The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 411 Anne Without Flash

Chapter 411 Anne Without Flash
The guess in Li Xiangyuan's heart was right.

Before the official start of the bot lane, Wu Di asked Lulu to inform the operator of Wheel Mom in Korean: upgrade the E skill in the first two levels!Only upgrade Q skills and W skills, and then pay attention to the situation on the field, I can guarantee that your life will not be in danger, on the contrary, you still have a good chance to take the head!
The operator of the wheel mother is of course a Korean amateur.However, after he saw that these words were sent from the mid laner, he was still a little puzzled, but then he found that when the Tauren chief handed over the two control skills of WQ to consume Annie's blood, he was already Some insight!

This assistant teammate of mine disguised himself as a decoy!The purpose is to lure the opponent's old cow into the attack range of the wheel mother, and let him surrender two control skills carelessly, so that he has enough output space!
What a plan to kill two birds with one stone!But... have we really hurt enough?

While the operator of the wheel mother continued to hit the bull's head, he also had this question in his heart.When he was attacking the bull chief, he clearly saw the armor and magic resistance of the bull head - this bull head is not as tough as he imagined!

The players who can reach the Platinum group within two days after the new region's server opens, all of them still have a certain level of strength.Therefore, when the operator of the wheel mother saw the basic attributes of the bull's head, he had already discovered that it was possible to kill the bull's head!

Moreover, before Niutou regained his ability to move, Annie had already hung the [Ignite] on Niutou's body.

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized that Annie had targeted the Tauren chief from the very beginning!
Suddenly, an imperceptible red flame ignited on the tall and mighty bull-headed chief. This scene made Li Xiangyuan understand the opponent's intention immediately.So, he hurriedly shouted at Cui Yonghe beside him:
"Back! Get back quickly! Flash, and you're bringing a healing technique, and you're using it together. If you hesitate for a second, you probably won't be able to escape! Don't be brave!"

Originally, Cui Yonghe had already put his finger on the flashing shortcut key after seeing Annie's ignition hanging on the head of the bull head. With his strength, he naturally could see that the other party was trying to take the bull's head by force.

But... after hearing Li Xiangyuan's exclamation, he didn't flash away in time, but slapped his face and said proudly: "What are you talking about? I'm about to become a professional player, can't you see?" Are you clearing up the situation? Need your reminder? Are you underestimating my strength? Hurry up and attack Annie, her blood volume is very low!"

And it was Cui Yonghe's intention to show his farsightedness, and his [Flash] was still because of his own words, but he didn't hand it over in time-the bull head chief just used a healing technique!
Wheel Mom had enough output, coupled with Anne's attack and basic attack, although the Tauren Chief raised his HP with flash and healing, and fled to a safe place, but he was not too tough, he still died in the Under Annie's 【Ignite】!
Anne killed the tauren chief and gained first blood!

After the system issued this prompt, Wu Di immediately manipulated Annie to use flash to escape from the policewoman's attack range.It turned out that when Annie and Wheel Mom set fire to attack the Tauren chief, the policewoman had also been attacking the crispy Annie.

Cui Yonghe looked at the black and white screen angrily, and when he saw that the policewoman let go of the fat in his hand, and didn't use flash to chase him, he immediately became angry from embarrassment:

"What kind of plane are you doing? Then Annie can be killed with two shots at most, why don't you use flash to chase after it?"

"I'm going to chase? I use the flash to go to the opponent's minions to chase Annie? It doesn't matter if you give away a head, do you also want me to give a head to Wheel Mom? If it is level 2, let the opponent get two heads, Let's go down the road and hit a fart!" Li Xiangyuan obviously felt that Cui Yonghyuk was making excuses, so he immediately retaliated, "You don't look for your reason, you blame me? My policewoman's attack speed is only so fast! Even with You can't improve much by cutting and chopping. I told you to retreat early, but if you don't retreat, you blame me if the bull's head is dead?"

Li Xiangyuan's questioning made Cui Yonghe speechless.In fact, he himself knew that as long as he regained his freedom of movement and immediately used the two summoner skills, it would definitely be possible to escape.It's just that at that time, all his thoughts were devoted to his contempt for Li Xiangyuan.

"Okay, stop arguing! The most important quality of a professional player is to keep a calm mind at all times! Isn't it just that they took a first blood, what's the big deal? Just call back later. Lee Sang-won Li Xiangyuan, the reason why you haven't been picked by the professional team is because your temper is too bad, you need to change it."

Cui Yonghyuk deliberately taunted Li Xiangyuan in terms of [identity], which made him angry, but he couldn't easily deny this fact.In fact, in terms of strength, the two Koreans are close to each other, but Choi Yong-hyuk was picked by a professional team, while Lee Sang-won himself was not interested. This has always made Lee Sang-won to heart.

When Cui Yonghe saw that Jiyou was speechless by his own words, he could only swallow his anger and suffer silently, and he was also secretly happy:
snort!Waste is waste.So what about high strength?It's not even more important than relationships!My uncle is the manager of that professional team, and my level is not bad, so it was a matter of course that I was selected.As for you... You, a scumbag from the mountain village who has never seen the world, just stand behind me and look up at my glorious back!
Li Xiangyuan didn't know that Jiyou was selected by the professional team because of his relationship. He thought that what Cui Yonghyuk said was the truth, so he also secretly comforted himself in his heart to control his temper.

After the two were silent for a while, Li Xiangyuan was the first to break the silence: "Wait a while, be more obscene, you didn't show up, don't get caught by the opponent again."

Cui Yonghyuk was very upset when he was taken by what he thought was an unknown pawn. After hearing this, he immediately retorted:

"Wretched? We really don't need to fight until Annie reaches level six first. You don't understand this common sense. Well, stop talking nonsense, don't worry about me, I will create output opportunities for you."

After a while, the bot lane heroes of both sides came to the line again.

After taking the first blood, Wu Di asked Lulu to help him send a message to his teammates:
Before the sixth level, there is no need to attack.You should pay attention to using Q skills and W skills to consume the opponent's hero's health.We must be the first to reach level six before them. When the time comes, pay attention to the situation on the field, and I will create a double kill opportunity for you.

The Korean teammates on Wu Di's side all saw what the mid laner replaced the support.For a while, the three teammates were also at a loss.As we all know, when the pawn line is pushed under the opponent's tower, there is basically no need to consider killing the opponent. Everyone should pay more attention to defending the opponent's GANK, or the counterattack of the hero on the line.

This is even more true for the bottom road.

In many cases, if one side chooses a hero like Robot or Thresh who can instantly change the opponent's position, it is actually quite dangerous to push the line to the bottom of the tower.Because once all the minions are cleared by the opponent, and they are brought under the tower by the opponent, it is easy to lose their heads under the triple attack of the opponent's duo and the defense tower.

But for the Tauren chief, the opponent's hero is not such a threat.But when a bull head with [Flash] stands under the defense tower, this kind of threat must exist!
The most commonly used move of the Tauren Chief is: use [Flash] to come to the enemy hero in front of the defensive tower, and immediately connect the Q skill to punch the opponent into the air, and then quickly leave while the opponent is floating Get behind an enemy hero, then use W to knock the target back under your tower before it hits the ground.

This routine has been used to this day, and most players or players who use the Tauren chief are familiar with this move.

Wu Di's three passers-by teammates naturally knew the bull head chief's style of play, so they questioned what he said.

At this time, someone raised doubts in Korean, and Lulu replied in time instead of Wu Di:
Don't question it.I said that if there is a chance to double kill, there is a chance to double kill!

After hearing the domineering words, the teammates of the other two lanes played an internationally accepted smiley face symbol, and then dealt with their opponents, but the operator of the wheel mother was still a little puzzled.However, the production of the first blood still gave him some confidence - because it was Wu Di's trick to lure the enemy that allowed him to get the first blood.

He typed a sentence in Korean, which was translated by Lulu: OK, I trust you, and I will always pay attention to your movements.

After a few minutes passed...

Cui Yonghyuk wanted to get back his face from Annie all the time, but during the few minutes of the laning period, he found that Annie played very conservatively, which made him unable to seize the opportunity to attack, which made him a little frustrated.After several attempts to no avail, he could only watch as the wheel-mom, who had a strong ability to push the line, pushed the line of soldiers under the opponent's defensive tower.

"Li Xiangyuan, pay attention! When the opponent's last soldier is killed by the defense tower, you will attack Annie desperately!" Cui Yonghyuk immediately shouted when he saw that the position of the soldier line was excellent.

Li Xiangyuan naturally understood that Jiyou wanted to use the classic bull head style of play, so he nodded and said in a deep voice:

"Well, Annie didn't flash, so she definitely couldn't escape."

Then, while the tower was attacking an enemy minion that ended up under the tower, the Tauren moved!

Because when he was taken first blood, Cui Yonghe saw that it was too late even if he flashed, so he didn't foolishly do the flash of death.So, at this moment, he can flash in front of Annie!

Flash, Q skill, walk around the back, W skill, the four operations were used by Cui Yonghyuk in one go, without any sloppiness!

And Wu Di's Annie didn't dodge or evade after seeing the bull's head approaching her eyes, allowing him to play this routine?

Although Annie didn't flash, she can stun the bull's head safely, right?Hasn't she been in a state of vertigo?

When Annie was knocked under the tower, she finally moved!With a wave of her hand, a giant bear named Tibbers descended from the sky!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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