush-type assassin heroes are strengthened, once they get enough kills, ADC heroes will be extremely dangerous in team battles. "

Of course, Lulu has a lot of trust in Wu Di's theory: "Enn, I believe that brother Wu Di's cognition must be the most accurate. Oh, just now you said that in the current version, it is not suitable to use the bot lane when duoing, then What should we do?"

At this time, Wu Di has quietly started a qualifying match.After hearing Lulu's question, he immediately said in a deep voice:
"In the current version, the two positions that can drive the team the most are... the mid laner and the jungler! In terms of position, the mid laner is the closest to the top, bottom, and jungle! A hero in this position can Support or gank the top and bottom lanes or the wild area, and the jungler will not randomly appear in the opponent's field of vision. If it can act together with the mid laner hero to invade the opponent's wild area or actively gank, then it is inevitable It can deal a heavy blow to the opponent and greatly increase the rhythm of the game! Therefore, these two positions are the best choice for the duo!"

Lulu blinked her charming big eyes, and said thoughtfully: "I understand. Brother Wu Di will definitely be the jungler, because you have always wanted to restore the memory of this position, and then I will naturally play In the unit."

"That's right, that's it. Well, the first qualifying match has begun. Oh, ha! I'm in the first place, let me give you a shout."

So, Wu Di typed a sentence in the chat window: Double row on the 2nd and 4th floors, please give it to the jungler and mid unit.

After typing, Wu Di glanced at Lulu dumbfounded, and said in embarrassment: "I forgot this is in Hanbok... I typed in Chinese... I guess no one can understand it, so tell me... "

Lulu laughed out loud at Wu Di's behavior, and stopped laughing after a while, and typed the same words in Korean.

It has to be said that their teammates were very respectful in this game. After Lulu finished speaking, they really gave up the jungle and mid units.

Then, Wu Di took the blind monk, and Lulu took the most popular leopard girl as the mid laner hero, officially starting the qualifying tour of Hanbok.

Since this is the first qualifying match for the two after reaching level 30, the level of teammates they met was actually not high.Of course, the opponent's level can only be regarded as unsatisfactory.

For every new account that has just reached level 30, the first ten qualifying matches are called [ranking matches].The higher the winning rate of the placement match, the better the starting position will be after finishing the match, and vice versa.

The first qualifying session ended quickly.Although Wu Di has not regained the memory of being a jungler, but with his experience and level, he still stands out from a group of teammates or opponents with bronze level strength and is unique.

He continued to use GANK to help his teammates gain an online advantage, and quickly snatched key resources such as dragons and dragons. In less than 20 minutes, the opponents had no desire to fight, and they stayed in the depths of the main base collectively, giving up the victory. Gave them this side.

First win!The first qualifying win came easily.

After the fight, Lulu exhaled and sighed, "Haha, I'm pretty good, so I won't hold you back."

After hearing the words, Wu Di didn't intend to make a joke, but frowned and thought about it, and said solemnly:

"This game seems to be easy, but it is actually full of crises... A few teammates obviously can't keep up with our rhythm, even if we haven't tried our best. This way, although we can win, the efficiency is not high. I think This is a good way, so that we can win quickly without exhausting our physical strength too quickly!"

Lulu asked curiously, "What method?"

"The position remains the same, I will be the jungler, and you will focus on the mid unit. Then, before going to the gold rank, I suggest that we choose more violent heroes!"

"A more violent hero? Oh, I'm too lazy to think about it. Brother Wu Di, I'll choose whatever you say I choose."

"Well," Wu Di switched the personal panel to the column of [Heroes], and then said, "Let's see, which heroes do you think are violent? What I mean by [Violence] is that as long as you play a favorable situation, basically Can make the opponent powerless to resist!"

Lulu pondered for a moment, feeling a little helpless: "Well...Actually, I haven't played a few low-level qualifying matches...I have won ten consecutive victories in qualifying matches, and then started from the gold or platinum ranks. The starting point is relatively high. It only took me [-] games to play diamonds... If you want to say which hero is more violent in the low-level qualifying match, I really haven't studied it."

Wu Di touched his forehead and sighed: "Sixty games... I know how you got the diamond... Did you play five blacks? Your four teammates are all top players, so you can ride like a rocket." Same, hit the diamond level directly?"

Lulu stuck out her tongue and admitted, "Yes. Well, I admit that I don't understand low-level qualifying, so tell me."

Wu Di pointed the mouse at a hero holding a sword in both hands, and said with a smile:
"This hero has a very high appearance rate in low-level qualifying matches. And once he develops, he will be able to block and kill anyone in seconds."

Lulu looked along the mouse, and suddenly found that the hero Wu Di was pointing at was Wuji Swordsman Yi!
"Jugmaster... This hero's jungle efficiency is really good, but he doesn't have control skills, so he can only chase after the enemy. Is he so popular in low-end qualifying?"

"The Juggernaut, the strongest weapon to clean up the mess. In the low-end ranking game, the Juggernaut under the blessing of double BUFF, a Q skill plus a few basic attacks, the damage is still very impressive. And when he makes the first After a core output is equipped with [Spirit of Youmeng], combined with his special effects (increased movement speed and attack speed), then in just a few seconds, the crispy hero will be unable to resist the terrifying output of the Juggernaut. Moreover, even if the side of Juggernaut is not dominant in the situation, he can carry a summoner skill of [Teleportation], and continue to lead the line to steal towers and barracks - Juggernaut's tower attack efficiency is quite high!
Therefore, Juggernaut ranks first among violent heroes in low-end qualifying.In addition, in the low-tier qualifying competition, there are several other violent heroes that cannot be ignored! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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