Chapter 409

Wu Di dragged Lulu's laptop to his eyes, and carefully browsed the winning rate ranking of the new server's heroes.Although the content on the website is all in Korean, he still saw the histogram showing the winning percentage of each hero at a glance.As Lulu said, these heroes indeed have the highest winning percentage in the new Korean server.

After reading it, Wu Di laughed dumbly and said:

"Oh, I really made a logical mistake. The two of us know that these heroes can blow up the audience and turn the situation around, and other Korean masters will naturally know. And we have already reached the gold group, and if we go up, we will be platinum Obviously, Korean masters will also appear in front of our eyes one after another. These guys will definitely not release these jungle heroes who are the easiest to pace.

Lulu, your reflexes are so fast!This picture...reminds me.I've always had a thought - do you want to play professionally in the future? "

Lulu thought that Wu Di wanted to invite herself to join his future team, so she tapped her head like a wooden fish in ecstasy:

"I want to, of course I want to! As long as I can join Brother Wu Di's team, I can do anything!"

"That's not what I mean... I want to ask, do you really like e-sports?" Wu Di said seriously.

Lulu pointed her index finger at her lips, making a thoughtful expression.After a while, he solemnly replied:
"To be honest, I really like e-sports. Otherwise, why would I have been chasing you for so long."

Wu Di was afraid that her thoughts would go wrong, so he immediately said solemnly:

"Well, as long as you can improve by leaps and bounds and meet the basic requirements for playing in professional leagues during the period when I recover my memory, I will give you a chance! Now, what I want to tell you is that from now on , if you want to become a professional player, you must obey my words, and I will tailor a training plan for you."

After listening, Lulu's exquisite face was full of sweet smiles: "Enen, I will train hard and live up to Wu Di's expectations! Tell me, what should I do?"

"Wait...don't you ask me why I want to drag you into the e-sports world? You don't want to know the reason?" Wu Di asked back.

Lulu imitated the laughter of the female Han Zhi, and after pretending to laugh twice, said:

"Ha, brother Wu Di is willing to lead me into the door, I will obey unconditionally, this is a blessing that others can't cultivate in eight lifetimes.

I am your brainless fan, so I will definitely do what you ask! "

Wu Di only felt a crow flying past in front of him, but he patiently explained the reason to Lulu.

"There are three reasons. The first reason is because I found that your e-sports talent is not bad, especially your reflexes, which are almost comparable to mine. In today's e-sports world, all kinds of talents are emerging one after another. Your unique talent is very suitable to be a Professional gaming player.

In the dozens of matches I have played with you, whether it is matchmaking or qualifying matches, the heroes you control can respond immediately after receiving my instructions, which you may not even realize Bar.In short...with you in duo, I actually have a sense of tacit understanding, this kind of tacit understanding, in the previous King's team, there is only one person who once gave me this kind of tacit understanding...

The second reason is that although you don't say it, I can see that you really like e-sports.Since you are talented and love e-sports, then I can give you some pointers.

As for the last reason, I am selfish.You also know that my hero pool is very wide, I can use any hero, and I can play in any position... So the team I am in is very different from other teams.

Other teams generally only have one or two first-line substitutes, but my team needs four, five, or even more first-line substitutes because of the particularity of my style of play.I think, you can play ADC and mid laner at the same time, the position is quite changeable, so, I think you can train well to see if you really have the potential to become a professional player. "

Wu Di talked eloquently, intending to persuade Lulu to be determined to join the e-sports world, but he never thought that Lulu was only interested in the person Wu Di said had a tacit understanding with him.

"Who is it? Let me guess. I've been in King's Team for a's Su Yiyi! Isn't it her?!"

Wu Di nodded subconsciously, while Lulu's mind began to run like a sophisticated computer.

[Brother Wu Di has too many girls around him!And there are many types, all-encompassing, I am the woman who wants to marry him, Enen, Lulu, you can do it, you can definitely do it, since Brother Wu Di let me join the e-sports world, and he deliberately cultivated me... The so-called first-served May, I will definitely make good use of this opportunity! 】

After thinking up to this point, Lulu firmly agreed:
"Brother Wu Di, I've decided! Just like you said, I'm going to start working hard to become a professional player! It's useless to say more, let's start now! Even if I can't help you as a team member in the future, I can help you." You run and manage the team!"

At this time, the No.13 qualifying match has officially started.Since the opponent banned the three junglers that Wu Di was practicing, he couldn't think of other junglers that he could use for the time being, so he automatically gave up the jungler position in this game and took the support position instead.

As soon as Lulu saw that he chose support, she immediately grabbed the ADC, and was ready to partner with Wu Di to crush the bottom lane.

The game entered the loading screen, and Wu Di warned again:

"Lulu, if my expectations are correct, once we enter the platinum group, we will encounter strong opponents in this new server. Since you are willing to devote yourself to the e-sports business, then I will give you a piece of advice now ——Practice the powerful heroes of the current version! The higher the rank of the qualifying game, the more dedicated the player is required to play. The specificity here refers to the position. In the game, you must also have a substitute position, such as ADC. In addition, you should not touch the other three positions!

And if you want to play a certain position well, you must know who are the most powerful heroes in that position in the current version.Tell me, which of the mid laners are the most common in this version? "

Lulu smiled slyly, and immediately under Wu Di's nose, quickly opened the search engine, and found the most commonly used mid lane heroes in the current version of Hanbok: Dark Leader Syndra, Leopard Girl, Fairy Witch Lulu, Judgment Angel Kyle.

Wu Di coughed twice, expressing Lulu's cheating behavior, but then said affirmatively:
"That's right. Since these heroes are popular mid-lane heroes in the current version, all you have to do is to practice them! After you've mastered them, you can easily handle them not only in qualifying matches, but also in the official games in the future. Can not fall behind.

One generation of patches and one generation of gods.Heroes are constantly being adjusted, mastering the current version of popular hero gameplay is the shortcut to victory!As with ranking, so with competition.Well, let’s not talk about this game. From the next game on, you can only play these few heroes every day. "

After this qualifying match, both Lulu and Wu Di were exhausted, so they agreed to continue fighting at [-] o'clock tomorrow, and then each rested and adjusted...

Ten o'clock in the morning the next day.

After three qualifying matches, Wu Di and Lulu successfully advanced to the platinum group!

"Okay, the platinum group is a watershed. Especially in the new server, it is a barrier to distinguish real masters from amateurs.

You see, now our account rankings are already very high, and there are only a few hundred people in front of us!That said, from here, we have a real challenge.Are you ready?Korean masters are waiting for us. "Wu Di analyzed.

Lulu was full of confidence and couldn't wait to start the first match of the platinum group.

After the two sides completed the banning part as usual, Lulu ranked fourth and communicated with a group of teammates in Korean, but the other three teammates refused to give up the jungle position, so she chose Syndra After becoming a mid-laner hero, he had to watch Wu Di take the support position.

Since he was on the fifth floor, Wu Di didn't say much. The statement [the fifth floor has no human rights since ancient times] is also vividly expressed in Hanbok-he can only be used as a support position.However, he chose Anne, the Daughter of Darkness, as the auxiliary hero!Moreover, his summoner skills have chosen flash and ignite.

When the teammates saw that Wu Di had chosen Annie as a support, they also began to post some words that looked like earthworms in Wu Di's eyes on the public screen.Wu Di smiled, and Lulu translated it comprehensibly.

"They said, why do you choose Annie? They are all members of the Platinum group, why do you think your opponent is a rookie? You don't choose Thresh, Goddess of Dawn, choose a crispy Annie, you are looking for someone who is instantly killed by your opponent Do you feel it?

Brother Wu Di, don't mind, these guys are just folk masters, how do you know how good you are. "

As Lulu talked, her small mouth was pouted, and it looked like it could hang a teapot.Obviously, she was fighting for Wu Di.

Classmate Wu Di is obviously used to this kind of phenomenon. The corner of his mouth curled up, and he said with a calm smile:

"It's okay, they don't know how powerful Anne is. Prepare to fight, the opponent is definitely not weak."

"Enn, whatever hero you use, I believe that you can perform supernaturally!"

However, when Wu Di and the two were chatting, in another student apartment building of Chung-Ang University, two Korean students were also sitting in the same dormitory, looking at their computer screens and sneering.

"Heh, Annie is used as a support on the fifth floor opposite. You should pay more attention to your bottom lane." A male student with a short stature and small eyes and round face said first.

Another male student with a strong figure and a square face snorted a cold air from his nostrils after hearing this, and said disdainfully:
"Annie? Ever since Annie was developed by professional players in Huaxia, her chances of playing as a support are getting higher and higher. But... In my impression, this crispy hero is only played by a few professional players in Huaxia. Superb, the others, they all followed the gourd and learned a little bit.

Use Annie in the platinum group qualifying match of Hanbok?Heh, I will educate this arrogant player well! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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