Chapter 407 Violent Hero

After hearing Wu Di's introduction, Lulu suddenly realized: "I understand, that is to say, heroes like Juggernaut who don't appear in high-level qualifying matches or official matches are actually regulars in low-level qualifying matches? Many Can amateur players use him to perform supernaturally?"

"Yes! His violence index is ranked first by me, and many players like to use it in low-tier qualifying matches. Wuji Juggernaut can also rely on his own strength to lead his teammates to victory in many disadvantaged situations. " Wu Di said.

Lulu happily patted Bai Nen's little hand, and said excitedly: "Well, brother Wu Di, you can use the Juggernaut to fight wildly. Let me see how the super god Juggernaut is cultivated! Ah? By the way, then I What kind of mid-lane hero should I use? What kind of mid-lane hero can be called a violent type?"

"Of course it's a mage hero who is in the form of a human in seconds and has control skills. Take a look at this hero, do you know it?" Wu Di's mouse pointed to the evil little mage.

"Little mage? Oh, I've played it before, but my skill release rhythm is very bad, and it's not easy to kill people. Are there other violent heroes?"

Wu Di sighed helplessly: "I really don't know how your diamond rank was obtained. According to common sense, you should know this common sense... What about this one? Will this hero know it?"

Wu Di's mouse pointed to the Demon Fairy.

"This, this, I will, I really will! First, go out of the Embrace of Dark Fire or the Book of Killing, and then after reaching level [-] or [-], go to various routes to gank. Is this the way of the enchantress?" Lulu exclaimed excitedly road.

Wu Di acquiesced to her statement. After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head and said:

"It still doesn't work... Now that the core equipment [Devil Fire Embrace] has been weakened, it is difficult for the evil little mage to achieve the effect of killing people instantly. If you have a bad sense of rhythm, don't play this hero. In addition, The Bewitching Fairy is flexible and does enough damage...but she is too fragile and doesn't have hard control skills...

so!I would like to recommend a violent mid lane hero to you - Talon, Shadow of the Blade!Go out and install Dolan's Sword, and then quickly make [Brutal Power] to ensure a certain attack power and armor penetration ability, and then... directly make five-speed shoes and a killing sword!

If it goes well, the Shadow of the Blade equipped in this way can stack the Killing Sword to 20 layers 20 minutes ago, making the opponent even have the courage to fight in a team battle! "

"So strong?" Lulu looked at Wu Di suspiciously, "I know this hero is an assassin hero, and I've seen some videos about him, but can he easily become super god? Not necessarily."

At this time, Wu Di pointed the mouse at another hero—Sparta, the king of war.

"Don't worry, it's difficult for you to perform supernaturally alone, but I choose this violent hero to gain the advantage in the early stage of the game, and it will definitely help you perform supernaturally!
Sparta has control and output, and it is quite violent when combined with Tyrone!This is the first combination I formulated for our duo after careful consideration just now.As long as the opponent's lineup is not too meaty, we can use this combination to beat the crap out of the opponent before 10 minutes.Of course, the core piece of equipment [Killing Sword] is a must-have for both of us.

Also, I came up with another violent combo - Vindicator Vi of Piltover and Akali the Shadowfist!After these two heroes reach level six, almost no one can escape the pursuit of these two!The cost of the core equipment that these two heroes must produce in the early stage of the game is not high. After Wei made the [Elder Lizard Spirit] and Akali made a blood-sucking book and other spare parts, seven or eight minutes later, We can basically get enough kills by constantly roaming GANK.The Killing Sword and the Killing Book are also must-haves, so as to snowball and accumulate advantages as quickly as possible.Although the violent period of this combination has to wait until after the sixth level, as long as they have a big move, they will definitely be able to easily take away the opponent's head.

Another point is that since we are in a double row and sit together, we can communicate at any time, so it is better to make the [five-speed shoes], which can increase the speed of non-combat movement, as soon as possible.

Since we want to use the mid laner and jungler to drive our rhythm, we must attack first!
In short, Lulu, please remember that five-speed shoes, killing swords or killing books are our priority equipment. "

At this time, Lulu leaned over to Wu Di's side, and her soft white hand inadvertently touched Wu Di's arm, which made him feel a special touch in his heart, but then Lulu snatched the mouse and pointed to the mouse. Looking at a hero, he said to Wu Di seriously: "Brother Wu Di, do you think this hero can also be regarded as a violent hero? Can we also think of a good partner for this hero?"

Wu Di withdrew his mind, looked straight at the computer screen, and found that what Lulu was referring to was the team battle harvester—Kazik the Void Predator (commonly known as the Mantis).

"Heh, this hero is pretty good, full of explosive power, and the main output skills have a short cooling time, and can deal effective damage multiple times, but it's not very suitable for the current version."

Lulu has seen her teammates perform well with this hero many times before, so she naturally sees Mantis as a violent hero.A well-developed praying mantis can treat the opponent's hero like nothing!
However, Wu Di did not support Lulu's view, so she also questioned:
"Why? Mantis's harvesting ability is very strong, and its single-handed ability is not bad."

"Because of the changes in [Healing Technique]. The current version of Healing Technique can not only restore blood volume, but also increase the user's movement speed, allowing them to quickly escape the clutches of the mantis.

The hero Mantis is a three-axe hero. Of course, he is powerful against heroes with residual blood, but the existence of healing makes him not easy to kill. He can't kill people, so he can't refresh his flying E skill.So, my suggestion is not to use this hero. "

"It makes sense... Let's fight, let's fight, I can't wait! Hehe." Lulu urged.

Therefore, Wu Di and the two started a qualifying match again, and chose Sparta and Shadow of the Blade Tyrone respectively in this match.

Talon, Shadow of the Blade, is one of the most chic and gorgeous assassin heroes in League of Legends.His operation is actually not that difficult, and it belongs to the type of face-rolling keyboard.The usual way of playing is: use the E skill to jump behind the target, let it be silent for a second, then slash it hard behind the target, and use the Q skill; then look at the opponent's displacement direction, use the W skill to let several flying knives penetrate Pass the target body and cause a chance to slow down; finally, use the big move [Shadow Strike] to make yourself invisible instantly, and observe the enemy target's movement. Before showing up, let as many throwing knives around you as possible Deal massive damage through the target.

This is Tai Long's instant trick.There is not much difficulty in operation, players only need to grasp the timing of each attack.

Wu Di let Lulu use this hero because he considered that her diamond rank was too easy to come by, and he hadn't experienced a lot of tempering, so he wanted to let Lulu get some training in this new server, and use this to develop a tacit understanding with himself Spend.

On the other hand, Wu Di, although his jungle strength is still not top-notch, but the recovery of the past year has allowed him to always observe the situation on the field, and appear in the right place at the right time.

This qualifying match ended in a hurry, and the opponent chose to surrender at the No. 20 minute mark. For Wu Di's Sparta and Lulu's Tyrone, they got [Likes] from their teammates after the match.

After two qualifying matches, the tacit understanding between the two has also steadily increased.Next, Lulu, who was so excited, didn't give Wu Di any time to drink and rest, and directly dragged him to finish all ten qualifying matches!
All ten victories!

The accounts of both of them have been ranked in the rank of the fifth group of gold. In this way, the two have won an excellent starting point for leveling up.

Lulu curiously opened the leaderboard and inquired about the rankings of the two of them.If you don't check the results, you won't know. If you check it, you will be shocked!
Although the two had won ten consecutive qualifying matches, there were more than 4000 players ranked above them.

"Ha, it seems that South Korea is worthy of being a big e-sports country. In an ordinary new area, the competition is a bit fierce." Lulu couldn't help sighing.

"It's okay, we will fight. By the way, do you still want to fight?" Wu Di asked.

"Of course I fight. Although I agree with your theory of the [Four Commandments of Ranking], I don't feel tired at all right now! I'm in duo with you, and that feeling is just now, without any sense of fatigue at all!" At this moment For Lulu, there is a strong feeling that some dreams come true.All along, she had dreamed that one day she could fight side by side with Wu Di, and now her dream has come true!

Wu Di stood up, moved his body, bent his neck and said with a smile:

"Then take a break, let's fight on the battlefield later! Since we have come to the e-sports department and accepted that task, then we can't let our results be too ugly!" Wu Di said sonorously, making Lulu Also followed by a shock.

"Okay, okay, if you want to fight, I will fight with you."

time flies.

When the wall clock on the wall pointed to ten o'clock, Wu Di and Lulu achieved another good result of nine wins and one loss after the qualifying match.And the rank of the two of them has also risen from the gold five group to the gold three group.

"I'm tired, I can't fight today, you should go back and rest quickly, and get up early to continue fighting tomorrow." Wu Di jumped up from his seat and stretched a little tiredly.

Lulu reluctantly exited the game program, turned off the laptop, and then kept looking at Wu Di step by step, trying to give this dull-looking guy some [warm] hints, but the guy just closed his eyes and rubbed his eyes , and did not realize their deep affection.

So, Lulu stomped her feet angrily, and walked out of Wu Di's room unwillingly.

After the door was closed, Wu Di withdrew his lazy expression, opened his eyes, and said to himself:

"Hey... It's not that I don't know what you mean... It's just that I really don't have time to worry about these things now.

After a day of fighting, I only feel that the memory of the jungle position in my brain is showing signs of recovery!Now, the only thing I want to do is to find my lost memory through uninterrupted actual combat! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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