The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 410 Anne's Debut

Chapter 410 Anne's Debut
Annie, the Daughter of Darkness, is one of the most famous cuties in the League of Legends. I refuse to make complete statistics. Nine out of ten girls play Annie as the first hero they play.This hero is not very difficult to get started, the key to whether she plays well or not depends on whether her stun skill is used properly.

Annie's passive skill is to accumulate a stun state every time she uses four skills. When she uses an active attack skill next time, she can stun the enemy target.

This stun state is very particular. If Annie uses a single-target attack skill in this state, she can only stun one target, and if she uses a group attack skill, such as her W skill, then all within the W skill range Targets will be fixed.

And Annie's big move [Tibbers' Wrath], combined with her stun state release, can make all enemy targets in a large circular area be fixed!This is Annie's famous skill. After the giant bear Tibbers was summoned by Annie, it not only caused massive damage instantly, but also caused continuous damage to surrounding enemy targets.

As a well-deserved starting hero, Annie's most common way to play is to accumulate a stun state before the team battle, and then pay close attention to the position of the opponent's back row hero. If the opponent makes a slight mistake in the position, immediately use the flash and release the big Move, set all the heroes in the opponent's back row in place!
Anyone who is familiar with Annie's gameplay knows an iron law that suits her: Annie with [Flash] and Annie without [Flash] are completely different threats to the enemy.

An Anne with a flash is equivalent to a heavy atomic bomb. She can attack at any time and directly raid the enemy's back row from a far away position; while Anne without a flash can only take control and kill from the back The role of the game is completely different in terms of style of play.

Wu Di chose Annie, and he is naturally familiar with her gameplay, but in the Korean server, Annie's usage rate is not as high as that of the national server.Therefore, in the student apartment not far from Wu Di's dormitory, some two seniors of the e-sports department didn't care about it.

It is actually very simple to restrain Anne, there are two ways.One is to forcibly consume her blood before she reaches level six and has a big move. As long as she can resist a wave of damage, she can be killed quickly.Of course, the counter-supporter must be a hero who is more durable or has more control skills, so that Anne can continue to cause damage to her during the vacuum period when Anne releases her skills.In essence, although Annie is full of deterrence, she is only a very crispy hero.

Another method of restraint is to use auxiliary heroes with recovery ability.Heroes such as Star Mom, Murloc Nami, Niutou, and Qin Nu can all be used to restrain Anne.These heroes all have control skills, and have a certain recovery ability. Basically, they are not afraid of Annie's consumption. Only when Annie reaches level [-], crispy heroes need to pay close attention to Annie's first burst.

Wu Di's opponent naturally knew Annie's characteristics, so he chose the Tauren Chief as his support.

The reason for choosing Taurean Chief is also clear at a glance: when Anne wants to stun her own ADC first, the Tauren can directly hit the enemy ADC hero, so that it cannot obtain effective output space, and then hit Annie in place In the upper half of the sky, he cooperated with his own ADC to beat him violently.Moreover, the bull head can increase blood, and after the sixth level, it can become a Xiaoqiang who is difficult to kill in a few seconds. It can be said that it is the best candidate to deal with Annie.

The operator of the bull head is a sophomore in the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University, named Choi Yong-hyuk. He ranked No. 17 in the e-sports department at the end of the previous year. In the professional team, he will soon become a professional player.He played passers-by in this new Korean server, and he also followed Jin Huien's orders. However, he certainly didn't think that there would be any super masters in this new server, and he didn't think that Annie's operator would be someone who would surprise him. top master.

It is reasonable for Cui Yonghyuk to use the bull head to deal with Anne, but he ignored a most important factor!Even though Anne is extremely deterrent, if she doesn't have an equally explosive ADC hero as her partner, it's not easy to gain an overwhelming advantage in the bottom lane. Therefore, Anne's partners are often ADC heroes with extremely strong attack skills. .The goddess of war Sivir is one of her best partners.

The Goddess of War, also known as Wheel Mother, her weapon is a well-proportioned cross-sharp blade half the height of a person.Although this hero has no movement skills, her E skill can open a shield to counteract the attacks of all skills, so her appearance also shattered the bull's plan - when Annie stuns the opponent, Sivir can completely Turn on this shield, ignore the bull's head's brutal charge, and directly launch a tidal offensive on the stunned target!
Cui Yonghyuk knew Sivir's characteristics, but he didn't pay attention to it.His platoon partner, the small-eyed boy, realized this. He named Li Xiangyuan immediately reminded him:

"I chose the policewoman, with a long range. You can consume Sivir with a basic attack. Don't rush, I will lure that wheel mom to use the E skill to block my Q skill. With Annie here, let's try not to Take the initiative to attack casually."

"You worry too much! How can we meet such a strong opponent in this new server? Just go straight, don't be afraid!" Cui Yonghe showed a nonchalant expression, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Forget it, I won't talk to you. I know that you are about to become a professional player, and you have a bright future. You will not listen to what I say as a person who has not yet left a family. Forget it, let's start the fight. I will keep up with your rhythm." Li Xiangyuan said helplessly, he knew that this Cui Yonghyuk was already a little defiant due to the change of identity...

After the game starts.

Wu Di asked Annie to buy Dolan's Ring and a bottle of red medicine, and then upgraded the W skill, and continued to use this skill during the journey.This approach is precisely to accumulate the dizzy effect.

The two sides tentatively stood guard on the edge of the river, and when the line of soldiers came to the line, they each returned to their own lines and faced off with the opponent's hero.

In the passerby game, the phenomenon of changing lanes rarely occurs.Because everyone is not sitting together, they can respond immediately in the face of emergencies, so most passerby games are in the normal 1, 1, 2, 1 formation, and there will not be much change.In such a traditional laning formation, if you want to gain an online advantage, you still rely more on your own level.

After Annie and Wheel Mom came to the bottom lane early, the first thing they did was to quickly clear the line of troops and advance to level 2 first!If the opponent is promoted to level 2 first, the policewoman can upgrade her displacement skills, and the Bull Chief can also have two major control skills. From the situation point of view, it is very unfavorable to one's own side.

Therefore, Annie helped Mother Wheel attack the little soldiers, and the dizzy status mark on her body also made the policewoman and the bull head dare not come forward easily.

Annie and Wheel Mom took the lead to advance to the second level without any surprises, but the opponents were obviously not weak, and after a little retreat for a while, they also reached the second level.Then, Annie didn't know what happened, she stood a little forward, and entered the range of Niutou's skill release!
At this time, Cui Yonghe twitched his mouth and said disdainfully: "Ready! It's time to teach these two children a lesson."

Of course Li Xiangyuan knew that the bull head he was controlling must have upgraded the two control skills of QW, and was going to strike first, but he was still very scrupulous about Annie, so he said:
"How are you going to fight? Direct WQ two combos to beat Annie into the air? Then I will focus on Annie?" After reaching level 2, the mother of the wheel must have upgraded the shield E skill, so Li Xiangyuan expected that the bull head chief would not choose the mother of the wheel to attack. body.

"Of course! I'm not a novice! Attack the wheel mother? I'm not that stupid! Ready, I'm going!"

"But..." Li Xiangyuan hadn't finished his sentence, but the bull head chief used WQ two combo strikes smartly, pushing Annie into the air!The policewoman stepped forward quickly, and threw her Q skill at the crispy Annie!
Annie's hero model is petite and cute, and her initial health is not much. When she landed, she was knocked out by the opponent for nearly half of her health!
"Heh! Let me just say, choose a crispy Anne, just to give us the head! Well, when my skills are good, I will come again." Cui Yonghe sneered brazenly, and did not regard the opponent's counterattack as a setback at all. thing.

At this time, although Annie was knocked out of nearly half of her health, after landing, Annie's W skill was immediately thrown on the bull chief, making it difficult for him to move an inch for a while.

"Be careful!" Li Xiangyuan had a calm personality, and when he saw that Niutou was fainted within the attack range of a group of soldiers, he sounded alert.

However, Cui Yonghe still didn't pay attention to the reminder from his good friend. He looked at the computer screen with a relaxed face.

"What are you afraid of? Although my Bull Chief didn't use defensive runes and defensive talents, it is much more durable than Anne! Although it is not the starting outfit of Dolan's Shield, it is not the casualness of the two children opposite. It can kill you! Let him hit you, and you continue to attack Annie! Don't miss this great opportunity, I'm thinking about your first blood!"

Indeed, the policewoman has a longer range. Although Annie's W skill stuns the bull's head, the policewoman can still attack Anne in a safe position.

However, when the policewoman just hit Annie with a basic attack, Li Xiangyuan suddenly realized that something was wrong!

First of all, the wheel mom in the screen issued a [Whirling Blade] that can attack the target back and forth, which means that she has upgraded the Q skill; secondly, the first basic attack of the wheel mom on the bull head chief has a special effect, And she started to splash around the soldiers, which means... her second level upgrade is W skill!It's not a special shield E skill for defense!
The two skills of Wheel Mom are upgraded to attack skills.This is... Could it be that from the very beginning, the opposing duo was planning to attack Niutou?That's why the wheel mom directly upgraded the QW attack skill?
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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