Chapter 408 Letter

Early the next morning, Lulu excitedly knocked on Wu Di's door, rushed to the TV cabinet, turned on the TV, and switched to the Korean game channel.

Seeing this, Wu Di thought at first that Lulu wanted to play qualifying again, but later found that she was staring at the TV non-stop?What's so good about TV?

Just as Wu Di wanted to ask, Lulu had already told him the answer:
"Brother Wu Di, look! Cody, one of the four strongest members of the first generation of e-sports players, has officially returned! This guy is in his forties and has become an antique in the e-sports world, but he forced his Come back, is he going to be a living fossil in the e-sports world? Moreover, he joined the Huaxia Kingdom's brilliant team, which is the team you were in before!"

Wu Di was as stable as Mount Tai, and the corner of his mouth twitched:

"This news... I already know."

"Ah?" Lulu was startled, and asked back, "You already know? You don't think I'm making a fuss, do you? It’s still a professional team from another country that he joined, and even though he’s appointed as a part-time coach, he can still play!”

Wu Di didn't continue talking, but stared at the TV screen tightly, which was broadcasting the press conference of Cody's comeback.The pale old man between his temples was keeping a smile, patiently answering the reporters' questions.After watching it for a while, Wu Di felt bored, so he asked Lulu to turn off the TV, twisted his neck, and said calmly:

"Let's start playing ranking, time waits for no one."

Lulu only felt that after Wu Di came to Korea, his temperament changed a little bit, but she didn't care about it. She was extremely excited to be able to be alone with Wu Di and fight in Hanbok together.

The two turned on the computer at the same time, and when they were about to continue their ranking journey, there was an urgent knock on Wu Di's door.


"Messenger, is this the dormitory of classmate Wu?" A slightly tired Korean voice came from outside the door.

Wu Di couldn't understand, and was about to ask Lulu for help, but this girl had already rushed to the door, opened the door, and accepted the letter instead of Wu Di.

On the letter, there is no sender's address, but Wu Youzhi's three words are written with a pen, vigorous and powerful, and the pen's sharpness penetrates the back of the paper, so that people can tell at a glance that the person who wrote the a man!
Wu Di took the letter suspiciously, opened it and glanced at it in a hurry, the expression on his face began to change like a facial makeup.

[Ha, my good son:

I am your father, Wu Tianhao!How do you feel after arriving in Korea?Eating habits?Is your schedule normal?Didn't go everywhere to make trouble, didn't you go to provoke Korean girls?By the way, be good, your father has worked so hard to advise you, it's not easy, if you still can't learn to take care of yourself, I will slap your ass a few times after returning to China.

The greetings are over, I know you are not one to listen to my nonsense.Report a few things.

The first thing... the sister Ning Han you care about the most, my niece Xia may not be able to come to Korea... I found her some time ago and told her all the conspiracies that happened around you.After she listened to it, of course she was still very concerned about your safety, so I casually proposed the idea of ​​letting her come to Korea to accompany you.But this girl is very stubborn, and she also learned about your affairs after you regained your memory, so she said to me rather angrily——Uncle Wu, it’s not that I don’t want to go, but that I’m going now It doesn't make much sense anymore.Whether Wu Di can recover all his memories is the most important thing.Besides, the time I spent with him was very short, now I can just calm down, and after he recovers his memory, I will think about the matter between me and him.Besides, this girl still loves you very much, brat.She said that since Lu Feng, one of the four strongest members of the first generation of e-sports, has a great relationship with that organization, she is willing to stay by his side, pretending to be ignorant of everything, and continuing to help you find out as his apprentice. All news!
It's rare, brat, niece Xia is so willing to sacrifice herself, I don't know if you are moved or not, but I am moved anyway.

Well, the second thing is to tell you that our plan has been implemented as scheduled, and your substitute has appeared on campus instead of you. On weekdays, it is a two-point and one-line life in the classroom and dormitory. Around him, there have also been some Strange person, but since your stand-in no longer touches League of Legends, those suspicious guys have not taken any drastic actions for the time being.Your little friends have also started the devilish special training according to the original plan, so you don't have to worry too much.

The last thing is more important. I am writing this letter to inform you of this extremely important thing.That foreign guy named Dan Qing, he is Brother Shui's apprentice, and I have already investigated his true identity... In addition, I also followed the clues to find out why that organization keeps targeting you.Son, where is dad... Forget it, don't say much, you can live a good life in a foreign country with peace of mind, everything will be supported by your dad!

Don't call me, don't try to contact me, Dad, I will take care of these annoying things.Just do your own thing.

Oh, by the way, you have to work harder, that Danqing has already started looking for outstanding e-sports talents across China, and it looks like he is going to pull out a League of Legends team.According to reliable sources, the first person who is willing to follow Danqing and join the team he wants to create is... Tang Hao!And the second team member he intends to win over is your sister Ning Han!
Well, what should be said has been said, what should not be said, and you don't want to get anything out of your father's mouth.I know you're worried, but don't worry about it.The top priority is what you are going to do. You know and I know it too. I am just responsible for passing on the information. You are one of the parties involved and have the right to know this.But I don't expect you to do anything, you recover well, this is what you should care about now.

Take care of yourself and take care! 】

After Wu Di read the letter, he was both happy and worried.He was naturally happy that Xia Ninghan had already learned the whole truth from his father, and the misunderstanding between the two of them disappeared.And what he was worried about was of course Xia Ninghan's safety.This Her Majesty the Queen has always been arrogant and straight-forward, so what is the material for [Infernal Affairs]!That Danqing, that Tang Hao, that organization, all of them are not easy to save fuel. If Sister Ning Han is by their side, sooner or later they will show their feet.

Thinking of this, Wu Di frowned, worried.After seeing this, Lulu next to him wisely didn't ask Wu Di endlessly as usual. She just poured a glass of clear water silently and gently handed it to Wu Di's eyes.

"Brother Wu Di, do you have something on your mind? If it will affect your state, I won't bother you today..."

Wu Di took the water glass, drank it down, then laughed, and for the first time, slapped Lulu's fragrant shoulder heavily, and said awe-inspiringly:
"It doesn't matter! Come, come, let us perform heartily in this new server. Let's not mention anything else for now."

It has to be said that Wu Di's state of mind has greatly improved at this moment.Indeed, as Wu Tianhao said, no matter how much he worries, it won't help.Instead of worrying unnecessarily, it is better to take advantage of the current great opportunity to recover well.Therefore, he let go of all distracting thoughts in his heart and prepared to fight Lulu again.

Lulu chuckled, and regardless of her ladylike demeanor, she straightly pushed up her sleeves, posing like a woman.

"If you want to fight, you have to show your enthusiasm for e-sports! Brother Wu Di, come with me, don't be cowardly!"

As a result, the two young men and women once again devoted themselves to the journey of qualifying...

The day flies by.Wu Di, who let go of all scruples, is naturally unstoppable in the new server's qualifying match.The two of them played a total of twelve qualifying games today, with 10 wins and 2 losses. Wu Di, who has always been in the jungle position, used three jungle heroes, Juggernaut, King of War Sparta, and Blind Sin , Killed the opponent without leaving a piece of armor.After two days and two nights of running-in, the cooperation between him and Lulu became more and more tacit. Sometimes, when neither of them made a sound, they already knew how to deal with their opponents.The maturing of the two fully brought up the rhythm of their own team, and most of the matches were won in about 10 minutes!
But... the good times don't last long.

When Lulu started the No. 13 qualifying match with a lot of enthusiasm, the opponent shocked the two during the banning session-the speed of the opponent's banning was quite high, but after the three banning places were used up, , Wu Di and the two suddenly found that the heroes banned by each other were the three jungle heroes Wu Di used in the past two days: Juggernaut, Sparta and Blind Monk!
Lulu frowned, and asked puzzledly, "Brother Wu Di, what's going on? Why are the heroes banned by the opponent all the junglers you've worked so hard to train these days? Are you targeting this? Is it a coincidence, or..."

Wu Di was also puzzled.According to common sense, this is a public server, and it is impossible for one's identity to be exposed, and no one would be so idle and bored to go to the public server of Hanbok to practice jungle heroes against themselves... Although the previous ranking In the singles match, the opponent will also ban one or two of these three junglers, but it is the first time that they have banned all of them without hesitation like now.

Lulu blinked her big watery eyes. After discovering this phenomenon, she searched on the Korean website. After a while, she clapped her hands suddenly and suddenly realized:

"I know the reason, Brother Wu Di!"

"Ah? What's the reason?" Wu Di was still thinking about this question.

Lulu explained:
"Actually, this phenomenon is quite normal. Look at the statistics of the hero's winning rate that is updated in real time? There is nothing wrong with them banning these three heroes, because the three heroes of Juggernaut, Sparta, and Blind Sin are in the new server. The winning rate is the highest!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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