The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 412 Anne Without Flash

Chapter 412 Anne Without Flash
Although the bull head is tall and majestic, but Anne's giant bear is not too big in size!
The huge bear's butt pressed against the bull's head, causing the bull's head to be stunned.Naturally, the operator of the wheel mother would not miss this hard-won output opportunity. While throwing all the attack skills at the controlled bull head, he also quickly activated the big move [hunting] that can give teammates extra movement speed.

[Hunting]: Passive effect - Sivir will gain an attack speed bonus when the ejection is activated.Active Effect - Sivir invigorates allies for 10 seconds, granting all nearby allies an initial movement speed bonus of 60%, which decreases to 4% after 20 seconds.

In an instant, Annie, who seemed to be in a precarious situation under the opponent's tower, gained the super high movement speed provided by the wheel mother's ultimate move. Before the female policeman made a few attacks, she had already run out of the opponent's defense tower attack range!

Although the defense tower and the policewoman had caused Anne's health to drop by half, judging from the current situation, she had successfully escaped from danger.

Annie's ultimate move [Tibbers' Wrath] is also very particular about how it is released.After the giant bear stunned the bull's head, it happened to be within the attack range of the defense tower.So when Annie returned to the safe zone, the defense tower locked the attack target on the giant bear, and this mighty and domineering giant bear became a natural barrier for Wheel Mom and Annie to continue chasing the bull head.

At this point, if the bull-headed chief was more patient and waited for both himself and the policewoman to reach the sixth level before taking the initiative to use this routine to focus on Anne, the outcome would be unpredictable.However, Cui Yonghyuk was eager to fight, and Annie took blood again. He was so angry that he just wanted to knock Annie back to the tower. Before he knew it, he fell into the trap set by Wu Di!
The Bull Chief, who had not yet reached the sixth level, could not withstand the attack of Wheel Mom and Annie. After a while, when the giant bear was beaten to pieces by the defense tower, the Bull Head, who did not have any life-saving skills, was also chased to death by Wheel Mom.

The second human head was produced again, and the bull head was unfortunately killed in battle again.

Cui Yonghe's eyes were swollen, as if his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.But helplessly, they are already at a disadvantage in the bottom lane.

With two consecutive kills, the situation in the bottom lane has been controlled by the opponent. If the jungler teammates don't come to help at this time, it will be very difficult for the bottom lane to recover.

"What are you doing? Why didn't you kill Annie just now?" Cui Yonghyuk once again vented his anger on the comrades in the duo, but Li Xiangyuan obviously disdained his radical approach.He only heard a snort from his nostrils, and said sarcastically:
"My female policewoman and your bull head are both almost level six in experience. Can't you wait any longer? You are still a quasi-professional player, so you don't even have this bit of vision? Then Annie was flashed with Q skills When she flew into the air, she obviously didn't respond! Why didn't she move? Didn't she want you to hand in the skills and be powerless to resist their concentrated fire!

If you wait a little longer, until the female policeman has the big move and the bull head can stand firm for seven seconds, their routine will definitely not be able to kill you!Choi Yong Hyuk, if you keep babbling in front of me, you can play your qualifying match by yourself, don't ask me to double row!
You think I don't know?The account you are playing now is not your own!You are just playing for Yin Xueer, the number one beauty in the e-sports department!
I didn't say anything before, it doesn't mean I don't know anything!I have no objection if you want to please Yin Xueer, but if you want to find me in double row and reduce the difficulty of qualifying, I have no objection, but if you dare to casually send your nameless flames on my head, then I am sorry, Please forgive me, a little e-sports student, for playing a bit of a temper, I will not accompany you, a future professional master, any longer!You go ask other e-sports students to see who can stand the bad temper of you, a kid from a rich family? "

Lee Sang-won went crazy.

He revealed all the facts he knew like beans, and Cui Yonghe was immediately stunned.In the e-sports department, all proxy fights are expressly prohibited!Once discovered, and if there is evidence or physical evidence, the substitute hitter will be fired immediately!
The anger in Cui Yonghe's heart turned into worry: No!I did it so seamlessly, how did he find out?
It turns out that Li Xiangyuan has been in the e-sports department for more than two years, and his own level is not weak, but there is no professional team to match him, but the prodigal son who likes to mess around has received an olive branch thrown by the professional team , This incident once made Li Xiangyuan puzzled.

In terms of strength, he is not inferior to Cui Yonghyuk, and even slightly higher. In terms of e-sports quality, he even ranks 92 points, far exceeding Cui Yonghyuk's 83 points.Moreover, during his two-year study career in the e-sports department, Li Xiangyuan worked hard, and he came from a remote area in South Korea, so he has always believed in the principle of "God rewards hard work" because of his simple nature.

However, what he never expected was that even though he had put in [-]% of his efforts, he still hadn't gotten what he wanted.He didn't know the truth about Cui Yonghe's appointment by the professional team, so he kept an extra eye on him for a long time, deliberately watching Cui Yonghe's every move.He wanted to understand how this annoying guy was spotted by a professional team.Therefore, he willingly became the young master's follower, so that he could find out how Cui Yonghe, who was not as strong as him, was picked up by the professional team.

As a result, after some secret investigations, he did not find out the reason why Cui Yonghyuk was favored by the professional team, but by accident, he finally discovered that Cui Yonghyuk's private life was quite chaotic, and he was called the "playboy" of the e-sports department. !
Moreover, this kid from a rich family has recently targeted Yin Xueer, the number one beauty in the e-sports department!In recent months, he has been coveting Yin Xueer, and has been showing her all kinds of attentions.This time, I used some shady means to get Yin Xueer's new server account before the start of school, and boasted in front of a bunch of well-fed dandies, saying that within seven days, Yin Xueer could arrive at school. Before that, I put her account into the strongest group, so as to give her a big meeting gift.

Yin Xueer is a sophomore in the e-sports department. During this time, I heard that she was bedridden and could only come to school after school started, so this also gave Cui Yonghyuk a chance to perform.

In the e-sports department, if a student can use his spare time to enter the strongest group of any district server, he can go to Jin Huien to report to Jin Huien for record-this is a rare opportunity to increase credits, because each district There are only 50 strongest kings in the server.

Originally, Li Xiangyuan sneered at Cui Yonghe's illegal behavior, didn't want to expose it, and didn't bother to take care of this kind of nosy, but Cui Yonghe was directly or indirectly killed by Annie twice in a row, venting his anger on his head for no reason, suddenly It ignited all the grievances and unwillingness accumulated in his heart.

After Cui Yonghe was stunned for a while, he realized the seriousness of the situation.So, he immediately put on a smiling face, and said to Li Xiangyuan: "Okay. I lost control of my emotions just now, I'm sorry. You see, we are very happy to work together. I helped Yin Xueer fight, because she didn't want to miss it." This is an opportunity to add points. Now there are fewer and fewer new servers in South Korea, and the strongest player on the old server is occupied by a group of professional players. In addition, Xueer has been unwell recently and has no time to play, so I thought of it. Help her out. Don't talk nonsense, I'm not a proxy, I'm just helping."

Li Xiangyuan saw that Cui Yonghe changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book, and the anger in his heart had not dissipated, so he smiled contemptuously, and said sarcastically:
"The proxy fight is just to help? Then if I go to Director Jin to sue you, it's just [help] to get you back on track?"

Cui Yonghyuk was firmly grasped and threatened by others. This was a scandal he had never encountered before, so he stared at him, withdrew his fake smile, and said fiercely:

"Li Xiangyuan, don't toast and eat fine wine! You brat from the backcountry, you want to fight with me? I asked you to double row with me. It is the blessing you have accumulated in your previous life! As long as you are obedient, I can still let the past go. But once you push me into a hurry, I will tell you to get out of the e-sports department immediately! Do you believe it? I will do what I say!"

Li Xiangyuan, who had already completed two years of normal education courses, was already worried about his future, but now he was reprimanded by this playboy, and his heart was already full of anger.

He stood up with a swipe, and was about to express his anger in the form of martial arts, when Cui Mingxiu, the leader of the freshman summer camp training, had already heard the quarrel between the two, and rushed over from the next room.

He squinted his eyes, and quickly understood why the two were arguing, so after some calculations in his mind, he became a peacemaker.

"Oh, what a big deal, isn't it that Cui Yonghyuk wants to show some courtesy in front of the beauty, and Li Xiangyuan, you will fulfill him?"

When Li Xiangyuan saw someone coming out to smooth things over, his anger dropped by half.It's just that he still puffed up his cheeks and refused to speak first.

Cui Mingxiu quickly turned his back and winked desperately at Cui Yonghyuk. Only then did the notorious e-sports playboy realize that Cui Mingxiu was actually giving himself a step down, so he quickly piled up a hypocritical smile again, He took the initiative to apologize to Lee Sang-won: "I'm sorry, Lee Sang-won, let's finish this round of qualifying well. I did a little too much before, but I was too impatient. Please understand and forgive me."

Although Li Xiangyuan knew that this playboy’s apology contained a lot of water, but for Cui Mingxiu’s sake, he still accepted his apology, and took the lead in sitting in front of the chair, and said coldly: “Hurry up and fight! Don't even think about taking Annie's head during the laning phase, just find a way to fight back during the team battle."

"Okay, okay, whatever you say." Before Cui Yonghe sat back in his seat, he and Cui Mingxiu looked at each other, and there was a hint of sinisterness in their eyes...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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